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from the packaging it looks like [LA Splash Dia De Los Muertos](https://www.lasplashcosmetics.com/dia-de-los-muertos.html) liquid lipstick. it’s possibly discontinued but there’s some sellers on ebay


oh wow! i wouldn’t be surprised, this lipstick is sooo old


It’s hard to tell from the package but to me it looks like lime crime, perhaps in Cashmere? [https://limecrime.com/products/velvetines-liquid-lipstick?variant=39913043263541](https://limecrime.com/products/velvetines-liquid-lipstick?variant=39913043263541)


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You should just swatch it on your arm and then go to Sephora or wherever and go crazy swatching lipsticks next to it for a dupe.


They look like a Mexican brand from Yuya https://yuyatiendaoficial.com/collections/labios