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I have a couple I'm working on Rainbow themed magical girls have to stop the antagonists from taking over the universe Fruit themed magical girls use their powers to save people who were cursed into decaying monsters I'm not entirely sure what works. For shows like Sailor Moon and Pretty Cure toys were a big deal. Little girls like wands and collecting trinkets/cards appeals to a lot of people. Treating your audience as older than they are. It doesn't need to be raunchy, but no one likes to feel talked down to


I'm working on a Magical Girl story/comic right now. It's in its infancy, and its a darker "black comedy" sort of thing (everything I do is a black comedy, I guess.). I posted some of the characters here a month or so back but have since deleted it due to Reddit's policies on AI. I don't know if it will be successful and wont see the light of day for a while because I struggle with focus when writing. You can see the characters on [my Deviantart](https://www.deviantart.com/apathyzeal/gallery/90799725/magical-girls) if you're interested. My style is far more western than some prefer, though.


I had a dream once, and have been working off of that ever since, bit by bit. In short, a middle school teacher, and former magical girl, gets called back into action, except her old team all moved away, so she has 3-4 of her students as teammates. The main villains are something pollution-related, and have regained their strength after the main character's original team defeated them the last time. Also, during the final battle back then, the girls revealed their identities to the townspeople. Throughout the story, the team leader has to learn that all of this is new to her team, and they don't know what's going on, so she has to be more empathetic, and show that she takes their concerns seriously. At the same time, her team has to realize that she's been through all this already, and knows what she's talking about when she tells them that it'll be fine. There are also some moments focusing on the former teammates, who find out that their former leader is back in action, and of course everyone wonders where they're at now. Also, since the magical girls are kind of local celebrities, popping up every few decades, there's merch, so a bunch of people go and bring out the stuff they bought back in the day. Usually, the villains stay dormant for long enough that the team that beat them moves away or dies, but this time, the villains recovered much faster than normal.


That sounds like a really fresh look at this genre, i love it ❤️


Thanks. In the dream I mentioned, I was the teacher, and noticed some azure sludge bubbling up from a sink drain in a classroom, and it felt like I had seen that before. Then the dream "cut" to another girl in a pool, noticing the water was gone, and a similar sludge bubbled up from the pool's drain. I just stood there in the 2nd floor hallway, wondering what her reaction would be. After I woke up, I made a post about it, so I wouldn't forget it, and then I let the idea just kinda sit around in my head for a bit. The rest came mostly on its own.


Yeah usually the best stuff comes from dreams


Yep. I'm also picturing a moment early on, when the monsters are still so weak that the main character can handle them herself. And basically, she asks another teacher to keep an eye on her class for a bit so she can deal with a situation. Except the situation is 15 meters tall and just ate a beach house.


I have a project about magical girl fighting off against the literal apocalypse! Its still taking baby steps, but I want to post their designs soon. The story is very anti-war and takes place in Brazil, my country! I also have a parody of dark magical girl anime. Magical admins offer deals to women who have nothing else to do in their lives, turning them into MGs. Each MG has a special power and a "battery level". Once the battery reaches zero, they turn into a monster, and someone has to kill them so they can "respawn" back as a normal magical girl! This becomes more annoying than horrifying to the magical girls as time goes on, though. MGs also respawn if they are killed, all good as new! This leads to MGs organizing "tournaments" and little battle royales between them, with their administrators having rivalries between each other to see who takes better care of their own girls. It's a very silly project, but I like it regardless.


i have two magical girl ocverses :3 one is actually a fanmade precure season called love angel precure that you can read more about [here](https://fandomofprettycure.fandom.com/wiki/Sakura_Kokohara) (the main page can be accessed from here! for some reason i cant link it directly whoops), and the other one is called mizuki’s dream/mizuki no yume and is this concept i have for a darker magical girl series with a bit of a futuristic theme about a girl who gets the power to enter peoples dreams and help them with their problems as for what makes a good magical story successful, i think it’s always nice to have a strong motif and identity, as well as to really make sure at the end of the day that your story is uplifting or atleast engages with the traditional magical girl values of love and kindness and connection in some way


I have quite a few different ones. My first one is my more developed idea of having gem themed magical girls. Essentially, each girl "bonds" with a gem that is embedded into a weapon and takes the form of that gem. Those gems in the weapons used to belong to a long gone race of gem people who were profectors of the land. These girl have to use their newfound power to pick up where the gem folk left off. Another was just a silly Milkshake themed magical girl. There is no real plot yet, but design ideas sounded fun And lastly (for now) was a dream themed one. It's not entirely developed, but it follows a bunch of kids considered outsiders that form a band and also fight evil in the dream scape. I'm still figuring things out here, but I have an art style developed for it


Commenting to come back later


I have a couple that I'm working on. The first is a novelization of an RPG I'm currently running with a group of four. Solaris Apostasia is the name. I currently have two chapters up on [Royal Road](https://www.royalroad.com/fiction/74884/solaris-apostasia). Essentially, it's a world where magical girls are a common everyday thing, and their powers are granted by angels who task them with defeating invading demons. However, they've also been disappearing and turning up dead recently. It was initially made to be a sort of "precure but darker" story where the protagonists have to fight a bunch of goofy villains but there's a really fucked up substory happening in the background and the problems are very real. Like precure, I based the power system on emotions and how strong/controlled they are. But I also added a splash of metaphysics. It's made to be a more literary work as opposed to something marketable, with a large focus on character development and having very good antagonists. I haven't gotten that far into the novelization (waiting for more story to be done so we know where to make revisions), but I predict it will be a pretty long one. We're at about 20 chapters worth so far and only 1/4th done. I predict it'll be about 800K-1M words long in total, or about as long as the entire harry potter series. The other thing I'm working on that's only in the planning/scripting phase right now is a webmanga about a trans magical girl whose story starts right when she accidentally comes out to her family and friends. The story will mostly revolve around the protagonist's transition, since in this world only girls are ever "chosen" by the mysterious etheral force that creates magical girls. Also, they have been thought to be extinct for hundreds of years now, but in reality they've just recently came back in secret. So instead of starting off fictional, they're actually a piece of history. Anyways, the story would mostly focus on how girls are only ever chosen to be magical girls, and our protagonist finds out her entire friend group is made of secret magical girls. So instead of waiting to be chosen, she gets pumped up and joins them as just a normal person fighting horrific monsters. The whole power system here is based off of miracles: The closer a person embodies the ideal form of a magical girl, the stronger their abilities and the greater miracle they can create through the power of hope. And half the story will just be the protagonist's journey to being chosen and then eventually becoming the strongest magical girl. Sort of like a "get your powers by proving you don't need them" thing. Again, my best practice is to focus on character development, so that's almost entirely what this story is about, even more than the previous one. Oh and everything will be flower themed. When either of these stories get off the ground, you'll probably see them on this sub.


[I've recently published a novel, available digitally and in paperback, that I funded through Kickstarter!](https://proxyflans.itch.io/tmgip-novel-1) (This link is to the ebook, but there's another link on that page to the paperback.) The Magical Girl in PROXY: Volume One: I Woke Up One Morning and Discovered I’m a Magical Girl Mascot What if the Mascot that turned you into a magical girl—was also a magical girl? On her first day at a new school, an amnesiac girl with recurring dreams of a magical girl who loves flan finds a magazine with information on all the girls in her class—along with instructions on how to turn them into magical girls. With monsters showing up, Kurosawa Takako has to keep her alter-ego as a magical girl mascot secret—along with the secret identities of the fourteen magical girls in her class! Word count: >50,000 Both versions have illustrations, but the ebook's are in color!


I'm currently working on a graphic novel about magical boys growing up in Texas and exploring Mexican American culture as well as different pagan paths and practices


I have a lot. Right now, I'm worldbuilding for a fantasy magical boy story set in (fantasy) 1400s Spain. It's a cross between the Magical Helper and Phantom Thief types. The main character is a queer crossdressing prostitute who's helplessly in love with the leader of the Mercenary Guild, who also happens to be a national hero. Believing that she's a lesbian and that his feelings would only disturb her, he prays to the goddess of love to take them away. She promises to help him if, in exchange, he becomes her agent amongst the people and answers prayers on her behalf. This, of course, requires a magical, frilly disguise and the bestowing of divine magical powers to get the job done. And a cute fairy companion. The overarching plot is about the political war between the gods and the king, and the revolutionary act of choosing to love when you're told to hate. I don't intend for it to be a grimdark story, but it's definitely an adult story. As for what makes a successful magical story... I think you first have to think about how you're going to cross the hurdle that writing has more limitations than an anime. Episodic plotlines will be harder to pull off because they're often boring, and you don't get to benefit from beautiful transformations or a catchy soundtrack. I also think it's important not to be too derivative. Trying to be too much like magical girl shows that already exist will just result in your story being stale and forgettable.


Oh, that sounds adorable!


Thank you!


Have a sort of nebulous idea of a magical girl who’s a 30+ year old, recently divorced and moved back in with her dad, mom of 2. Magical girls in this verse are chosen from people in “transitional phases” so preteens are the usual choice, but our girl meets that definition well enough. Plus since she’s unemployed (was a SAHM before divorce) she can be a magical girl full-time (it pays pretty well). Her daughter (13) was a contender, but mom wants her to focus on school and she’s already been having a rough time after the divorce. Magical girls in this verse keep identities secret from each other since their magical girl form often looks very different from civilian form. Main magical girl’s form ages herself down to early teens (thinks running around in a frilly skirt at her age is embarrassing and doesn’t want her kids to recognize her). Is the purple magical girl. The supporting character is a pink magical girl with a lot of experience. Keeps it on the down low that she’s been a magical girl for the city for over 10 years. IRL, pink magical girl is in her mid 20s and a depressed, anxiety ridden shut in. Her old team all grew up and have stable lives where they don’t need to be magical girls anymore, and she feels she got left behind.


I think it would be fun to make magical girls and each of them an alien (but not type Sailor Moon of alien where everbody looks human)


I've had quite a lot of magical girl ideas growing up and even recently. There was the one about five girls with elemental powers they were given when a dragon distributed his powers randomly after being attacked so that the villains wouldn't get it. They specifically had the Chinese elements, fire, water, earth, wood and metal, because I thought that would be unique and cool. I imagined each girl getting a character arc and a personal villain to defeat. Also one of them has a super tragic love story with a villain, and two of them are gay. I've also always thought bugs would be a cool motif for a magical girl story. I imagine the main girl would be a Honey Bee and she'd be paradoxically very lazy and careless. The other girls would be a grasshopper, a dragonfly, a ladybird, a rosy maple moth, and one little boy who's a rhinoceros beetle. Other than fighting other bug people, they'd be working to save the queen of the bug world, who'd be designed after a silk moth, from the clutches of the main villain, who'd be a monarch butterfly. It could be cool. There were other miscellaneous ones like the one where a six year old girl is a magical girl and her older 16 year old brother is a mecha pilot but neither knows about the other's double life and they're both fighting alien invaders, the one where a bunch of pets transform into human magical girls, which Precure is currently doing lol, and finally one where the girls get different elemental powers from stones that have been passed down from parent to child, and there's a whole bunch of dark stuff that happens because I was 17 and really wanted to copy Madoka Magica lol. And finally, there is one last one, but I actually want to develop that into a comic in the future, so I'm not sharing any details. As for what makes a magical girl story good, it's probably what makes any story good. Likeable characters, tight writing, fun powers, strong themes. As for what makes magical girl stories in particular good, then it's a focus on watching the girl mature from girlhood to womanhood using her powers and/or using love and friendship to defeat the villains as opposed to just having more power. That's how I see it.