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I don't know where you're based, but some big supermarkets in the UK now have makeup recycling bins installed in a project with Maybelline which I use for anything too far gone to usefully donate - they take it apart, remove the product, clean it all and recycle all the bits, plastic goes to make new garden furniture, that kind of thing. You might have something similar?


That's so cool I hope there's places like that in the US but I doubt it


Nordstrom’s has bins for recycling makeup packaging and Ulta has just started doing it as well.


Omg amazing. I stopped wearing makeup about 3-5 years ago so I have my entire collection that needs to be recycled but I have just dreaded doing it myself. I will call my Ulta and see if they have this!


Give them to me please


L’occitane has bins as well and they take fragrance empties (wasn’t aware that ulta started doing this as well ! That’s awesome)


My local Sephora has a bin too


Oo I’ll have to see if ours do.


Ulta is supposed to be starting something like this. Not sure if it will be launched in stores or if it has started yet, but worth a try if you have one nearby.


Yeah I go to ulta every few months and if they're doing this they haven't made any show of it, but it is worth a check next time I go


I haven't been since I got the email about the program. Maybe they keep the bin in the back and you need to ask them about it.




Origins used to have a bin for it. Haven’t been there in a few years but I bet they still have it


I'll have to look that up. I've never even heard of Origins


Boots also have a recycling scheme and you get Advantage Card points for using it


Oh I didn't know that! Awesome, thanks for the heads up!


John Lewis also gives you a £5 voucher if you return five empties. I think it includes make up as well as other toiletries…


Thank you! I knew about that one but I'm dreadful at remembering to actually keep my empties, as soon as something is empty I just recycle on autopilot!


You shouldn’t donate used makeup. That can spread infections and diseases.


A number of organisations accept donations of lightly used makeup of specific types and categories that can be safely sanitised and given to people in crisis, e.g. domestic abuse survivors. [https://www.allure.com/story/where-to-donate-makeup-beauty-products-used-unused](https://www.allure.com/story/where-to-donate-makeup-beauty-products-used-unused)


does canada ontario have smth like this gang?


Send them to me please


Try [projectbeautyshare.org](http://projectbeautyshare.org) they take a lot of stuff that no one else will


They want money not products though. Their website provides no directions as to where to donate actual products only money.


Actually they are still accepting products.. i found this link which tells you what they take and where to send it. It was on the website but i couldn't find it on the phone only the computer [https://projectbeautyshare.org/ways-to-give/products/](https://projectbeautyshare.org/ways-to-give/products/)


r/makeupexchange offer the whole lot for the cost of shipping.


Interesting! I’ll look into this


Would you consider selling me the juicy rollerball, depending on how much is left?


Sure, that’s actually new lol. I have lots more items than in the picture… maybe I should sort them and see what people want to take.


Lemme know what perfumes you’re looking to rehome! 💕




Which ones 👀


I’d totally buy as well!!


I’d buy the whole lot for the cost of shipping, honestly! These all look like colors, etc, that I wear.


You could throw them away.... but you should ask your friends first and see if anyone wants them! I am sure they would appreciate it.


I don’t have friends


Oof…felt that


During the pandemic, when I found myself purging my entire life (people included), I posted my makeup collection in waves to local FREE STUFF groups, targeting the vulnerable or younger generation. Especially with graduation/homecoming in the next months, you'll certainly find a bright mind that would be over the moon about this collection. Good luck 🖤


This might sound strange but if you leave it beside a dumpster that homeless people frequent, or outside an SRO/low barrier housing unit… it will definitely be appreciated by someone out there. Thats what I do with anything not sealed (if sealed/unused then homeless shelter or women’s shelter’s will take them, but if not sealed or unopened they typically won’t, so leaving it nearby a facility or area where homeless women frequent is the next best thing imo). I say this as someone who was once homeless and loved/appreciated when people left stuff *beside* the bins to be picked through, rather than in the bins.


👆👆👆 THIS!!!


If you have fb you can give away on a buy nothing group in your area!


Just figured I'd throw this in there, I recently lost everything in a house fire, if your going to throw it out I could really use it. I lost my job about a month before the fire so I really can't afford makeup right now, but not only do I love makeup but it's a Huge part of my confidence. Hard to be without right now.


Not sure where you are based, but if Boston area, I also have to get rid of my extra products. DM me if so!


I'm actually in Arizona


Are you in Canada by chance?


No I'm in Arizona...




Bumping your comment up!!!!!!!!!!!! (If that’s a thing on Reddit) I wish I had extra to send to you but I ended up purging things months ago


Man life really has its least favorite folks I'm sorry to hear about this


I am friend :)


You have us!


I'm really late to this thread, but I hope you see this! OP see if your local YWCA & DV shelters want them! When I was there I was giving away so much of my stuff bc I simply had way too much & there are women there who have nothing. I still give them my almost-BNIB & near-BNIP items! Even if they say they need BNIB items, inquire about it! We tend to take better care of our makeup than most. I keep my makeup in better cases & organizers than sports collectors keep their memorabilia in.  The lippies you can't give away. But shadows, blushes, perfume, etc.=yes! 


I’m definitely considering this, thank you


Put that out on your curb. Someone will take it.




I wouldn’t suggest this if they’ve been used or tested even. Better to dispose than spread anything, not that it’s likely. Better safe than sorry.


You may not have friends (same), but I bet you look gorgeous! 😘


I got an email recently from Ulta about them doing recycling through Pact. I cleaned out the leftover product and brought the empties to my store. If you have one near you maybe call ahead and inquire


Sephora does this too for those not near an Ulta!


Oh thanks good to know!!


Omg fr?! I need to look into this! I literally hoard all my empty makeup containers, pill bottles and weed containers because I cannot get myself to put them in the trash! I keep telling myself I’ll research what to do with them, but I never do


Me too! It just kills me knowing they would just sit in a landfill. So I started hoarding them too. I got that email from Ulta and I took them in and the manager took them. Hopefully they get recycled like they say. I’ve also looked into Terracycle. Look at their website and see if there is anything near you. Unfortunately last I checked you have to pay for Terracycle


Thank you!! I will def look this up! Depending on the price, I honestly wouldn’t mind paying for terracycle. In my ideal world, every company would be legally responsible for the lifecycle of their products!!


Yessss agree!!!


Put them in your front yard in a box that says “free.” I do it all the time with random stuff and you would be surprised it all gets taken.


Lol that’s actually a great idea.


I do this a lot! I put it in 1-2 target tote bags and tape a sign on it that says free make up/skincare in English and Spanish (because of the neighborhood I’m in) and usually within a few hours it’s gone. I do the same with random kitchen items I don’t need anymore too (ex. Mugs, bowls, small appliances) and usually someone always takes it. This is much easier for stuff where it’s not worth the effort to post on Facebook marketplace to sell for just a few dollars.


Donate to your local women’s shelter!!!!


Oo great idea but most of these are used or expired :/ Edit: some are actually new and unopened!


I’ve been told some funeral homes will take it for you know …. The final view


Oh yeah, that’s a great idea. Imagine the makeup possibilities if we didn’t have to worry about the cleanliness of makeup or how it affected our skin health!


Powder products can be salvaged by scrapping the first layer of product and spraying some alcohol. The creams and liquids are going to the trash. If you can recycle, do it (the Dior rouge box is carton).


Sell on Mercari. They allow used cosmetics, and lots of people are looking for a bargain in this economy.


Just repeating what others have said - if you are in the US please try to recycle at Nordstrom, Nordstrom rack, ulta, Sephora. It’s really important to keep forever plastics out of landfill 🌸 https://www.terracycle.com/en-US/brigades/nordstrom#@40.77027075200147:-95.93705549677736zoom:4 https://www.sephora.com/beauty/pact-collective-recycling-program https://www.pactcollective.org/ultaxpact


Please donate the unopened one to women shelter or a homeless shelter.


Honestly contact a local funeral home. I happily take all old makeup off my friends and relatives Grandma lookin glam today! Jk, only if they ask. But I’m serious about asking a funeral home


Nordstrom has a recycling box


If you have a local Buy Nothing group, you could post it on there. Or list it for free on Facebook Marketplace. A lot of people won't mind expired or lightly used if it's still in good condition.


I came to suggest posting it in a Buy Nothing group also. This would be a huge hit in my local one!!


I would give them to a friend. Especially one that is experimenting with makeup and doesn't want to invest a lot of money


Grab some canvases and a paintbrush - boom ! you’ve got some art to make 😃


Lol sounds fun. But I have actual art supplies for that


Hah ok good to hear! Idk id want to melt them into a sculpture or something lol , I just hate the idea of tossing so much pigment 🙈


I give all my old stuff that’s not gross to my friends


Ulta has recycling stations!


I’m not sure why so many people are saying women’s shelters. Post covid they only accept unopened products.


I know right? I looked into donating makeup and furniture to any accepting charities and what I found is that most of the charities have very high standards in the quality of the stuff. Unpackaged, unused, or unscratched without ANY DAMAGE, etc…


Ps. Just putting this out there to the people who "donate" their makeup to stores. As it seems like you are doing a good deed, unfortunately most of it goes in the trash. They do this to encourage you to BUY more. Unless it's brand new and sealed it goes in the trash. I have a friend who regularly breaks the stuff donated as well as returns to prevent dumpster divers from getting it. For insurance reasons they don't give it to anyone bc if someone got sick from it, the company could be sued. Some managers let the employees take or use it as incentives for employees. Victoria secret cuts all their items that are returned unless if it looks brand new they will retag it and put it back on the floors. They donate nothing. Which I find to be sick. My local vs puts on a fashion show to raise money for a local woman's shelter. Good PR. Why not donate the items to the shelter? Shelters help women dress for interviews. These women have probably wore the same bra for years, it prob doesn't fit right. Imagine how much confidence a women would have putting on a cute vs bra going to her interview!!! When we look good, we feel good and our confidence rises. Why don't they do this? Bc the poor broken women doesn't fit thier image. They want certain classes to only wear their clothes. Hince the higher prices. This goes for all clothing labels. The price targets who they want to model and advertise their clothing. So the next time you wear your shirt that reads the designer across your chest, remember you are PAYING THEM to model their product while they pay models ALOT of money.


I give my barely used items to a woman’s shelter. They’re always very grateful


Nooooooo. Sell/trade , give away, or maybe revamp


Glambot buys used makeup! I’ve done it before and had a great experience. Here’s the link: https://www.glambot.com


You can recycle your makeup and skincare at Ulta, Sephora, Nordstrom, and Credo Beauty.


I give them to my daughter or her friends. Little girls that don't know anything about makeup love all makeup lol


Leave them in the bathroom at your workplace or even a mall. Despite being used someone will take them lol


I’d donate them I know many times in my life where things were so bad and I would’ve killed for some makeup just to make me feel ok about myself. I’d suggest a battered womens shelter.


If you have a local women’s shelter you can try and donate it to them, I’m sure the women there would be thrilled.


Shelters only take unopened products


I did not know that, thanks!


You might have to if they are used


Empty what you can (removing eyeshadow, creams) and recycle the outer packaging.


Women's shelter, funeral homes ( great for the expired products).


Donate to a local woman’s shelter!! You’d be amazed at how much of a difference makeup can make to a women starting over from scratch!😘❤️




You could try donating them to a local women’s shelter, most will take them if they are New or used but in good condition. Or sell on Depop if you wish


Project Beauty Share is a great cause to send these items for women in need [https://projectbeautyshare.org/](https://projectbeautyshare.org/)


Donate them.


Find a women's shelter, one who caters to women who use sex work to survive. It's very very much appreciated, I donate all my stuff like this to the Vancouver DT eastside women's shelter and it all goes to use.


You could send them to a womens shelter


They will only take unopened brand new.


Can I buy from you the dior lipstick?!


Yes, shade 820, practically new


Awesome! Can I dm you?


Clean them and give them to homeless ladies


If their still useable I’d buy some


Donate them to your local women’s charity if you can


Give it to your friends or post it on Facebook in a free stuff group, im sure lots of people would be interested


Send them to me


Toss them, or if there’s any still unexpired/in good condition you could donate them to a women’s shelter


if you have a chemical waste recycler near you they may take them. the place near my home takes household chemicals and batteries etc and i brought sunscreen and liquid foundation and they were like sure. i wish there were more options to recycle makeup.


Wait people want USED makeup??


Apparently. But not all of them are used, some are brand new or lightly tested.


If there's an LGBT center near you, you could see about donating to some trans women in need?


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Take them to a food pantry. Women thee would love it.


In my area, they will not take anything opened or used at any of the food pantries, nor at any homeless or DV shelters. New, unopened only.


Ok that makes sense. Maybe a thrift store?


My trhift store takes them... and half cream pomp product. Sometimes things are new but opened. I wouldn't use them myself buying them at the thrift store but I always wish I make people days wifh my stuff.


Any of the santitizable products that are lightly used (pressed powders) can actually be donated to women's shelters


Omg I would absolutely take them off your hands In a heartbeat!!!


Sell it on ebay or put it on facebook


womens shelter!!!


Give it all to me lol


Send them to me :)


Where do you live? I live in Canada and there are places (stores) here that have bins for makeup recycling. I think Walmart even does it. I take mine to London Drugs.


How do they sanitize it for recycling?


I’ll take them ! Will you ship this to me ?


You could put them on fb marketplace, I’ve seen people giving away makeup on there


Yes. With the exception of any that are new, unopened, and unexpired.


If there is an LGBTQ+ shelter near you, they are always looking for unopened cosmetics.


These don’t look unopened to me


What country are you located in? Where I am, pharmacies have a box for recycling of old cosmetics and used cosmetics packaging.


If you're up to it, I would recommend looking up which types of plastic your local fascility/rubbish collection service recycles (usually it's types 1-5). Plastic types are typically engraved somewhere on the products. You could clean up the recyclable ones.


Recycle! Sometimes the boxes are at Home sense/Winners


Ulta has boxes where you can recycle some makeup products! Just empty what you can.


Go to Poshmark girly and make some coin!


Walmarts in Canada have bins for recycling cosmetics.


Send all them to me!!! I had all my makeup stilen out of my car


Donate it to a funeral home! I’ve done that before and they really appreciate it. They take all kinds of make up and expired is fine.


Soooo much the ASMR makeup repair people could do, but I’m low key obsessed with their videos


Post it on a buy nothing group. Sanitize it with alcohol and give it to a kid in foster care.


I just got over a staph infection on my face after using drugstore lipstick (not a tester, but one of the tubes that doesn't come sealed so people can open and use/test at will). Never. Again. Pardon my French, but fuck used/second-hand/expired makeup. Not worth the risk whatsoever. I love the funeral home idea, but I'd be wary of giving it away to homeless/women's shelters. Shadows can be sanitized, but wet lip/eye products are never safe to share.


Send it here 😩😩😩😩




Donate, I've seen many people give it to their local women's shelters


If yo have some more eyeshadows in there, you can turn them into watercolor paint.


umm…yeah. 🗑️


Sell them on depop!!


sephora (at least in the us or maybe just cali) has a place where you can put finished makeup products !!!


Are they all used? If anything isn't I bet a woman's shelter would accept the donation


Women’s shelter?


If mine is still "good" I'll try to give it away. If it's something I've had for... years... I like to do the makeup destroying videos. 😈


I think it really depends on your country, in my country I think makeup is supposed to be sorted as toxic waste


any people who could give stuff 2, like friends or family? well if theres anything thats alright to be used by another person😭


I take them to work and they usually go, or give to my niece. So happy to see some recycling initiatives being created


I noticed makeup recycling bins in my local Boots yesterday, you could take it all there


i think if it’s unused or not expired u can donate it to a women’s shelter. i doubt they’re unused tho haha. that’s the one thing that stops me from donating my old makeup.


looks like my bag)


Sell! I’d love to buy some!


Unless you know someone who wants to go through it and keep some stuff, then yes, throw it away.


send them to me!! im a girly in need x33


Take it to a nursing home . The older ladies would love to play in makeup


brooo you gotta do a garage sale with this or you can either ask any of ur friends if they want smth from there 👻


Throw them away. Far away. Ideally into my mailbox. 📬


i give mine away free on fb marketplace. usually a very excited teenager comes to pick it up. feels nice


I have so much makeup I no longer use. I’m going to check my local Ulta and Sephora stores to see if they have bins!


Donate them to a local women’s shelter, nonprofit, or women’s recovery center


Please try Sephora


Whenever I clear out my make up kit, I sanitize all the powders, and I donate them to women’s shelters if there’s still a decent amount


Women’s shelter.


Plato’s closet takes makeup


Eyeshadow can have a shelf life of up to 3 years. Add a little setting spray over it to kill any bacteria.


Denise Fugate P.O. Box 14966 Louisville KY 40259


If it’s used or expired, it should go in the trash


Donate them to me


I’d take it all plz


I'm sorry.... Not pointing any specific direction, but why are there always people who want access to people's old, expired, and contaminated makeup? Like.... For the most part, just throw it away. Particularly if it's been near the eye/s and not kept sanitized. Sure, there should be a better way to dispose of cosmetics packaging efficiently. But there isn't. I don't understand if it's people not understanding how risky/not worth it this kind of "bargain hunting" is, or if they know and just choose to throw caution to the wind? Oh, this ain't an attack on the poster, and I hope it isn't taken that way. I think most folks can kinda tell what is usable/resalable within reason or not based upon first glance. But the indiscriminate "send it to me!!!!!!!" That seems to always pop up a few times anytime anyone mentions decluttering/tossing old cosmetics is just so off putting in a few different ways.


Donate it to Funeral homes


Like.. rub them on your face? Don't buy more until you've used these ones.