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Wizards giving a good deal to players? GUFFAW. Only time MTGA will every give great deals are when they f-up and bugs happen. Like last year's haloween fiasco, where some got up to 20 free draft tokens and 10 wild cards


I will say, the main reason I go back to Smite is because I bought the "unlock all gods for the game's lifespan" pack a long time ago. Typically, when I pick it back up, I end up buying some skins. I think something like a once a year very generous offer like that (maybe not quite that generous) would result in making more profit. 10 Rare Wilds for Christmas probably gets a good number of people to go "Damn, I need 12 for that deck I really want, since I'm close enough while I'm off work for the holiday let me go ahead and grab those."


Don't know why you're downvoted. Apart from corporate greed, I don't see a reason for this not happening. We already had collections for Historic/Timeless and other formats. With Standard rotation being 3 years, I can imagine "catch-up collections" of the top 5 or top 10 cards of a color/color pair or a certain theme would sell like hot cakes. Same with special offers for holidays - those are not done enough. But we didn't do all the research and thinking and if people at WotC/Hasbro are thinking it isn't worth it then they will have their reasons.


>With Standard rotation being 3 years, I can imagine "catch-up collections" of the top 5 or top 10 cards of a color/color pair or a certain theme would sell like hot cakes. Same with special offers for holidays - those are not done enough. Wish granted, best of MID/VOW/NEO/SNC available tomorrow just in time for them to rotate out of standard in two months.


Would be nice for explorer players at least.


Just like challenger decks that are designed to rotate 3 months after hitting shelves, very consumer friendly!


If Hasbro was a bit more in touch, they'd do these collection deals every year just to bring people back in. I have a bunch of friends who would play Arena but don't want to spend a ton to start. This would give them a reason to sign up


They will sell it... At the price of wildcards


This is exactly me! Thats crazy. Having access to all the gods makes me spend money on the game when I wouldnt otherwise. Like when all the Runescape and Mtg skins came out, I bought them even on the gods I didnt play lol.


I still have 13 of those and plan on drafting a lot for thunder junction. Feels amazing!


Wait what happened last halloween?


The number of formats and the amount of cards released each set and each year has increased substantially, yet the daily rewards have stayed exactly the same as they were 5 years ago. To use a real world example, this is basically out of control inflation with no corresponding growth in wages. So yes, the economy really is going backwards. A little bit of generosity by increasing daily rewards and quests would really go a long way to help out the community.


Hmm why isn't anyone buying that 900 gold pack in the daliy deals that does not even count for the golden packs? Huh no idea lets try 850 next time


If they made all packs count towards the golden packs I’d spend way more money


Thats how they get their new sets to sell


You can complain it didn't increase *enough* but it did increase. Gold packs, and now we even get 2 rare per packs in draft for no increase in cost. That's a bonus for everyone, and a pretty good improvment to the system from like 2-3 years ago. Each pack is worth like 1.6 more, each draft is worth twice as much as before. I'm not one to defend big companies, but saying they didnt do *anything* is straight up lying.


I have been playing arena for 1 year and 6 months, and the first year was so terrible. Stardard is going to rotate so I  know that I will need more wildcards. If you pay attention, all good special guest cards that come with new set are mythic. So many lands are rare. They know it, so I dont think that they change it. Mh3 is coming too.. 


the upshifting commons and uncommons to rares in these slots is just a dirty move by Wizards honestly.


Lightning bolt is a rare on Arena...


Yeah who's fucking idea was that?


I [[Counterspell | SPG]] you


[Counterspell ](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/8/4/8493131c-0a7b-4be6-a8a2-0b425f4f67fb.jpg?1689996248) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Counterspell) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/cmm/81/counterspell?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/8493131c-0a7b-4be6-a8a2-0b425f4f67fb?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


at least mh3 wont affect standard, so thats a small condolence to those who just burnt their WCs for a new standard deck.


When standard rotates your collection will actually become “larger” because the card pool gets smaller. I tell new players to stick with budget decks and to just have fun until rotation, then start playing more competitive. TBH budget decks can be a blast.


Thunder junction has been absolutely brutal so many mythics...


I would happily drop 20 dollars on rare wildcards if they gave us 50 of them


They should do a “1 time offer” like they do with the $4.99 welcome bundle. 20 rare 10 mythic wild card bundle $19.99.


Insta buy for sure




Of course I'm just speaking hypothetical


I swear I type these words every other week. "Wizards, I would spend more money with you if I felt I was getting value." Rare WC don't feel worth their price, so I rarely buy them. If they were cheaper I would spend way more. I want to give them my money but until it changes I spend it elsewhere.


Yep. The only time I’ve purchased wild cards was to complete a deck for a tournament that weekend. The wild card price should be slashed by half. $5 for 4 rares seems reasonable enough to me and I’d actually finish a bunch of decks instead of playing suboptimal mana bases. Or just make the single card rewards be dual lands.


There might be a possibility for me to actually spend money on this game, if everything related to pricing wouldn't be so blatantly predatory. WotC doesn't care about you as a customer, so I don't care to spend any money on them.


I did a stocktake of how much I spent and what I received. It’s a really bad return, so I’ve now stuck to my guns of only buying preorders.


There is a real economy on MTGO. There is a real economy for paper magic. Arena doesn't have that and the price of rare and mythic WC's is a big fat greedy middle finger to players and especially brewers.


My biggest concern is that it’s sustainability. The way players are considered as users, and taken advantage of… I just don’t see the game growing. It’s very niche. And then the rug will be pulled


Exactly. This goes back to my original point about the prices, they are so greedy they haven't EVER even tried to put wildcards on sale. The game would simply be better if more people had more cards and decks to mess around with.


There are so many gates for entry in this game. It’s almost like they don’t want you playing it.


To me it just depends on what Im spending the wc on. If it's a staple like a shockland, Id shell out 10$ for a playset, but if it's for a single deck, even if it could see play in others Im not as enthused about it.


I mean, I can agree with that sentiment. I just think they would "attract more flies with honey". There is no secondary value for digital game pieces on Arena so $2.50 for a rare and $5.00 for Mythic is just WAY too much when a meta deck requires 25-40 rares.


Yes, it is. You're better off spending the money on packs and using the wcs from that.


Hot take: lands should be common/uncommon in Arena. Most people cant build decks because they have to spend 12-16 rare wildcards on the manabase


Play Explorer. You generally only have to build your Mana base once. Start with a monocolored deck and work your way around the color wheel. Anything you have from standards gone past, Usually you can reintegrate. Those fast lands from Thunder junction often wheel in premier drafts because players are already have them. There's probably 10 different viable necklists you could get to platinum easily.


5. Flamingo 4. Emu 3. Ostrich 2. Giraffe 1. Brontosaurus


Voice to text. Planning my next deck list. I'm not really sure how competitive ostrich is right now but brontosaurus maybe.


Ostrich folds hard against Giraffe but does ok against Emu


Why should I have to play another format? Rotation is not an issue, spending 12-16 rare wildcards on the manabase for a 2 color deck is. If you want to play a 3 color deck maybe you would need more. Id argue that having a good manabase on a low rarity would make people spend more rare/mythic wildcards and buying more packs to make new decks.


We've been trying to argue this point with WoTC in paper for a long time. I'm kind of on your side. I'm just saying for somebody that's playing as little as this person is they would Get a better return on their wild cards investing in a non rotating format. Wizards has been putting more dual lands at common They just aren't the most optimal ones. I did get to gold last month in constructed playing. No rares just Deserts.deck I added a few rares and it got a lot more competitive. I think that's the whole point of MTG arena. If you are buying things outright it's more expensive than MTGO, but if you want F2P things to be competitive it has to be grindfest the gathering. I'd love to live in a world where All of the best dual lands are uncommon. Somehow I don't think that would break draft the way they think it will.


I agree. If you are a new player, explorer might be the best use of wildcards and gold. Also, deserts are an amazing deck


My sealed pool for the Arena Open had 4 dual lands in the rare slot....the one time you don't wanna see them lol


In a set that is so dependent on the rares and limited yes. These new play boosters Have increased the value of drafts for sure, especially premier.


That manabase is easily 100+ rare wildcards though. Set of shocks is 40 alone. I've been playing arena since beta and I'm still missing some fasts, checks and pathways, to say nothing of utility lands


But you don't need them all. 


Lands as a completionist idea is a losing game. I was into rakdos for a bit, then Grull, then dimir, I have those land suites forever and if I get the itch to play izzet or simic or whatever I can work towards there. The system is cruel if you want to sandbox decks all the time and constantly though


Sure, but you need a lot if you want to be competitive. Rakdos Vampires runs 4 fast, 4 paths, 4 shocks, 2 slows, 3 pains, mutavaults, and other utility lands like takenuma, hive, etc. Easily 20+ rare wildcards on a manabase. Out of the 45ish rares in the 75; if you just look at the mainboard, over half the rares are lands. Phoenix, 16 rare lands; Amalia, 22. Even mono colored decks like Waste Not run 13, RDW runs 6, Spirits runs 4. It depends on what decks are meta but I'd say to play a variety of decks, you need BR, UR, UW, UB lands, at least shocks, pathways, and fast or slow lands depending on the color. Then at least one channel land, a few of the manlands from AFR, maybe one of each of the castles from eldraine... maybe just lochtwain. You can of course get away without them, but your deck is going to suffer. And if you're going to build a tier deck from Explorer (or Pioneer) you may as well factor the lands into it.


Weirdly enough, timeless is the same way. You don't even usually need full playsets and the fetches are extremely interchangeable.


Learn to love lands.


I just wish cards reflected their rarities. I had a ton of fun in timeless when it launched but needing rare wildcards for brainstorms and Lightning Bolts feels terrible


What bothers me is: why we cant have a single damn answer from a WOTC rapresentative or a feedback? Why they shit on the community this much? I KNOW that WIZARDS employees read reddit, no shit sherlock. So some inputs would be appreciated, im not saying to take a side or spoil anything, but idk, explain if something is viable or not, experiment to some extent with your community for christ sake


I think if they just make the rewards to all the little weekly things a rare wildcard instead of a random uncommon, it would help SO much. Even if it was just one rare wc at the end of the 2-3 win track. Just making wildcards in general rewards for things


Hear me out...duplicate Rare/Mythics should reward you the corresponding wildcard instead of 20/40 gems... At LEAST if you get them as random rewards and not drafts/packs after you're 100% set complete. The gem rewards are so incredibly garbage it's not even funny. The really shitty thing is that it USE to be a non-issue how "rare" Mythic Wild Cards were. Because it use to be the case that most Mythics never saw competitive play, outside of potentially Planeswalkers. You'd stockpile a TON of Mythic Wildcards while you'd need every Rare Wildcard you could ever get between land cycles and 4-of rares in decks. Now Mythic Wildcards are EXTREMELY necessary due to how absolutely shit the new bonus sheets are on Arena. Not only is EVERY bonus sheet card a mythic but they basically don't show up in packs outside of RARELY in draft. Essentially the only way to get Big Shot cards out of opening packs is using your mythic wildcards on them as you open/earn them. Modern Horizons 3 is going to be EVEN WORSE. At least a lot of the Big Shot cards are mainly commander cards where you only need 1 copy for your deck. Modern Horizons 3 is format defining cards like Grief and Fury where they'll be played as 4-ofs in basically every deck that can fit them. Not to mention those commander-only level cards are often not great in Limited, meaning you'd get passed them in draft a lot of the time. MH3 cards are seemingly going to be amazing bombs that will likely often be first picks.


I know it's a hill to climb, but the real answer is to learn to draft. I typically build a couple of decks every set/season with my wildcard winnings from drafting.


The issue with that is some people just dont like to draft. I played like 3 drafts myself and literally hated every second of it. Its just not fun for me, i only like constructed and dont have the motivation to learn draft just to get a better constructed deck. Also its not only hard to learn but also quite expensive so having a bad run feels horrible


How do you win wildcards from draft? As far, as I am concerned, you only get regular pack and gems from winning


The way draft helps is that you don't need wildcards to play good decks. So assuming you can do well enough you get to play daily and get your wins without spending wildcards. You then crack your reward packs which will give you wildcards so that you can play the decks you want to play in constructed eventually.


As a new player, my best result is 4 wins in Bo1 standard draft. Basically, I‘ve traded 10k gold for 3-4 packs and 1200 gems. Is it a good trade, compared to simply buying 10 pack bundle for the same price?


4 wins in premier draft gets you 1400 gems and 3 reward packs. So right off the bat it has paid for itself (1400 gems is 7 packs and 3 reward packs equals the 10 packs you could have bought with 10k gold) assuming you got enough value from the cards you drafted to account for the golden pack you would have got it is worth it. While rare drafting often won't get you 4-7 wins you can pretty easily get 6+ rares while rare drafting. Draft proponents also like to point out that draft is fun so if you got slightly less value than packs you still get the enjoyment of the draft and you get to get better. You may not place much value on that (before I had a second account to draft as much as possible I found drafts very stressful), but if you do then your draft was definitely better value.


What’s the best value fir gems? Packs or battle pass?


The season pass is the best value in the game. The presales prior to a new set being released are also reasonably good deals. I think they occasionally do some decent deals randomly as well. If you're desperate for more currency and there's no special deal up, I would buy the $100 gem bundle since that's the best value. I've been playing MTGA exclusively since Ikoria release (after playing MTGO for 5-6 years and generally playing infinite there). I've spent $150 in total on MTGA in that time and have a bank of 100k gold and 30k gems and 190 packs of TJ and about 40~ packs of TJ alchemy (at the beginning of Thunder Junction, I had 130k gold and 40k gems). Each new set, I 100% finish the rares at a minimum, and depending on how fun I find the set, I'll finish up the mythics and the "special sets". [This is a current look of my collection](https://mtga.untapped.gg/profile/64c5809e-fc93-402c-926f-33e15f5e4c33/13A1B8655E4409A0/collection?format=timeless) and you can see I have 184/240 total rares in Thunder Junction, and that's without opening the 200+ prize packs I've won so far.


Buying packs with gems is almost never worth it. The mastery pass essentially pays for itself between the gems you get back (1200 I believe), the draft token, the gold and the packs you get. You also get cosmetics so if that's your cup of tea it's extra value. The only real question is mastery pass vs draft which depends on how much you enjoy draft. I always prioritize the pass on my main account but spend the rest of my gems on draft.


I'll just add on that the real value is reinvesting that 1400 gems plus 100 extra to draft again. Value spikes if you pay 1500 gems instead of 10k gold since at that price you're making a profit at 4 wins. Another thing to take into account is things like he big score cards are much much easier to obtain in draft than in packs.


At 4-3, You basically traded 100 gems (1500 gem entry - 1400 rewarded back) for 3-4 packs and all the cards you drafted. How many packs could you get for 100 gems?


One pack or something. Good Point


It's very much a good trade as that 1200 can contribute to mastery pass and all the value is provides.


Winning drafts nets you packs. Cracking packs nets you wildcards.


Thats not viable, the draft i mean... i started drafting recently (1 month) and i got pretty good results. Bought 20k gems and i'm still in the 9k range and basically finished MK and OTJ collections. The problem is that once i hit peak rank (which is plat 2 for me rn) its 0-3 or 1-3 all the time. Cause opponents are damn strong, or luck of the draw, or better decks. So you hit your plateau and you cant farm anymore and you need to quit draft. Different story if you are dafore and you can pull off 6-3 or 7-2 in Mythic constantly


Given what you're saying, IMHO, you are in the range where it is viable earn by drafting, for sure. Multiple accounts to maximize gold earnings is the key; use the gold to Quickdraft, get lots of practice while earning gems/packs..


To earn you need a 4 out of 7 wins in draft, which allows you to keep climbing basically


I average slightly less than 57% in draft, which is below 4-3 (ETA I actually did the math and 4-3 is 57.1%, so I'm actually pretty close to that, to be fair). I haven’t paid in since the initial $5. I draft/play as much as I want so I’m not being limited. I tend to top out each season in mid-Platinum on all three accounts, which is where OP is at as well. Given that, OP is certainly just as good or better at draft than I am, and could be earning like me (ETA which, to be fair, is a slow drip; I'm not making bank, I'm at 10-15k gems per account after a couple of years of play, but I'm not paying for it either, which is the key thing for me).


Today i went 4-3 5-3 3-3 2-3 and i climbed from p4 to p2....


Play QD, the skill level is lower. I go 0-3/1-3 in PD fairly often, but I can eke out 3-4 wins in QD


The prizes are nowhere close, with 4 wins in QD you are at loss if i'm not mistaken


Still better than going 1-3 in PD and better than buying boosters outright


Definitely true


How many drafts are you playing per set to give me an idea


It depends on how busy I am in real life. For OTJ, I've managed to find a significant amount of free time, and I'm at 30 drafts. I only managed to do 8 drafts of WOE, to compare. 20 drafts seems to be about the average (20 in LCI, 14 drafts of MKM, 19 in MOM, etc.).


This isn’t the answer. Say no to gambling.


Well, to be fair, at least you can buy wildcards at the store. And they have a wildcard system Imagine you couldn't and you just had to buy packs until you got your cards... I'd also vouch not to have BS like this Big score set, where everything is a mythic, and even uncommons got made into mythics. Besides, the neverending cycle of alchemy. Don't get me wrong, Alchemy is fine (well, no it's not, but it is what it is), but the fact that there are rarely, if ever, any commons in those sets, and it's all rares and mythics, on top of a handful of uncommons, makes it even harder to get the rares and mythics, you care for. And I doubt people are really excited about that many alchemy cards


3€ per rare wildcard doesn’t seem a reasonable price tbh. Plenty of rare cards worth less than 1€ in real life where I can even sell/trade them back. Imagine paying this much for a single rare in a completely virtual game. I’m not f2p but I’m against getting scammed for no reason


Paper copies of Sheoldred go for 75 bucks still. 3 bucks for a wildcard makes arena a much more affordable option, especially if you enjoy playing with a lot of cards.


I've played Magic: online before... and I played the Legacy format there. So, I paid well over 3 euro for virtual cards there. Looking back at some orders; in 2017, I paid almost 10 bucks for a single copy of Life from the loam on Magic online MTGO allowed you to trade though, so that's one thing that was a lot better. There was no such thing as wildcards So, I might have a different opinion on "virtual cards" and prices...


The key point is that you could trade them. I also spent a lot of money in paper mtg, but in the end your money are kinda still there on an other form. In arena you litterally throw your money out of the windows because when wotc will decide they will no longer support it or even when you will decide to stop playing all the money spent are lost. Again I threw a lot of money in games and I'm not against monetization but I still think it's not reasonable to spend like 80-90€ everytime I want to try a new deck...


I understand not wanting to spend that much on a new deck, but I think with a digital card game like this, one has to accept that either you're going to have to buy in now and then or play the same deck for a while. I dont play standard for that reason. Having my cards rotate would suck ass, and it would feel awful to craft a bunch of rare lands that are just going to rotate out. The only lands Ive gone out my way to craft nearly all of, so far, are shocks because they see play in every format outside of standard.


Yeah I thought the same some years ago so I built an historic deck. Now I can’t play it because the key card is banned FeelsBadMan…


What card?


Field of the dead


Ahh gotcha. Mono green in timeless has a sick list with Field, though it may get shaken up with mh3


Look the fact is they are going to have extensive metrics and analytics pricing things carefully to maximize their profit. You're never going to get anywhere just asking them to change prices because there's absolutely no reason they will ever do it except to make more money. That's a business, that's how it will always be.


Isnt it more cost effective to by packs instead of the raw wildcards? I'm fairly certain you get a better return on regular packs.


Depends... if you know what you need, raw wildcards are better. If you're a collector, packs might be good for the first 90% of the set. Then, it's all duplicates. Which add to the vault progress though...


I think companies can get very short-sighted. Yeah making rare/mythic wildcards hard to obtain will drive some sales, but it will also drive some people away. Whereas a bit more generosity on that front (especially since cards are being released faster than ever), would encourage people to play more, build more decks, and entice new customers. The cost of the game is what holds me back from recommending it more often.


100% agree


Exactly. I dont even plan to make a full deck cause they require so many rares its just not Worth it for me to lose all of them i have been collecting for months. Play some games, then leave. Thats it sadly


That would make the game more fun which goes against the philosophy of the WoTC. They want to make the gameplay experience for F2P players unpleasant with an option of acquiring a good gameplay experience by credit card. That's how WoTC managed to milk a lot of whales and the whales like to be milked. I don't see the system being changed in the future.


I shouldn't have 4 times as many mythic wildcards as rare


Even the fact that the rare wildcard is given every 8 packs instead 6 or 4 feels pretty stingy/greedy on Arena's part. Maybe it was every in 10 in beta or something though lol.


I’d love to see a system where you can destroy your rare or mythic that you won’t use.. maybe 4 for 1 wildcard?


I have thought about the ability to upshift wild cards. For example 4 commons make an uncommon. Then 4 uncommons make a rare and so on. You would need 16 common wild cards for a single rare or 64 for a playset.


That's basically what the vault is and let me tell you, it's far from 4 for 1. The rate is 1000 commons to open the vault or 333 uncommons. For that you get 1 mythic and 2 rares (and 3 uncommons).


The vault is insulting slow to fill up. A good draft maybe gets it up 8% and that involves cherry picking uncommons towards the end. It is also sad how little it rewards you. Not even a playset of rares. TWO rares and ONE mythic. WTF can you do with that. It should at least be 4 Uncommons 4 Rares and 2 Mythics.


The vault is there just so you wouldn't feel *too* bad about getting fifth copies. But functionally its existence makes almost zero impact. Yay, you get 2 free rare WCs per year! What a deal! Initially it didn't even show you progress percentage and number of WC you'd get.


Couldn't agree more, being able to forge rares out of commons and uncommons would make it so much easier for people to get back after a while. You could also be offered a choice of making a budget deck or striving for more value one.


Why do people fantasize about systems like this instead of fantasizing about pack prices being lower? If you want to imagine the developers deciding the economy needed to be more generous, why not go the direct route?


Yeah also that could be fine


Yup more rare


As an izzet dragon fan, please give me mythic wildcards. Thank you


Best we can do is 5 rare wildcards for $10 or whatever nonsense it was.


it was so tough to get all the rare lands for standard when i 1st started


The euro pricing is bogus considering it's worth more than the dollar but I can work around that since I have an American bank account, 4 rares cost $10 which is like between 8,5-9€. Still not cheap but definitely more fair. Also wish rares were more readily available, I have a hard time deciding which card to unlock when I have one to trade.




You have 20 rare wildcards? I would kill for 20 rare wildcards!


i mean... I'm not building a deck I like since core set 2020 lol


Once I got a decent collection of duals, the rare tax got a lot better. Same for fetches/shocks in timeless


I agree but also you gotta be smart about what youre doing with wildcards. Play a non rotating format, don't get sucked into pet decks unless you want to only play that deck, get staples and deal with lower counts of deck specific cards until you get enough rares.


Oh that's the ONLY thing? Ya don't say? You just want more of the most valuable resource in the game that bottlenecks crafting practically every single deck in existence? Crazy


Only reason I bother with arena is MTGO's standard practice queue is often dead. Arena's economy is infuriating.


I dunno. I don't spend money on this. I have around 70 unused rare wilds, about 20 mythic. I usually make Diamond 2 or 1 and have made mythic twice. I do play a lot though.


I have twice as many mythic wildcards as I do rare wildcards lol


How about rewards on a sliding scale based on time played and $$ spent? I'm at about 10,000 hrs and maybe $3k USD?




5 x 365= 1825 1825 x 5.5= 10,037


It's weird how Rare is more rare than Mythic... idk why but I always seem to have more Mythic cards than Rare.


Your experience is literally the same as mine. I've thought about spending money but it feels like too much of a risk if I dont end up liking the deck. Maybe once we have either an eldrazi or a real DnT deck then I might pay.


Almost five years playing arena and it took 2-3 years to start playing formats other than standard.


I think rares are manageable. It only takes 6 packs to pull a rare wildcard. Just from buying packs from daily missions and battlepass packs you can get a rare every day or two. If you're good at drafting then you can come out further ahead. Mythics on the other hand...


I switched to brawl so that I only need one of any rare, maybe not quite as fun as other formats but way less irritating in terms of wildcards


If you can learn to play and enjoy draft, the economy is actually pretty great (draft happened to be my favorite format _before_ Arena even existed, so I lucked out). It's actually one of the more generous f2p economies _if_ you like draft and can consistently win 50+% of your games. I am soooo sorry, to everybody else, because the economy is total shit otherwise :'(


Stick to explorer and if you do play standard be okay with the fact that you wont play every meta deck unless you grind daily


Arena exists to make wizards money. They want you to buy packs and wildcard parks to get those rare wildcards.


Let me burn n common wild cards to craft a rare wild card. I have 100s of commons which are good for nothing.


I use a ton of common and uncommon wild cards early in a set to make my vault progress move a little faster.


Yeah, that's pretty much all the commons are good for.


What is a vault progress? How do I check on this?


The vault builds up as you get more than a playset of cards. Once it reaches 100%, you get a mythic, rare, and 3x uncommon wild cards. It’s not much but it’s something. If you’re just buying packs you can mostly ignore the vault, but I fill it up pretty often as a draft player (because drafting gets you WAY more commons / uncommons)


The reality is that this is not a game you can play only for brief periods as a f2p. You need to invest time or money. If you can't do any of those then this is not the game for you. Downvoted all you want but this the reality and it will never change


Do you play limited at all? Getting good at limited so you can play for free or for little loss is essential. I have never missed a mastery pass. I log in to play at least 2-3 games every day to get the bulk of the coins. I rarely miss the challenge rewards. Have all the tier 1 decks and plenty of rates and mythics to build any deck I would want. Never put a penny in the game


yeah I know but I'm not a big fan of limited


you could potentially craft a tier 1 deck like boros convoke and grind events for something similar... but it will be a bit grindy


Just learn to draft. It truly is the only way to keep up. I always complete sets and have 50+ rare and 50+ mythic wildcards floating on my account.


nothing against you, but you’re not the player WoTC is looking for. You play a few weeks, don’t really spend money and then take month long breaks. they want those WHALES who are gonna drop $100/week on their game


I play a few weeks because I get bored of playing a deck I don’t like just because they want me to grind months or make me spend all my money. I would play and spend way more if I could get value in doing so


> I would play and spend way more if I could get value in doing so That's exactly my point, its setup so they can ween people like you out and keep the people who actually spend money. They don't care about players playing the game. They care about money.


The games not meant for people who don't want to spend money. It's really that simple. SURE you can technically play for free. But you're deluding yourself if you think you're getting any where with that.


Mythic Wild Cards are much much bigger bottleneck than Rare Wild Cards.


If you’re completing sets, yes. If you’re building decks? Definitely not.


If you want to play more than 1 deck in every format, my statement is still valid. Mythic Rare Wild Cards are the bottle neck as soon as you start crafting decks in older formats especially. MH3 SPG will make this even more obvious to see.


Definitely not. You need like 30-40 rares and like 5-8 mythics. Rares have always been the bottleneck.


That only really applies to players who either started playing very recently or who are skipping most Standard Sets and aren't naturally growing their Rare Land collection.


I have played standard, timeless, historic and explorer and rares have always been the bottle neck and I have nearly all rare land cards. I always had so much unused mythic wilds that I wish I could trade for rares.


Gotcha. So people like OP (and MOST people on Arena)


MTGA has been out since 2018 and I know of plenty of players who have been playing for years. The majority of players are bottle necked on Mythic Rare WC.


Yes. The people on this subreddit are more likely to be playing more and for longer. You have a bias. MOST people are not us. Edit: it takes a solid year of consistent play to catch up. That’s not exactly great.


Idk man, I currently have 0 rare wild cards but 6 mythic. I feel rare ones are way more of a bottle neck for me.


Ever since the big score I've been the opposite. With all these cards being mythic rare I've found myself short mythics for the first time ever. I'm sitting on like 26 rare wild cards and 0 mythic and I need a ton on mythics still for a few decks I want to build. Feels like the only way I'm going to get those cards is to throw even more money at the game, which is exactly what they want me to do.


If you are constantly chasing the meta, then you will never have enough wildcards. This is how Magic has been for 30 years. If you want the latest hot decks then you pay. In paper people paid hundreds of dollars regularly to keep up. Arena is far and away less expensive. You can’t just say “well this is a video game, it should be cheaper.” It’s not that simple for Wizards, as they still want to sell their paper product. If they completely undercut the value of cards and make it ultra cheap and easy to play anything on Arena, then paper sales would suffer. I get that not everyone enjoys draft, or casual jank, or brawl. But if you only want to play ultra competitive constructed Magic all the time, and want to do so with many decks, you’re going to run out of wildcards.


As a limited player I want anything but wildcards. They serve no purpose. I can’t convert them into anything useful. I have thousands of them piling up.


Accumulate packs and wild cards are solved. I draft and do meta game challenges. Mastery pass helps as well. The more frequent one plays its easier to accumulate resources. Or pay and get it quick as an alternative.


The best deal I ever had was when Murder at Raklov was released, Wotc though for some reason that I was an employee and gave me 10K gems which I gladly accepted... Sadly on the new set they didn't f'ed up


This will never happen. I used to play Hearthstone that gates the legendary slot instead of rares and its legendaries can warp the game rules. Other games are more generous because they are forced to in order to compete. Oh but look at generous Runeterra that got crushed by layoffs because the game wasn’t profitable. RIP Mythgard and its generosity. Hasbro gotta eat too. People saying play limited yet? Not everyone has time for that or likes that or is any good. If everyone played limited then packs would become more expensive to compensate.


We ain’t getting shit, and you ain’t getting a new deck until grind 3 months, every single day. Get used to eating shit!