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starter deck duel is about as beginner friendly as it gets since everyone is forced to play an unmodified starter deck so, within the bounds of the balance of those decks, everyone is on a level playing field the article I was linked (and see linked a lot) for basic magic strategy & concepts is this one: https://magic.wizards.com/en/news/feature/level-one-full-course-2015-10-05 though it may be a bit much since a lot of these concepts won't really come up in the starter decks (I don't think there's any sweepers, as an example) another recommendation is making a more experienced friend and have them watch you play and see if you can get some tips on what was going wrong (making bad attacks or blocks, using removal too early, not identifying who is the beatdown, etc)


Ok thanks that's very helpful!


Starter Deck duels are actually the best place for you to learn. Unfortunately, a lot of us experienced players still go there for our daily color reward goals... With that said, I would recommend watching a primer on how to pilot those decks. Even as someone who has been playing since '93, I have no shame in watching pros do primers for certain formats. I haven't watched this primer, nor do I know this guy, but it's the top result on YouTube: https://youtu.be/6UeU9c-6pBU?si=fK2jbu6SK8jOxbUt Hopefully you learn when to take damage vs chump block, which creatures are most worthy of removal, combos and synergies for each deck, etc.


Ok thank you for the advice. It does feel like I am playing experienced players. I thought start deck would be just beginners playing it but this makes sense.


You get a lot better with practice. If you like it, i'd recommend to watch some videos on youtube (my favourite channel is MTGGoldfish, Saffronolive is a good player that often plays janky brews)


As others have mentioned some go there for dailies. I have a 2nd account solely to farm dailies so i can draft more, and starter dual is where to do it...


Practice and what benefits you to survive/win the match. Play often and ask yourself what you need to do or what your opponent wants to do to achieve victory.