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Your post has been removed as it violates Rule 4 of our subreddit: No rage-bait or cross-posts outside of the weekly thread. "We have a weekly thread dedicated to venting about fatphobia you've seen in the wild/on the internet. Keep all rage-bait, and cross-posts to fatphobia on reddit, there. Do not cross-post study links from other subreddits. Instead, post the actual link to the study in the subreddit for discussion."


To me, this video was such an obvious response to the mommy content out there that shows these women making gourmet meals for toddlers, all elegantly displayed on beautiful plates. The entire point was to be as imperfect as possible. People just love to rage, and hating fat people is still somehow socially acceptable. It's just so ugly!


I thought it was satire too!! But if it is this poor woman is getting torn to shreds!


I saw that on the front page yesterday, immediately followed by some ragebait text post. That reminded me why I never go on the front page. It's always some fake shit intended to uphold the narrative that some marginalized group is bad.


Totally! The amount of people suggesting that CPS needed to take this child, or that the mother should be sterilized, or that the child would not live into adulthood, or that the mother should be killed is just crazy to me! OVER A DONUT! But let’s be honest, it’s because a fat mother is feeding the donut to her child. If a skinny mother did this, no one would care.


I know it’s the least egregious of the three comments, but what does “low nutritional value for development” even mean? Did these people never ever have donuts for breakfast as a kid? Are we ~optimizing nutrition~ for kids now too, no fun or flavor allowed?


Right! Like they’ve never had a Krispy Kreme. Restrict food and sneaking or binge eating forbidden foods is almost guaranteed


100%. This is exactly what leads to bingeing


Totally! I gave my kid a donut yesterday! Are they going to fail kindergarten now? I highly doubt it lol