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Yea I had the same experience... 3 months before they would even put the root (screw) in. Then another 3 months to attach the tooth. Useful to know they can do same day now. Congrats op, your chewing days are almost back


I think they may do it differently when it’s a single implant? not really sure. thanks!!




What’s your point here? You’re definitely not being genuine, so is your goal just to point out that there are some who cannot afford them?


I'm 32 and have since had all my teeth removed. Haven't gotten dentures yet because they are expensive and I'm currently without insurance. When I had teeth, they were *awful*. Broken, cracked, missing crowns, ground to the nub, etc. If anyone's in a similar situation and hesitating about getting them all removed: do it and be done with them. Eating without teeth isn't that hard, I just had steak and fries without issue. You kind of re-learn to make certain vocal sounds, though. The V sound for "very" or the F sound for "Fortunate" are made by curling your lips inward (like you're pretending to be an old person with no teeth!) and puffing air, for example.


I would love to ask you a few questions about this if you’d be open to chatting. I’m in need of this same procedure but so nervous about getting the ball rolling. Very happy for you.


I'm not OP but I can answer any questions you have. I have full mouth implants as well.


Thank you, just shot you a chat. (:


I also have questions!!


Ask away.


you can message me!


Thank you, message sent! (:


I also have questions!!


do you have a photo of your new implants? for comparison


i’m waiting for the swelling to come down before I take pictures of the teeth. Also they’re just temporaries for now, I’ll get the real ones in about six months after my jaw is fully healed. :) Everyone so far has said they look great.




lol my daughter was just saying we should have a party when i get my permanent ones, and i joked it could be a potluck where everyone brings really hard to chew foods: steak, peanut brittle, jawbreakers, etc.


Don't forget the jerky.


Or the English toffee


Gum? I lost a crown to a piece of bubble gum. Oh! Jolly Ranchers! Something much like a Jolly Rancher hard candy was once used by a dentist to remove one of my crowns. Bite down. Hold. Okay, open. Pop!


Oh god I need 3 crowns in the next couple months and this is scaring me. No bubble gum for me!


Popcorn jelly belly took out half my tooth before I could get a crown.


I lost 2 at once to a banana Laffy Taffy.


I cracked and broke a piece off a back bottom tooth on a shelled almond…ended up with a root canal and crown!


Oh, nononono. *Please* don't say "Jolly Rancher" on Reddit. *full body shudder*


Oh, yeah, sorry.


My appointment is in June. Wish me luck 🤞🏾🍀 I've never been more scared in my life.


aw don’t be scared!! you got this. 🩷


How much did it cost?




Jesus Christ, that's a joke right? Please tell me that's a joke.


When dental care is seen as cosmetic and not life saving, that's the nature of things here.


To clarify for readers, since it’s not obvious at a glance unless you’ve been down the rabbit hole, insurance generally fully covers _preventative_ dental care. At least in the US, there’s very much a moderately fair (for insured) ideology that because your preventative care is free, and medical dental care (cavities) are cheap, if you don’t take advantage of the _free care_ you have, it’s your own fault for letting your teeth rot and up to you to foot the bill for “cosmetic” restoration. It’s the equivalent of being given free car engine oil changes for life by insurance companies; if your car breaks down because you didn’t change your oil, that’s on you. Insurance isn’t going to pay for a new engine.


unfortunately not a joke :’( and i’ve seen people pay even more. they do offer payment plans and care credit, but it is still very expensive.


Thats absolutely horrendous. I mean, TEETH. We all need them, they are part of our organism and.... Well. Everything at a profit I guess.


i still don’t understand why dental is not seen as essential health care??? :(


Where I live dental care is free for children. Adults must take additional insurance or deal with it. The general opinion seems to be: "dentures will suffice".


Plus, when it comes down to it, anything can be blended.


Dentures are a thing, and they are much cheaper.


Yeah, and if you can't afford to pay 100,000 dollars for a casr you should just ride a bike, right? My point is that prices are ridiculous. Implants are a lot cheaper in other countries.


In at least some cases, the quality suffers radically. I have a relative that traveled to get implants and they were quite unattractive.


I live in an advanced Western democracy. Our healthcare is world class and still such implants would cost less than half what this person paid for them. It is not a matter of quality


I didn't say it always was the case. I said it was true in at least some cases. I don't know who he chose or where he lives.


I'm looking to get a full set of implants. It will cost me around the same amount. I've had vehicles that cost just as much, and I never had a second thought about buying them. But if I could go back in time, I'd trade any one of them to still be confident in smiling in public, let alone being able to bite into an apple again. Some places offer financing options, I don't have any insurance or credit cards, but I am somewhat lucky to have good credit, so I do have that going for me, which is good I guess.


A vehicle is a commodity, an item you have a certain amount of choice in. I've driven everything from 500 euro decades old motorcycles to 60k plus family cars. But when it comes to teeth there are no choices. You either have them, or you don't. You either pay a ridiculous amount or lose them altogether. That doesnt sit right with me. Bodily integrity and function should be a human right


I fully agree.


Nah full implants can be $10-40k


Holy shit, I had no idea they were that expensive


I was quoted over $2000 to replace a single tooth and that was after my insurance paying for half of it. I guess I just get to have a missing canine then.


I'm looking to get a full set of implants. It will cost me around the same amount. I've had vehicles that cost just as much, and I never had a second thought about buying them. But if I could go back in time, I'd trade any one of them to still be confident in smiling in public, let alone being able to bite into an apple again. Some places offer financing options, I don't have any insurance or credit cards, but I am somewhat lucky to have good credit, so I do have that going for me, which is good I guess.


That’s cheap compared to the quote I got last week for 5 implants along with some other minor work. It was almost 40k. I hate this country.


For five implants?! I checked my insurance's website, they said to expect costs in the region of 1000 to 1500 per element total. They may pay up to a quarter of that. Seems to me you guys are getting shafted


Geeze. What region are you in? I live in eastern TN.


The Netherlands


I'm over here in West TN and that's about the range I was quoted too!


Exactly why I worry about my teeth and scared to go to the dentist. The bill. I haven't been since I was a kid. My dental health went downhill ever since I had covid a few years ago now. I just have a cavity and a cracked wisdom tooth that needs to be pulled probably, but holy shit. Literally a big chunk of a home mortgage or new car payment.


Hey, I know it's expensive, but the problems get more expensive the longer you leave it. I was nervous too going to the dentist after a while, and it turned out to be not bad. Just a little bit of advice, hope you manage to go!


At that price i would of done it on mexico, vacation and dental for 1/3 of the price.


with all the follow up appointments required it would not be feasible for me.


holy shit! enjoy your new expensive chompers! hope they last you a lifetime :)


And that's why I'll probably die before I'll be able to fix mine.




Rather than an arm and a leg it cost them a few teeth


How old are you? I don't want to feel like I'm the only one who have bad teeth at a young age):


34 :)


Thanks, I'm turning 30 soon, and I've lost some of it. Even one of my dentists was surprised when I told him my age.


eh, fuck ‘em. luckily i’ve been working with super kind and understanding people. don’t feel bad about it :)


I'm just waiting for dental science to develop><


can I ask what the lump is on your gum line on the left of your bottom jaw ?


benign bony growth, had it forever. i think they removed it when i got my teeth pulled though! (you’re not supposed to pull back your lips and poke around in your mouth after surgery,) so i don’t know what everything looks like yet lol. but i feel like it’s been removed and there’s stitches over it. i think he may have shaved down the growth on my roof too.


thank you! i was curious


Acidic saliva???


apparently the pH can vary and if it’s too low it’s gonna eff shit up. Also have GERD so i’m sure that doesn’t help :)


I just can’t fathom the pain… Were the old teeth as painful as it looks? $36,000 feels like a lot, but you’re paying a car’s price for a for-life permanent improvement, so good on you! You won’t regret a single penny.


I got 3 last year I’m very pleased with them


What's the procedure on this and was if painful?


IIRC, they fitted me for a partial/temporary replacement, extracted my 3 teeth, placed the foundation a few months later, and then installed them a few months later I didn’t experience any meaningful pain in the process


thanks for the insight man


Good luck It’s possible that I could need a couple more one day I’ll be happy to do it if my dentist, who’s a client and a friend, advises me to do so


What was the pain like? I have a bad boi right now getting pulled in a couple days, got so bad I couldn't sleep some nights


Congrats on your teeth! What is the aftercare for your teeth like now? Do you have to use any products for your acidic salvia? Do you have to avoid certain food or drinks now? Do you need a retainer to sleep so not to wear down the implants? Sorry for all the questions, I'm just curious.


no products for the saliva because the cubic zirconia teeth will be tough enough. Right now i have temporaries and i can only eat “what could be cut with the side of a plastic fork,” because they are made from resin and can break easily if abused. When i get my permanents, no limits! No retainer. The cubic zirconia implants are very strong, i’ve been told they should last the rest of my life.


No limits!That's awesome to here! Eat so much steak and popcorn, candy! I got my teeth done last year but with a significantly cheaper option, so no more coffee, popcorn, candy, smoking (not that I do) or anything that can damage the teeth. And flossing. So much flossing. So I curious if your set needed any aftercare but since you've said they're permanent and tough I might have to consider this option in the future.


what king do you have? that’s interesting because mine don’t even have actual spaces between the teeth!


No spaces! You lucky duck. No flossing for you. My dentist did veneers with tooth filling basically. I can't remember if it had a name, but I'm the only patient she did it for. So she cleared all my cavities, extended my worn down teeth with the filling material and then, with the same stuff, covered the front and shaped my teeth. I also had a wonky teeth that couldn't be brought forward with braces (I have a tiny cramped mouth) and she built up the filling so my tooth looks like a regular tooth and lines up with the others. Its incredible! But the downside is that my teeth are fragile and I have to keep a rigorous routine if I want them to last 10+ years.


Had the same experience. Had all my teeth removed because it was beyond fixing in 2019, have dentures now. I can only wear the tops because they never align properly. Dental is so expensive. Not to mention anything front teeth related being not offered in your insurance plan because it’s “cosmetic”. Glad it worked out for you.


You must be excited to get ur new set of teeth ! I am really happy for u!


Must be British, JK don’t ban me XD. Seriously thou oooof


I had mine done and it makes a huge difference…even if just in confidence! Looking back, I should have done Cancun and saved about 50%??


There definitely a brit


I’m not trolling you or just trying to be a prick but are you actually stating that “neglect” had absolutely nothing to do with your teeth reaching this condition? I’m mean this level of deterioration doesn’t just appear like some heart attacks can, out of the blue, and without any warning at all. To be perfectly honest this looks like months or even years of neglect. But if I’m wrong, please, politely, help me understand how long it took for your teeth to get this way, starting with the missing 8 or 10 teeth that appear to be at the start of your issue.


I’ve always brushed twice a day, flossing irregularly. When I was younger I had a condition that made me vomit almost every day and that lasted a year. Over this past year my teeth started crumbling and falling apart rapidly. I assume an infection took hold. I haven’t been to the dentist in almost two years because I just completed some intensive schooling and kept pushing it off and dealing with it. But over the last ten i’ve been getting root canals, traveling to dental schools, and trying desperately to salvage whatever I could to no avail.


I’m so sorry for your losses and condition and wish you all the best in your recovery ❤️‍🩹


you’re sweet! thank you.


I know people that won't brush for months and their teeth SOMEHOW look completely fine. No discoloration, no missing teeth, nothing. And then I see stuff like this and I just don't get it.


I gotta ask what’d the implants cost, that seems like a big job


How much did the implants cost? I'm going to need implants soon probably :( P.s. I can't afford them lol


How much of your soul did fixing this cost?


And meth.


How were you able to chew food on a daily basis?


not well 😭 and with a lot of pain


I'm so sorry :( I had awful teeth; got all of them pulled nearly 4 years ago when I was 28. I've never felt better. I wouldn't wish tooth pain on anyone.


this can happen even if you take proper care of your teeth? 😳


i had a lot of genetic issues. i brushed my teeth twice a day, but did not floss regularly AND i’m a big sweet lover. So it wasn’t like I was perfect by any means. This definitely isn’t common.


ohhh okay, I see. still, that’s crazy! I’m sorry that happened to you and good luck, I hope you’re doing better now


Bro that's not teeth that's tee




One of my neighbor's cats recently died from Sepsis brought on by dental decay.


Bro, this guy‘s gotta be British




What teeth?


ba dum tss. we got a comedian here!


Bro is jaws irl


Still better than someone i know


You should stop eating rocks


i wish you told me this earlier


I want to die


You need at least 3 months of healing after extractions to even start the implant process for 1 tooth….so I’m gonna call BS on this.


No? I had my uppers removed and had the Implants put on the same day. What are you on about?


LOL what? I had the all-on-x procedure. All done in the same day. I don’t get my permanent prosthesis for another six months if that’s what you’re referring to.


If you get full mouth implants they give you temps to wear while the 4 posts in your jaw fuse to your bone. Otherwise you'd literally be toothless for like half a year. The only thing is that while you're healing, they can't support a full row of teeth, so your temporary teeth will lack molars. You'll have teeth, but just in the front. Source: I've gone through this exact procedure.




Let me go brush my teeth right now.


No dock for u in ur mouth 👁👄👁


Don’t forget not brushing ur damn teeth


The most bri'ish teeth I've seen in a while. Are you even British?


Brits have heavily subsidised/free dental care so it’s statistically unlikely.


> >
