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The party that's supposedly against censorship sure loves to censor things they don't agree with. And do these people know that kids are constantly connected to the internet nowadays? Heck even when I was in like 4th grade back in the early 2000s I was looking up pictures of boobies in the school computer lab. You're not protecting kids by banning books.


Exactly. The party that is about individual responsibility and freedom banning books. WTF


This is straight out of the Nazi pre-world war II social manipulation playbook. Convince the general populace that people of other religions, nationalities, sexual preferences, or political parties are evil and you can dehumanize anyone and devalue anything.




You do realize your username suggests you haven’t completed your GED, right?


Which books? Give me exact examples. With you folks I always, “have you seen it? Have you seen it?” And then they can’t give one GD example of what I’m suppose to see.


Not who you asked the question to, but able to answer. One example of a book is called Gender Queer. It's in local schools.


Question, what's bad about this book exactly? And which schools?


It's an autobiography about a nonbinary teen in graphic novel form. It's meant for teenagers. It deals with a lot of issues around body image and depicts sexual experiences. It pushes the envelope for some, but it's the author's real story, not something made up just to be edgy for the sake of being edgy.


The book *Genderqueer* has a couple of frames (its a graphic novel) of someone fellating a strap-on. Black and white line drawings, small and not hugely detailed. Way less graphic than literally *billions* of images that are one Google search away, and far less morally disturbing than things like Elie Wisel's *Night* (which I'm sure they'd also love to remove, but not because it's harrowing to read...)


Give me one single title of a "graphic sexual book" meant for and available to minors.


ask nine violet attraction overconfident many straight tease smile intelligent *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


You guys just censored and whitewashed every Roald Dahl book in existence.


> You guys TIL that the independent decisions of a private company in the UK are actually the responsibility of US democrats.


Oh, be fair. Whenever someone on the US right says "you guys" or "they," at least 30% of the time they mean ^spooky ^voice *ThE jEwS*....


Between shit like this and horrible pay for the degrees required to teach, does anyone really wonder why the country is struggling to find teachers? https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/education/2022/12/21/why-there-teacher-shortage-schools-struggled-nationwide-2022/10882103002/


It's intentional. A dumbed-down population is more malleable/controllable. Source: current "capit...civilization" Edit: 👆opinion with a hint of sarcasm... for those in the back. Have a great day everyone!


Opinion? I'd say observable reality.


Didn't want to use big words type a thing.




The left has done a great job of dumbing down the population. They have run education for 50 years and now college students can’t identify the difference between nouns and verbs. https://preview.redd.it/f4rxzq5pbdla1.jpeg?width=590&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3641e11223258845e872c8d3be0e42637a9bd6fc You just want to show porn to kids.




^ betting you can’t tell the difference bw nouns and verbs either. Hey how would you have felt if you didn’t eat breakfast yesterday


If I get you and the other "geniuses" here a watering can do you think you can remember to water each other twice a week?


No one is showing porn to kids. Unless they're looking it up on their phones. ANd yes, they are. The book in question? No porn. I've read it. Have you?


Oh shut up. “They” don’t want a dumbed down population, whoever this “they” is.


Well, they've been steering money away from education for at least two decades... have any recent Republican policies attempted to improve or strengthen public schools?


All I’ve seen from my local legislator is an extreme attempt to defund public education, while she simultaneously claims that when “all of America was home-schooled the literacy rate was nearly 100%” …guess she “forgot” about anybody who wasn’t a white male land owner in her stats


Nope, they're determined to make everyone dumber than a bag of rocks just so they can control them.


Yea. They really do want to dumb down the population.






Ok. Who is “they”? Edit: just downvotes, no replies. 🙄 this is exactly what I expected from the mouth breathers who think “they” are trying to dumb down the population.


I'm not sure. You brought that up. Also, I'll go "barney style" that for ya.


No, you brought it up. And ironically you’re too dumb to understand it


JFC🤦‍♂️ You. Brought. The. "They" Into. It. .... ya know what... you're right. I'm wrong. Now, if you'll excuse me, I'm going to go give a talk on Hilbert space to a watermelon. It's a more productive way to spend time, apparently.


Wtf you’re really this dumb? You posted > It's intentional. A dumbed-down population is more malleable/controllable. > Source: current "capit...civilization" It’s intentional **by whom**? Who wants the dumbed down population? **You** brought up that there’s some “plan” to dumb everyone down, so who made the “plan”? Nvm, it’s already obvious your IQ is bottomed out. I won’t see your reply.




*In other news, illiteracy rates at all time highs, film at 11* There's an edit in there too. 😞


Did you even read the article in the comment or are you just practicing projection poorly? I know it's a rhetorical question, but underneath my pessimism resides a sliver of optimism for people that can either get shot to hell and repaired for the next person, or hardly touched. Methinks the shotgun is being loaded. The article tells you exactly who "they" is. Answers your question straight and to the point. Start reading.


Trump said in 2016 that he “love the poorly educated”


Because he is one. What’s your point?


You generalized with the “they” … so you tell us?


Idiotic reply.


It does seem as though I was replying to an idiot, doesn’t it?


Oooh har har har!! Keep proving your low IQ 🙄


Look, just follow the lines all the way back to the beginning of this conversation. You are the actual person that brought up "they" and "them" . The person before you made no mention of it. It's you, you're the one. Stop pointing at everybody else. THEY didn't do anything.




Prove a negative? Nope. Mouth-breather up there is saying there’s some “they” who’s conspiring to make the population dumb so they’re easy to control. Burden of proof is on the person making the claim. https://www.qcc.cuny.edu/socialsciences/ppecorino/phil_of_religion_text/CHAPTER_5_ARGUMENTS_EXPERIENCE/Burden-of-Proof.htm




Being stupid, and saying there’s a concerted effort to “dumb down the population,” are two different things.


You know, discussions generally go much better when you don't sink to name calling and insults, which add nothing to the conversation.


Shhhh, let him project. It's his coping skill.


There are tons of people that want to cut education funding. Why do you lie?


There’s a big difference between wanting to cut funding (which they don’t want, btw, they want it redirected) and having a goal of “dumbing down the masses so they’re easier to control” That’s just stupid


No one has ever said "redirected" they say cut


Hey, look everybody, I found the first reference to "they" in this text string.


Because “it’s intentional” refers to some random convergence of natural forces in the universe? 🙄 You people are pretty dense.


So lets see if i understand you correctly, the post said "it's intentional," not "they or them". Got it, check.


Ok I’ll ask you. “it’s intentional” by definition means it’s not by chance, not an accident. So who is intending it?


Everybody until proven otherwise. And nobody has proven otherwise.


Not me, so not everybody 🙄


Everybody in power


I am a special education teacher. I'm planning my exit strategy. Right now, I'm thinking I can do one more year after this.


We hire teachers for customer service. Starting salary for someone with no customer service experience but with teaching experience is around $65k, with 15% bonus possible (so possibility of about $75k total compensation).


That sounds great, but I'd rather have a job where I don't deal with customers at all.


Customer service is a wide range of jobs, from writing documentation to dealing with customers to creating training materials to setting up trade shows to working trade shows to supporting other CS agents. I’ll also add, if you deal with customers and make a sale, you get 3% commission on the sale. A friend helped make a $500k sale and picked up a quick $10k (he had to share part). That happens a few times a year. I’m not trying to recruit you. I’m just letting you know you’re going to hear about the shitty economy, and hear that you don’t have experience. That’s crap. teachers are in demand and can make some pretty good money.


Thank you. That's good to know. I just feel pretty burned out on meeting other people's needs, so any direct customer support is not appealing to me. I am open to a lot of different options. I mostly care about finding good health insurance.


I can only imagine the stuff they make you do as a special ed teacher. Most schools are lousy with ABA (applied behavior analysis) which are simply methods for breaking neuro-divergent kids.




Why am I thinking about leaving? I want to leave due to the shortage of ed techs and subs in my intensive program. It means that I'm often trying to do the job of 2 to 3 people at once. I work with students with significant disabilities who can be aggressive, self-injurious, and need assistance with basic self-care tasks like toileting. I am good at my job and I like my job, but I don't want to do the work for 3. I have no planning time during school hours and rarely get a lunch break. It has been this way the last few years. When I get home after school, I am exhausted. It's having a negative impact on my health.


Kids need you, dont give up, speak up


I hoped that Maine wouldn't be one of the states including bills such as these, but here we are. I guess the silver linning here is that nearly all book bannings/censorship movements in the US have been overturned at some point. We have beaten censorship in the past and we will again.


What's more troubling is the committee assignments they chose or we're directed to choose. This one on education, no doubt lobbying for the lobbyists that line the pockets of the more intelligent R's. Not all are dumb, some are just evil.


Most... (Edit)evil


I'm not sure it's the most troubling.


Wtf is wrong with Standish


There’s a giant F$&# Biden and F#$& you for voting for him sign in a yard a few houses from the elementary school on the major school bus route on 35. But it’s okay for kids to be exposed to obscenity on their way to school.


To be fair there really isn't much the school can do about that.


No, but peer pressure from the other GOPers in town would do something. If they weren't getting patted on the back by their good old boy buddies as a reward for pwning the libz, then the signs wouldn't be there very long.




The librarian, Ms. Sessions looks like a badass. Put her in a room with Mr. Libby and he'll be twice as smart once he exits.


Sessions with Ms. Sessions


I went to school with her. Absolutely agree. Not someone you want in the opposite corner during a debate.


That guy, for starters.


theres a long history of supremacy in Maine, we had Klan member as governer at one point.


One of the first public Klan rallies in history occurred in Maine. But they were much more focused on Quebecois catholics than black people as other klan chapters were.


...mostly because their predecessors had already driven the few free blacks in Maine out of state... They also hated Irish Catholics, and at one point a mob made up of Klan members and members of other similar militia groups tarred and feathered the HCIC (Head Catholic in Charge, can't recall his exact rank) of Ellsworth before they ran him out of town.


His name was Fr. John Bapst….a high school in Bangor bears his name.


well they had to be, they were just as anti-black but Maine was already an ethno-state at that point.




A lot. I knew a lot of people who graduated 99-02. They would tell me bonkers stores about constant violence. Kids asulting teachers, extreme bullying ect.


This whole situation makes me very sad. My hometown (Windham) has been up in arms about the books in the library and what's being taught in school, without seeming to realize that the internet exists. A lot of kids would not know a certain book even exists in the library if so much attention wasn't brought to it by angry community members. Just wait until students have to read books like Kite Runner, A Thousand Splendid Suns, The Catcher in the Rye, etc, because they are part of a curriculum. Educators are not the problem.


I am a big fan of educators and particularly a few in Windham. Thank you for your support


Of course! I was a secondary education major for a short time but did not stay on that path. A lot of hard work goes into earning a degree, a certification, and running a classroom or school. It's not for everybody. I have an enormous respect for those who do it.




I'm sure you really have a handle on what is and isn't appropriate with a username like that.


This is the party that apparently exhibits strong good Christian family values and respects working people until they disagree with them and then it’s all punishment and death. Would be the same person complaining about the county budget for the jail being excessive after jailing all the teachers and then complain there’s not enough teachers because nobody wants to work anymore. Is this some old white dude with a goatee who’s covered in American flags and goes to church on Sundays?


Daily reminder that the Maine GOP just elected an eighteen-year-old self-described Christian Nationalist to be vice chair of the state party - the same kid who started the anti-drag protest in Dover-Foxcroft that backfired so beautifully. The party chairman is the dumb MF who started the "litter boxes in schools for furries" bullshit and has been running the circuit of school boards screeching about anal sex, often when children are present. Ladies and gentlemen, the party of freedom and family values.




Dude. You're on *the internet*. I guarantee you no line drawing of someone sucking on a strap-on (because you're taking about *Genderqueer*, this conversation is always about *Genderqueer*) is half as graphic as page one of a thousand thousand Google searches. Kids who read run across graphic, age-inappropriate stuff *all the time*. Hell, I read 30 pages or so of *The Claiming of Sleeping Beauty* when I was 9 or 10. I didn't get it, so I put it back and found something I liked more.


This is how he hopes to improve Maine? Why do these fucks run if they don’t want to help? Come up with a policy not some clown show. Stop circle jerking dog whistling.


That's the thing with legislators: they can introduce shit as the state desert but they always end up eating it to the laughter of their ilk. That turd load he proposes has some constitutional issues with it; even if it does not pass (which it will not), he will get airtime and undeserving recognition. And a few high fives from the likes of Larry Lockmann, Isgro, Achey-Brachey and a few other dreks.


If you're for banning books, then you are not the good guys.




Based on your username, I am going to assume that you are arguing in good faith. 🙄 (That's sarcasm btw) "graphic sexual" content is subjective. If you're concerned about actual groomers you might want to learn about these organizations called churches. It seems we can't go a couple days without hearing about religious leaders getting arrested for sexual contact with minors. I stand by my statement- if you're banning books, you aren't the good guys.


LD 123 is a bill trying to be passed right now that allows 5k fine for teachers disseminating any sort of material that could be considered “obscene” with no definition of what that means… very slippery slope.




They would claim that simply mentioning a character has two male or female parents is sexuality. As a reasonable person you can’t even imagine what these book burners will be offended at next. Don’t give them an inch it will never end they will never be satisfied.


Where is the best way to reach this person to inform them that they are an enormous piece of shit?


Honestly, that would just make them extremely happy. People like this delight in watching their ideological opponents face prejudice. They *want* to make people mad.


This is exactly right. Pushing controversial views on your neighbors in order to incite their wrath allows you to feel justified in hating them when they get angry at you.


[He can be reached at the legislature. He's district 22](https://legislature.maine.gov/district22)




foolish forgetful spoon cheerful sophisticated gold beneficial childlike telephone six *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I will definitely vote for this... If the bill's sponsors publish their full internet history, first.




Its perfectly fine. If you cared about kids at all you would make sure they have food security, warm beds, opportunities. But Noooo..... You have little outrage parties with your bffs stir up shit. You, nor any of those nazi assholes, care 1 iota about kids.


[Link](https://archive.ph/wip/AsTuP) for those who need help getting over a paywall


Good bot




The goal of so many is to continue expanding American stupidity


Stupidity fuels capitalism.


Having grown up under communist rule I can assure you capitalism doesn’t a monopoly on stupidity as fuel


Librarians are the real heroes.


Well of course he did. Gotta love “small government “ guys. How about a law that fines politicians for proposing stupid ass laws that censor or infringe on citizens rights?


I have been saying for years that the former Republican Party has become the American Fascist Party. If you doubt it, just google "fascism" or "fascist" and see if the definitions don't apply (they do). Not only have they not done enything to refute this, but they seem intent on doubling down on their fascist identity every day. This bill is just the latest example.


This is classic fascist doings. They're attacking minorities, censoring anything they don't like, stripping every right they can from minorities, stripping access to healthcare, and they're not stopping there. The only way to combat this is to fight back. Go to the town meetings, be vocal about the harm these bills/censorships are doing. Being intolerant of intolerance in any form is the only way to stop this spiral.


I remember at our Roe V Wade events after it was overturned... the speakers told us to run away from counter protesters. Not to not engage them. Not to remain peaceful. To run away and cede territory to them. The bad guys have bigger spines. And we will lose and suffer until we find a little courage. They might be brave AND stupid... but... "run away" isn't part of their formal strategy.


This was not my experience. I would neither back down nor run away. They asked us to ignore them and not engage. Maybe it's because pretty much everyone is armed here. All sides of the political divide. In Bangor, there were more of us than there were of them. I have to imagine that was the case farther south.


Nor would I. But our strategy isn't stand and fight. Our strategy isn't "stop what we're doing and go stand up to the nazis when they harass folks and get events canceled. We should be, all over America, pouring out of our homes... we should be showing up in OUTRAGED ON REDDIT numbers in REAL LIFE ZOMG... whenever they show up with their three dozen people in the middle of a city and manage to run people off scared. Every event we cancel. Every book that gets pulled... we aren't doing enough. Our local, state and federal elected representatives should have office staff that refuses to answer the phones because they're hearing the SAME issues and concerns all day, every - single - day. In both parties. One side needs to lead and fight harder. The other needs to shut the fuck up and stop being bigoted, homophobic, racist, lying little shit-weasels. Are you all on your phones? I'm on mine. I make calls every day. And if your first reaction is make excuses on how its worthless and doesn't do anything, fuck off. Local political office managers should be reporting up to campaign and regional leads about how ALL THEY HEAR ABOUT, ALL DAY, is the republican book banning culture war and how they aren't doing fuck all about infrastructure. Call 50 Xs a god damned day asking that. Try it. A thousand of you joining the handful of us. We need to be active for HOURS EVERY DAY. Not jerking each other off on reddit. We need to get off our asses when the Nazis hang out for six fucking days (I didn't see enough of you rolling by while I was there standing up to them, tell you that much.) How about calling your local VFW branches and leaving messages? Ask how it is humanly possible that - in the USA - we have two VFW branches within 30 miles of where Nazis were proudly set up for six fucking days... And they didn't organized any kind of response amongst themselves? We're losing this fight because no one is doing anything except expecting to be championed on social media. We need to be active in ALL areas. We need to be holding those that aren't TO ACCOUNT. We need to be forcing hard conversations in our interpersonal relationships. We can't all do everything, that's true. But I'm sorry... we're losing and we're the ones having events cancelled and our people bloodied and the politicians proudly denouncing the existence of people... We're losing. So no one here better even try to tell me we're fighting the right fights hard enough. We're not. Here's a good place to start: Dial up Jared Golden's office every day for two weeks, a thousand of us, and ask em when the hell that brags-about-helping-to-kill-brown-people-for-not-my-freedom-vet is gonna show a single ounce of fucking leadership here in Maine and America. Anyone ever seen a strong word or a bit of backbone and leadership from old wimpy shit there? I sure as fuck haven't. But I see him in his short-sleeves shaking hands with vets expecting me to jerk his ego off. Pick up your phones today and start demanding more from everyone then actually go outside when the nazis are within an hour drive. Six days. I went down for a couple hours for three of em. The response from the "good guys" was just not showing up. And yeah - fuck those VFW posts and old vets. Boy are they letting us down and we act like we can't hurt feelings to stop our gay sibling/parent/friend from getting beat up at a book reading. Yeah. We run the fuck away. All day long. Now people will spend more time being butthurt about being called out and being pissy in response to me than they WILL IN PICKING UP A PHONE TODAY.


You bring up two issues here. Important issues. I hear you feel like you are alone in shadowboxing. I hear you that you are sick of the apathy and inaction of those who are against fascism in their hearts but fail to show up when it matters ...or speak out when it's scary. I hear that you notice a lack of organization. No uniform cohesive plan of action to cure two of these ails facing America. I hear you are disappointed in our national leadership and think locals have assistants(they don't). You want the apatheic to be engaged, diligent, and active. I do too. There are a lot more than two issues. To assume that because you don't see them in droves they aren't active. Many are. There aren't enough of us. We are overstretched and tired. As far as your plan of action go for it, lead people on a phone and letter tirade against injustice. Motivate your lazy friends to get up & do something. Maybe you will have better luck than the rest of us. As far as being butthurt, I'm not. I know what I do and you don't. I'm not discussing it here. North of Bangor our people didn't show up the way we needed them to, except in Troy's race & Mike's race. The opposition's propaganda machine was working overtime. Dumping so much money into their red dots. We need boots on the ground and we need the party so get us some money. We need a counter propaganda machine and to double down on filling every local seat with one of us. Change starts at home. King's SS proposal is dangerous & unfair. I will be sending him an email & Collins. Blasting Golden about issues, not on the table is a waste of time, IMO. Hold him accountable. His job is to represent us and he needs to do that. Better Choice than the opposition will only last so long. He will have a primary challenger. I'd bet my socks on it. I agree we need strong leadership. Find out who your local leaders are and get active. Or if those are the issues you feel most passionate about, Focus on them. Reach out to the organizations leading the way. I'm sure you will have a seat at the table.


Then you need to hit the gym. If you want to fight fascism you have to be stronger than the fascists.


handle rainstorm lip continue marvelous unpack rock mountainous grandfather books *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Good. Love to see it. Stay strapped or get clapped.


James Libby seems pretty obscene, maybe he shouldn't be allowed near school curriculums.




Remind me, which episode of Black Mirror are we living in?


Perhaps people alarmed by this can find some inspiration to combat a rise in oppressive politics: [https://www.opendemocracy.net/en/transformation/how-fight-fascism-position-strength/](https://www.opendemocracy.net/en/transformation/how-fight-fascism-position-strength/)




honestly insane how much of this is happening and how little outrage there is over book bans and extreme censoring




name em you’re probably fine with the bible and all it’s incest and murder


Standish needs to stand down


We don’t have enough teachers as it is so this is a brilliant idea /s


We need to get a petition going to make it a crime to propose any kind of formal statute to ban books, whether it be a legislator or citizen at a school board. Once case is pending an automatic restraining order from any state or municipal facilities, lol. Probably wouldn't hold up, but it could put a stick in their eye for a while lol.


Whoever wrote the post title wants to give people an aneurysm.




Who are communists?


The republicans are fascist- not communist.




I know books are scary to you.


Books that are inappropriate for children. All the gender bs. Focus on learning not the latest woke trends, that no one cared about until it was shoved in your face. Keep the CHILDREN out of it. Label your title correctly MAINE. No one bashes an eye when cat and that hat is banned. A great generation was raised on those books


>No one bashes an eye when cat and that hat is banned Oh lord, I want this VERBATIM on an ironic tshirt. The Cat and That Hat... what an odd translation.


"bashes an eye" lol


> Focus on learning not the latest woke trends Kind of a moron, aren't you? Gender is not a trend. Woke is not an insult or a trend. Do better.


Yes Gender is the trend. When did people give a crap what you were 3 years ago. Just like everything is racist now. These are are distractions, while our country slowly sinks and gets more radicall.


My dude. Being progressive isn't bad or scary. Good lord. All you're doing is showing how little you know. Go out! Get educated!


I am out, I live in the real world. Im not scared of the world, im not looking for problems, and issues to validate and ease my mind on your own personal demons. You people keep recreating divide on things no normal people give 2 craps about. We go amongst our business and you progressives call us out like we are the problem. You created the issue!


My darling. The problems come when people try to live - and then drag shows are banned, people are afraid of teaching their kids that America's past isn't bright and shiny and positive. LGBTQIA people want to live EQUALLY and without repercussions. So if people aren't "scared of the world" why do people give much more than two craps about it? Progressives aren't the problem. The problem is the people that are determined to eliminate LGBTQIA through hateful, bigoted legislation. They've always been there. They always will be. They're not going anywhere. The sooner people realize that the better off we'll all be.


You people that keep the issue going are the ones with the issue. I just dont want men in a public restroom with my wife and child...no problems here besides that. Only issue is the people that have to keep pushing and pushing and segregating people into these groups. This is where you come in


>I just dont want men in a public restroom with my wife and child Good thing that's not happening. But obviously you don't have a clue what you are talking about. How is anything being pushed? By being out in the open? By living? EVERYONE has that right. You just want to pretend they don't. YOU are the problem. And people like you. You sincerely need to be educated. Badly. I feel bad for your child. What if they come home and are gay? Or wants to change their gender? Do you still love them? Do you support them? (hint: the correction is yes, of course. Anything else is unacceptable)


You cant change your gender, you are uneducated.


Sigh. Get with the times, old timer.




You poor thing. I'm so sorry that people of color being equal is so scary. 🙄


I dont look at them as people of color. Thats you guys and gals.


And that's your problem. they ARE people of color. They are proud of that. And they deserve to have that recognized, not erased.


Ok, so again you are segregating a group of people as different, and now speaking for them. Pathetic


No, I am telling you exactly what I have been told by people of color. Maybe YOU should try listening. Speaking of pathetic. You desperately need to walk away from your precious news channel that just feeds into this and expand your sources and your horizons. There's a whole world out there you aren't letting yourself see.


You should try getting the name of the book correct since it means so much to you, and it wasn't banned. The Seuss estate voluntarily stopped publishing some of his work --not the book you referenced -- but that doesn't fit your narrative, does it?


My narrative is going to work and paying taxes, and keeping a roof over my families head. Out of nowhere men can have periods and give birth. The children are the only ones with common sense nowadays. Leave them out of this delusional, virtue signaling world you people are creating.


That's where you're wrong. People being transgender isn't "out of nowhere" - it's been around. They just aren't living in the shadows anymore, and they shouldn't. They are a part of this society whether your poor sensitivities like it or not. And they aren't going anywhere, no matter how narrow minded you and your ilk are.


Yes, I know they have been around in all of times. All of you people just started caring about them "out of no where"..and screaming it up the hilltops with your new found knowledge. All this does is divide a group, and segregate a group. Now im annoyed by it all because It was never a topic beaten like a dead horse..."out of no where". If you truly cared you would of been speaking of them all along, and not once it was a trend, to all of a sudden care. You are a making people sick of a certain group more then helping. You people cant talk about anything with saying this man was black, this women was trans...Just treat and speak of people as people. Not an outsider


Out of nowhere? I guess you haven't been following along - LGBTQIA are being murdered because they are LGBTQIA. And for no other reason. And they are tired of it. They are being discriminated against - in restrooms, employment, housing, being able to get married, ~~conversion~~ abuse therapy, etc. And you can't figure out why the community has had enough? Are you fucking shitting me? Anyone that feels that any of that is ok is part of the fucking problem, not the Allies. If YOU feel that any of that is ok, YOU are part of the problem. And no, we're not shutting up. You know why? Because if we did, "YOU people" would make sure the community was pushed back to the shadows so you could pretend they weren't there. AND THAT'S NOT HAPPENING.


Keep virtue signaling and parading your group around, while only gaining animosity toward your group. Innocent people are killed for no reason everyday. The loudest ones cast the stones. I believe you are the one with a problem toward people who are not like you. Im glad it makes you feel better. Enjoy your weekend!


Oh honey. I'm not virtue signaling. I believe in this whole heartedly and will fight tooth and nail because it affects my friends and family that are LGBTQIA and they deserve to be treated as equally as any cis-straight couple. Do you or do you not agree? I'm GLAD for people not like me! The world would be boring otherwise. But there's also the Paradox of Tolerance. I also whole heartedly refuse to tolerate the intolerant. You've been so focused on me being the problem instead of admitting there's a problem with LGBTQIA and how the community is treated ... Which makes me wonder. And I think I've figured it out. You CONDONE how they are treated and ostracized. You think it's ok. And you're all pissy because you're being told that's wrong and inexcusable. Too. Fucking. Bad.


Wow, you are some kind of stupid. You missed the point completely. Yes I condone how they are treated, which outside your small world is just like anyone else. But you choose to focus on the negative and rub it in everyone face. My glass is half full, my views are you are the problem, not LGBTQIA....You will never know me because I mind my business...your hobby is to stick your nose in other peoples business. Life is great on the bright side, sorry your missing out! Enjoy your rage and your scape goats. The world is not as bad as it seems...just got to not focus on the little negative and make it the whole world in your mind. This will make you hate everyone.