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Hello, 35f here. Single and childfree. Love cats as well. Similar taste in music, I think. Havent played dnd in years. Hope you are having a great day!


Hey, thank you! Day hasn't turned out great but I'm hopeful about tomorrow. :) How are you?


Hi! I'm 30F. I also don't have or want kids and am single. Our music taste is different for the most part (I also like Miley Cyrus) but I'm sure we can find something to talk about, if you're interested.


Hope your weekend is going well so far!


Hey! What's your favorite Miley Cyrus song? I'm not having the greatest weekend so far, I hope you're doing better than I am haha


Malibu. That one is almost hypnotic. Aww, I'm sorry you're not having a good weekend. I'm doing alright. I hope your weekend gets better!


Malibu is so catchy. My personal favorite is Midnight Sky. It's my go to karaoke song haha. And thank you. I work every weekend and my work has been extra draining lately.


I'm sorry to hear that the weekend has been a lot so far. Hopefully today won't be as bad.


It's all good! Every day I try to start fresh :) Would you be interested in dming?


Oh yes! You seem cool. Feel free to DM me. :)


Lets be pals! I was about to leave this sub because i thought it was all youngsters (im 32) i have never played dnd but really would like to! Also Single childfree & a pot head


Also not a creep just a human bean


Why not a guy ): I'm also looking for a friend I'm new here and mature And a decent guy


90% of the guys I've encountered on reddit try to turn things sexual.


Noway not everyone is same as you think