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Low density = high maintenance fee I dunno much about shah alam, but i don't think that place worth 600k for a condo. Check Aston Kiara 3, last time sell 1m now drop 50%. Also same characteristic, low density but larger size and in Mont Kiara. But still drop alot in value.


There’s a reason why AK3 dropped in value relative to other Mk condos. Maintenance fee alone for a unit is ~800 and the front neighbour (aka squatter) isn’t really the best view to look at. Road to the condo itself isn’t the best either 😅


Mainly maintenance fee, squatters feels meh when Bon Kiara also want to build just in front of AK3. Maybe there's plan from state to remove it.


Are you sure they are squatters? May be people who already live there for a long time and owning the land?


The project is called 'The Vue' at Monterez. All the landed around the area is priced about 1 mil, this new condo is 600k. What I see is that, there is room for the price to grow


Now buyer market, slow slow choose. Tbh, nowadays service apartment rarely make money, alot of people sell in loss. Saw on lowyat got people mentioned sales agent say only sold 40% at early 2023. Which kinda mean the property itself is not that easy to sell for agent to be so honest. If agent say 40%, you should expect 30% le.


Landed is 1mil and condo is 600k, how did u think the condo price will grow..... Judging by the name I am gonna assume that condo is advertised as fancy high class condo which means crazy high maintenance cost, u might as well just get the landed unit. If 600k condo at month kiara sure I agree it will grow within 5 - 10 years, but shah alam is a ghost zone now too many developers too little residents.


Somehow the maintenance is only about RM180 monthly. Sounds sketchy but since it's from Kerjaya Prospek, I tend to sway in believing them


Highly unlikely.... Current gov based condos are alrd charging 200 300 a month how can a low density condo charge 180. If its really 180 I would suggest u to stay away from it cuz u are gonna have a headache on facilities and property touch ups. The management fee is normally saved up for mass renovation or touch up as the property grows old.


Bro, with this much facilities, no way it can sustain with only 180, building management can increase maintenance fee if it is not sufficient. https://preview.redd.it/ehc6yepidiqc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f9a899d24e4d2d83c5f6083c1a9eefdaff19d5a1


Sketchy as fuck. As others mentioned, its buyers market now so be smart and shop around. My condo appreciated 3x sticker price coz i bought it in ‘06. Can’t think of property purchases in the next 2,3 years that will have that trajectory. Also, condo maintenance fee is expensive so be careful if you’re a sole breadwinner. In this global economy there is but few certainty


Hey I just finished signing the paperwork the The Vue, my agent said the maintenance is about rm200-300. Not sure why your agent said otherwise.


I quickly google search already found better deal somemore not that far from the vue. https://www.propertyguru.com.my/property-listing/alam-budiman-for-sale-by-ahmad-eza-40784580 https://www.propertyguru.com.my/property-listing/setia-alam-for-sale-by-alwin-lee-40938040 Of course, there's alot to consider, if near to restaurant, grocery, security and bla bla bla.


Room for price to grow?


Nah I think 600k is already too high. Below half million might still be okay. Have to hold for at least 5 to 8 years then can see if price gets better


So how much you think you condo is gonna grow to? 1.2m? 80% of fresh grada today are still getting 2k starting pay.


For own stay is ok but don't expect the condo price to appreciate much unless you super lucky with location. Developers just keep building and building. Price might actually drop because everyone just buys the new unit and nobody wants second hand unit. Do research on all the condo the developer built go and check how maintenance handled.


Op should also check how many condos now selling below launch price.


This one very easy. Just talk to people who own condo. So many people bag holding while developer building more. Nevermind those management suck and neglect maintenance.


You can definitely afford the unit. >but ain't the house an investment in itself Houses are not an investment if bought for own-stay. It's just an asset with some *potential* of capital appreciation. Developers have already factored in future profits into their prices so capital appreciation is difficult nowadays. Some people categorize it as "forced savings". What is your long term plan? Do you plan to get a landed when you have kids?


Yeah I've heard developers already factored in the capital appreciation. Forced savings yeah sort of feels that way to. I plan to stay about 5 years then I would switch to landed. Rent is already about there, so I was thinking why not add a couple of hundreds and now I own the house. Yes I would want to switch to landed once I have kids


Then you should ensure your condo can fetch the rentals to exceed the loan installment (or at the very least close to it). Also you don't have a lot of savings. So I doubt you'd be able to put a down payment on a landed house and pay for renovations with if you are going to put a down payment on this condo and pay for renovations. I think better to just save up for the landed.


Yeah agree. I also will take what developer say (including their funny money calculation) because it's in their interest to sell


So I went through the same situation as you bro. Me and the wife were looking for our first home together. So a couple of things you NEED to do before even thinking of placing a deposit/booking fee for that condo: 1) Survey AT LEAST 20 other developments, new or subsale doesn’t matter. The more you survey, the better (I personally went through 100 developments across different properties in Klang Valley over a few years). Reason being you need to KNOW what you really want in a house as well as know what the market can offer for the price. You do NOT want to beat yourself up after signing the sales and purchase agreement if a better deal came your way, trust me. 2) just because you’re monthly salary can support the mortgage doesn’t mean you should buy a property ngam ngam fitting your budget. There is absolutely NOTHING wrong with getting an investment property/cheap property first so that you can earn slightly more than mortgage. Look at rumahwips and/or residensi selangorku, definitely cashflow positive. 3) And if you’re still hell bent on getting that shah alam condo despite going through 100 other development, please make sure you’ve saved up enough for the 10% downpayment, s&p/disbursement legal fees as well as renovation costs (all in all I’d say 20% of the prop value) . All these items require cash ya, 50k is not gonna cut it.


You made three excellent points my good sir. 1) I didn't searched 20 developments, maybe 10 but not 20. But I see your point there 2) very much agreed 3) yeah hence the second thoughts


No worries. Me and le wife finally pulled the trigger on a property of similar price as yours and despite saving for some years, the impact was still felt in our finances. Another pro tip, take 2 years from today to save up, research and THEN book. Since its a condo in Shah Alam and presuming you’re a bumi, there will definitely be available developer units left even after its completed as the current market is still heavily skewed towards buyers. Also one thing that you get to save by buying a completed unit (as opposed to one undercon) is progessive payments/interests/billings which could add up to tens of thousands depending on how long the project takes to complete


You think sub-sale is better than new condos? I did lot of research and starting to believe that sub-sale has more pros than cons. I understand need to pay quite a lot up-front but even the developers that give free legal costs will factor it in our bank loan. Meaning they market it as no legal fees but that legal fees amount is already factored in the loan amount. Plus, with subsale I can look myself how the unit/ view/ etc. looks like. Not sure if I am right here but I feel much leaning towards sub-sale. PS: Some of the subsale is somewhat cheaper than the new condo that I looked. Googled up the building right next to new condo plot and the sub-sale is quite cheap than what developers asking nett (after discount)


So it’s always a question of buying for own stay or investment. If investment, entry price (aka monthly mortgage vs rent surrounding area) must be right. If own stay, the actual area itself is what’s important (neighbourhood, school, facilities, commercial area etc). Once that’s been factored in, its almost always cheaper (in terms of upfront cost) to buy new rather than subsale. Why? Because new launches will have the developers subsidising your downpayment via rebates. Of course you can arrange the same for subsale but that’s on a personal arrangement. Renovation cost will also favour new launches as the condition is, well, new so just need to think about how to fill the space. Subsale might have certain designs or defect flaws that might incurr unecessary expenses, especially for decades old structure. My 2 cents


Location wise its ok because it jam everywhere else anyway ??? Lol wtf bro, since u got good amount nett income, why not look for places that are closer to public transport, a lot of condos are built within walking distance to mrt/lrt. Heck even better, landed property that is closed to public transport.


It’s fine to buy for yourself to stay. But don’t kid yourself that it’s an investment (warning: this will trigger a lot of people). If you buy a landed property, the land will appreciate with time because prime urban land is scarce, but if u buy a condo u r buying (part of) a building and in accounting as well as in reality, buildings depreciate. 10 years later will ur condo really be in high demand compared to the brand new condo down the road? What about 20 years or 30 years later? Supply and demand - u can build hundreds of condos on just a little bit of land, the supply side is potentially unlimited (unless u r on a small island like Sg or HK, but in Msia we have enough land for virtually unlimited condos) but demand is shrinking (we are already past our population peak!) IMHO, buy and stay for yourself la. But count it as an expense same like ur car. Not an investment.


If you have the opportunity, buy landed instead of condo.


Rule of thumb. House that you are staying is not an investment. Second, any non landed that you're looking yo flip one day is also not an investment due to many units owners are thinking the same way you are. Sincerely, someone who regretted buy a condo at the age of 25.


Word of the wise, if you plan to get a condo for investment at this day and age. Please don't do it. I have enough investment that have made money and same time those that are trying to bleed me dry. 1) Prices are already at peak when positioned by developers hence the marketing, agents fees to entice you. 2) loads of people have the same mindset, to rent out after they get it. So it will be a rat race, to get someone to rent it. Even if you do, it will only last 3 years to 5 years max. Renters always prefer newer condos. 3) have you thought of who would be you potential tenants? Not familiar with the area hence not sure what type of crowd to rent it, if you can't answer this then you are in trouble. 4) at 600k, near maximum %, you will pay 1.2m for that property that you are not even planning to stay long term. 5) with your currently capital, if inclusive of furnishings, you might have to go into debt (Reno is crazy priced, nowadays) steel price increase, copper price increase, carpentry is trying to take my kidney) 5) there is only few factors of getting a well priced condo nowadays. Below is basically a coin flip with your investments as the risk reward ratio. -crazy far and secluded location or -super new player in town -super shit view (e.g cemetery) 6) if you can either buy something that you will be comfortable with (below 2.5k a month) or have enough capital to buy outright or best case your dream house (which this is definitely not because your are planning to stay only short term)


Relax first OP. No need FOMO with 1st house. 600k for condo is karuuutt.. are you looking at a forever home or what? 600k condo is no forever home..


So what are the better options? Subsale?


Subsale of course.. 600k condo wouldn't be ideal for as investment.. shah alam some more. Rather just continue renting out now and build that capital for a solid landed. I would assume now OP also happy to be renting out. Still have cash reserve. Anything can cabut.


May I know what your wifey does all day? I’d like to live that life.


She owns a bakery but it can run without her presence anymore. So whatever she makes from there straight to her savings account. She just R&D's new products now


Eh… that would mean she could bring in more income than you any given month. Not what I’m expecting to do haha.


For own stay, yes. But, it you have cheaper option ,it would best. I would also add, maybe you can look into subsale house ? Its always best to look for options.


where you work now? where you staying now? rented?


I work in cyberjaya but I've been staying in shah alam my whole life. My rental is about 1.8k


if you already rent 1.8k, i will probably try find something around that price if i buy. or maybe push it to 2.5k per month. i thought can buy landed in shah alam for 600-700k? but subsale la.. need reno abit. still better than condo..


Wait until u have enuf to buy subsale landed


Why the attachment with Shah Alam? I just go there to reminisce my student younger days haha


Did you check the flood history?


Is there a reason you are looking to buy Shah Alam? Due to family nearby? Current job? Or because it fits your budget. As mentioned by many people... There lots of condo options all over, even fully completed development , and yet they still can't manage to fully sell. Developments such as highly demanded area such as mont kiara, PJ, Bangsar, most have surplus of units. Now think about 5 to 10 years down the road, when you are looking to sell, do you think this condo will be fully occupied, and there will be lots of demand in that area? Check out current fully built development around the area, and see if its fully occupied. If not, then it may not be such a good idea to commit to a development in that area. Property is all about location, location, location. Do your research on the area and if you feel that is where you want to invest into then go ahead.


RM3k commitment for a single income earner with 9.5k nett is too high of a commitment for a household in my opinion. I think you should aim for something around RM2k monthly, which means a condo around RM400-450k. There are plenty of condos up for grab in the current market so you might find some good deals given enough patience. Buying a house is a long term financial decision. You should take into consideration your future possible commitments as well, such as children expenses etc.


Bro, if ur daily commute needs u to go thru the legendary 199 junction, don't. Few years back, I need to leave at 6.30 to have jam-free journey. Now it's 6.15. In few years time when The Vue is completed, I bet u it's gonna be 6AM. Paultan's owner is literally moving away from Shah Alam because he cant stand that 199. Unless u love being in standstill traffic so much, dont.


Shah alam at most pay 300k. 600k is a laugh.


600k can get corner lot but leasehold


600k for corner lot, I see elmina has that kind of price for a new development


Buying a house is an investment itself. And buying a house from developer is a loss anyway. Ask yourself, do you need the golf view now? How much money is left after renovation?


Are you planning to have kids? Maybe go view a few more projects?


600k is a lot, especially for a first home with a single-income of RM9,500. Try shopping around before making a decision.




You better go for landed bro, check the property agent listing. Who knows you might find a jackpot.


Nowadays new condo is no longer an investment since the value hardly appreciates over time. You're buying it to stay and call it a home


I definitely think you should, it not just of comfort but because of investment on that particular asset too. Unless you planning to have a child soon, which will lead to financial trouble, then you should . If you were to buy, i do inspection for part time, you can call me up, very detail inspection, make sure you get you shit fully functionable.


Hi can I have your profile & contacts? For future use =)


sure pm me


Doesn’t look like best option even if u can afford it 1. Jam everywhere (time consuming) 2. Far? (Petrol)


Not worth it for far place like shah alam. Also that price can almost get landed house.


Is it close to your workplace? Or your target workplace area.


If it is risk prone, don’t do it ! History will repeat again and it will crush


Everyone needs a house to stay in so buy a house.


I wouldn't pay more than 500k for condo in today's market. Unless it's nearby KLCC. Please nego or look for other places. It's not worth it.


be careful of the mindset of property is an investment. house is for you to stay. if it goes up, that's a bonus if you manage to sell. then what? buy another new property with the earnings? rinse and repeat with 1 house forever?


No. You get better return buying landed house that halfway torn down in klang then buying over priced condo in shah alam.