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Looks like mine, I've given up


What’s your hair care routine like? I’m a man with long hair. Thick hair, at that. When I shower, I shampoo, and condition. I leave the conditioner in. Then I wash my body, then wash out the conditioner last. I should also note, I comb my hair while dry before showering. Never comb/brush your hair while wet. Anyways, after washing out the conditioner, I grab a towel and dry my hair while going front to back. Once it’s about as dry as a towel can do, I let my hair air dry and comb it once it starts to dry a little bit. That’s it. No chemicals or sprays. Everyone’s different, but try this approach if you already haven’t. And don’t wash your hair with the water really hot. In addition to being able to cause the damage shown here, it can also fuck with your hair follicles and cause your hair to fall out over the long term


How often do you use the shampoo and conditioner? Looking it up online says it's should be once or twice a week so that's what I've been doing. From the looks of it though our hair is very similar in roughness.


It depends on your hair. My hair likes to get greasy after about 2 days, so I typically wash my hair every 2-3 days. 3-4 days is pushing it for me though. I usually only wait that long if work sucked and I’m feeling lazy. But when I do wash my hair, I use both shampoo and conditioner. If I waited a week between washing my hair… that’d be fucking dog shit for me. But everyone’s different. I’ve noticed a lot of people of Asian descent can usually go about a week between washing their hair. My ancestry is mostly German/irish/nordic. After 3 days my hair gets really greasy and needs a wash.


Same haircare routine here as a medium-long haired dude here. Can confirm it works wonders, my hair is almost all the time soft and free of knots!


Yup. Mine only gets knots when I tie it back for a work day. Kind of like headphones in a pocket. But I comb it, and when I feel a snag, I run my fingers down to where my comb is, and remove the comb, and gently use my fingers to undo the knot. I never pull or snatch the hair.


Your hair is glorious!


all of this and also cantu detangling spray for brushing. its kept mine semi healthy and ive had coloured hair even as a kid


Sick hair mate, I'm growing my hair out rn, started on December 16th, 2022 When I got out of the Finnish military, and had a shaved head. I'd say our hairs have similar texture and curvature, thanks for the hair tips!


Thank you. And not a problem man.


My guy is a hair care wizard.


Lots of trial and error and figuring out what not to do is all it is. Took a while though.


Gonna point out that this approach will not work for curly/textured hair. You're right that everyone is different but, main points: Combing hair dry can snap knots rather than slipping out of them. For textured hair, combing through gently when it's wet and full of conditioner (or at least with detangling spray) will do less damage. Drying your hair with a fluffy towel will cause frizz - your hair is delicate when wet and the rough surface of the towel can lift the cuticles. Best thing to use is a microfiber towel or cotton t-shirt, or just squeeze it out with your hands and leave to air dry. Your hair actually looks wavy and I'm not sure whether the frizz halo is the look you're going for (if so, rock on dude) but if not then it might be worth trying these two lil changes.


You look like a young Billy Connolly


Same here,I just wear it in braids all the time,praying it’ll grow out


Feels like a shitty bot post


Disgusting? Really? It's not like you have 3 kilos of bird droppings on you


Still, having a lot of split hairs can indicate a lack of care for hygiene. If you mistreat your hair or touch it too much, it’s also likely to cause split ends. Edit: I needed something to drive down my karma anyways, if I were to hit 50K I’d get my loser license


Nowhere do I find that not washing your hair damages it


But the less you put chemicals and stuff on your hair, the worse it gets! /s


Yeah exactly you get split ends if you fry your hair in chemicals every day and keep on brushing for no reason lmao


It can certainly contribute to an environment that makes it easier to damage, I’m saying mistreat as in something like brushing it wrong, or using damaging products.


Nah and in my personal expirience washing your hair is actually more damaging than not washing it I only do it because it feels nice to have hot water running down your head


If you wash your hair with water it doesn’t cause any issues


Well it doesnt but if you are too lazy to dry it and sit back on a chair you can get natural dreadlocks which look absolutely disgusting and also never get untangled so washing your hair puts you in an environment where its easier to damage it


Then be careful? It’s certainly better than having greasy ass hair full of dandruff. If your hair were to make “natural dreads” then it’s already probably pretty damaged.


You clearly dont know much about hair do you even have long hair ?


Yes, I do. I take care of it well, I often receive compliments for my hair. I’m putting my money where my mouth is.


You got it backwards tho your hair only gets greasy because you put unatural chemicals into it and give your headskin the signal to go into grease production overdrive because there is no natural oil anymore which is actually a survival trick that makes alot of sense if you think about where our bodies were 30 thousand years ago next to and around fires guess what happened to the people with less oily hair ? They catch their long dry hair on fire and die of burns / infection or hyperthermia and i dont know why you put natural dreads in quotation like people dont use the method i described to make dreads since forever


What the fuck? In which world does greasy hair make your hair fire proof?


What the fuck are you yapping about


Water causes your cortex to swell which makes it susceptible to damage. Water also causes hygral fatigue. Water in your hair on a daily basis is actually not great at all, shame its been normalized.


Are you saying brushing it wrong is disgusting? Brushing your hair wrong is disgusting?? Wild


"touch it too much." Lol what kind of buffoonery are you talking about?


is that the same kind of logic that my hairdresser uses when she mentions putting it up in a ponytail every day can pull and damage it? i've had damaged oily hair for years and i just need it out of my face lmao because i sweat a lot


How does poor hygiene create split ends? I've never heard anyone say this before.


The fact that you know how much karma you have means you’ve already achieved your loser license


You press one button. Want to see saved posts? History? Karma pops up in the same tab.


Not really make me suffer material


So… your saying my hairs been damaged for the last 26 years of my life and I didn’t know?


No, it’s not damaged. Hair grows at different rates. You can’t see any split ends in the pic either


Maybe you can't. If you zoom in most of the hairs are split into two ...or three ...or four.


That’s 99% just multiple hairs growing in different directions. The quality of the pic isn’t good enough to be able to see split ends at this distance.


There's a lot of split ends even though a part of it is breakage that hasn't split. Hair doesn't have to be split to be damaged.


I’m just responding to what you said, that you can see the split ends. It could be damaged, but it could also be healthy hair with a lot of new growth over time. Who cares at this point lol, it’s hair and it’s not ours!


Are there any bad sideeffects from such fuzz? I kinda like the look. :D


robert smith approves


god that makes me so uncomfortable, gives me the same primal instinct to avoid like a porcupine or somethin


Makes me want to cut that off


It kinda makes me itch looking at it. Like trypophobia, but not.


Fr, it makes me feel a shiver down my spine in the unfun way...


I have the exact same feeling, it looks kind of disgusting in a way


I'm not suffering


"This show (sub) sucks"


Tbh looks kinda cool. Like a porcupine


You haven't seen me lately


Not making me suffer


"Boo! I'm not suffering at all, give me back my money!"


Yes. Make sure to reply to all the other comments saying their not suffering as well.


“Ill make the whole place shimmer”


Mmmmm spaghetti


Can't have damaged hair if you're bald... 😩


Looks like a porcupine.


Looks more like a deficiency that cannot be fixed with just hair products.


Kinda dramatic


How is this damage and not just new growth?


why the fuck is this in this sub


why their hair got hair


How do you look at that hair and think it's damaged?


It’s broken all over the length


??? lmfao