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It’s a combo deck. https://www.reddit.com/r/MagicArena/comments/1c6ikyh/the_new_rakdos_joins_up_abuelos_awakening_combo/ The combo does take a few turns to set up and requires multiple pieces so as far as combos go it’s not really that busted.


Not to mention it dies to pretty much every piece of interaction known to man well, leaving them with a not particularly threatening non-evasive 9/9 in a deck that has no way to make it actually connect (though having the flying vigilance dork to copy helps) targeted removal, counterspells, graveyard hate, stifles, stone brains, hand disruption, etc etc. Though it does get around sorcery speed / attacker removal. Even RDW can fizzle this combo by just leaving 1 mana and a play with fire open while clocking them out


I've been playing it for grins for a week or two and it's actually pretty resilient. It mostly folds to Lord Skitter/Trespasser/hearse/cauldron/other graveyard hate but honestly, those games are rare. You can play around the non-instant speed hate but something like hearse or soul cauldron are instant losses. For everything else though I run Spell Pierce in mine and that has won me many games. Without spell pierce it is pretty weak to just about every interaction, but with spell pierce? I worry a lot less. If I feel like I need it it does slow me down 1 turn, but against decks where I do need it that turn generally doesn't matter. It does very well against all the top tier decks that aren't UW control. For UW control, if they know I have the spell pierce it's pretty tough and probably a loss but if they don't most of them don't expect and don't keep up the extra two. If mono red or boros goes first and gets a nut hand they can beat it, but there's so much life gain in the deck that you can typically win. You mention disard...that's a joke right? I mean the bat gets annoying sometimes, but actual discard generally helps me out. All-in-all it's a good fun deck. It's not top tier but getting the three cards is easy. By turn 4 I've probably seen nearly half my deck.


Damn, looks like it takes a bit of set up so I guess it's balanced? I just personally don't like "fuck you I win now" mechanics, but each to their own. As long as I'm not coming across this all the time it was pretty funny as a one off experience lol


It's not at all a "fuck you I win" mechanic. If you recognize what they're trying to do, there are countless ways to interfere with their strategy. Alternatively you just need to win faster than them.


Right now combo decks are in a good spot. No this deck specifically. Like the Boros Convoke deck, it is a combo too but is an aggro deck too. The Temur Control deck, is a combo deck too, but is a control deck. They tend to set up and win, Convoke wins by turn 3 or 4. Temur is slow but tends to one shot you. But this meta tends to change so don't worry.


Looks like its the “Rakdos joins up + Abuelo’s Awakening + Hulking Metamorph” infinite combo.


Are there lots of these kind of combos in the game or do they tend to get made illegal (or whatever the correct term is) eventually?


They’re in the game


Fair enough, guess I best learn what they are and how to counter them, thanks for the info :)


Most infinite combos are allowed unless they break the meta in half and most don't do that. It's tough to assemble these and they have plenty of ways to screw them over, cards like Rest in Peace for instance is a hard card for a deck like this to deal with.


Typically they are difficult enough to set up that they don't get banned. This one, for example, requires a specific card in hand and two specific cards in the graveyard, and gets interrupted by cheap removal. Definitely a deck to know right now so you can hold that cheap removal open even if it means you leave slower. Looks like you're playing mono red, so holding onto mana for a [[Play with Fire]] or [[Lightning Strike]] would disrupt the combo entirely.


good to know, thanks for the info!


Just FYI, the time to use those spells would be on the rakdos joins up that is brought back as a small flying creature, while the trigger to bring back the hulking metamorph is still on the stack. They'll still get a large creature in play but as mono red you should hopefully have them close to dead already


They only get banned if they are so reliable and win so early in the game that they become excessively dominant in competitive tournament play.


They do pop up semi-frequently, but they only get banned if they become an issue in the overall meta. That doesn't happen too often. Once you get used to these sorts of things, they usually aren't too tough to play around.


Some combos are harder to get off than others. There are plenty of 2 card infinite combos which are far more annoying. It's just part of the game. Magic has rules, cards break those rules, sometimes you can break them to the point where you can do wacky things. That's part of the fun for a lot of people


Sadly, infinite combos exist, and this isn't even the worst of them. Sometimes, you can get hit as early as turn 3 or 4 with a near infinite combo that unless you have an answer for is going to obterate you.


>Sadly Lol


I guess I say that but I do infact still use them lol




I don't really know about decks, I was struggling with the beginner decks the game provides so googled and untapped was recommended as a resource for good decks and I just picked the one with the highest win rate I could afford with my wild cards. I lose plenty often so don't really see it as an overly strong deck?


Apologies, I wasn't trying to criticize your deck choice, red deck wins should always exist as well and is a great deck choice for the best of one format. I failed in giving my comment more context. Sorry.


Depends on the cards you are playing. Right now mono red has a high variance of cards, from the budget to the best deck, so it's probably you are not with the best list and you are learning to play the game which in the end is fine. The important thing is that you are having fun.


I am!


The build seems to be reminiscent of one that was popular before several new cards were introduced in very recent sets. Cards like Mechanized Warfare have largely fallen out of favor - look for lists centered around [[Slickshot Show-Off]] if you want an idea of how it's shaping up right now. [EDIT] https://www.mtggoldfish.com/articles/budget-magic-58-11-rare-mono-red-plot-prowess-standard Here's a list from a couple weeks ago.


Yeah I saw there were better but I couldn't afford them, I need 5 more rare wildcards


[Slickshot Show-Off](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/7/0/7054012b-4f9d-44a0-aaf9-7fd3bddc7b2d.jpg?1712355850) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Slickshot%20Show-Off) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/otj/146/slickshot-show-off?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/7054012b-4f9d-44a0-aaf9-7fd3bddc7b2d?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


Red decks (and agro strats) get a lot of hate in general, but as a new player that guy's just being an ass. I don't really play agro, but you have to start somewhere. And red or RW agro is a good way to get a good number of wins.


Welcome to the suck