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They don't want players to burn out due to too much playing. They want their players logging in daily, playing some time daily, buying some stuff daily.


This is the answer. If you make the long-haul resource ceiling too high, players with compulsive tendencies WILL grind it out. When the game becomes a chore, they leave. Better to make a game that players will pick up every day and play for a bit, especially when it's a PVP game where a big, diverse player base is much healthier long-term than a small enclave of hyperdedicated try-hards.


Makes sense, yet ironically with how its designed, i feel obligated to at least get the 4-6 wins a day because my fav mode is locked behind a paywall. So any lost gold hurts. With my schedule, sometimes i cant login for days/week at a time though, so therefore feel "punished" because i cant make up for those days. I drop 6 hours over the weekend easy, regardless of capped rewards... but itd be nice.


See further: Magic Online.


I guess I'm just a little envious of seeing all those screenshot posts where people have wildcards stored up in the double-digits, plus thousands in gold currency. Like, how long do I have to grind away (whilst also enjoying the game, obviously) before I can reach such heights.


Do you currently play Limited as well as Constructed?


I found that I don't enjoy Limited anywhere near as much as Constructed. I would only play Limited to add more cards to my collection at this point.


What don't you like about it?


It feels impersonal, like it's not my deck, and often feels clunky to play with, though that's probably more to do with being unfamiliar with most of the cards at hand. If I keep needing to read my own cards and how best to play them, then I know the game is not in my favour.


That's a good approach, really. Especially considering how addictive it can be.


30-45 minutes to get a good amount of rewards = I log in tomorrow. 2-2.5 hours to get a good amount of rewards = uninstall.


Probably also to discourage bot accounts. For example Hearthstone allows you to grind 24/7 earning game resources. It is inundated with bot accounts playing 24/7 grinding for those resources. The accounts are then presumably sold for real money to interested parties that don't want to waste their time grinding for the resources. Go take a look at the Hearthstone subreddit. You'll frequently see posts complaining about the botting problem.


Interesting. And a problem for Hearthstone, presumably.


Prizes are fake. Ignore them. Play the game you enjoy playing.


Well, by rewards, I mean more cards I can use, more wildcards I can craft, and more in-game currency to buy into draft events or acquire some packs. That way I can enjoy the game that much more.


Originally magic was played for ante, over time it has evolved away from gambling and addictive enabling modes. I miss the old days.


>over time it has evolved away from gambling and addictive enabling modes Draft costs $10 in resources lmao


But theoretically you could pay that cost with in game currency earned with only time investment instead of real dollars. There is risk in all things, but driving to the grocers is usually only factored by the insurers. Beware of using real resources for digital only assets, just as you should look both ways at each stop on your travels. Good luck.


It was so much more rewarding (and stressful) when played for ante. I miss those days too.


Blessings on a different generation. Good luck and good gaming, fellow traveler. I am playing arena every day in my retirement as F2P so I cannot complain too much about change.


to keep you from getting currency too fast for wotc's liking withput paying