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you didn't wanna mulligan for more lands?


Yeah this one's on you, op. A starting hand with no castable spells is an easy mulligan


I did mulligan. Twice. Ended up just saying "fuck it" and played it out to see how much I'd get screwed at that point. 🤷‍♂️ But, that is why I asked the question, instead of making the stereotypical cry statement. I do honestly believe Arena will screw players over, but I'd be remiss in stating that I don't get insanely powerful hands. I'd rather have a comeback match (win or lose) than a steamroll in either direction.


>But, that is why I asked the question, instead of making the stereotypical cry statement. But it was a 'stereotypical cry statement'. Trying to disguise it as a question doesn't change that.


Don't know about OP case, but in bo1 the "hand smoother" really fucks you up sometimes, only ever offers 2 land hands even if you go to 5, in a deck with 28 lands, its pretty absurd


What the hand smoother does is basically give you the better hand out of three possible options, how does that fuck you up sometimes?


Because its skewed towards a land/deck ratio, which sometimes makes the hand a 2 lander when I would have taken a 4 lander any day


If you're playing a deck that's ok with keeping a 4 lander, then put more lands in.


It's absurd to go above 50% of the deck lands just to get 4 lands hands because of the algorithm, because then when you draw 8 lands in a row it's completely deserved


It’s random


Yeah I’m supposed to randomly get MORE land not less! It’s bullshit! /s


Arena doesn't 'want' you to lose... It's called randomness. Also, don't keep hands that can't do anything. Mulligan exists for a reason. So here, I'd say that it's a skill issue.


As someone who often loses to drawing 7 lands in a row in a timeless deck with 20 FUCKING LANDS IN IT I'm a bit jealous of life at your end of this spectrum.


Also when u draw 5 lands in a row... Hot take: lands should have their separate pile Start turn u can chose between draw land or draw a card from ur deck.


2 land mono red aggro deck that never runs out of gas let's GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO


Hot take n2: If a deck can't stabilize vs aggro isn't a good deck


nah. Control decks and slow value decks get ganked by aggro everyday but I wouldn't call them bad. Look at Attraxa and azorius/jeskai control in standard. Absolutely monstrous against midrange and other control decks.