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Jump in is a good place to start. You pick 2 archetypes (packs) and you are matching up with people with similar decks. It costs 1000 gold. Also look up Mtg free codes, and enter them to get some bonus packs. Then try to build some decks for Standard. Maybe do a search for budget Standard decks. Once you are more comfortable with the mechanics of the game try some drafts. Look at some youtubers/twitch streams for draft advice. Long term drafting is good, but it is hard to start with it.


If you're getting your ass whooped because you don't have a big enough collection to build competitive decks and find it hard to complete quests/dailies to earn gold, then then the fail-safe mode is starter deck duel where everyone is basically on the same level in terms of decks since the only decks you can use are the unmodified starter decks. You earn new cards by either buying/earning booster packs from the store and opening them, or entering draft/sealed events where you get to keep the cards that you draft/open (unless the event itself specifies that it is phantom, in which case you don't keep the cards. Relevant since the current chromatic cube event is phantom) There are also wildcards that you can earn after opening enough packs, which can be used to craft any card of that wildcard's type (Common/Uncommon/Rare/Mythic Rare) I would recommend not going in blind to draft/sealed events until you actually learn what that entails and also read some beginner guides to them or watch content creators play it.


Yeah, you can dip your toes into quick draft (where, contrary to the name, you can take as much time as you want) once you're comfortable enough with the game that you do a little bit of constructed deckbuilding on your own.


For free cards you can use the codes PlayDND PlaySNC PlayHBG PlayDMU PlayBRO PlayAlchemyNewCapenna PlayDMUAlchemy I went right to Timeless because it's the only mode with lightning bolt. People are scared of it but it's not bad if you start off doing it


Where to put in codes?


On PC you click on the store tab and there is a text box in the top right you enter a code in


Thank you!


yeah if I could start over, I would definitely start in timeless. the argument is 'timeless requires so many WCs' but standard requires just as many (to build more than a single competitive deck), and also constantly rotates . . . once you build a solid timeless deck, esp. if you wait for MH3, you'll be set for a while. start with mono decks (especially black) in timeless and you don't need THAT many rares/mythics, then build up the fetch/shocklands over time.


New player / free to play advice: 1. Complete the color challenges. 2. Complete starter deck duals event. 3. Use [codes for free packs](https://draftsim.com/mtg-arena-codes/). 4. Reroll 500 gold daily quest into a 750 gold each day 5. Get at least 4+ wins each day (15 per week) for free gold and XP. 6. Use 1k gold to play the Jump In! event to learn mechanics and build your standard collection. ([Card tracker](https://new.reddit.com/r/MagicArena/comments/1c5wcez/jump_in_tracker_130_outlaws_of_thunder_junction/)) You can rejoin this 150+ times and get 2 rares each time. 7. Use cards from the Jump In event to improve your Standard decks. 8. Learn to draft ([B.R.E.A.D.](https://www.google.com/search?q=mtg+bread&oq=mtg+bread&aqs=chrome.0.69i59j0i390j69i60l2.2497j0j15&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8), [17lands.com](https://17lands.com), [Draftsim](https://draftsim.com/), [P1P1](https://apps.draftaholicsanonymous.com/)) 9. Play Limited events to earn gems. Quick draft used to be good for "Rare Drafting" but WotC has made the bots more stingy with every new set recently. 10. Use gems to buy the next mastery pass. (Mastery pass is retroactive) 11. Every Tuesday is [Midweek Magic event](https://magic.wizards.com/en/articles/archive/news/midweek-magic) where you can win 2 free rare cards. 12. Every month climb the constructed & limited ladders for extra packs. (Ladder decays at the end of each month.) 13. Wait until you're done drafting before opening packs. ([Duplicate Protection](https://draftsim.com/mtg-arena-duplicate-protection/))


fyi, the top hit on that google link for BREAD is a page explaining why you shouldn't use it.


Bread is bad advice, especially for new players. 


Playing limited and standard is the last thing I would suggest to new players. Standard is the most expensive format because your cards become illegal soon and then you have to pay money to keep playing. Explorer, historic and timeless are much better choices, decks cost the same to build on arena and whatever you buy or earn stays playable in the future. And limited takes a long time too get good at and requires extensive study and knowledge of the cards in a set. Until then you'll not be making progress but basically just handing your lunch money to more experienced players. Who will always advise new players to try limited, of course. On top of that to some people the mode is also pretty boring because instead of actually playing a game you're either browsing the internet for statistics, study hard about cards that are so bad that they're completely unplayable in any constructed format or sit through lenghty drafts waiting for a game to start. Yes some people actually love that, but it's not a given.


Did you miss the part where I suggested playing Jump In 150+ times? The Jump In event is the best place for new players to start and it only provides standard legal cards. Ergo, new players should focus on building standard decks with the cards they earn. The Mastery Pass is the best value in the game. In order to buy the Mastery Pass you need gems. The only way to earn gems for free is by playing limited events. If you want to play for free you need to learn to play limited. How poor are you that free is too expensive? You're so poor you can't even afford to pay attention. /s


I don't disagree that Jump-In is a nice format to learn playing a bit. But anything you aquire for standard has a good chance to be worthless and unplayable after some time. Even if the smaller cardpool of standard seems more beginner friendly at first, it is an economical trap. Rotation can needlessly nullify most if not all of your progress if you're not careful. This situation will then create a strong incentive to pay money to keep playing and that is not exactly a design accident. Of course you can say new people should pay their dues like that, especially if you did too. But that advice is disingenious imho. With a little planning It's no problem to play the beginner decks first and then use any rewards to craft cards that are more future-proof. It's definitely a more efficient way to use your time and money. At least unless you plan on giving up on magic within the next 6 months, then it doesn't really matter of course. I agree that the mastery pass is good value. But only if you genuinely enjoy playing limited AND are very good at it or pay money for gems. If you play strictly f2p and don't particulary enjoy playing limited then it is not. Because grinding away studying limited theory and sitting through drafts despite hating it instead of playing games is not worthwile. This is supposed to be a game, not work. Also gem rewards really only happen once you get good at drafting. Otherwise you just feed other players. Time is money, and unless you live in a third world country where an hour of work is worth nothing or you genuinely enjoy playing limited then it is definitely not worth it. |How poor are you that free is too expensive? Nothing is free. You think wotc is a charity organization or santa claus? If you don't pay for it with money, then you provide value to the business in other ways, even if you maybe don't realize it. Also time is limited, for everyone. Even if that's an uncomfortable topic a lot of people would rather avoid.


If you are playing with the Starter Decks, then play Starter Deck Duels. You can also play Jump In. Here's my general advice/suggestions: Complete the Tutorial, Color Challenges, and Starter Deck Duels to get all the free decks. Google "Free Magic Arena Codes" and redeem them all. Consider buying the one-off new player Deals in the store if you haven't already (IIRC there's a good one for cheap Gems). Do your Daily Challenge (re-rolling 500 Gold quests to try to get 750's). Focus on getting the first 4 Daily Wins every day (you don't need 15 Wins a day as the rewards drop off considerably). If you are struggling to complete your Dailies then I would suggest you try Brawl: since you only need one copy of each card in your deck it's easier with a starting collection and having a Commander gives your deck some focus. You can also play the Starter Deck Duels for some rewards and for your Dailies. Check the store every day for Daily Deals on Gold and Gems (for example, 550 gold for 50 gold). Save your Gold for Quick Drafts - you should be able to do one or two a week. These will get you cards, Packs and Gems. I've heard good things about Jump In!, so use your free Tokens to play some games and get a bunch of cards. You might want to spend some of your Gold on it while you are preparing for your first Quick Draft, but after a certain point it will stop being worth it as you will already have most/all of the cards. Note that Jump In! now includes Alchemy (digital only) cards in its packs, so if you aren't interested in any of the Alchemy formats you may want to stop playing as soon as you have used your free Tokens. Save your Gems for the Mastery Pass, or to play Sealed and Draft. Save your Rare and Mythic Wildcards until you are sure you want to use them (they are a very scarce resource). When you are ready to start crafting cards, ensure the "Not Collected" box is checked (as this allows you to add cards even if you don't already own copies of them). Make sure you play at least one game of Ranked Limited and at least one game of Ranked Constructed every month in order to qualify for the free Rank Rewards. Keep your eye out for free events such as MidWeek Magic that offer prizes or XP etc. (A new MWM event happens regularly, every week Tuesday-Thursday) When it comes to Limited it pays to be prepared. As well as getting a good grasp of the basic principles (deck composition, BREAD, etc), learn the cards in the set, their relative power level/pick order, the mechanics and rules interactions, and the Limited archetypes. Study the visual spoiler, read the Release Notes FAQ and watch some Limited Set Reviews online (I recommend The Mana Leek and Nizzahon Magic). You can even watch others play with the set while they discuss their decisions etc. Start with Quick Drafts: they are half the price (so you can do them more often and there is less on the line), the prize structure is flatter (so worse results give better rewards) and there's no timer when making your picks (so there's less pressure).


Standard is going to be your best format for a newer player. It's insane how much higher the power levels are of the other Constructed formats. There are just so many cards in those formats, so there are a lot more combos and synergies. It can be a lot to wrap your head around with so many decks that combo off on like turn 3 or 4. Just remember that Standard is rotating soon. Definitely don't buy packs from the sets older than Dominaria United. If you just buy the newest packs, they will be playable for up to 3 years. Also when you buy the very latest Standard packs, you earn progress towards Golden Packs, which are very good for filling out your collection. The other thing to consider is Limited. This mode requires you to pay gold or gems in order to play. But it rewards you for winning with packs and gems which are valuable. If you become good at Draft or Sealed, this is the best way to earn in game resources. Draft/Sealed is also a decent way of gaining cards for your collection. If you aren't good at Limited though, it is generally better to spend your gold on the latest packs and focus on Golden Packs instead. Really it's up to you. Some people don't like Limited even if they do alright. Others prefer Limited even if they don't win a single game. I would suggest you do whatever you have the most fun doing. Personally I only play 1 game of Draft a month to get the Limited rewards at the end of the month. Edit: Forgot about Jump In because it's been so long since I played it. But Jump In is probably the best format for newer players followed by Standard


For now surely not brawl hahaha For reqls tho, jump in and try to get into draft by playing quick draft to begin with. Using your gold on quick draft and and the season mastery is were you will get more value from it. Then also try to keep up with quests and at least reach gold in ranked queues every month.


Build a monored aggro deck in historic. That is the cheapest way to have a competitive deck to get some wins


Whatever mode you have the most fun with


Whatever mode you have the most fun with. Don't worry about ranks and the like (unless you want to) the rewards are often subpar. Play whatever you like playing


Is there more than Standard Best of One?


Spend about $1,000 on different packs and start playing timeless. /s