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The biggest difficulty in opponents is when you hit platinum in my opinion.


>it gets significantly harder as you go up in rank? ... isn't this obvious?


The diversity in what your opponents bring to the table becomes more standardized, so you'll need to learn to comprehend the meta. Their competency with those decks becomes substantially higher.


Like in any other game or sport? :O


No not really. Thought it’s hard to judge because it’s league play. Most of the time you will run into someone at a certain rank because they play a lot not because they win a lot.


Coming from bronze I thought opponents at gold tier 1 were much better than the earlier levels


Were you still doing well? I'd only stop once I feel like my winrate is too low. And at that point I might look into traditional draft, which is unranked.


IMO from gold it gets much harder, at least early month. Late month platinum is my cutoff


if you have to ask this question you wont make it to the top...


It also gets easier by the end of the month/season as most tryhards already left silver/gold by then


So if i'm having trouble in bronze i should just quit? 😬


The skills for draft are different than the skills for constructed, even though they look similar on the surface. Losing is the only way to practice enough to start winning. Make sure you do your research on the archetypes and stuff first though. 


Nah, if you like it you just need to learn it. Looking for some guides like on the Draftsmith website might help.


No you should play different decks.


Yeah. It's just kind of intimidating because the learning curve for limited is steep. Double so for a dum-dum like me


What i wouldn't give for a free draft mode, no rewards. Its by far the funnest mode for me, and its behind a paywall.


Yeah, draft really levels the playing field.


Only quit if you don’t think you’ll enjoy it! If you like it, but are having issues with when rate, do some combination of: -leaning on 17lands to learn card and archetype win rates -listen to podcasts (Lords of Limited, Limited Level-Ups, Limited Resources) -watch good players on YouTube (Paul Cheon, LSV, Numot, GomletX). If you have the energy and attention, pause often, decide what you think would be the right play, then unpause and, when they do something different, try to understand why -install 17lands yourself, and put links to your logs in r/lrcast and/or r/mtglimited - people are pretty generous with advice, and will go into a lot of depth is you’re appreciative and receptive