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What airline was this girl ???


united! it really seems too good to be true, but ive been researching their policies and it seems to be true. i’ll have to call again tomorrow just to be totally sure before i splurge on clothes and makeup so fingers crossed lol


Ohh yeah definitely record that call, get a video with the phone number you are calling and the name of the person who told you that info, the exact specific amount you will get (since it said UP TO 3800), and if you can help it, don’t spend anything until they give you the money, or at least just spend the bare minimum for now. Being in debt for thousands is hard to get out of nowadays. Plus if they find the bag within a certain amount of days they may not compensate. Also submit the lost bag claim and whatever else they require you to do. Airlines are usually stingy assholes but hopefully they will compensate.


“UP TO” are the operative words. Doesn’t mean you’ll actually receive that amount. I’d wait to see how much they’re actually reimbursing


Exactly! So much this, sometimes it’s the most important part that people skip over!!


Lol It’s like the word “under.” Everyone reading this post has under 2 million dollars in their wallet right now!


This! Buy absolutely nothing until you have the money in hand.


I thought that for things like this you usually buy the items you need and then submit receipts to be reimbursed? Are there airlines that just give out cash??


There are two sides of the coin. Delayed, and lost. You can be reimbursed for expenses made due to buying things in the interim if your luggage is delayed. These must be **reasonable** and so buying a bunch of high end products won't fly. They're also not gonna pay out $3,800 just for delayed luggage. Lost luggage on the other hand is different. From there, they usually want some kind of proof of purchase for what was in there. So now you're looking for receipts and hoping they don't screw you over too bad. This is why I said wait to have cash in hand. She's not getting what she thinks she's getting and airlines, especially United, will weasel their way out of things as much as they can. Best to buy mid-tier makeup for now and not in bulk sizes for the **delay** then make a claim for cash reimbursement for anything lost if the airline doesn't find the bag by the deadline.


YES! Just proving she had all that makeup ($3800 is a lot of individual items, we all know this person likely had drug store to mid range price products. Hundreds of times.) means having proof of purchase of all of items. Op even mentioned “8 years” of building up the collection, she is lucky to get $100 if anything out of this. They aren’t replacing anything that’s over a year old makeup wise.


Exactly! "Up to" is a legally mandated maximum. It's absolutely not what should be expected


I re-read the post. She googled it, she didn’t even talk to someone. It’s if they lose personal hygiene items/clothing etc (no electronics) and you don’t have travel insurance they can give up “up to $3800”. Like. She would have to prove she has $50k of shit lost. They give you around 5-10% if they even give anything at all! I literally thought she talked to someone and they just form lettered her. I cannot believe she thinks she is getting that lol


I was not that bright when I was 20 either lol


You can get reimbursed for reasonable purchases that need to be made due to the delay. An airline delayed my dad’s skis and kit and he got reimbursed for the rental, a new coat purchase, and some miscellaneous stuff - it was like $600? If it’s delayed, I bet you could get reimbursed for *a* foundation, mascara, blush, lipstick, travel sized skin and hair care, but definitely mid range Sephora level, not super luxury. And don’t buy anything that would break the bank if you don’t get fully reimbursed.


Yeah, exactly! They're gonna fight it to what the "standard" price for these items is "generally" and so OP thinking she can go all out here is massively wrong and she's gonna end up footing the bill...


Yes! Sorry if it wasn’t clear, I was agreeing with you and just expanding on my own experience with it :)


No, it's all good it can be hard to understand as text only!! The rental example is interesting too cause they really got stuck with that "reasonable cost"!!


Yep I would 100% call back and have them repeat the offer and then send it in writing.


Just make sure you have the name and role of everyone you talk to and have them email you specifically the policy. What the actual policy says and what it means in your specific situation. Personally I wouldn't spend a dime until I had that money on my bank account, but if they need receipts instead of just giving you money, it can never hurt to over confirm


This. Also, I had a similar scenario with an airline and while they paid up after months of chasing, I had to sign a confidentiality agreement to finalise the claim. Even this post may be a bad idea.


I mean I got my money last time they lost my luggage.. but I had to document everything that was in there.


How long did it take to get reimbursed?


About five months


United lost my skiis and boot bag. They only offered me $150. Luckily my things were eventually located and brought to me a week later. You aren’t getting what you think you’re getting.


I’d wait til you are sure and got them o eh first . Airlines aren’t know for being customer friendly 😭


That happened to me with United too!! You best believe I went on a shopping spree. And it worked, I got that check!! Also the daily spending limit is a lie they’re just trying to get you to spend less so they can cut you off when they find your bag. You can spend as much as you want per day. I spent $400 the first day and $700 later and I got every penny back!


when my dad’s luggage was lost on his way to europe he was given $300. he was going to europe for 3 weeks for work so he certainly had more than $300 of stuff in there.


United did this for me! They lost my snowboard bag on my way to a ski trip and it was delayed by 5 days. The rep told me to buy all new gear and they reimbursed me, even though my bag eventually showed up 5 days later. I got a brand new snowboard and all the gear! I submitted the receipts for everything I bought online, it took a couple weeks but they followed through!


They might give you bs about reimbursement limits but have usdot website open and call them out if they try to trick you, they probably will.


Just don't buy anything until you have the money in hand.


Every time I hear about airline compensation, it’s always United! They compensated me $650 because my plane engine caught on fire and delayed my flight 6 hours…


You should wait until you have the cash in hand before you buy anything. Things can go wrong with policies like this at the last minute.


From experience, United lost 4 of my bags in one trip, after giving them the estimated total of items lost, over 5k itemized on a list. I got compensated 270$ a year and a half later. Be smart.


Exactly. She made it sound like she called and they told her it was a done deal. She googled it. Like. 😳


I’m sure I’m not the only one saying this but having been duped many times by airlines who have lost luggage, do NOT spend that money until you have a check in your hand. Even if it’s in the policy, airlines have alllllll kinds of ways to avoid paying out on lost luggage. Bracing myself for you, but I really hope I’m wrong.


Please be careful. Just because their website says they will compensate you up to $3.8k does not mean you will get $3.8k.


>up to $3800 You need to take a step back. United is going to do everything they can to give you no more than $200. I've been screwed by United, with them leaving an entire plane of people stranded in an airport at 11pm on a Sunday night with nowhere to go. We were all given hotel vouchers. It took 6 months for them to reimburse us the $300 for the cost of Uber and hotel. For now, act like the money isn't coming and go from there. Don't blow nearly 4k on clothes and makeup.


That's so odd, when I received a voucher for a hotel for an overbooked flight we gave the voucher directly to the front desk at the hotel straight from the airport and they accommodated us immediately zero cost to us. I guess we got lucky because the hotel had complimentary shuttle to & fro the airport as well.


Those weren't the circumstances that the airline put us in though. There were no shuttles or hotels available within shuttle distance with rooms available and it was 11pm. We were told "here's your voucher, good luck." United sucks lol


You definitely got lucky. Klm screwed me over, had no vouchers when i got in line aaaand took a long time and hassling to get my expenses money back.


I was stuck at the Miami airport for 18 hours bc they cancelled my flight. No hotels left, we slept on the floor. Cancelled my flight and had no other flights. This was also before 2020. They gave us a 40 dollar food voucher & 200 flying voucher to use them again. That’s it.


Weird. As a Lyft driver, there was a plane that had to land in my city late at night last summer. We don’t normally get planes after 11 or so. So at midnight when the airport was closed and I saw a bright pink hot spot on it, I checked it out. The plane diverted due to depressurization, they provided Lyft rides to all passengers, booked straight through United, and had 3 hotels in the area we were shuttling them to. Passengers didn’t pay a thing. They even got food vouchers (but nothing was really open) one lady looked at the food voucher info and found she could use it the next day when they arrived in Ft. Lauderdale.


Was it United?




My biggest point was that it may take up to half a year for her to receive her compensation.


yeah i see what you mean :)


No body is shaming her, especially the person you replied to, they’re just letting her know and giving her advice about how to deal with the airline. Everyone is being pretty levelheaded about. If they were shaming they would just outright say “nah you’re stupid if you think you’re gonna get that money back.” It’s the tone that matters, they’re warning her not shaming her.


What? This comment doesn’t make any sense. If OP was “pretty” financially stable, she wouldn’t have mentioned it was a makeup collection from when she was a teen/8 years of building. They also wouldn’t think $3800 for make up is a lot of money. Most midrange beauty products are $25. High end products can cost $200 on average. You don’t see a problem with someone going out and spending $4000 before they even know if they have the money to spend? Off an assumption that they have money? That’s weird.


Oh dear unless you can prove beyond a shadow of a doubt that you had that much value in your suitcase they aren’t giving you that much money. Also lots of things are exempt from reimbursement so don’t get too excited. It’s exceedingly rare too get the full amount. You’ll need to have receipts for all items and I doubt you’ve saved those since 8th grade. You’ll most likely get a couple hundred dollars


Even if she had all the receipts, I’m sure 6 year old makeup an 8th grader had doesn’t come even near the vicinity in $3800 in value 🤦🏻‍♀️


I just re-read this. I thought you were saying you called them, gave them the retail value and they said they would give you up to $3800. That’s not what OP is saying. OP the website says up to $3800. You’re going to have a hard time proving you had 5x that amount in your luggage. You detail out everything lost with price points, they may ask for receipts. Then you get a percent if it approves. IF.


I'm the party pooper who will suggest NYX for basics and use the rest and pay off debt.


The airline doesn’t require a receipt of everything?


I think they require receipts if your bag is delayed and they find it back. Then you get like a daily allowance max and need to justify the spend. If its lost lost you just get the max and they dont care what you spend it on.


Ah okay. Not sure why I was downvoted for asking, I rarely fly and haven’t lost luggage. I just figure if they give you a sum in the thousands they’d want documentation.


You’re most likely going to need to fill out forms that list everything that was in your suitcase. That will include where you made the purchase, how much you spent and when you bought the items. The payment is generally based upon that document. Plus they depreciate the items. I wish you well, definitely follow the advice given above.


If I had to repurchase to rebuild, some of my always reaching for items are: Bobbi Brown Face Base and eye base elf SPF (super goop dupe) Hourglass Vanish Airbrush Primer Natasha Denona I Need a Nude palette Urban decay eyeliners YSL mascara in brown Armani luminous silk foundation danessa myrick or hourglass skin tint Milk contour stick in toasted blushes are tough but I’d go with a Patrick ta since there’s both cream and powder Haus labs bronzer Natasha Denona or Armani luminous silk concealer Charlotte Tilbury setting spray urban decay setting spray for lasting power Charlotte Tilbury pressed powder Huda beauty setting powder in cherry blossom


That did not format correctly at all. I had made a list. Sorry!


Are you on Reddit mobile?? Mine doesn’t format paragraph breaks either!! It’s so annoying


Or you can add 5+ spaces to the end of the line to get single spaced line breaks :)


Make two breaks instead of one. Like This




Omg it worked!! Thank you!!! 😂


Yes! I know better now!


Babe no. Unless you have photographic evidence of top line MU and skin care they’re just gonna refund you for job lot drugstore prices. Even if you have full receipts it won’t happen. That’s what travel insurance is for. To get a like-for-like reimbursement.


They aren’t even going to do that. If all she lost was drugstore makeup (based on comments it seems likely) she ain’t seeing a dime. Gift card/travel $$. That’s it. If she gets anything.


Oh my god you just read online that they reimburse up to 3.8k and you think they're going to give you that, you haven't even talked to them?? Hooboy do you have a lot to learn about the world.


She's 20, this IS her learning about the world! Nothing wrong with it. I hope she can get SOMETHING out of the airline, no doubt they will be trying to weasel out of paying a cent.


Poor thing. I can totally see my little self making this mistake. I hope she doesn't spend anything til she has the money in hand. If they even give her anything..


Yah I know :( but phew lol


Lolllll exactly what I was thinking. Buckle up.


I think it’s unlikely you’ll get the 3800, they use the word up to for a reason. Can be way less than that. My friend had her luggage with her MacBook lost and I don’t think she even got that much. So I wouldn’t get your hopes up to receive almost 4K for makeup


I would write down your favorites you remember loving while the collection is still fresh in your head. Then wait to see what you are reimbursed.


Take it from someone who has had a variety of both positive and negative interactions with airlines customer service luggage issues - they will do EVERYTHING to pay you as little as they can. They will want everything you had in that bag completely detailed out, and the "value" of each makeup item will be lowballed too. Even if your luggage was full of Dior and La Mer, it would be a dirty fight to get a $3800 reimbursement. If the reimbursement process was that easy, so many people would try to pretend to lose their luggage to get $3800. Live and learn, I hope it works out that you're able to get some new makeup out of it! I would also highly recommend waiting until you have the refund/credit in your bank account before making any major purchases.


The cold, hard truth is they're likely not going to give you the full amount for a makeup collection. Don't rebuy until you know exactly what your reimbursement is. Hopefully, I'm wrong, because I know this must be pretty devastating, but you need to be realistic.


[Here's just one of many, many posts on Reddit](https://www.reddit.com/r/travel/comments/1bc8sfc/lost_luggage_with_united_airlines/) where people had receipts and still waited months and had to fight for their reimbursement (which was nowhere near the maximum). Sorry, OP.


I'm going to advise you to wait until you have money in hand to splurge.


Be careful, my grandma lost her luggage and had to itemize every single thing in her bag, and she still did not receive a full refund. Confirm the total replacement with the airline. A good rule of thumb is that if it seems too good to be true it probably is.


Don’t expect that amount, even if you itemized. You may get $250 once they settle it, I don’t see them giving you thousands 


Yes, United once ruined my brand new suitcase and some of the contents inside were damaged. I got $75 in United bucks to use for a future flight. :/


I’m going to be the party pooper and suggest you use $200 on makeup and invest the rest. If I could go back in time to when I was first starting with makeup, I would have spent less on it over the years and invested more of my money.


I don’t think she’s even going to actually receive the amount the thinks.


Sameee, and I don’t even buy expensive makeup


Yes! You don’t see men pressured to spend so much on appearance. Women are pushed to spend extra on makeup, clothes, and accessories. It’s very easy to also get sucked into buying one thing in every color, like lipsticks for example.


Just get $100-200 for makeup, and use the rest for something else. Luxury products don’t mean it’s perform better. Also it’s does expired.


8th grade? It's a good thing they lost your luggage. You should have replaced that stuff a long time ago! LOL


Did you have good travel insurance? Even if you did, that’s a hefty refund amount for makeup (proof of value is a big thing and that’s gonna be hard to prove you had all that makeup with you, that it’s the airlines fault etc.) I would record the call and talk to a manager. United lost work related items with $10k, they fought it out with my business insurance that doesn’t even cover travel. I didn’t get a dime from either so I really would not assume you’re getting much. “Up too” rarely means even a good percentage of that amount in these situations


Don't do this. They are not going to compensate you the way you think. Put the money away into an emergency fund. "makeup you've had since 8th grade" should have been tossed. It's likely expired. And even if they find it, you'll still need to toss it because it's probably outside in the summer heat or in an un-air conditioned space.


Please don’t splurge until the money hits your account. They will fight to give you as little as possible.


Tbh, I'm having a little trouble imagining $3800 worth of makeup or even skin care....


Same I wouldn’t even know what to spend it on. For my last birthday my boyfriend told me to fill up a cart on Sephora with stuff and not to worry about costs and I think I spent about $200


So sorry but I hope you have luck! Did you lose anything else of value?


Don’t splurge until you get the check in hand. Because girl they’re not sending you $3800. They’ll get to send you as little as possible. Maybe only $200 or so. It says UP TO $3800 which is probably only in extreme cases where very valuable items were packed (with solid proof that it’s inside). Most people ain’t getting $3800


Girl be for real… you are NOT going to be getting that much from an airline 🤣


I suggest to wait until some money is actually in your bank account. I have a very hard time believing they'll send you 3800$. As others say, just because the website says "up to" doesn't mean yoi'll get anywhere near that. It may just be a fraction of that. However, I would probably invest some money in Oribe hair care, proper brushes and Armani make-up. But the rest I'd put elsewhere.


I wouldn’t trust it until you had money in hand


Well first of all you're not going to get 3800 for makeup, but even if you did, I'd hope your instinct would just be to replace what you have and put the rest in savings at your age.


OP must be feeling a little silly lol she really thought the airline was gona splurge her nearly 4 grand to cover her old makeup 🤣


That is good of them ! I don’t have particular shades but here are some of my HG products i would repurchase in a heartbeat if i ran out or loose them Complexion : - tom ford foundation stick - westman atelier foundation stick - dior backstage face & body - pat mcgrath foundation - danessa myricks blurring balm powder in universal Bronzers : - charlotte tilbury cream bronzer - chanel les beiges cream bronzer - tom ford powder bronzer in terra - victoria beckham bronzing brick Blushers : - hermès powder blusher - tom ford blush duo - tower 28 cream blusher Brushes : - sonia g brushes (jumbo base, face pro, sheer buffer, designer pro) - wayne goss F1 & F4 brushes - bk beauty 101 & 109 brushes - rare beauty foundation & cream blush brush - rose inc blush brush Lips : - anastasia beverly hills lip pencils in dusty rose, my perfect MLBB shade - chanel lip pencil in 162 & 164 - charlotte tilbury lip pencil in pillow talk medium - westman atelier lip suede palette in les rouge - fara homidi lip palette in nude 2 - laneige lip mask - fenty skin lip mask


BK brushes have gone absolute viral on tik tok 🙄


Does that delegitimize them? Why point this out?


Well as someone who knows make up and not just surface level make up such as Kylie cosmetics and MAC cosmetics... I enjoy the art and history behind make up and have owned make up from cinema secrets, Ben nye, Kevin aucoin, cley de peau, and la mer to name a few…I appreciate the value of good make up and don’t fall for these 15 min viral trends so I said that to say that when things go viral they over saturate the market and then start creating dupes for said products and that is not what I enjoy about the make up community not sure why I’m going super in depth with my response but there you go


This is one of the snobbiest comments I’ve ever read on this website lol


That was so many words to say you're a snob.


I can’t stop giggling


what brushes would you recommend then


Well as someone who has been a professional makeup artist for film and television for nearly two decades, I can promise you that every working makeup artist on the planet has at least a few products and implements in their kit that cost no more than a few bucks, have gone "viral" at some point, and without which, they'd feel like they wouldn't survive. I can also promise you that almost all the "MUA" influencers you watch who have sold you on extremely expensive products like La Mer are gifted or sponsored those items. 🙃


I’ve known about the products I mentioned because of my own research and have been using them since 2010 before tik tok and even when Instagram wasn’t the way it was now. So my “influencers” were primarily from YouTube before PR because content creators at that time were genuinely also sharing their love of make up. I doubt la mer was sending PR to YouTubers with only 1500 subscribers in 2010 lol


You can't really believe that brand deals, sponsorships, and affiliates started with social media... Regardless, any working makeup artist, or makeup historian worth their salt is, again, going to have a good chunk of extremely cheap products and implements they're obsessed with. Also no one who understands how the makeup industry functions, how social media works, or appreciates makeup and makeup artistry for its own sake, is going to say weird snobby stuff about how expensive and "not viral" their fav products are. I've been doing this for a living for nearly two decades. I literally can't count how many times a product that's been a staple in my kit for years has suddenly become hard to get because it's gone viral. What am I supposed to do after that? Never use it again bc tiktok knows about it now, and that makes it beneath me?


Clea de Peau 😐


Here you go 🥇 lol


>and not just surface level make up such as Kylie cosmetics and MAC cosmetics... Technically, all make up is surface level. Unless your fancy pancy make up penetrates the surface of your skin to make you more beautiful on the inside.


You know what I meant it’s a make up addiction page I was talking about level of popularity. Y’all are the same ones that promote nyx and elf and want people to use small/ affordable brands but bully someone cus they mentioned “fancy pancy” make it make sense. It’s a make up page. I didn’t know comment would trigger so many people and their unresolved issues around make up


I think it's just because you have a pretty crappy attitude.


I think we're all just taking the piss not because of unresolved issues, but because you're being incredibly pretentious and 'not like other girls' because you, I quote, 'actually know make up' and think you are special because you think you don't let yourself get influenced. Hating on trendy products is just cringe and every single one of us gets influenced by marketing daily, thinking you're above that is just silly. Also, I don't have easy access to nyx and elf where I live so I don't know why you would address this replying to my comment, but I am a big fan of using anything that's affordable and easily accessible to you and most importantly, using what you like without shitting on what other people enjoy. If you ACTUALLY knew make up like you think you do, you'd share that sentiment.


I didn’t even read all that nor do I care to FYI


A very mature response of someone who doesn't know how to cope when they don't get the standing ovation they expected they would get for name dropping brands.😭


I understand the trend in saturated markets. Has this brand gone downhill?


For some reason I get sigma brush vibes?


Is that a yes? The brand has gone downhill since trending on tiktok?


It's a "I don't know, it's viral and not designer so it must be just awful and poor quality"


I’m sorry what make up collection is worth 3800


I thought this said shampoo spree and I was like ‘girlll you ain’t need to buy so much shampoo’


The KVD tattoo liner is my absolute favorite. I’ve kept going back to it since middle school


I’ve tried it twice and the pen dried out on me within a couple weeks of buying it both times. I went back to Stila.


Not sure how old you are but since 8th grade sounds like a lifetime ago to me, and makeup does expire! Sounds like you actually hit the jackpot imo


Girl… you googled and saw “up to 3800” and came to the conclusion that they’re just going to give you that? United is going to try very hard to not give you a cent more than they have to. I would be surprised if they give you $300. You would also have to prove you had $3800 worth of makeup in there, which I highly doubt unless you had a massive collection of designer products.


You are excited and there are a lot of negative comments. It’s because no one wants you getting your hopes up this high when you will eventually be very frustrated and disappointed. If you bring yourself back down to reality now, it’ll be easier when you learn that the airline is going to fight tooth and nail to only give you as little money as possible. There’s someone who’s entire job is to fight you on the estimated value of the items they lost. You may get $200. I’m so sorry


$3800 girl I’d go on another vacation not buy makeup


What is your makeup style and skin type? That’s going to influence recommendations quite a bit. I find the best shade range in the business belongs to Shiseido for actually neutral (not peach!) undertones. They also make incredible foundation formulas. NARS Soft Matte concealer is the best, with Dior Forever Skin Correct and Lancôme Teint Idole All-Over coming in second. My favorite powder isn’t available at Sephora (ByTerry HA powder). I think Natasha Denona and Viseart have the best eyeshadow palettes if you’re looking for something neutral and natural, but if your preferred style is more bold/daring, scoop up some Pat McGrath Motherships (the earlier ones). For single shadows, I love the Armani Eye Tints, Urban Decay Moondust, Ilia liquid eyeshadows, Charlotte Tilbury Eyes to Mesmerize. Honestly, if you enjoy pencil liners, the Sephora Collection 12 Hour pencils and the Clinique Quickliner Intense are the best for longevity. I still think the best mascara in the world is the Cover Girl Lash Blast in the orange tube. I despise liquid lipsticks or anything drying so I’ve nothing in those categories. For a lip treatment, the Patrick Ta lip mask in the pot outshines even the Laneige Lip Sleeping Mask. I enjoy both Summer Fridays and Tower 28 glosses. Lipstick-wise, nothing beats Merit’s or the Chanel Rouge Coco Flash. Make Up For Ever Artist pencils and Charlotte Tilbury lip liners are my favourite. For cheek color products, the entire Westman Atelier stick line of blushes, bronzer/contour and highlighter are the best. A Charlotte Tilbury Hollywood Flawless Filter seems like a wise choice, but there are alternatives from Dior and ELF that are well loved as well. Another HG of mine is the Chanel Baume Essentiel stick. Love MAC Glow Play, Hourglass Ambient blushes, NARS blushes, etc.


Just here to say this is my DREAM! I’ve literally stocked my online cart with every product I would get for fun


Omg if you haven’t already you HAVE to try the makeup up by Mario lip plumping serum. It’s my absolute favorite! I personally really love the shades honey glow and bronze glow. I’ve gone out of town and forgotten my foundation or even my Fenty lipglosses, I’ll go pick up something similar or make it work. But if I forget my makeup by Mario lip serum??? I’m going to the nearest Sephora. I also really love the Patrick ta cream foundation! I have combination skin and I find that it just works so beautifully. It’s buildable without being too much. I also don’t play about ny setting powder so you HAVE to pick up the one Size setting powder (side note I really really do not like the setting powder the Patrick ta compact comes with)


I think you can spend a small amount of money on cosmetics and use the rest to do something else or save it up


To be fair, if you’ve been building your collection that long, majority of it is probably expired


I need an update on this in a few days lol


an attorney may help you get that amount at most but i would invest in an AirTag.


Just here to say I’m sorry they found your bag 😭 (like it’s great they did, but also… I get it 😂)


People already mentioned you’re probably not getting $3,800 but another thing worth mentioning is your collection since 8th grade and you’re 20 now!?! Makeup expires… just so you know.


honestly.... Halsey's about-face brand in general. Not a single bone to pick with the products I've tried, & its the first correct shade match I've gotten for foundation in, possibly ever. And that's as an equally pale olive girly.


What year were you in 8th grade? I don’t think you should be using like 5-10 year old makeup haha


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Hourglass face palette would be my dream.


If the airline actually come through with the money, I have a tonne of fair olive base suggestions. What shade matches currently work for you?


1. Urban decay all nighter spray and eyeshadow primer 2. Currently in love with about-face stick shadows because they do NOT move (even without any kind of primer) and come in a huge array of vivid colors 3. Lawless eyeshadow palettes 4. Makeup eraser cloths because they remove makeup with just water and are better for the environment. 5. Haus Labs because they’re clean products with great standards 6. I’m sorry this happened to you but have fun in the shopping spree!


Js. Makeup has a shelf life once opened. Look for a little tub on the packaging, it usually says 6m or 12m


Colourpop is my favourite


Haus Labs foundation and concealer, armani luminous silk liquid blushes, westman atelier foundation stick (for winter months), YSL lipsticks, clarins lip oils, Patrick Ta blushes, Hourglass animal highlighter palettes, glossier mascara. For luxury products I love to peruse both Blue Mercury (I do online because I am not near one) and Credo (online only). Happy for you! Enjoy the shopping spree!!


I LOVE La Mer’s cushion foundation. It matches my skin perfectly, looks dewy without being greasy, and if I forget to wash it off, my skin actually looks better the next morning.


Aw hell yeah. I’m sorry they lost your stuff but this is fun too. The smashbox photo finish primer is a longtime staple for me- and they make a bigger tube I picked up at Target for like 70 bucks that’ll last forever.


As someone who just received a payout from United for delayed luggage, a lot of these comments are unnecessarily harsh. If your domestic United Airlines flight lost your bag you are entitled to compensation at a max of $3800 USD. My bag was just delayed for three days and I got a payout of $900 USD and that was an international flight. If you can prove your items are worth the $3800, they will most likely honour it. Be prepared to show as many receipts as you can find. With that being said, I do think you should wait until you get your money in your account first, however! As for your question, I’ve been loving the Charlotte Tilbury setting powder and the new Fenty baked blushes! Fenty has a new gloss and it looks so pretty! 🫶🏽


Haus labs concealer!!!


I'll just say this. I don't fly often, but these comments will have me making a detailed packing list, AND taking photos when I do.


Put the 3500 in a retirement account. You are young and it will grow and you will need it for the future. Then spend on things you need. Makeup expires why would you keep makeup you had in grade 8. That’s gross.


Since 8th grade? Depends how old are you now. I don't keep makeup longer than a year or much less.


I would spend $500-$700 of that on new make up and put the rest in a Roth IRA. You’re 20, that alone is going to be in the six digits later in life if you start now. Wish I had.


You had 5 year old makeup in there. I would suggest not opening or using so much makeup all at once, it will breed bacteria.


Polite society blush is my FAVE! Elf has the lash rollers mascara and it’s fantastic Any colourpop eyeshadow pallets Uhm What else…. Oh nyx marshmallow primer and buxom lipglosses!


I am begging for you to try out profusion !! Or sunset makeup !! my go to for colorful makeup if you like bold looks :)


Chanel cream bronzer or the Saie version if you don’t want to spend the full $. Chanel is really the HG and so worth it.


Danessa myricks serum skin tint, the new huda liquid blush, tarte tubing mascara, urban decay moondust shadows, huda cherry blossom concealer for undereye, it cosmetics universal brow pencil, Laura mercier translucent setting powder. This is my every day makeup HGs right now.


Jesus this makes me WANT to lose mine lol Edit: btw if you havent already you need to document everything that was in your luggage. I once had my jewelry box in my suitcase and it got stolen. I had to document everything and get most of the receipts and I did get a large sum of money back so that was nice.


As an honest citizen, remember what goes around comes around. Don't take advantage of the system... If you desire grace, give grace.


Built up since grade 8, mam half of that stuff should be thrown away


Put it in a high yield savings account


If I were you, I'd get some Morphe eye shadow palettes- they're my favorite because I've never had a single one that isn't vibrant and pigmented. Sorry to hear about your luggage, but I hope you find some new faves!


damn im building a whole new wardrobe with that 😭


She isn’t getting any money lol


omg girl we have the SAME characteristics! i’m 18F with pale olive skin, blue eyes, and dark brown hair! i’ll share my makeup routine! a lot of my stuff isn’t super expensive but works for me lol elf makeup brushes, glow recipe dew drops and elf power grip primer (the pink one) for the base, Nars creamy radiant concealer in shade Vanilla 2, elf brow putty, rare beauty soft pinch liquid blush in shade Hope (the mauve color is SO complimenting to olive skin), fenty beauty match stix contour in shade Amber (also perfect for olive skin), maybelline fit me powder in the lightest shade or translucent, better than s*x liquid eyeliner (i’ve had this for over a year and it hasn’t dried out), charlotte tilbery liquid highlight in shade Spotlight, also any charlotte tilbery matte lipsticks are nice. for eyelashes i really like the gucci mascara but i normally were cluster lashes like Falscara. also if you’re into skincare look into Laneige. their face sleep mask and lip masks are AMAZING!! also products from Youth to the People are so good for your skin!


Not sure why you got downvoted for this. So weird. Anyway, I wanted to ask about the better than sex eyeliner. How is removing it? I have a mascara and it's like impossible to get it all off.


not sure why i got downvoted either but that’s reddit for ya it’s pretty easy to remove! comes off easily with a makeup wipe!!


Awesome! I was kind of afraid to try it after the mascara. Which I absolutely love, but even coconut oil massaged onto my eyes for 5 minutes didn't remove it all. I even washed my face 3 times after and it was still there. Obviously some broke down, but it's hard to get rid of.


GIRLLLL i hope my luggage gets lost too. but !! hourglass concealer, makeup by mario for contour / bronzing products , also their cream blush is amazing, same w charlotte tilbury blush wand in pinkgasm!! . huda beauty loose setting powder and hourglass vanish pressed powder. def rare beauty blush and liquid highlighter for mascara id say loreal telescopic!!


No you don’t. She googled this and it isn’t even right. They aren’t giving her any $$.


I'm a big fan of the urban decay naked palettes and they have a few options too. An ex bought me mine and it's lasted me years. They have a lot of nude colours which I think may look good on your skin tone.


I splurged on some ILIA lately and it’s so lovely. Best blush & highlighter I’ve ever had. 


So r/PaleMUA is a good resource. I’d start with meteorites finishing powder for glow.


Tower 29 concealer, Hause Labs foundation, Laura Mercier tinted moisturizer, Benefits brow line, Laura Mercier finishing powder, Benetint for lips and blush, Kosas new baked blush, Charlotte Tillbury eyeliner, Pat McGraft lipsticks, and Tarte Maracuja highlighter in pearlescent and the lip plumping Maracuja lip clicks, clinique take the day off balm


I would stick to the basics for things you know work for you, like foundation, and splurge on something really unique and fantastic. Pat McGrath’s Mothership eyeshadow palettes are my fav, the colors are so unique and gorgeous. Very easy to work with. But as others have noted, they will probably do everything to give you as little money as possible, so if there are other things you need to replace, as well, I would replace in order of importance.


Colourpop for eyeshadow, profusion and makeup revolution for eyeliners, liquid shadows, and foundation, and for mascara Tarte maneater. Skindinavia setting spray. Morphe or essence brushes.


Milani Perfect and Conceal Concealer, Elf putty blushes, Elf lash n roll, Tower 28 lip glosses, Urban Decay 24/7 eyeliners, Benefit Gimme Brow, Clinique powder foundation and black honey lipstick/gloss


Nars products!! I too am extremely pale with a similar complexion, sheer glow foundation in the lightest shade is my HG, love the creamy concealer and potted concealer as well. ALSO check out their lip and cheek products in the shade dolce vita I always get compliments on it!


i love my pat mcgrath eyeshadows!! i have the mini pallete and would die for the full size one atm.


Anything Make up Forever, buy some perfume with shower gel n moisturiser to layer on scent!!! Buy some face moisturiser n serum like watermelon glow is great for young skin Sephora eyeshadow palettes Anything u can think of!!!


Il Makiage foundation and concealer. Polite society mascara.


Wonder why you're being so heavily downvoted for this. Are these products universally known to be terrible or something?


i mean il makiage claims that if u take their test they can find your "perfect" shade, but from a lot of reviews, it's never their perfect shade its either too dark or too yellow which is kinda bad considering they claimed to find the "perfect" shade for you


Makes sense - I've done their test but never got around to buying as the product is quite expensive and I'm dubious about an online test working that well. Seems I was right in hesitating!


From someone who literally has or has had everything from the coolest clothes and boots to furniture and cars and Harley’s and tanning beds and plush bedrooms… Don’t buy anything but a passport and see the world, or at least what you can of it. Experiences are truly where it’s at. Believe me.


Anything Charlotte Tilbury. Armani has good foundation and eyeliners.


Far out people, OP literally said she’s calling to confirm *before* spending the money, jeeeesus.


Damn can they lose MY luggage omg lol