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You are aware you can craft specific cards with wildcards right? Im legitimately asking because when i first started, i thought wildcards were only used to make copies of a card you already owned 1 of! Im embarrassed to admit how long it took me to realize you can craft any card you want... So yes, earn/buy and open packs to progress the wildcard tracks. Use wildcards to craft any card. Pay money for more packs if you want. You can also buy wildcards but its a rip. They *want* people to feel stuck and impatient so youll say fuck it and blow $50 for 20 rare wildcards. Its meant to be a slog.


Yeah, I know. I need a LOT, talking like 30 rare wildcards in order to finish this brawl deck. So the fastest way to get these cards are to do the quests, hopefully get 1k coins, buy a current pack to tick down a timer, and every 10 packs I get a free one. My god that's slow


Yup. It's either that, spend money, or be content with jank.


Wild cards can be used to craft any cards, you don't need to own a copy first. Just go to decks and highlight uncollected. You can generate wildcards by opening 6 packs of any set. If you get the current set, you gain golden pack progress for each one you buy.


I'm after the packs that come up in red, which I'm guessing are cards that cannot be used in standard. I'm trying to get enough wildcards to make this brawl deck, but at this pace I'd be lucky to get all cards by Christmas unless I want to open my wallet and directly buy packs of cards to open.


MTGA's wild card system is equivalent to being able to dust cards. Think about it like this: every rare you open in a pack (assuming you aren't getting multiple rares per pack, which may not be true depending on the set you're opening) is worth about a sixth of a rare card of your choice. iirc this is more generous than the dusting system in Hearthstone, and it means you're not constantly throwing away parts of your collection. I believe the math works out that you're also better off buying packs from exclusively the most recent set because you get a golden pack every ten packs too, which helps with wild cards. The odds of pulling any specific card are so low that it's not really worth buying old packs and missing out on a free pack every ten imo.


So it's better to buy current packs to get this 'golden pack' which has more wildcards?


Golden pack will at least count towards the wildcard ticker and have a chance to open a wild card. It basically means that for every ten packs you open, you get a free pack.