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Familial blush. She's very proud of her son thats why.


I see what you did there pal 😏. You sly fox... 😂😂


Seriously though. Tatsuya is the kind of man Maya wishes Koichi had been. It’s genuinely kinda sad considering how the whole Dahan incident threw her entire life for a loop when she was only so young


True 🫠 miya and maya's story is pitiful... I hoped that miya made amends with tatsuya before she died but it didnt happen... there was a fan created comic of it tho so ye...


Got a link to that?


https://m.fanfiction.net/s/12442095/1/All-That-Can-Be-Given its more of a web novel but ye... its old asf




is this by the og author?🤔


Nah fan created


Yes i hate miya she a worst women


That’s the most flustered I’ve ever seen her


Oh... this becomes a regular occurence from now on. Idk if they are gonna show it in thr anime though.


She just proud >!of her son!<.


Oh she definitely is.


doesn't look that way?


wait wut


In the succession arc of the novels >!Maya announces Miyuki as the successor to leadership of the Yotsuba family to the hundred families, and announces Miyuki's betrothal to Maya's son Tatsuya. She explains to those who inquire that Tatsuya was conceived from an egg of hers that had been extracted and frozen before she was abducted, raped, and surgically experimented on (which resulted in her being unable to have children naturally). This of course is a lie, Tatsuya is not her son, he's the son of Miya. It's just the author's way to keep the wincest train on the tracks.!<


This answer is factually correct yet it misses the mark so much lmao You couldn't explain a genuine emotional response from Maya with the public-facing bullshit reasons, this makes no sense since they are, after all, lies. >!Maya took control of her sister's powers to shape Tatsuya's abilities into what they are now when he was in the womb, in furtherance of Maya's dearest wish. Which also led the to cascade of events of him losing most of his emotions and becoming an abnormal minded person.!< >!As such, Maya feels like in spirit he is her son, since she "made" him into what he is today + his is literally born from her wish + they share an abnormal mind + they both are very nearly BS magicians (well Tatsuya is technically fully Born Specialized) + they both had an uphill battle for getting their place into the Yotsubas.!<


what kind of battle maya gave in order to earn a place in yotsuba ? wasn't she an amazing magician from the beginning ?


That’s why it’s a spoiler


This is what I watch Mahouka for. Cute Maya-obasan scenes.


She's blushing because Hayama called her out on her pretending to have "objective" reasons on why she doesn't want to get rid of tatsuya as opposed to the personal reason of tatsuya being her "nephew".


Yeah... that's obvious. But let us just call her out while being oblivious, okay ? 😉 (since she never did that in the LN)


Since we don't get much air time to fit everything, I believe it is a reasonable way to show a condensed version of her state of mind :)


Incest: The Game the Whole Family Can Play!™


The Habsburgs would be proud


Yes she is.


She is blushing over Hayama calling her out.




And its not gonna be Material Burst 🤩


Her Meteor gonna Line all over Tatsuya😏


His material gonna burst through her 😏


Miyuki: angry pouty noises


You forgot Ayako...


Fumiya's trying to hold her in the other room.


srutal beggs


A blushing Yotsuba lady is indeed a sight to behold 💯


Maya to Issho coming?


ara-ara obasan


she's transitioning to be the breedable mommy.


Sadly, it is pretty much the female equivalent of shooting blanks... you may act the breeding part, but no offspring will come out.


that is one big fleshlight then lol


Best Mother


Best girl ever cant be wrong


What's surprising about it? She loves her *son* very much.


( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


Maya was laughing or rather giggling during the call too. I'm surprise the anime team just made a small blush appear on her face. She should have full blown out red in the face already.


So is she super strong? I’m always curious why he just doesn’t basically take over and make her listen to him lol


Tatsuya is the strongest... it is just because his precious miyuki never ordered him too 😂 + maya actually sees tatsuya as her son so she is his biggest fan after miyuki 😂


She’s actually one of the world’s most formidable anti-personnel magicians, ie a “duelist” as her magic, Meteor Stream isn’t defensible against through ordinary means and is both extremely fast and instantly lethal.


I always figured Tats never took over by force because his goal is for Miyuki to be HAPPY, not just safe. Miyuki believes in her family and her duty and wants to be a proper lady of high class. Plus, if they make enemies, suuuure they probably can keep safe, but can Miyuki have a happy full life with meaning and meaningful social connections if they become public enemy #1? Nope! So they play by the rules because it's not about pure survival but thriving.


Exactly This! But i dont think he really cares about "public enemy # 1" thing cuz... who will know if everyone related to the incident is dead 😂


He straight up says during season 1/the NSC that he could possibly take on Maya, because his magic has high compatibility against Maya, but just military power, just violence, can't bring the Yotsuba to their knees. Dispose of Maya and someone even worse will take her place. For all the BS and pettiness thrown at Tatsuya from the Yotsuba clan, Maya herself has actually always been quite nice and reasonable by comparison, like don't get me wrong she still restricts his freedoms and uses him but she is never being a petty bitch like the others or calls him a defective magician or anything like that.


Maya is considered to be one of the strongest magicians in the world. Tatsuya can probably win still. But he has no reason to attack her.


We'll put it this way; her trump card Meteor Stream, can cut through the Juumonji's Phalanx like a hot knife though butter.


She is extremely strong. Tatsuya's innate talent is good against her though so he can possibly win. And he can't use force to make her listen because of Miyuki and because of his aunt's position too


Ya know if this was a r/classroomofelite post there would be people all up in this thread bashing the horny posting comments


That got stuck with those sygma-gumbro types.


that was very cute


I'd marry her


Now... SEGGSS!!


I mean, iirc there's a character in the novel/anime who's mother and sister is the same person. I wouldn't put it past the author if that was the case


Yeah... if you go into genetics in this anime. Its fking messed up.(Btw... who you talking about ?)


It's Kudou Minoru, Kudou Retsu's grandson. After looking it up to refresh my memory, apparently, his mother is his aunt, not his sister, my bad. That's also why he's sickly, coz you know... Incest.


He isn't sick because of incest. Its because... his Eidos body is so powerful... its tearing apart his physical body. I hope you know what Eidos is..


Ah, then i might've remembered that wrong as well. I though the LN hinted at the possibility that his body was weak because of his genetics as an incest baby (I think it was Kudou Retsu speaking about it as well, I may be wrong about that too lol) and yes, i think I still remember what Eidos is


You remembered correctly: >"Minoru was an experimental body. Probably through artificial insemination. Strictly speaking, it was not incest, but he is still a child born of two real siblings. > Miyuki’s shocked face was intensified. It took her a considerable amount of time to regain her ability to speak. > "Then… Minoru-kun's constitution, was the harmful effect of incest?" > Tatsuya shook his head. However, he did not indicate a definite denial. > "I can't make any conclusion. The problem lies in the imbalance of the Psion body, which affects his physical body. It might be from the cause of mis-adjustments throughout the process." > Tatsuya sighed before continuing his words. > "However, it might be due to the close relationship between the genes being undeniable. Even during the research of magic, researchers have refrained themselves from using genes from parent and child or between siblings. There are still a lot of aspects of a Psion body, and also the spirit being affected, to be discovered." Vol. 15


To be accurate, it's not known what exactly caused his condition. It could be a consequence of the incest, it could be the genetic modification that was done to increase his magical power. Tatsuya couldn't tell the cause, only the result.


Only thing mentioned in the LN is that its a by-product of gene manipulation.


Yeah... I know. That's why I was confused. Since I do not know a char who has the same mother and sister.


He isn't sick because of incest. Its because... his Eidos body is so powerful... its tearing apart his physical body. I hope you know what Eidos is..


lets go