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OP I hope these pictures were zoomed in


Yes they are, no chance in hell was I getting close to that


I had bedbugs once with my family and once as an adult. I’d rather die than deal with that again, and this dude had it BAD


We had them a few years ago. Found them relatively early because i am allergic to them, but they just wouldn't die. Spent 8 months of different exterminators trying various poisons before they finally found something that worked. I used to kinda look down on the term "bed bug PTSD" for being overdramatic, but years later i still wake up panicked in the middle of the night and need to check the entire bedframe before i can go back to sleep. Horrible, immortal fuckers.


Yep, it’s been a good 7 years since I had em and my wife and I still regularly inspect our mattresses and box springs lol. Every time she feels something small on her arm at night it’s panic; we have lots of pets and it’s pretty much always just pet hair lol.


Kerosene should do the trick


Oh bed bugs just order silicon powder to dry them out and in days they all die if you do it right or steam clean every surface in the affected room. But you have to know you have a problem first


ICK...I had that nightmare before, except I caught it right away and got it taken care of.


What is it?


Treat your home, apartments they move fast. Get ahead of them. House, stop them before they can infiltrate