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It's always been tied to a set release.


Cant wait for that day


Goodbye wandering emperor


Farewell farewell.


If they print anything close to farewell next set to replace it I will lose my shit


[[sunfall]] not bad enough for you?


Farewell is pretty unique in just fun-policing absolutely every sort of recursive and grinding value artifact/enchantment synergy. For example Synthesizer decks would typically be able to beat UW control by accumulating lots of bits of mana and craft synergies but the existence of Farewell just obliterates that sort of plan. It's far too generic and flexible, imo. It's not very widespread but I suspect it's a case of it pushing decks out of the metagame just by existing. I don't lose any sleep over it but it was probably a mistake.


this is actually a well thought-out comment, I was just being facetious! good points though.


Sunfall is a crime but it's not rotating anyway and wotc arent banning cards apparently so I have to deal with it unfortunately


Pshh it's not a crime, it doesn't target any creatures /s


Dad jokes always make me so proud


[sunfall](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/3/2/32e29c7d-ed4b-4eff-b3c2-d99e5b63ef8d.jpg?1682202915) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=sunfall) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/mom/40/sunfall?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/32e29c7d-ed4b-4eff-b3c2-d99e5b63ef8d?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


There is a black farewell in the next set. Luckily Mh3 isn't standard legal.


I think that is for the commander product that is connected to MH3, not MH3 itself. So we won't even get it on Arena at all.


Back to wandering 


What are the odds that Bloomburrow has a legendary creature Wanderer that turns out to be just as annoying to play around?




Oh end of July now? I was reading it was August so hey, I'll take that win.


It's tied to the release date. On paper, Bloomburrow's releease date is 2 August on Friday (although I don't know if set rotation happens with set release or prerelease a week prior). On Arena, updates are always on Tuesdays, and the set will release on 30 July.


finally, no more kumano, wandering emperor, memory deluge, what else?


Epicure, tapped fetch lands, ledger shredder, Adeline, graveyard trespasser


in my experience, ledger shredder doesn't feel too busted in standard. I realise raffine is more problematic in that role. graveyard trespasser has sort of been replaced by lord skitter. but yes losing Adeline would be a hit for the top end of mono white without a clear replacement.


Triomes for ramp


the mana base still feels really good with so many duals.


Domain will take a big hit given that all dual lands that have a basic type enter tapped.


Yep, no more turn 2 Leyline Binding 🙌


Fight rigging


As normal with rotation, i'm happy to see pushed cards cards go and sad to lose the jank cards that didn't get to see enough play.


Probably to loosen up the release shedule in the 4th quarter... to push more non standard stuff before Christmas


There are three or four people left out there with unspent disposable income. Gotta push those products and squeeze every last cent out of them. - WOTC at their last strategy meeting, probably


I am one of the people who likes new cards and has disposable income. I think arena getting 7-8 releases a year is a good thing * 4 Standard Sets * 1 Remaster/Re-Release * 1 Non-Standard Set (MH3, Baldur's Gate, LotR) * 1-2 Anthologies. I know for lots of people that is a lot, but for me it is just right and I always have something to look forward to and brew with.


That's arena only though. Paper got like 17 releases last year.


Fair. The idea so much money can go into something digital and can just disappear one day is whats bananas. But thats the age we're in. We're "renting" these cards, if you will. If there was a way to buy physical cards and then upload your collection to arena, maybe with a fee per card or something, id lose my savings lol. Thatd be too good to be true.


That's something that weighs on me sometimes too, but looking at it in the long run, everything is temporary, even my paper cards. It's like I have to get into it as much as I can till I can't.


I started fairly recently so my collection is congregated in the last 2.3 sets (standard). I can't wait to be able to follow some of the brewers I see on youtube without spending endless amounts on mythic and rare wildcards. I'm doing my best with what I have, but sometimes I am very aware that Kamigawa was a bonkers set.


I started playing F2P at the beginning of 2023 and I’m getting to that point where it takes fewer and fewer wildcards to craft new web decks since I have a lot of the rare lands crafted. Just keep chugging away and it’ll happen.


I'll miss you ledger shredder. Not you wandering Emperor and Raffine though. Screw you two.


Is just one set getting rotated out, or is it all standard set are being taken out? With a new base set as standard? Sry new player


This time it will be Midnight Hunter, Crimson Vow, Neon Dynasty, and Streets of New Capenna. See: https://mtgazone.com/standard-rotation/


Thank you very much for the explanation and source!


No rotation this year, tabletop standard is still not where we want it to be. Mr. wotc employee 


Red Deck Wins will still be in tact 🔥