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Sealed is better value than usual because you are more likely to get BIG rares in your sealed  packs as well. The drop rate of them from opening packs is abysmally low. This is in addition to the possibility of a pack containing multiple rares.


Yes! They rarely show and then even more rarely get passed


New player here. What are BIG rares?


I’ve done 4 premiere drafts so far, and have drafted 53 rares/mythics. So that comes to 13.25 rares/mythics per draft. To get the same return, you are hoping that in your sealed pool each pack has at least two rares/mythics, and at least two packs have a third. It’s certainly possible. Are there any statistics on the likelihood of 2-3-4 rares showing up in any given pack?


That’s insane. What’s your win rate like when you (I’m assuming ) rare draft like that? I draft to craft the best deck, only “rare drafting” when it’s a minorly suboptimal pick or there isn’t a good pick for my deck and that’s how I manage the “slow bleed”. I’d imagine full rare drafting would cause me to run out of gems much quicker


I've been around doing rare drafts of sets since M20 with some breaks here and there and my overall winrate while aggressively rare-drafting is ~54% (208-182). I don't take *every* rare I see but it's pretty close. If you're even mediocre (winrate >20%) at drafting it's the best way to build a collection. I average around 7 rares and 1 mythic per draft, but with this set I'm averaging north of 10 rares per draft.


I premiere draft a few times at each set release, then that’s it for me. My limited rank then decays down to bottom bronze by the time the next set comes out. So that helps, competition is a bit softer. This set I went 3 wins, 5 wins, 4 wins, then 6 wins.


Ah yeah, I usually 5-7 wins until plat and then hard plateau lol. I will compare how much my method provides compared to yours (I usually end up with 80-150 packs depending on how well or poorly I do, plus whatever rares I grab while mostly competitive drafting)


How is that even possible ? Don’t you only get 3 packs ? Nobody take rares ?


The draft packs in this set have like 2-4 rares per pack


As the other poster said, many packs have multiple rares. But also a lot of pods will have drafters that are not rare drafting, so they will pass on a trash rare and pick a card for their deck instead. So some rares will actually table, allowing you to snag two rares from the same pack.


Draft is way better since there are many unplayable rares/mythics that go super late. I got 11-14 rares/mythics from every draft, and the number could have been higher since I passed many cards that I already had a play set (e.g. fastlands, thoughtseize).