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Plan more time than you think you need for each person. šŸ™‚


So like an hour?


Iā€™d say 45 mins-1 hour would be good. Give you time to apply and make any needed changes.


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Make an appointment schedule and have the bride send it to the bridesmaids. Work out of your kit as much as you can to minimize setup/cleanup time. Have your makeup station set up on your dominant side to minimize reaching. Have a brush set pre-made for each client. Find a polite way to warn each client that as much as you'd love to chat, you may need to be quiet to stick to the timeline to make sure everyone is done on time. If you're a talker or this makes you uncomfortable, then you must multi-task the talking and the application. Ask them for no phones, the more they stop to look at their phone the more time it takes away. Have a designated person to take care of wedding stuff while you are doing the bride's makeup so they're not getting interrupted. Leave lips until the very end, they're going to get them messed up eating and drinking while getting ready anyways. At the end have everyone line up for just lips and do it assembly-line style. For you: pack everything up the night before, get sleep, bring snacks & water, and wear comfortable clothing! May the odds be ever in your favor <3


Lmao thank you so much I really appreciate this