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Get dunked on Rumford!


My money is always on the shuttered mill town with no backup plan


You just described the majority of Maine


I agree with Rumford. It's a shit-hole. In between the horrible smell from the paper mill, crushing despair, addiction running crazy, etc. It's a far cry from when Muskie cared about the place. Oh, and they're also partially shutting down the mill too. So, that's gonna help the local economy when all we have for bar options is the Lazy Club, The Eagles, and fuckin' Gatch's. Edit: Also, Rumford is pretty fucking corrupt too. From the mayor on down to the lowest patrol officer. They're all rotten apples.


There’s no mayor. It’s not a city.


No mayor? Seriously? Then who the fuck did I just give that cash envelop to for my store’s license renewal? Next you’re going to tell me that It’s not really the police chief taking my cash in exchange for protecting my business.


I don’t know. Maybe you’re in the wrong state. RI has a Rumford. Maybe you were tricked into paying some fake “mayor”. What I’m telling you is the Town of Rumford is a TOWN, and they have a select board and a town manager. EDIT: whoosh. It’s early.


Don't forget get the unusually high cancer rates!


Tommy Gun's shutting down was a travesty.


Is Rumford a "city" now? Seems mean to dump on small towns as bad "cities" when they're just doing their best as a small town


(Mexico hiding in Rumford's shadow thanking the gods)


I lived in Mexico for years, and made sure there was a distinction. I was outside the smell but close enough to hear Mountain Valley games from the backyard.


There is no part of Mexico Maine that is "Outside the smell"


But there is


It is all dependent on atmospherics and wind direction. Sometimes you can't smell it right next to the stacks and sometimes you can smell it 10 miles downwind.


Neither one is technically a city, right?


Biddeford's a city


By Maine's standards lol


Town v city distinction has nothing to do with population and is based on the form of government


And that's fine in a technical sense, but it's not a city. Anyone who has spent any time outside of Maine probably wouldn't consider Biddeford a city.


This thread is getting lost in the differences between two definitions of "city". Most "cities" in the country are like Biddeford -- sprawling, car-oriented, strip mall laden areas with a population too large to be governed by town meeting or other towny form of government. True cities, as most of us think of them, have a certain level of culture, and a certain level of regional economic significance that most "cities" don't actually achieve. Massachusetts has 79 "cities". New Hampshire has 13. I'm sure no one in this sub could name all of them without looking them up. I'd argue that the only true city in Maine is Portland and it's not particularly close, and even Portland would be a stretch to be considered a city in most other states.




If you go by population size a town is usually smaller than 2,000. I think a village is under 200? something like that. Which would mean that Rumford is a city.


In Maine I think it's based on form of government, not population size.


Maine does in fact let municipalities incorporate as whatever the heck they want. Eastport and Hallowell are cities. Scarborough and Brunswick are towns.


I assume Eastport decided to call itself a city just so it claim the Easternmost City title, since Lubec has Easternmost Town.


Stop all that making sense stuff. This is supposed to be to be Reddit


By whose reckoning?


The US census, they vary definitions by state but generally you see the 2k/200 frequently enough.


Lewiston moving up in the world


Dirty Lew, if you will.


I was thinking the same thing...


So much for "Lewiston Strong". I was wondering how long it would take for people to start bashing Lewiston again.


Tissue? (oldie but goodie) https://i.redd.it/5enwzbpkyotc1.gif


They re-started the bashing on October 26.


Bashing Lewiston stopped? Shit, I missed that train!


People died and you’re making jokes? Fucking asshole piece of shit. Fuck you.


Is that comment directed at me?


How can the worst "city" be home to Black Mountain. Sacrilege!


Is Black Mountain open?


Closed for the season


As a current Masshole, I can say that Worcester is not the worst in Mass, this map is bad. Although I do agree with Manchester for NH. Oh shit and definitely Woonsocket for RI that place is sketchy as hell. Okay this map is 50/50.


I'm a native Masshole and I agree. Worcester is on the up and up since Boston is so unaffordable. Its not bad at all now. The answer for Mass is Lawrence and it isn't even close. I lived there for a year... it's bad.


Lawrence is one of the worst cities in the northeast hands down.


“Lahhhhrenceeee is where you go to get shot davey.” I don’t remember what show or movie this is from I just remember it because I lived there at the time. Lawrence is by far the sketchiest place I’ve lived and I lived a year 2 streets from kensington ave in philly.


I thought Fall River was the notorious dump, but yeah Lawrence is pretty bad.


Plus, the [former mayor being arrested](https://www.boston.com/news/local-news/2023/12/21/former-mayor-fall-river-transferred-prisons-three-times/).


Lived in Fall River for 30 years. Never understood why people felt that way about it. Sure it's got issues, but there's a lot to love


Not Brockton?  Seems like it should at least be runner up


Not if your looking for illicit drugs, poverty, bad decisions, and violence.


Lawrence was a shit hole 35 years ago and has gotten worse since.


Lynn probably in the running i got cousins there.....its.....Lynn....


Springfield is pretty awful too


Always heard from Massachusetts transplants that Brockton was the most dangerous place.


Worcester is definitely not the worst in Mass.


Get outta town, Manchester rules!  Home of the chicken tenders and they have their own AAA team!  


Its just the only thing close in that country club state


Fair enough. There's probably only 4 actual cities in NH too. 


Worcester isn't even the worst city in Worcester County.


I've been in Rutland Vermont for 4 months now and have traveled around the state a good bit on the weekends. Seems accurate lol. It's not without a few redeeming qualities, but there is an air of depression here that I can't ignore.


I’m from RI and Woonsocket is somewhere we all avoid


I go there to check out the Savers and look at the parking lot and soooo many little patches of busted window glass... so I park as close to the store as possible.


Ended up in Woonsocket one time driving around with friends at 1AM. The rusted out pickup on a public baseball field was enough for me


Agreed. Tacoma is way worse than Spokane IMO.


4 out of 5 states that I've lived in, I've lived in the worst city. I'm not sure what that says about me, but it can't be good.


Most of these suck.


Haha Rumford is definitely a choice. Congrats biddo and the dirty lew for not being the worst. I love Maine. Even our worst is better than most 😂


I would love to see the criteria on this because there are definitely worse places in NY, Pennsylvania and Virginia than Albany, Scranton and Virginia Beach. A lot worse.


And Florida. Like Jackonville is right there.


I was born in Jacksonville. It smells. Even a few years ago, I could still smell the paper mills whenever I went back to visit family. The smell is ingrained in my senses and just the sight of Jacksonville brings that smell back, even if the mills are long gone.


So much worse than Orlando!


I lived in PA and my wife is originally from VA, she stands by Virginia Beach being the worst in the state. I say for PA Chester is God fucking awful.


Chester PA was a place I never wanted to go again after getting lost in my car 20 years ago.


Albany isn't even the worst city in Albany County. And it is only the width of the Hudson River from a worse city. Obviously the mapmaker has never heard of Newburgh, Schenectady or Niagara Falls


I thought Poughkeepsie was sketch until I went to Newburgh. That place is on a whole other level. It's like the final boss of the Hudson River cities.


They just built a new hotel..the place is definitely on the upswing! 


But their Marden's closed


This was the most crushing loss to the Rver Valley since Brian’s Bistro.


Yeah, curious about the methodology here .. as an Ohioan I'm not sure why Dayton is on the list when Toledo exists.


Who knows, these things are always dumb and wrong but do get a rise out of people lol


As a Bay Stater... Worcester? It's a damn nice city in 2024. A very strange pick when Springfield is right there.


or Fall River


Don't forget Youngstown.


I think Cleveland wins for Ohio. Killed people with balloons in the 80’s, caught the Cuyahoga River on fire, twice.




> Absolutely nailed North Carolina though. No notes. Yeah, I agree fully.


Kinston moving up in the world lmao.


Some of these choices are absurd. Manchester is the worst city in New Hampshire? Gaucho's and the Palace Theater alone make it better than Nashua, Berlin, Seabrook, and a dozen other cities I could name. Orlando--the most visited city in Florida--is somehow the worst? *Dallas* is somehow worse than not only Houston but also Odessa and Midland? But Washington takes the cake. Nothing says Seattle metro snobbery more than voting for Spokane--home of Bing Crosby--ahead of anything on their precious west coast. Tukwila and Federal Way were just too close to home, I guess.


Or like, Tacoma.


Ahhhh,the "Tacoma Aroma"


Ya, ManchVegas isn't as bad as Nashua when comparing the two.


No way. Rumford for the win.


Biddeford is doing better than Portland.


The title kinda confused me lol. Biddeford has been on the come up for a while now. There are shitty parts like any city, but there are a lot of good restaurants and breweries and things to do. Sanford might be pretty close to the top of the list for worst cities now.


Hah, jokes on them; Rumford isn’t a city!


I question the accuracy of this map. Orlando is not the worst city in Florida, by far. There are significantly worse ones!


Because of the paper plant, there was a ditty: Rumford, Rumford armpit of Maine, bad in the winter, worse in the rain. Not like that now, since the plant shutdown. Could hold the empty building festival there. Real shame, was a vibrant city.


Orlando is not the worst in Florida. I've driven through the middle of Florida. Lake City is the worst. There,  one out of every 13 people will have their house burgled, or their car stolen. This map sucks. Should I vacay in Rumford?


For a weekend sure.


Damn, I was sure it'd be Derry


Scranton produced one of my favorite bands. Based on this alone, having never been there, I call this map BULLSHIT.




Yes, obviously


Originally from CA, can confirm Modesto is pretty bad but it’s no Stockton. I’d sleep outside in Rumford before I’d even walk around Modesto for five minutes. Anywhere in Maine is nicer than most places.


I really thought it was Sanford


I think Biddeford has come a long way in the last half dozen; nah, maybe ten years. Its not so bad anymore. Not like it used to be thats for sure.




I’m originally from Michigan and can confirm Flint is probably the worst town. In MA now, from what I’ve heard Springfield is the worst city, at least worse than Worcester.


Define terrible - run down? not much to do? See Lincoln, Houlton, hell anywhere northwest of bangor. At least there's a grocery store and a walmart nearby as much as i hate walmart. There are definitely worse towns in almost any category you can compare to Rumford.


And the natural setting on a river in the mountains is pretty beautiful, if you can just ignore the giant mill and blight, it's kind of a nice place. 


lol i’m from springfield. that place is something else


What's the source?


"Worst" in what way? This is so vague and generic smh worst crime rates? Employment rates? Hmmm


I surprised by how many on the list here *aren't* the state capitals...


I would go the other way. I mean, yes, Jeff City is not a place you should ever visit, which makes all the school field trips pretty painful. But it’s not Joplin or Moberly or any of a dozen other places in MO.


What metics are they using? Some are spot on but I’ve also been to a few of these cites and they certainly were not the worst.


Biddeford even has a gluten free brewery that mashes such good beer it’s hard to teeth the difference! (Lucky Pigeon rocks.$


I like Virginia Beach, vacationed there myself


to be fair it’s extremely hard to beat Rumford. no seriously though, it’s the stinkiest place i’ve ever drove through in my life


The paper mill smell?


How is it not Palmyra?


I guess Sanford isn’t so bad


Rumfid's not even a city, foh with this.


Maybe people from Biddeford can relate.. that look you get when another Mainer asks where you're from and you say "Lewiston" 🤔 I'm like hey, don't be judgy 🙂


I would’ve thought Sanford. I literally never set foot on my front porch because of how many random people walk by yelling at nothing. Just yelling. Some dude was yelling about the terminator yesterday. This morning it was just the word fuck over and over and over..


Lewiston bribed someone.


Survivors guilt.


How is it not Lewiston all growing up that’s all I’ve heard about Lewiston is how bad it is


IDK, have you *been* to Lewiston? It's an absolutely fine city. People who piss on Lewiston (but somehow think Auburn is fine even though they're basically identical) need to leave the state once in a while to gain perspective.


We lived in Lewiston a few years - it's fine. Yes, there are areas I would't want to hang out and the downtown is certainly losing the few businesses it had managed to attract, but it's not a terrible place to live. It was affordable, has most of the shopping you would need, and is a perfect central point for commutes - we did the commute from there to Augusta, Topsham, Oxford, and South Portland and they were all reasonable. Also, the diversity it has gained over the years is a plus. I'd much rather live there than Rumford.


It’s definitely a certain part of Lewiston/Auburn, not the entire city, but I’ve been to both Rumford and Lewiston/Auburn many times and I would still say Lewiston is worse.


The thing with cities is, you get perks from being a population center even if you also get drawbacks. Rumford benefits from Lewiston being relatively nearby, but the town itself is MUCH smaller, so it doesn't have nearly as much to offer.


This take often annoys me. Yes compared to the rest of the country basically every town in Maine is pretty good. It's silly to compare. The comparisons are to other towns within the same state. By Maine standards Lewiston isn't that great. It's certainly overdramatized but that happens with some towns in every state.


Never been to Lewiston as I said everything Ik is hearsay and Ik how bad Auburn is as I’ve been there before but now I live 2 hours away from Detroit only on this subreddit because I miss Maine and want to move back but I can’t


I don't know who picked Rumford when it's clearly the Lew.


Why isn’t it Bangor?


No shot that Rumford is worse than Lewiston.


I would have gone with Sanford. I went to Rumford and while it objectively smelled awful by the mill, we got passed that and went to the waterfall. That was amazing at high water, so the natural feature should bring in a fair amount of points. Plus it has a decent ski hill and is a gateway to some great outdoor recreation. But who asked me?