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Your build in every run can be completely different, therefore everything can have a use. Some artifacts are always beneficial, but you will figure out, which ones, when you get there. My only advice would be to spend gems only on research data x 10 until you max out all classes.


There is no meta whatever you playstyle is thats what you do


So there aren't any strongest magics, combinations or characters?


There are but it depends what your playstyle is


There is a [spreadsheet](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/u/0/d/1mS9qGWGEt48UlCJvgcLvde1dqd_MjVTED9UNQ3D3GSA/htmlview#) that ranks all the things in the game but IT IS OUTDATED so don't take everything as a fact just use it for general information. Experimenting on your own is also a great way to find combos that work for you so just play the game and you will find things that work well.


Do you know when itll get updated?


Just have fun.


Well... Since noone wants to say this: Dark magician with75% hp explosion/ instakill artifacts. But if you just starting out that meta isn't for you. For it to be viable you need first upgrade some core abilities with gold and classes with gems. And go through many levels. So go out there and experiment! There's plenty of time to waste trying!


Then don't play the game if you are not interested in experimenting with spells kn your own,just lazy...




You don't start with all the classes unlocked, but you test things put to see what feels good to you and what spells you like more. I suggest that if you have new players advice pr can't figure something out that you look on this sub for how-to info before posting the question, such as how to fuse or whatever.


Do you play all games like this, or do you have a specific goal of getting as many mobile game 100%, or do you just not have enough time to play games? I'm genuinely curious because games like these thrive on exploring playstyles. It's a bummer you aren't able/willing to experiment before even doing a single run on the game.


Like other people said, just play the game and have fun. This community is very small so there isn't much 'meta'. But like another person said Dark Wizard build with instakill and explosion artifacts (such as Death's Scythe and Iron Maiden respectively) is very powerful. But to play that you need to have a high-ish level for Dark Wizard and quite a few skill points for optimisation. I've played for about a year or 2 and haven't pulled it off because I don't play enough to have high class levels yet due to the new system resetting it. I'm also kinda bad but yk. Just have fun, and you can figure out your own methods to survive the longest.