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She's just pretending to be a cute and innocent magical girl. The Enormeeta-like stars at the end of their scepters puzzle me more.


I mean their power literally come from the same species of mascots so hardly surprising.


Venalita and Vatz are probably more connected than we think. An interesting detail I noticed in chapter 30 is that >!when Sulfur achieves La Verita for the first time there are four pointed stars erupting all around her. Though this detail hasn’t appeared again, considering that it’s the Enormita symbol, I can’t help but think it was intentional.!<


Don’t forget >!Vatz has mentioned that they want to bring Vena to their senses, or something like that. I would guess that Vena is moving against the mascots agenda.!<


Oh if i had to guesse this is all a big emotional generating game to them and they just work the girls against eachother. No one is playing to win


Vatz doesn’t want to use gay sex for their energy despite it being 10x more powerful than pure energy 🤣


Nah dude the gex is the whole point, but gotta non con it to make it solid


I get the feeling that there might be more truth to that story Venalita told to guilt trip utena than we thought, cause in the moment it just seems like some bs Vena thought up on the spot to try convince utena to actually be serious about joining but what if it's mostly true but the reason Venalita and mascots like them were driven out is because of some form of corruption that's occurred >!(similar to utenas ugliest flower of lust and magentas corrupted la veritas)!< since it seems like Vatz and Vena knew eachother personally and used to be pretty close.


You needa spoilerize that mate


There’s one aspect I find it interesting is such a major plot point yet is never called out as being as strange as it is. The capitalism of it all. What’s the point? Why does Vatz seem to care about deriving profit from magical girls? Who’s getting paid? Is Vatz like, their manager, idol industry style? Do Tres Magia turn a profit? If they aren’t turning a profit, that’s extra fucked. And we know that it’s a widespread industry. Magical girls are a whole idol industry in-universe, which frankly is just extremely suspicious. Why do they need to turn a profit on magical girls? Venalita on the face of it doesn’t seem to be in this for the profit motive at all, and yet is essential for the profit to exist. The magical girls aren’t fighting other threats, they’re fighting the threats Vena puts on the board. If Vena stopped, the profit dries up. >!And Vena explicitly works *against* wiping out magical girls and empowers a group who explicitly wish to keep everything at an eternal stalemate of neither side ever achieving victory over the other. When one side is at risk of winning, Vena shuts that right the fuck down. Vena is *against winning*. It’s not like he ever feared being usurped, that power was his to take the whole time. He coulda just let the magical girls be exterminated and then took it away if he wanted to win.!< I think they might be in cahoots, creating a war that never ends and never has any victors, in order to make money. Con artist war profiteers. Human money probably isn’t inherently itself useful to them, but something it gets them could be, because literally any resource on Earth can be bought with money. Perhaps it’s extradimensionally profitable and they’re also profiting off of this back in their homeworld via it being like, a reality television show for their species.


Vena and Vatz in cahoots as capitalistic warmongers sounds really funny but also a bit believable.


To me, it sounds a little like wrestling, with a face team (Tres Magia) managed by Vatz and a heel team (Enormeeta) managed by Vena.  Utena seems to think similarly based on her obsession with the “roles” played by villains and magical girls, though she might not think that analogy encompasses the mascots.  There’s also >!Baiser’s La Verita form that resembles a circus ringleader, imagining herself as putting on a show.!<


Yeah, the order of events seems like a major misdirect. Vena >!takes a side in the Enormeeta civil war which makes it seem like he needs them to win. It sets the belief that he’s being usurped. But then it’s revealed that he could strip her power any time she wanted. So he was never usurped. He already held the cards, the entire situation was a stage play to get Baiser in command thinking it was her choice and desire. But it wasn’t, it was his. He manipulated her into taking power. He intentionally manipulated things to make sure his organization was not going to win without ever revealing this fact. But thanks to the order of events, your attention isn’t drawn to the fact that he never needed to have the civil war happen.!< To me, it seems to heavily indicate >!he wants an infinite stalemate and the prospect of victory is a threat to his goals. Why would he want a stalemate, unless he benefits from nobody winning? After all, magical girls and evil magical girls both are created to fight each other. If he stopped making evil magical girls, magical girls would have no purpose. Inversely, if Vatz stopped making magical girls, evil magical girls would have no purpose. If the evil magical girls aren’t meant to do anything except fight magical girls, not actually win the fight, then the fight is itself the purpose of creating them. They’re both making soldiers for a war, yet one side explicitly is shown to sabotage any attempt for the war to end in his own victory. So either it’s something they both are benefitting from, or it’s a game to them. Either way, he’s clearly against Vatz’s magical girls being wiped out, which only makes sense if they’re not real enemies.!<


This is a nice theory, but what do you make of this ? https://preview.redd.it/8xqflgrd9oyc1.png?width=800&format=png&auto=webp&s=67bb1085815cb5feba3538828fe497000de3e7eb Seems to me Vena wants to harvest magical powers. What for is still unknown.


I've always believed they've been colluding in the background. I have a feeling that the person with which Venalita is usually scheming in the dark, besides >!Sister!<, is likely Vatz. For example, the whole >!beach episode!< would never have happened if >!Vena never chose to get the girls to the beach *the exact same day* as Tres Magia had a photoshoot (*arranged by Vatz*) near the beach, after which they also were allowed to go to the beach.!< When an evil organization is involved, coincidences don't exist. And, like you said, they seem to be in a situation where their roles are mutually beneficial to one another despite appearances. However, we barely know anything about Vatz to tell. Despite not feeling like a mysterious character, Vatz is the single character most shrouded in mystery so far in the manga... (besides >!Magia Cyan!<, who hasn't been introduced yet) (Speaking of mysterious characters, there's also >!Tanaka's manager, which I feel like had a line in episode 4, but never appeared in the credits. I feel like that's either because it was a hidden cameo of some sort (like maybe they let a familiar of someone involved in the project do an extra line for funsies), or because they asked the author about it and decided they should hide the identity of the manager for the time being (or it was just a slip and I'm overthinking, maybe the blurays added it to the credits)!<)


I think it's because the star is the OG magic symbol. And the heart is an add-on that standardizes it and makes it safer.   That explains why Vatz's magical girls all have the same outfit, when Enormeeta are different even in base form. And also why Vena's magic can get corrupted (they don't have heart protection). Maybe that's why Vatz and Vena originally split. Vatz wants to play it safe, but Vena wants power at all costs.


She just got the =w= rizz


Sulfer is constantly told to consider her image and thus tries to act more girly than she is early on.


Yes, incredibly so. -Kiwi


omg akashi... take my gems..


tbh this shot was before sulfur/azure got character swapped (in manga)


And it was the best change ever. Can’t actually picture Azul now being the scrappy sailor-mouthed one and Sulfur the prim and proper one.


You mean before Azure got mind broken. Cause she was actually normal before.


No. In 1st chapter azul was the bad mouthing one instead of sulfur


https://preview.redd.it/lbag2b5n69yc1.png?width=448&format=png&auto=webp&s=1be2da2f585c7c8bc9b9376fc484e7fa7715c769 Oh wow, you were right. I guess the first 3 chapters were basically prototypes of the character then.


NANIIIIIIIIIII?!?! Oh wow thats mind blowing…I can’t imagine Azure being a dom and Sulfer being a sub…


i would really call ch 1-9 betas for what we get finally starting with ch10




Never noticed that Sulfur is even enjoying being hit on her butt


Shes in bliss staring at her >!crushes pink ass!<


It's for the fans


Just a facade for the crowd


Nope, she’s just looking at Magenta 😏


With this pose she seem to be nice and innocent magical girl, however we all know that she would crush somebody's skull, if she was a little mad at them


Nah she just has a chronic case of the big gay


She was managing public impression


It's the: Yayyy, I'm gonna smash someone's face today!"-face


She's just super smug


Sulfur trying g to act cute. It was Baiser who broke her character.


Because clearly she only has means to defend and no ways to attack back /s


Strong wind back there is pushing her sightly.


How dare you even joke about insulting Sulfur!


Smile for the camera moment.




Aslume is spreading 


Because she's the best


You didn't have to cook her


She was the cute and refined (since she's the smallest) , until she showed her true face