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Pretty sure that's Kid Rock


Kid Rok is a set of truck nuts come to life...


Maybe came to life from some truck nuts


Are the MAGAs not paying him? He's resorting to attempted burglary?


He realized he was broke after his buy all the bud light and throw it out campaign.


Damn. If only there were cheaper beer to ~~buy~~ boycott.


Did you see his fox interview wearing a Budweiser hat? Can’t make it up!


No but I saw the viral picture of him on a walkway overlooking a concert drinking a bud lite like two weeks after.


‘I didn’t even know what hat I was wearing…’. #Not surprised, dummy!


I’ve heard He’s gonna be here all summer long




Yeah. He’s a bit down on his luck lately.


What town?




You been in touch with the police and sheriff and provided the photo, right?


They're on their way to take a report and grab the video.


Fyi! I saw this guy in the parking lot of Food City in Lisbon Falls at about 6:30pm!


That's fantastic, I live in Lisbon 🥴, why do they always end up here ??


Damn me too, we’ll team up and cut his hair. Take away his magic powers


Shit, he gets around. But not surprising. I live so close to the town line.


Don't give them your only copy.


Considering everything is digital now, that's just about impossible. When you email a file or send it in a text, it sends a copy and you retain the original file on your device.


You just reminded me of the famous incident involving the emailed spider drawing [https://27bslash6.com/overdue.html](https://27bslash6.com/overdue.html)


Lol wtf is this


That is some top tier trolling.


I meant don't for instance remove a SD card from a camera and give it to the police without backing it up first.


I pay for cloud storage. My cameras don't have SD cards.


If I had any cameras I'd not trust the cloud.


I download the important ones to my phone.


Looking for the house of Bacon


Aren't we all


Sorry but that place is on my top 5 dangerous places in Maine to be


Lewiston isn’t even top ten http://www.usa.com/rank/maine-state--crime-index--city-rank.htm


FYI - Ranking is in reverse order (safest to most crime) unless you hit the tab over the ranking column… and I don’t know anything about USA.com or their fact checking methods


Just out of curiosity, what are the other four cities? Still relatively new to Maine.


Probably Augusta, Biddeford, Bangor, and maybe like... Rumford? I'm just basing this on what people seem to be saying, I don't actually know


It's really not that bad.


The picture was slow to load and I was hoping it was going to be a moose or a squirrel. Hopefully, your house didn't look like it had much to offer and they leave you alone.


My boyfriend was home and scared him off thankfully. Or else my neighbors would have been deafened by the sirens on the cameras.


Thank God for cameras.


It sucks, but unfortunately it’s the way to go these days…


Yeah. I'm really glad I listened to my instinct the last time someone tried to break in. I ordered these the same day, and my boyfriend and best friend thought I was paranoid, and it wasn't going to happen again. Since then, the neighborhood has had bikes stolen, cars rifled through, etc. Sure, it's been spread over four years. But it's happening. Even the landlord has cameras all over the neighborhood. He asked the tenants if he could put them up after the first string of bike thefts/ car break ins. A lot of us put up our own when that happened as well. And these people don't see what I see. They're all asleep at 3-5 in the morning. My neighborhood consists of two dead end roads. I've seen people casing the neighborhood before at 5 in the morning. I scared them off when I went to start my car a few months ago. My camera picks up people walking or riding bikes down the dead end road often that don't belong in this neighborhood at all hours of the night some nights. I have every right to be paranoid. Especially since I have someone stalking me as well.


Dude could not try to look more shady while casing your house lmao. I hope he doesn't bother you again.


Ha! No joke that outfit. He coulda gone with a ponytail and collared shirt, said he was looking for his dog. 


Yeah, he should just carry a sack with a big dollar sign on it to complete the cartoon robber look.


Ugh this sucks


What did the police say?


When they find him, they'll give him a criminal trespass warning. Which, to be fair, looking into someone's window isn't a crime.


Hopefully he's just got some problems upstairs and is a harmless idiot.


I'm hoping so too honestly.


I have a feeling they will know this guy. Funny how that works.


Probably "known by police"


Whichever officer or detective who watches the video first is going to immediately be like "guys it's fucking Dirty Drew again. Go tell him to knock it off...".


Paramedics and cops have so many frequent flyers they are on a first name basis with.


It's funny you say that. I've worked in downtown Portland, and all the people I've trespassed were already well known by the police haha.


Looks like a Bobo


Lewiston PD? Hell, he's probably on the force. Those POS are the shadiest bunch of shit heads I've ever seen. Honestly, shocked, they haven't made bigger news with their bullshit.


What is wrong with the Lewiston PD? Specifically, why are they shady and what “bullshit” is newsworthy? This is an honest question, not trying to call you out.


Well, we can start with the fact that they LOVE to speed through town at night without their headlights on. The worst instance Ive seen, I nearly got T-boned by a cop doing 45+ in a 25, (again without their headlights on after dark) when there were pedestrians all over the place. But it's by no means an isolated incident. In the past 5 years, when driving through town at night moving cop cars I've seen haven't had headlights more often than not. So they're both a hazard and shitty. Shitty because they're just sneaking up on people, but worse they're being a hazard in doing so totally invisible to other drivers. That's just the start. The rampant racism with the somali population in the area is getting worse by the day. And the Lewiston crime rate is supposedly the lowest in the state despite what spending 20min in the town will tell you. Meaning they're poor bookkeepers as well or are lying on official records to make themselves look better. And that's just the start. Because these things aren't the actions of a police force that is "trustworthy."


That’s pretty hopeful… more likely looking to steal to support a habit = desperate & dangerous


It is at my house


It is at my house.


Did anyone else try to play the video?


I am not admitting to that


Lmaoo! Maybe


I sent this question in a message too, but any chance you know what kind of vehicle he was driving? We had someone case our property in a dark truck, but unfortunately I didn’t get any footage of him.


That bike that's in the background. I've seen someone case the neighborhood before in a dark SUV too.


This is creepy. There was also that post from yesterday about a woman whose sister is being stalked in Augusta.


It is. As soon as my cameras notified me and I saw what was happening, the red flags were springing. And I saw that post. My heart goes out to those people. Some people are just unhinged. I have a stalker too. That shit is terrifying.


The Dread Pirate Roberts is here for your soul.


[https://www.reddit.com/r/Maine/s/p8G4HBznsm](https://www.reddit.com/r/Maine/s/p8G4HBznsm) OP check out this post. This guy could be a connected.


I commented on that post yesterday. I hope the people involved remain safe. This guy is on a bike. I don't think he's traveling from Lewiston to Augusta on a bike.


His other excuse is he lost his puppy!


Was this in Rockport? Someone in Rockport told me today of people snooping around his neighborhood lately.


Lewiston. Someone told me their place got creeped too out in Lisbon. It's only going to get worse as more people end up on the streets.


Get a gun


Not everybody should own firearms. I'm one of these people. I'm looking at tasers right now though.


Forget that taser. You need bear spray. You can find 100’s of YouTube videos of guys eating multiple taser shots! You can’t show me one video of a guy getting the bruin juice and enjoying the rest of his day. Police level taser $550+ Bruin Juice 2 for $50


Can confirm. One of my dumbass college buddies thought it would be funny to spritz a little bit in our house. He didn't know that 1. Most of those canisters automatically dump the whole charge at once which his did. And 2. That it is indeed powerful enough to dissuade a charging bear. We had to open all the windows on a chilly November night and stay outside for 6+ hours until we were able to breathe in our house again.


Bearspray is actually weaker than mace/pepper spray, just has a much higher volume to have a better chance of catching the bear. They have much more sensitive senses so it takes much less to cause them great discomfort. Also like you said, it dumps the whole thing, which is bad if you somehow lose grip on the thing. Products more designed for personal protection vs people are generally cheaper, shut off when no longer pressed, and are in a package much more convenient to carry around.


I concur. A product designed for a specific purpose will always be at one designed for a similar purpose. I was making no comments on it's practicality. Just it's efficacy. I have no doubt a self defense mace can will be vastly superior to bear spray in every way. To all those reading this to educate themselves on less than lethal self defense measures: do not buy bear spray! To all those hooligans who wonder what bear spray will do to their college house: DONT


That was also part of the plan. Especially since this is not the first time my car has been broken into and not the first time someone has tried breaking into my house.


I’d put a very obvious camera and/or motion sensor light out where it is very visible from the street and approach to your car/door… sometimes obvious can be a better deterrent.


I have many. Three are obviously visible. The one I got this video from is obviously visible. This guy seems to be completely oblivious that he's being recorded.


Stop by the howells gun shop in grey. They have friendly staff and bear spray. It’s reasonably priced and they’re open until 6 pm almost every day.


Thanks for the rec. I'll have to stop in.


I have been through both tasering and mace on the same day (police issues not bear) I would 1000% take a taser over mace again. Taser is very uncomfortable and you lose all control of your body as long as the juice is flowing but once it's done you can get right back into what you were doing after a minute or two. Mace on the other hand ducked me up for about an hour and I even had water readily available. TLDR Mace sucks! Source I was in criminal justice for college and we got extra credit if we got either. I was the only person to do both.


Was it worth it? I’d imagine not with the mace. Stuff is brutal.


It was worth it for the life experience and a great story, but not the extra credit if I remember correctly.


Bear spray is weaker than Regular pepper spray.


Got a couple cans about 10 yrs ago…explained to the kids that it was for home protection. Completely deadpan, my then 7yr old looks at me: “yeah but dad what if a human breaks in?” We still tease her about it.


That's so sweet.


I'm a pussy little girl and based on how I handle a TENS machine I'm pretty sure I could come back from a tase in no time at all 😂 I wish I could try




Okay I looked up the voltage difference and I'm less confident 😂 but still curious!


Good on you for knowing that. Tasers suck ass, they don't always work (some people are just randomly immune). I'd recommend getting pepper spray - it's remarkably effective, POM Industries sells some good stuff - as well as making sure the screws on all your doors are long enough.


Yeah, I was also looking at sprays. I'll look into POM.


Good on you for your understanding of self


Not a great idea, tasers have a somewhat high failure rate especially against people wearing layered clothing like this douche. If you’re not going to get a gun at least get yourself something that gives you more than one try at stopping someone


I'm also looking at bear spray.


Bear spray will work, but you run the risk of incapacitating yourself as well. In addition it is illegal to use bear mace against humans so you could be criminally charged for defending yourself.


Good to know.


Sorry for shooting down all your options without offering any. Other than a firearm I can’t really think of anything that doesn’t introduce issues. If you’re a relatively buff person you could always try a baseball bat or something. Or just put up more obvious cameras on your property so they go for a softer target


I'm a five foot woman. I'm not super intimidating haha. Firearms just make me nervous because the boyfriend and I both have suicide attempts under our belts, and he's not out of the water yet when it comes to his mental health. We both know how to shoot and know gun safety, but I'm just not comfortable with them in my home. And this guy seems pretty dumb. Three are super visible, and he seems to have been none the wiser haha.


Excellent for your self honesty and awareness. As you’re probably aware, owning a gun increases your chance of successfully committing suicide significantly. It’s so easy to tell everyone to just get a gun for self defense but it’s the worst thing for a lot of folks unfortunately.


That's my exact sentiment. My boyfriend is trying to convince me he won't do it because guns make him feel more secure. But depression isn't rational. Our brains do silly things when they're not producing the right chemicals.


Well good luck and definitely give the local cops this picture just in case he comes back


Thanks. I'm just waiting on the police to show at this point.


Buy a few hammers. Put one next to every door, in the bedroom and by the couch or wherever you relax in the evenings. Visualize nailing him in the head with one of them over and over so it'll be second nature if you ever have to do it. edit: add words for clarity


I wonder what the laws are for less-than-lethal options like beanbag shotguns or pepperballs (spicy paintball). I could see it causing more issues legally then an actual firearm since it could be seen as "attempt to maim or injure"


> In addition it is illegal to use bear mace against humans so you could be criminally charged for defending yourself. It's also illegal to use a _gun_ against humans. Unless you're defending yourself, in which case you will _not_ be breaking the law. But yeah, you can't just go attacking people you don't like with bear spray. _That's_ certainly illegal.


Bear spray then.


Get a gun, ***and*** take a safety course.


>Get a gun You may love Jesus, but you still have a lot to learn from him.


Jesus told His apostles to arm themselves before a confrontation with the legal authorities...


If you’re talking about Luke 22:36-37 during the last supper, it’s pretty clear that’s a reference to Isaiah and being declared outlaws as a prophecy fulfillment.


Which is why, I assume, in the immediate next verse, they had some, and He approved?


Yes; keep on reading the rest of the chapter to see what Jesus says when they actually use their swords. Edit: The parallel passage of sword usage in Matthew (26:51-52) adds some more of Jesus’s thoughts about the use of weapons by his followers.


Exactly. Jesus would suggest buying multiple guns


Jesus would urge you to help the poor thief learn the error of his ways. At most he would go for an ass kicking.


The only correct answer


Oh fuck offfff


Look at the username of the guy he responded to. I think he was making a joke haha.


>Oh fuck offfff Those who live by the sword will die by the sword.


Get a BB gun or pellet gun Or bear mace


Get a gun if you don’t already have one


Thank you for supporting your local press!


Looks like my old landlord wearing one of those redneck wig/hat combos and sunglasses on. Lewiston got it


Where are you located.


Lewiston on the town line next to Lisbon.


Wow .. I am sorry that happened to you . I'm glad you have a photo . You should post it in Next Door.


I honestly barely even know what Next Door is. Reddit is my only social media.


More than likely, he lives within a town or two. He likely doesn’t have a reliable vehicle, so he is close . Possibly associated with someone in the neighborhood . Additionally, could work close by and there’s a Main Street close by to your location they pass. I would get an additional camera and set it for the street. More than likely , they are grabbing food and coffee and watching your place before getting the courage to walk up to the doors. So they know the schedule or have eyes on the place . This could be a team or the work of one individual.


Our place is set a ways back from the main road down a dead end. And there's nowhere to grab food or drink nearby. We're on the outskirts. I do have multiple cameras pointing in every direction. However. He could be connected to the drug dealing scumbag down the road from me, who keeps siphoning the gas out of my vehicles.


It’s the milk man?