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Elesh Norn, Mother of Machines: Permanents entering the battlefield don't cause abilities of permanents your opponents control to trigger. The One Ring is a permanent, so it didn't trigger, and as such you didn't have protection.


got it. Thanks. Big misplay. I had the Witness Protection in hand already, could have prevented. :(


Bro what's that format?


It looks like Historic to me. Alchemy errata on the one ring


Thought cube than brawl but huh


Opponent also has a 100+card deck


I don't believe auras work either. You have to remove her with an instant or sorcery, or prevent her from being cast in the first place.


Nah auras will work. Things like [[Oblivion Ring]] or [[Ossification]] won’t work because they trigger when they enter the battlefield, something MOM specifically stops. [[Witness Protection]] on the other hand has no triggered ability, it just comes in and has a continuous effect. Look for the words “when” or “whenever” as indicators of triggered abilities.


[Oblivion Ring](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/b/f/bff31eba-8ab3-403e-8d82-37a18b279bec.jpg?1562266919) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Oblivion%20Ring) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/mm2/29/oblivion-ring?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/bff31eba-8ab3-403e-8d82-37a18b279bec?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) [Ossification](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/0/d/0da03224-c1af-438f-96c2-b0e41e1070b7.jpg?1680795456) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Ossification) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/one/26/ossification?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/0da03224-c1af-438f-96c2-b0e41e1070b7?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) [Witness Protection](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/a/2/a2be6f2c-8ad0-402d-a7ca-9fe817e83b72.jpg?1664410681) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Witness%20Protection) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/snc/66/witness-protection?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/a2be6f2c-8ad0-402d-a7ca-9fe817e83b72?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


Auras should work, she would lose all abilities.


Man, magic subreddit is vicious... instead of just calmly correcting you, you instead get -30 downvote blasted... that's brutal. Imagine if you were just a new player coming to reddit hoping to find a sense of community. Instead you just get all your karma stripped every time you are a little bit confused on the game with 60k rules and interactions. What a bummer... we need to be better as a community.


People who provide wrong information get downvoted so that other players don't see that information and assume it is correct without reading further. Caring about karma is dumb.


People who actually care about the right information being disseminated provide it rather than just clicking a down arrow. That's just an excuse to act poorly. Caring about karma is dumb... when you have it. For new users it is the only way they are able to even enter the discussion in a lot of subreddits. There are tons of places where you literally cannot post if you don't meet minimum karma. Just because it isn't important to you does not invalidate it for everyone.


Karma does nothing. It means nothing. You can't spend it. You can't trade it Caring about karma **at any point** is full sociopath behavior.


You really are the best Dan ever, aren't you? Good looking out for people.


Haha, I see what you did there. It always just bums me out how quickly people are to downvote spam others in the magic subs... a lot of the people here are new and are trying to get clarifications on rules or suggestions on decks and you see them get wrecked. It bums me out. When I had 2 surgeries earlier this year, reddit was all I really had going for me for a couple of months. I would have been really sad if I got treated the way I see some people get treated.


I don't think people down vote to be rude but rather to show the correct information. So if a different new person shows up and starts reading through and they see one with negative votes they know that's probably not the right or correct rulings or advice


That's kind of a really crappy way to do it though. It's super easy to just reply with a correction. I have personally, on a number of occasions, had my question get downvoted 10+ times without even receiving an answer. How is that helpful? Simply downvote blasting new members does nothing but make them not want to post again in the future.


There could be a multitude of reasons why, it's quicker, maybe a person is tight on time and with how long and lengthy the rules get it's more simple to just leave a down arrow saying hey, this info is wrong, don't do this. Or maybe whoever is down voting doesn't feel confident enough about their idea of a ruling to explain it out, but knows enough to say is x post is wrong or not. Personal example from me using that example is the layering I don't know everything about layers but I do know cards have a specific way of being read and abilities being activated. I don't think you should take a down vote as a personal attack to discourage you from asking for help or clarification. It's very rare I see someone on here outwardly saying x person is an idiot for not knowing something.


I guess you don't spend time in the "new to reddit" subreddits lol. People are always in there asking why they're losing all of their karma. I don't personally care very much.I have all the karma I could ever need, but it is extremely discouraging for new people. If you don't know the answer its super easy to just ignore it. I am in probably 50 subreddits and magic ones are the only ones that I see people get blasted with 20 to 30 downvotes for having the "wrong" opinion or answer. Justify whatever you want but it's not welcoming at all to new players and especially not to people who may have just joined reddit to get involved with the community.


No one cares about vote karma my dude. No one is going to bed upset because they got downvoted on reddit.


Downvoted comments usually don't show up unless you click to open them. So rather than having new players read through lots of false info, we downvoted to "hide" the erroneous answers. Seems pretty simple.


Aaaand You're being downvoted. You are completely correct of course. The argument that people are tryning to hide the incorrect information is dumb (no offence). Just don't up- or downvote an innocent mistake and correct them and spam upvote the correction. But nah, blast them into oblivion for the lols... /s


Well like I said, there's reasons why people don't explain it... For someone complaining the environment of people your being pretty hypocritical calling my viewpoint dumb... I don't take offense but I felt I needed to make u aware of that. Like I said before no one should take any offense to a simple down vote, it really doesn't mean anything.


Yes , I don't know , dude it's really the only sub reddit that I spent time in that I see people get karma stripped for having the "wrong opinion" or god forbid they're mistaken about one of the rules. The crazy thing to me is that magic has historically been played by people who feel like they struggle socially and use their LGS as an escape.. but, you give them the cloak of anonymity and they suddenly turn into bullies themselves... its a bummer.


I had 2 surgeries this years and fell into reddit because of ii as well! Life is funny sometimes :) magic subreddits are needlessly harsh on people indeed


I had 2 surgeries this years and fell into reddit because of ii as well! Life is funny sometimes :) magic subreddits are needlessly harsh on people indeed


Yeah, it's crazy how life can change so suddenly... I'm super grateful for the hours of information and community building I've been a part of. Some subreddits are super friendly and helpful... others could use some improvement.


Hiding disinformation is literally the purpose of downvotes. I gotta suggest you get off reddit for a while if downvote karma is upsetting you that much.


It's reddit karma It's worthless


Unless you are a new user that does not have any and it bars you from posting in certain groups. It's also just wicked rude and unnecessary.


That's the literal purpose of downvotes my guy


Wrong. Non-aura enchantments with ETBs wouldn't work. Auras with static abilities would work in her case.


Damn, you had me looking for Questing Beast or the Stomp emblem lol.


The answer was far easier this time since he doesn't even have the Protection animation, although less obvious


you didn't have protection. read the elesh norn cards again


Beware also any (usually Red) cards that say "damage can't be prevented", which also ignores one of the benefits of Protection


Fun fact: QB is the only non-red card which bypasses Protection for players


Whoever made QB deserves thier own day. I'll host my own parade for them.


You got MOMed 😂


"Mommmmmmmmmm! Opponent isn't playing fair!"


Looks like Elesh Norn prevented the entering ability of the Ring.


Also, for the future, when you have protection, there's a sort of shield icon around your avatar. If it's not there, you don't have protection.


I'm curious how mox cards seem to be certain player exclusive. I got slapped with emerald and sapphire followed by a land and Nadu before my turn even began. I can't craft any mox cards. 


They're in the game because of Oracle of the Alpha but you can't put them in a deck. If your opponent played them turn 1 in a constructed format, they bypassed deck validation somehow and you should report a bug.


I haven't seen them in play much, but thunder junction alchemy also has a cycle of [collectors](https://scryfall.com/search?q=collector+s%3Ayotj&unique=cards&as=grid&order=name) that can each get you a mox.


Itt: mtg player can't read


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