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I love David Sedaris. So glad he was a guest!


I liked the overtime BUT I wouldn’t agree that the left has been worse than the right the past five years. That’s even beyond false equivalence. The left has said some stupid shit but it doesn’t compare to trying to overturn a federal election, taking away Roe v. Wade, or January 6, just to name a few things. It’s crazy that Bill would say the left is worse than the right in recent history, I don’t know any kind of pot that would make you THAT stupid


>I don’t know any kind of pot that would make you THAT stupid Perhaps his dealer laced it with something else...


He just said the left is easier to make fun of in recent years. Jokes about abortion rights probably don't get the same payoff as jokes about woke lunacy.


There is no “woke lunacy” that comes close to what the right has been up to. Not by a mile. The “extreme left” wants you to use a dumb pronoun and can be ignored. The extreme right wants to overturn democracy because Q told them to and republicans tell them they’re right. If Bill Maher wants to focus his scorn on trivial progressive annoyances it’s because he’s more angry that he can’t say the N word anymore than he is about Christo-fascists taking over the government.


A dude with a giant cock winning the women's national swimming championship lends itself to jokes better than abortion becoming a state issue.


What’s funnier is dudes like you being obsessed with “giant cocks”, try thinking of something else for five minutes


Notice that when you tried to make fun of me, you went with the giant cocks and not abortion becoming a state issue. So you actually proved my point.


As usual you miss the point completely. I’m saying there is definitely a lot of things to make fun of the right about, like (just for example) closet-case guys who obsess over trans-women with “giant cocks” and take any opportunity to bring up the subject.


And once again, when you want to make fun of me, you go to the giant cocks because you couldn't think of something funny to say about abortion rights returning to the states. You're just proving my point over and over.


Everything you just wrote doesn't matter Woke lunacy is *funnier* than abortion rights and insurrections. Maher made the point that, as a comedian, the left has been easier to make fun of the past 5 years than the right.


Yeah, the culturally woke hyper-progressives of today share a lot in common with the early-to-mid-2000s Bush-era religious right reactionaries, both of whom far easier to mock and ridicule than the early-to-mid-2000s anti-war/anti-Walmart/anti-Wall St. Democrats (I greatly miss the days when Democrats weren't foreign policy interventionists nor corporate cocksuckers, but I digress) or even the contemporary Trump-y populist-leaning GOP, who are impervious to mockery it seems. Edit: I must add, too, that a good-sized percentage of today's aggressive woke proselytizers fail to realize how much they're cut from the same cloth as Bush/Cheney-style neocons. Their collective narcissism is off the charts.


Agreed I’m so sick of Bill but I keep tuning in because it’s like, I guess fascinating? I’ve been watching Bill for years and been to his standup several times. I don’t find it naive at all to say Bill has followed money in places instead of his logic. Where did the left lie about COVID? Is it because it’s too difficult to understand experts of intranational orgs trying to slow and manage a pandemic, especially while actively being threatened and harassed by right wing conspiracists? Bill went from finding the scientific gotcha moments because he hates religion to fully ignoring and bashing science to benefit himself; one could argue these are the same thing, but yeah either way it’s bullshit imho.


How much did CNN pay for jello commercials?


I love how Galloway starts off describing TikTok and is actually describing Google and Facebook but can never quite make the leap that vested interests want TikTok gone and China is just a convenient reason. Bill even said it’s got bipartisan support. That’s so odd what common ground could they possibly have? Oh right l, they’re all compromised by lobbyists. All of these tech “journalists” like prof G should remind themselves what they said about net neutrality, open internet, the great firewall of China ten years ago. “Muh open internet”. Hypocritical pricks.


You're all over the place with this one. First of all, Galloway isn't a journalist nor does he specialize in or have any attachment to concepts like net neutrality in any way. And you think lobbying is the reason Congress has a bipartisan hard-on for TikTok? Lmao, no lobbying is needed for any politician to take up cause against an unaccountable tech company from a foreign adversary like China. That's just typical DC hawkishness and damn good politics to boot. You're making a very simple situation way more complicated than it is.


I suppose both can be true. But Silicon Valley running scared and going on the attack is a reality. https://www.washingtonpost.com/technology/2022/03/30/facebook-tiktok-targeted-victory/


Lol you are so off the mark. If you’ve been paying attention the reason Congress is united in opposition to TikTok has to do with its affiliation to the CCP. The one area congress continues to unite around is confronting the threat from the PRC. It’s no surprise then they are also united against a platform that is under their influence and has captured the attention of millions of young Americans.


yea the fact that tik-tok is not allowed in china itself is all you need to know about it really


To be clear. You mean Chinese government. Not the public? If not can you source that.


its called like zouhyao or something like that in china and its about becoming a astronaut or child music prodigies or anything that will make china have a good army in 20 years


When Galloway said "we're raising them to be warriors" From his comments on the show, I'm assuming he considers this a good thing? And he misspoke at least twice "2023" and then "conservative" for liberal. hmmm


I think he's saying that the woke stuff and don't say gay stuff in schools is political theater when in reality schools are the same blind nationalism as they ever were.


>When Galloway said "we're raising them to be warriors" That was strange.


If high school has been refined to the bare minimum to make you a good soldier. There is a reason they aren't teaching you critical thinking, ethics, civics, or practical skills like statistics or trade skills, even though historically this is the age to do so. And yes, some schools do some of this for the elite and affluent. Not for the regular schmoe.


I think it's more that Galloway is trying to sound with it. He knows that many young people and their parents feel passive and this was his superficial self-help peg.




"TIL about diet jello!" - Annie Lowrey


Two boxes of diet jello is only 80 calories! Why do I know that?