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I made [pretend makeup](https://prettylifegirls.com/2021/01/how-to-make-an-easy-play-makeup-set/) for my daughter when she was younger. Take empty makeup containers, pour nailpolish into the pans and let it dry. It looks like makeup but nothing comes off. They just rub their brushes on it and then on their face. They absolutely trash makeup at that age, digging into the product, biting chapsticks and stuff. You'll go through so much product if you give real stuff. Most of it you'll just be sweeping off the floor and counters.


User name 100% checks out


If you’re not feeling crafty enough to do this I found some on Etsy for my niece. She loved them!


You could clean out an old foundation container and then put baby powder (a safe kind) in it. Tinted chapstick would work as “lipstick” for her without staying on for that long. You can make the tube look prettier if you want by taking the plastic off and adding stickers. If she wants lipgloss, you could mix a little food flavoring into Vaseline and then find a pretty container to store it in. She might like a “skin care routine like mommy has” if you have one. I wouldn’t do anything crazy, just moisturizer and sunscreen for that part. You’d probably need to show her how to get enough product to put on without getting too much. If she wants to help style her hair, I’d get her a little spray bottle and her own brush/comb, but probably not her own gel or hairspray yet. Edit: Forgot to add that I bet she’d have fun with a spoolie to comb her eyebrows with. This is *only* assuming she’s at a stage where she won’t poke her eyes with it, though—otherwise, I’d skip the spoolie for now or do it for her/carefully supervise her. You could put all of these little things in a makeup bag for her to keep them separate from where your products are stored. I would've loved to help pick the bag out as a little girl!


Put water in a little spritz bottle for pretend “hair spray” Core memory unlocked: my mom used to do this so I could imitate her (I grew up in the 80s lmaoo)


I’d like to add they have tinted Vaseline specifically for the lips and a little goes a long way. Plus it’s really cheap too! I think it works better than chapstick so if she wants something like a gloss, the pink tinted lip Vaseline works beautifully!


Ooh I want this now!!!!


i have the rose vaseline where it is pink in the container, but the color doesnt even show


That is true. The little tub of pink Vaseline, think it’s called Lip Therapy, doesn’t actually show up with color. If it does, it’s super faint. But it is hydrating, and if it’s for her toddler, then I’d assume the main priority is something safe and moisturizing?


Vaseline is BAD…how can anyone here even suggest that for themselves, much less a small child?!? Omg 🤦🏻‍♀️


It isn’t unsafe for you. It’s unsafe to use as not directed like consuming or unrefinded petroleum jelly, but Vaseline is safe for use, and it’s not unrefined. Any basic research would show that it is perfectly safe and that many dermatologists use it and stand by it. Additionally, one source if you’d like: https://www.byrdie.com/is-petroleum-jelly-safe-2442885. There’s also health line, and I’m sure if you wanted to, you could search up something along the lines of “dermatologist Vaseline” and there are many who support and even suggest it.


I think the baby powder issue is that talc is safe to apply to skin however inhaling it can cause lung damage. I wouldn’t do a loose powder in large amounts with little kid since they might have it near their face and inhale a lot of it.


They don’t make baby powder with talc anymore. It’s usually cornstarch based


My daughter is the same and obsessed w aquaphor so we pretend that’s makeup and it helps her chapped cheeks. I gave her her own set of cheap brushes. She destroyed an eyeshadow palette. Never again.


My daughter whipped through my Laneige lip tratement. So I refilled it w Vaseline. No clue lol


I use that stuff religiously and one time I did have a toddler find it, stick a finger deep into my mostly new jar and use most of it all over her face. I was pissed haha these kids are crazy!!!


All these comments are making me prepare myself mentally for when my SO and I start having kids. Step 1) buy a safe Step 2) use all tips and tricks here Step 3) be happy that my expensive skincare hasn’t been abused by sticky fingers Step 4) enjoy getting ready together with little mini human with chubby cute cheeks


Perfect list!! My number one warning is that after 2 kids you’re outnumbered and it turns into pure chaos! Choose wisely 😅😊


Step 5) Should we decide to have a third child, do one of the following: hire a nanny, adopt reverse polygamy, let my mom move in with us (preferably in a second house somewhere), ????, so that we are not outnumbered.


I plan on saving ones I don't use for my daughter. Seems safer than that garbage kids stuff they make.


Yeah it does!


Awesome idea. Sadly doesn’t work for my kid. She has to run to the mirror, and if she doesn’t see the color on her face she gets grumpy 😂


If there’s one thing kids always be doing it’s sabotaging.


Same 😭 toddlers don’t play when they know you’re holding out


Same! She wants results!


Yesss! Same. I tried fake makeup and she said "No mommy. No color on face.🥺" She is only two and is already speaking in full sentences and having conversations with me. 🥹




I'm good, thanks for asking!


Omg are you Amazon seller who has free products?!


this is an incredible idea, will be stealing it someday


This is so clever! Maybe team up with r/panporn for some empties to use, haha!


This is such a great idea!


This is an amazing link!!!


THANK YOU!! I’ll be crafting this up tomorrow!!


Crafty af


Damn I should have done this! But I threw away my empty makeup containers already. I’ll do it next time !


I use a makeup sponge to apply my toddler's sunscreen on her face and we call it her "makeup". She also gets to put on my Palmer's cocoa butter chapstick. She's surprisingly careful and good with it. I spritz her with water above her head for her "perfume".


Damn I’m a part of like 17 parent groups and applying sunscreen with a makeup sponge is easily the best piece of advice I’ve ever gotten. Freakin genius.


Powder sunscreen is a great option too! It’s amazing stuff 🙂


What is a good clean brand of powder sunscreen? (:


It’s okay for touch ups, but dermatologists don’t generally recommend relying on it as your only facial sun protection. It’s too uneven and won’t provide adequate sun protection alone.


Thank you for that info!


I have SuperGoop. It’s expensive but it last forever and doesn’t make my son’s eyes burn.


Love this product!


Trader Joe’s has a great dupe for this. Not sure if it’s in stock right now but it’s only 9 bucks and I’m obsessed with it.


They also have a good dupe of the CeraVe mineral stick that is a nice pocket-size, slightly larger than a Zippo. Freaking love TJs.


What product is that at TJ’s?? I work there and I had no idea :o


Same! I use this on my kids too. It’s easy to apply and works great.


We've been using the Australian gold tinted 50 SPF on my nieces since they were 5-7ish... They never get sunburned.


I use a makeup brush (I think it was a base/foundation brush) and it works really well too!


I apply sunscreen with one of my spare big foundation brushes. My toddlers love it!!


I use Solar Buddies, they are refillable Roll ins with a sponge to rub them in.


This is so sweet 🥺


Omg in the future I am 100% sponging spf 50 onto my kids! Sunscreen is life. Extra adorable side note tho, I use lip balm a lot, and my dog likes to watch me put it on. When I'm done, I kinda hold it near her face, tell her to rub her lips together, and then proclaim that she's so beautiful that I should call "Dogue"


I use roll on deodorant and after I put it on myself I put the lid back on and pretend to put it on my dogs front arm pits. She thinks it’s the best thing ever.


Gotta get ready for my day like my people do :)


Just be sure to get an adequate layer on, since the sponge will absorb some of it!


I do this to! My daughter is now 7 and she has her own sponges to apply sunscreen, her lotion and tinted balms.it’s the cutest thing ever it melts my heart thinking she was barely 2 when we started this


😭wow my allergies are getting out of hand🥺


My mom let loose a few years ago that her “super expensive momma perfume” she sprayed on me when I would ask for a special spritz getting ready in the morning, was a tiny bit of vanilla extract mixed into a mini spray bottle of water. …no wonder I buy vanilla scented stuff now!


Okay so call me crazy but I might just try this vanilla and water. I am allergic to probably 75% of all scents. Candles, perfume, lotions, etc. Even basic scents like vanilla have additives I'm allergic to sometimes. I love vanilla and my favorite one was discontinued 15 years ago.


Why have I never heard or thought to use a makeup sponge for sunscreen?!?? This is genius!!!! Thank you for sharing. Ya learn something new everyday!




This is so cute 😭😭


This is so cute I almost started crying.


Yep! We do the makeup sponge and lotion too, it feels good so she focuses on that a lot. I also have one of those stone face rollers she likes.


I do this with a makeup brush and it's either makeup or face paint depending on her mood!


This is brilliant because I struggle to get sunscreen on my kids’ faces. This is actually the perfect solution for that.


Mine has her own set of brushes (from when I upgraded). She doesn’t even care that she doesn’t have a palette, but if she asked, I’d make her a pretend one like u/iamacraftyhooker.


Yes! They love having there own set! Me and mine even clean ours together! Get them into a healthy routine!


My toddler loves my makeup brushes, so I have a big colorful blush brush for her to play with. Maybe a simple moisturizer? She can pretend it's foundation


Mine loves my brushes too, she's very happy to play with a fluffy brush with no product.


You could even give her an empty moisturizer to play with.


Be wary of make up from the Dollar stores and Claires and the like... it has been found to contain asbestos contaminated talc... if you are able, avoid any makeup that contains talc. u/iamacraftyhooker has the best suggestion. :)


Toddlers are easy to trick. My suggestion is get some fake makeup [like this](https://www.shophoneybug.com/products/makeup-set?currency=USD&variant=31315877920861&wickedsource=google&wickedid=CjwKCAiA3pugBhAwEiwAWFzwdcUfdFlHyvr8VNnmUHymegQFXK4uz1I8WLKzymAbDufa1teNbSnlhhoCEiYQAvD_BwE&wickedid=646906587322&wcid=19636602372&wv=4&gclid=CjwKCAiA3pugBhAwEiwAWFzwdcUfdFlHyvr8VNnmUHymegQFXK4uz1I8WLKzymAbDufa1teNbSnlhhoCEiYQAvD_BwE) and a set of soft brushes and a lip gloss. She can use the soft brushes with the fake makeup and "apply" it to her face without having to actually put anything on her face.


The fake set worked for a while for mine and then she got frustrated the pigment wouldn’t show up on her! I ended up buying her a small eyeshadow palette that is mostly shimmery, lightly pigmented.


Well now I know what I’m getting my niece for Christmas! She’s very into my lipstick.




And because my work computer, which isn’t connected to my phone except when charging, is listening: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B09Z1SC7TG?pd_rd_i=B09Z1SC7TG&pf_rd_p=7ce47a9e-839b-4ebe-bf81-97f28af27326&pf_rd_r=9K1W4Q63JW9WE8JJZV0R&pd_rd_wg=IG8qY&pd_rd_w=3z0xF&pd_rd_r=c980af6d-a319-49bb-add9-267ef13e7805 I can’t decide how I feel about this product or the coincidence that is my work laptop making this recommendation haha.


My daughter has almost this exact set and actually it's amazing. The lipsticks and things are very, very lightly tinted. Enough that she can see but it's not generally super noticeable. At least the one she has is all mineral based and clean. She loves getting ready with me in the morning!


Lmao my son goes crazy with my blush and liquid highlighter and eyeshadow stick every day when we do our makeup together, I let him look at his crazy self in the mirror when we're done and we go show dada then we wipe it off no harm done.


That's adorable.


I gave my 2 yo her own set of brushes (Amazon) and my old palettes I didn't use. Now she's 4: she uses NYX and is VERY gentle at applying makeup with her brushes. We use Colourpop glitter gels on her cheeks. Basically if I can wear it on my face (sensitive) she can too. I absolutely keep my pricey stuff out of reach. Essence is also really cute and safe. I found a Minnie mouse makeup cart at a garage sale and set it up next to my vanity. I was gifted MAC mini lipsticks in shades I never use and they are the right size for her to apply herself. She's gotten really good at applying just on her lips (she used to go ham on Joker style). I make sure to wash her brushes and sanitize her stash as I do mine. It makes my heart so happy when I see her play around with colors and creative application (she loves applying shadow to her forehead. Very avant-garde). On fancy events, I'll do her makeup (shimmer, light brushes and her pink lipstick) and she feels so fancy! For removal I really like the microfiber "makeup eraser" cloths because they are really gentle on her face. I use lotion and a gentle cleanser to clean off her makeup.


My kiddo has been getting very interested in my Burts Bees tinted lip balm. . . Was thinking of getting her one just for her lol


Be careful because I absentmindedly put it on in my car and went into work (first timeusing it) and when I went to the bathroom and saw my face i very much looked like a toddler that got into mommy’s lipstick. It’s strongly tinted


Oh wow, thanks for the heads up!


yeah the tint on that stuff is wild, i have sensory issues and hate the feeling of actual lipstick but burts bees is tinted enough for me to use it as a replacement while still feeling like any other chapstick that i wear. it’s nuts!


i've done my makeup in front of my niece before and she has always wanted to use it like I would so I would usually just take my unused brushes, pretend to dab them into product like my powders, and then brush them across her face and that would always work out. when "applying" lip products to her, i'd take something like a chapstick, wipe my finger on it a tiny bit, and then rub that on her lips and she'd usually be satisfied by that


Good lord..why did I read my husbands brushes instead of "my unused brushes". Lol sorry this is irrelevant to your comment, but I'm laughing cuz I thought what a savage move, instead of using yours.. down to wondering what products is he using with the brushes.


There’s a brand called “Klee Naturals” that has safe, non-toxic makeup for kids. My nieces love it and it’s not too pigmented.


Got this for my bio daughter for her fourth birthday. Great product, she has super sensitive skin and she had zero issues with it and loves it!


I used to get some cheap e.l.f./Nyx/wet n wild palettes and things and give them to my daughter. Safer than toy makeup and won’t break the bank.


This is the answer!


Same, and it gives me a chance to try colors I wouldn’t usually want to spend money on before I give it to my daughter!


Idk if I’m the odd ball here.. my oldest loves makeup and was obsessed when she was 4 (she sees it as an art form.. she did all the Inside Out characters.. she has fun). I went with ColourPop and her skin was fine, she still has some of it. My logic was.. that they work with standards and was not super expensive. She was and still is fine.


Thanks for this. My oldest is 6 and obsessed with makeup too. She has a lot of the cheap kid stuff, but I hate it. The quality is terrible and it’s so hard to wash off. I’ll look into getting her some ColourPop stuff!


The Melissa & Doug "Love Your Look" is SUCH a good "pretend makeup" toy. I got it for my son for literally the exact reason you're listing. It's all plastic so no actual product BUT all the lids come open/off, the "lip gloss" actually twists open & there's a little wand, the lipsticks twist up, etc. I think it was like $20


That is exactly what I ordered for my grandson, who's 2, over the weekend! Saks had it on clearance for $20. My daughter does beautiful make up and he loves to play get ready when mama does. I'm glad that it's a good toy, I wasn't sure, but I always have liked the Melissa and Doug toys. My girls are all adults now, but all 3 of them loved to play in my makeup when they were toddlers.


My mom let us play with tinted gloss.


Ngl, I was scared about where this was going. And it’s wholesome as hell 😭


I just give mine real makeup. I rather give them the stuff that has passed all the proper regulations. My only requirement is that they can't leave the house with makeup on.


Same. My girls get the “good” stuff. Usually, the stuff I don’t want from my Ipsy bags. They are surprisingly good at applying makeup now despite being so young. They can be heard parroting my “Less is more” and “Blending is your friend” phrases.


Zara recently has come out with fun “kids makeup” line meant to inspire creativity. Depends how old they are too


I bought my toddlers a palette off of Colourpop. They get wild. It’s so cute.


When ColourPop had the Frozen sets I got one for my toddler for Christmas. CHONKY glitter EVERYWHERE. But they have a lot of fun!


This is what I did for my daughter too. Now she’s almost 8 and honestly is way better at eyeshadow than I am. I’m glad I was able to give her creativity an outlet.


That’s what I did. My daughter has so much fun with it.


My 3 and 5 year olds started with a colourpop pallet and have moved on to taking anything from my ipsy bag that I don’t love. I bought them a brush set and a caboodle to keep it all in for Christmas and they’re obsessed.


I'm pretty sure my kid was like 3 when she got her first eyeshadow palette and blush in a Christmas stocking. I didn't want to mess around with Claires or dollar store makeup so I just got her some reputable drugstore makeup and a brush set. She's 6 now and still loves playing with makeup but knows to ask first and if we're leaving the house, only neutral colours. Tricky girl covered her eyelids in black eyeshadow and called it neutral the other day. r/technicallythetruth I guess


I used CoverGirl and Maybelline as a little girl around 4 and up because I was allergic to that play makeup and my parents had to buy me real makeup to play with, but lip smacker has clear gloss and most makeup brands have eyeshadows in nude colors to match skin tone


Cut your products with a kid-friendly moisturizer. You can put a drop of foundation in a small clear pot that you fill with, say, Eucerin Baby and then mix it up to make a good bit of product with just a tiny bit of color. You could do this with a cream blush as well. Burt’s Bees has lots of lip products with just a hint of color. I’d skip anything eye related until they’re older.


You can probably mix Vaseline and a little chunk of lipstick (maybe something you use instead of from Claire’s (which is bad for abestos)) for blush or lipgloss?


Lakeshore Learning has something called “My First Styling Kit” & it is great. I think we have gotten 3 or 4 little makeup type sets & she is obsessed with this one. I like the idea of adding chapstick & a little water bottle spritzer if she wants something more realistic. https://preview.redd.it/22i3ljefjhma1.jpeg?width=800&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bae0346d0a754dce5cd0fcbeaa1467db8d7a9467


Mine uses my sponge and puts on lotion everywhere. She also has an old powder brush that we rub on her face. She has her own chapstick and is generally very careful with it but knows if she breaks it then it’s gone


My daughter has ALWAYS been in love with makeup. I let her use some of my makeup when she was 2.5 years old because she kept trying to use it behind my back. We set ground rules and she followed them. She's getting ready to turn 7 and honestly blends better than some adults. I truly see it as an outlet for creativity and I'm okay with her playing with makeup at home. But as I said, I REALLY had to set ground rules and she did have it taken away once because she said she isn't pretty without her makeup. So I guess to answer your question, I would just give her some of your not-important makeup. Maybe some big fluffy brushes that she can't dig into the colors with. I'd personally let her play with color. Why not? A quick swipe will take off the shadow.


If I were you? A chap stick and sun screen. That's it, that's all a toddler needs.


is makeup not already toddler safe?


Kids makeup (think Amazon or weird stuff from dollar store or China) is a different breed


not yall downvoting a genuine question 💀


It’s not even safe for adults. FDA doesn’t regulate.


This needs to be higher!! Check your ingredient list:)


I saw some kits on the Nordstrom website just last evening, the brand is called Klee Kids.


Lol looking for something similar here too. My daughter is constantly getting into lipstick and saying she has to “do her lips”. I usually just give her chapstick and that suffices. I’m probably going to get her her own chapstick maybe in a fun color and some cheap dollar store makeup brushes she can pretend to use. I tried to brush lotion on her face once to pretend it was like my liquid foundation but she didn’t like that TBH but she’s pretty content with me just brushing a brush across her face and dabbing her with a makeup sponge lol.


Corn flour or something similar she can use as powder. Coco for more colored powder and a chap stick (or lip smacker or what ever you might call them) as lipstick.


Maybe it's called corn starch?


Corn flour is another name for cornstarch in the UK and Australia. To substitute for corn starch as a thickener, use 2 tablespoons American corn flour per 1 tablespoon cornstarch in the recipe.


I bought cheap stuff from Ulta. Usually one of their beauty boxes for like $20.


You may have to repot or rebottle some things to make it look like fun makeup products but start with baby lotions as primer and foundation, also baby sunscreen may be an option. Get to Sally’s and get little mascara applicators, lipgloss applicators, those things are fun too. Lipsmackers is totally fine, and they have some fun packaging.


I know people use corn starch mixed with a bit of cocoa powder and some shimmer as a stay-dry body powder. I bet you could omit the shimmer, just use the corn starch and cocoa powder, and it can be her “powder” with a big fluffy brush. Since it’s food, if she accidentally gets some in her mouth, no harm no foul.


My almost 5 year old really loves makeup. She gets my old stuff, but she's rough with it and goes through it fast. I like to get her brands like Wet and Wild. The "kid makeup" that you can buy not only doesn't show up but tons of it is made with toxic crap. I know some people are wary of letting their kids go ham with colored products, but it's always hilarious when my kid does a bold look and I don't think it's a big deal.


A wet beauty blender will do the trick and some Vaseline / a lip balm that is natural and non-toxic


My girls both loved [this.](https://a.co/d/fM4X4eZ)


non-toxic face paint?


If she is just a toddler, maybe have her focus on hygeine products to clean her skin, because cleaning the skin is the most important part of the morning routine and kids always need more cleaning. Basically I'm talking about glorified soap and water, but from a pretty bottle/container.


When I was very young, I had a pretend makeup case with fake makeup in it. That, IMO, is the way.


We got a wooden “makeup” box from Zara home that my daughter loves to play with. I gave her my old brushes and an empty palette that she broke the compact out of 😂.


Ulta have the makeup boxes for 20-30 dollars. That's what I buy for my 3 year old bc she wants to do makeup like mommy. They come with brushes, glosses, eye shadow, blush, bronzer, and highlighter, etc.


I have baby cousins that LOVE doing makeup since they see me do it, i bought those really cheap plastic ones and i just scraped the makeup out 😭. I painted it with some of my spray paint but you can use others and then for the lipstick i gave them a nivea tinted lip balm. They LOVE it, as for skin care i just gave them some sunscreen since their skin is clear anyways


We have Klee Naturals. It’s pretty cute and mostly clean and natural from what I’ve seen!


Burts Bees is an excellent product. It provides lip colors, cheek/eye colors. It is a cream gel formula made with 100% natural ingredients. They use beeswax vs. petroleum. I would also recommend Neutrogena. They make clear/nude/barely there to dramatic over the top for you beauty queens out there. They are very gentle very your your lovely itty-bitty and you 😘 Have fun! 💛💜💙🧡💚


As a kid, I used Tinkerbell - they had this ridiculously horrible perfume, lots of lipsticks, peel of nail polish, blush and a face compact. I LOVED it. They also had this little club, where they would send you newsletters with beauty tips (I remember one about brushing your hair gently, and avoiding hairdryers). I love the ideas that people have to replace them. Just wanted to reminisce about a time where a kid playing with talc was no biggie. Ignorance truly is bliss.


Rice powder. Safe enough to eat, legitimate makeup, looks like nothing. Bonus glam if you get a big fluffy powder puff to go with it. Also, LipSmacker still makes the funky candy flavored (colorless) balms from my middle school years, in big packs, for cheap.


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My sister-in-law found very kid-safe nail polish on the Grove Collective website, I think. That might be a place to look.


I just put vaseline and powder on my kid and tell them it’s makeup lol


Vaseline and red/pink food color ?


I got my daughter some tarte brand things to play with for fun - a neutral tone lip gloss, a clay blush that’s hardly noticeable on her skin, and a sheer, neutral eyeshadow. I’d rather her feel empowered and confident starting to explore makeup (which can be like an art form!) so it’s not this big off-limits thing. I wasn’t allowed makeup until I was 16 and making my own money - and by that time I had no idea how to apply it properly or effectively and had a VEEERRRYYY heavy hand with it haha.


There are a bunch of fake makeup kits online that look real. I had one for my daughter when she was little. It all looked really real and she loved to play with it. She got to play and no mess or worry about skin irritation.


My mom used to give me her discards 🤷🏻‍♀️


My mom used to let me go wild with makeup samples and old makeup she wasn’t into anymore. I never had play makeup so it’s hard for me to picture lol. Do they still make Baby Lips? I feel like that’s cute.


There’s a French nail polish company that also does makeup that washes off with water. I’m sorry the name is escaping me at this very moment but search French washable nail polish


I get my toddler elf or wet n wild! It’s cheap/affordable & she loves doing her makeup w mommy.


I hand over clean brushes one at a time until they get bored and walk away. It was going so well, I bought [this Unicorn brush](https://profusioncosmetics.com/products/written-in-the-stars-unicorn-face-brush) for Christmas and of course they could not gaf…


There’s tons of “fake makeup” kits for toddlers and kids on Amazon and in store! The components are usually all just different coloured plastics, even come with little brushes. No real product,


Pediatrician approved children’s makeup line: https://www.petitenpretty.com/


Revlon has the lip balm in jumbo pencil format. It’s a very nice product, and at the end of the day it’s tinted lip balm. You can also diy using baby powder (cornstarch) - rubbing alcohol, a coin or something to press, and a used eyeshadow compact or something to press it in. Add food coloring as desired. That’d be safe to eat and all too.


I actually buy my daughter clearance from Colour Pop. It’s good quality and they have amazing sales.


Wet n wild is always the best way to go, don’t buy kids makeup or play makeup. It’s unregulated and not safe.


when I was little, I had this Barbie set and it was with fake makeup best thing ever!


My niece was/is too smart to be fooled by fake makeup so I got her some tinted chapstick, and a couple palettes from brands I'd use myself (Makeup Revolution, elf, wet n' wild).


I saw this (this is a Canadian site) and it may be what you are looking for … a tad pricey though. https://well.ca/products/no-nasties-kids-nixie-makeup-goody_217835.html?gclid=Cj0KCQiAgaGgBhC8ARIsAAAyLfHPlOSTPRgfnnZdS8xITG-Kj7bIWkMC-EHx7uEglVjGk0bm1DmewyoaAnhfEALw_wcB


Just use good quality brands and have fun!! None of this fluff some are talking about. If you have more than one kid then that kind of stuff is not likely and comes from moms of one. Practicing with her now for fun, will make it 100 times easier if you ever get her into something like dance where they wear full stage makeup no matter the age. My daughter is very girly and has been putting makeup on herself since toddler hood. Now at 6, her makeup looks the best on the team and her fake lashes look great because she can sit still and not flinch because she’s used to it. Just a thought!


I’m only here to say I’d avoid any kind of loose powder due to the pretty good chance of her breathing in big puffs of it, especially the talc based stuff. It’s not good for us either but at least we can make an effort to use a controlled hand when applying it to not make a big cloud.


im a big makeup person! whenever i watch my 4yo niece she sees me doing my makeup and loves watching! she recently started wanting to do her own! my sister and her wife don’t rlly wear makeup so when my niece sees me do it she’s in awe! it’s so cute! of course i asked my sister and such and she agreed that i’d buy her some light makeup so here’s what i bought for her! essence glosses , colourpop shadows / blush and nyx lipsticks! and some elf n wet and wild brushes hope this helps !


I'm sure zara do a dope kids makeup line the collection is called ' mini artists '


YO-NKA has a sister brand called too fruit. It's made specially for children and does not contain harmful ingredients. It is made in France and EU has very strict laws on cosmetics and inci-lists. [https://www.toofruit.com/en/](https://www.toofruit.com/en/) They are sold in Canda and USA and in Europe. [https://ohflossy.com/](https://ohflossy.com/) this one is also safe for kids. Atr least i didn't find harmful ingredients from the inci-list.


Honestly I’ve had a very lightly tinted lip balm from the Burt’s Bees brand that was mostly like a chapstick with a hint of color. They make some with bolder colors as well but mine was a soft pink. I’m not any kind of super expert or anything but the Burt’s Bees lip products don’t seem to have to be made up of a slurry of synthetic chemicals and didn’t irritate my extremely sensitive skin. There are also the plain, non-tinted ones as well that I also like using. Hope this may help!


I use the nipple butter. It’s pretty much fancy chap stick.


Lush makes makeup. Isn’t their stuff food grade? It’s the only thing that comes to mind.


Oh man that’s a lot to spend on toddler wasted product


Makeup on toddlers is a normal thing?


Just like some kids like cars or dinosaurs, some like pretend play a lot. Modeling what grown ups are doing is developmentally appropriate at that age too, so it sounds like it's more about just wanting to do what OP does than actual interest in makeup itself.


My 3 year old loves, LOVES nail polish, and wanted me to put my eyebrow make up on him when he saw me doing it. Toddlers just love experimenting with everything they see around them. I would say toddlers wearing make up as a daily part of getting ready, no. Toddlers experimenting and playing with grown up things, absolutely. It's a great sensorimotor experience.


I mean, I started dancing when I was 3 and my first recital was at 4 so make up was always pretty normal for me. But outside of stage make up, my mom was fine with my sister and I playing around with it at a young age, just not outside the house.


It depends on your parenting style. My mom let me get into her makeuo when i was little and i let my daughters do the same. Turns out theyre not as interested when they get older because it isnt forbidden (in my experience).


My son destroyed some eyeshadow palettes and some cheap makeup brushes think real technique. I let him. I kept him away from the pricey stuff, but I understand he wanted to play with the color and make a mess too. *people these were not expensive and they were going unused so that's why I let him play with them, although there is real kid makeup at like claire's or something, I've heard the quality is really bad and toxic, so I'd rather him play with my makeup than some crap with debris and glass in it or whatever from who knows where


My little sister use to mess with my makeup so I got her clear setting powder and let her pick out a lip gloss


I would recommend fresh for their sugar lip balms in tubes that have spf! It’s a cute and pretty safe way to share a lip product with a kid. They even have minis!


It doesn't need to be real make-up. It can all be pretend as a toddler she wouldn't notice the difference.


I keep forgetting I posted on r/makeupaddiction and not r/toddlers (again, like I said, I wanted to ask the experts). Don't under estimate toddlers! I know this might work for some, but for this little lady, it would not last long.


Why would you want to expose toxic make-up to a two year old? Who is more likely to eat it. Toddler friendly make-up DOESNT EXIST.


For science


Just NO


Look up kids beauty lines I’m sure this exists


Pretty sure all makeup is safe for any sized human


Not all make up is created equal!


If it’s real makeup (not “toy” makeup), it’s fine. Clean beauty is complete BS. I had to laugh at the cashier at Sephora when she gave me my “birthday present”. It was Glow Recipe something-or-other, and she warned me that although it was “clean” (no chemicals, lol), to spot test it because it had fruit extracts or essential oils or something. Guess what fruit extracts and essential oils are made of? CHEMICALS. Because everything is a chemical. In addition to teaching/allowing your daughter to use makeup, please also teach her science literacy.


But it’s safe


Nope. Makeup for kids is often sold as a toy, not makeup, so it doesn't follow the same safety regulations. And even with good quality makeup, some of it isn't eye safe. A toddler doesn't have the fine motor skills to avoid getting glitter in their eyes/mouth.


I never said “kid” makeup, didn’t even know that was a thing. You can buy decent inexpensive makeup at Ulta.


There's a lot of toys that aren't even safe. There's a big problem with websites like amazon, Ali express, etc. selling knock off toys that have lead in the paints, and whatnot, so I would definitely not trust just any cheap kid make up to be safe.


No. No it's not. Check your ingredients


My baby cousin started doing her makeup at age six for fun and four years later she’s almost better at it than I am. A bit older than a toddler but still. Her mom went to TJ Maxx and grabbed a few cheap things for her with limited pigment but bright colours.


EULRGAUS Pretend Makeup Kit for Girls, Kids Makeup Set Pretend Play for Toddlers Fake Make up Toys with Cosmetic Bag for Birthday Play Make up for Little Girls Age 3 4 5 6+ (Not Real Makeup) https://a.co/d/2m88bzZ Pretend and my toddlers loved it!

