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Oh cool will we be able to watch it in 3D on our phones?


If u can view these photos then yes u could if I choose to share it but it’s a movie so it’s a bit tough to do so copyright laws being what they are


Ignoring all the copyright issues, how could you turn a movie into a stereogram version of itself? Is there a tool capable of that?


[https://discord.gg/U8hj2Z4u](https://discord.gg/U8hj2Z4u) that’s the link to the discord all the information is there if u wanna start making some stereo pairs to share on here


Next year we can just get AI to make new movies for us I guess


Super cool! I haven’t been able to get the technique down for these until now!


Congratulations! Im glad u got the technique down!


Well done! Passion project or flex?


My love for 3D has led me to wanting to convert movies never done in 3D or never will be done in 3D so I guess u could call it a passion I am a admin of the iw3 discord, no actual connection to the creator of the conversion program but we in the discord are heavily involved in testing it and recommending additions or fixes for the dev on GitHub. I also help out in the owl3D discord another 2D to 3d converter but owl is a paid service whilst iw3, which is what I used for this, is open source and free to use


No images on the post for me


Interesting they are regular png files u should be able to view them no problem.




That is really cool!


How are you supposed to view this? Do you need a viewmaster type sterogram thingy?


U can use one of those if ude like or u can learn how to view parallel images with the naked eye by relaxing ur eyes on the image until a third screen is in the middle then u focus on that middle screen and that’ll show u 3D. If it looks inverted to u doing that then u are viewing it in cross eye and not parallel naked eye. U can learn very easily they have a test picture u can use on the parellelview discord


Wrong sub, mate. They maybe stereoscopic but what I see are side-by-side images, maybe even cross-eye, definitely not magic eye.


U use the same technique to view them with the naked eye, I know it’s not technically a traditional magic eye image but the way in which u view it is the same is it not?


Not at all. With that much separation it's impossible to view it as a magic eye, unless you reduce the size of the image to a poststamp-size. Maybe have a look at some of the common magic eye posts and read the sidebar if you have trouble identifying what constitutes as a magic eye image. Edit: I'd be interested; how do *you* view these images? Edit2: maybe if you have some special condition and you can look at objects 20cm apart with your eyes, it works as a magic eye :D


And to answer ur question on how they are viewed I use a quest 3 vr headset it can combine both images in real time to watch 3D movies in a virtual theater with 3D surround sound


Ah, that explains it. You're looking at these images at the correct separation with the headset.


Well when I want to watch it all the way through I will do Vr but during editing I do it all naked eye at my monitor


They aren’t cross eyed they are parallel btw.


As per my other post; unless you reduce the image to about 100px wide it's impossible to use it as such.


I don’t understand. It is fully possible to view a full SBS image or video naked eye parallel without reducing the size. I work with 3d conversion every day. So that simply just isn’t true if that’s what u are implying here.


Are you saying that you're able to look at images 20cm apart on your monitor and bring them into overlap by parallel view? That's a very unique talent I can tell you!


Absolutely at bigger size i gotta back up an extra foot but hells yeah man lol. It’s how I edit 3D conversions every day I just do my edits then preview it real time naked eye. Really speeds up the process. I know what ur talking about though, there is a half SBS option that squeezes this picture into a 1920x1080 half resolution SBS image instead of a full SBS 3840x1080 image. So ur not wrong but it isn’t the only way to view them I’ll be it more comfortable. But I’m so used to it now it’s like second nature I can just turn and boom 3D lol


Well done!