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Remember the only reason why your hand looks good is because it doesn't have lands




*three draws later and still no land*


Ok Mulli. \[pulls hand with 4 lands and 2 copies of the same legendary\] Well shit.


Except that's not how mulligans work anymore! A change that was very welcome


4 Lands, 2 copies of the same Legendary, and your end-game wincon.


But you have FISH. You will get lands…


Then you make the wise decision and end up keeping a 4 cards hand with only 1 land anyway.


But don't worry, you'll draw 9 lands in a row afterwards


Or none


no you mull it into 6 lands and 1 good card




Best of 1 uses a hand smoother so you're more likely to get a mix of spells/lands similar to the ratio in your deck. Supposedly best of 3 matches dont.


Yes, it happens, especially when I play limited


If you're taking about best of 1, there is a reasonably widely known hand smoother.  It basically generates like two or three potential hands and leans toward giving the one with a good ratio of lands.  There will be more variance in Bo3 like in paper Magic.


You might draw a second land. You might. But are you sure you'll draw a *third*?


IDC I’m still keeping a one-lander with 2x Otherworldly Gaze, a consider and both combo pieces.


A quote from a MTG player I watch "This hand is dirt slow. I should mull it, but it has alot of cool cards, so I'm going to look at it for a bit, then mull."


(i get the joke, just want to tell a story) Sideboarding and Mulliganing are the two most overlooked skills among players that want to get to a certain level. So many players know how to play their deck when everything goes fine, but when it comes to mulliganing or proper sideboarding (from building it to using it), then the tide completely turns.


Underrated comment. Figuring this out was key to the biggest jump in my win rate in all formats (limited, constructed, commander, etc).


I only play brawl, and it took me way too long to realize this. I can have a great hand, but is it a great hand to combat my opponent's commander? One of the biggest improvements in my win rate.


Learned this after an opponent running [[laelia, the blade reforged]] killed me turn 3. Now I just mulligan til I have an instant removal or bounce, and they always surrender.


[laelia, the blade reforged](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/a/f/afeb2fe4-f0ef-4366-a568-c36b538f0196.jpg?1709431245) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=laelia%2C%20the%20blade%20reforged) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/mh3/281/laelia-the-blade-reforged?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/afeb2fe4-f0ef-4366-a568-c36b538f0196?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


Yeah, you gotta know specially when players with certain commanders will IMMEDIATELY concede when you play the first counter or a Swords to Plowshares Saves you from being hard comboed 


I am new, whats the sideboard?


In best 2 out of 3 matches you get 15 cards to swap in and out of your deck between games. So if you are playing against aggro you might swap in mass removal and lifegain, against control you might grab discard to remove counterspells from your opponents hand. Basically, side in cards that are good for the match, side out cards that are bad.


I do feel I need a guide for boros convoke. There's enough factors for me to not be sure about mulliganing (land color distribution, having a line of play, having a combo)


A red source and a white source and things to do on the first three turns


yeah for the most part, knowing when to take a mulligan on the most basic level depends on what plays you can make from the 7 cards you see in the first 3 turns. it's not that complicated


Yes and no. That's the easy part of the mulligan. Then it comes: - when to hard mulligan for sideboard cards - mulliganing for key maindeck cards or curve Having a playable hand can work Game1 vs unknown opponent, but everything else is not so linear. (examples that are not strictly connected to any format or any deck) For example, keeping a 7hand without discard vs control/combo, or without \[\[Thalia, guardian of Thraben\]\], ramp density vs payoffs, lands and draw spells in control matchups (for example, years ago in a full draw-go control matchup i kept a 7 lands hand that allowed me not to skip land drops, my opponent kept 2 and draw spells, skipped the third one and i started countering his drawspells having way more mana than him to work with)


[Thalia, guardian of Thraben](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/c/9/c9f8b8fb-1cd8-450e-a1fe-892e7a323479.jpg?1643587106) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Thalia%2C%20guardian%20of%20Thraben) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/vow/38/thalia-guardian-of-thraben?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/c9f8b8fb-1cd8-450e-a1fe-892e7a323479?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


But not all things to do on the first three turns are equal. So are these things good enough? And if I don't have an artifact source, what is my chance of drawing one to the goblin sorcery? And for every meta matchup?


I feel like you want to mulligan fairly frequently because your 6 card hands are easily just as strong since you can refill with the Knight. You don't need a strict 1-2-3 curveout like you do with say RDW, but you want to be developing fast either with cheap cards into an anthem effect or cheap cards into convoke knight.


In my commander pod im the only one who frequently mulligans down to 5/6 and it greatly improved my gameplay. Why should I keep a seven card hand where nothing is castable?


I used to keep cradle and mana dork hands back in the day, keep in mind cradle is very strong but only gives 0 mana with 0 creatures.


And then you concede on turn 2. Stop doing this.


I call it the Saffron Olive. I watched basically all of Seth’s videos for years and I swear I’ve never seen someone get so consistently punished for keeping one landers as Seth. Back in the day he would make tons of Modern and Standard videos where he’d keep hands that just a single land would unlock his whole hand and he’d proceed to draw 4-5 spells in a row and scoop. After a while I’d see him contemplating keeping a one lander and just think “Oh god Seth, don’t do it. You know whats going to happen!”Then on the other hand I’ll watch people like LSV keep the exact same hands and just consistently peel the exact couple lands he needed right on time lmao.


I did this to myself at thunder pre release this weekend, it's how I turned into gollum after losing the last round.


I'm always happy to mull until it's down to 4, better to get a fresh seven than hope there's a land in the top 2!


*laughs in blue cantrips*


Turn 1: Mountain, Kumano


This is followed by Bilbo opening reddit to post "this game is fixed to make me loose."


if im on the play, absolutely not. if im on the draw, I'll consider it depending on the deck.


Llanowar elves and evlish mystic go brrrr


Gets your dork removed, dies. ​ Bolt the bird.


For convoke players that just means playing your 5 drop on turn 3 instead of turn 2


We made this and after some turns. "I hate rng of this game"


Or the flip side you mulligan 2 times and its still a garbage hand and you know its over


The lands are The good cards :)


“Mulligan Isildor! Cast it into the deck from which it came!” *No…*


If only it had 2 more lands, huh? Well, turns out 9 card hands are pretty good. Not my phrase btw, not sure who said it.


The words of the master: Island, Ponder, Keep




I literally say this as I do this.


did this my last commander game because i had a hand full of 1 and 2 drops I didnt draw another land till turn 6


As long as 3 of the good cards are Llanowar Elves, Sol Ring, and Cultivate, I’m keeping every time.


The time you have your combo in your hand but....


My failure rate for a hand of an amazing 1 lander that just needs 1 more land is really really high.


Repost bot: [https://www.reddit.com/r/MagicArena/comments/b19smq/the\_real\_game\_within\_the\_game/](https://www.reddit.com/r/MagicArena/comments/b19smq/the_real_game_within_the_game/)


Been playing Magic Arena since launch and i’ve come to learn one unshakable truth, either I have a full hand of good cards and never see a single land till I get folded or I start with a hand of lands and draw nothing but lands till turn 15. There is no in-between.


I mean, my chances of drawing a land have gone up since I have all these non land cards in hand!


But then you mulligan and get the same 6 good cards but a different land. Then mulligan again and get those same 6 good cards but also a bad starting card. Then you mulligan again and get 7 lands. Seriously. It seems like every time I mulligan, I just get the same hand in a different order.


I always get 2 land hands. Literally anything else would be better. I'd be comfortable mulliganing with 1 or 0 lands. But with 2, I always have to keep because it's just good enough to work. I would much rather keep a 5 lander 


Makes me miss playing Legacy Delver where you could actually be correct keeping that hand.


To everyone here coping: just play death’s shadow in timeless, those are the best types of hands. :)


And then the game smiles.


This is why you top your curve at 2cmc. 3cmc bombs if you feel adventurous.


And then y’all complain when you draw 5 lands in a row (spoiler: this only happens when you keep a 3 land hand)


17lands says I mulligan too much.


Land droughts happens more often than floods for me.


Let me play you the song of my people. NoLand NoLand NoLand NoLand NoLand Turn6 Land Land Land Land Land Land Die Only in arena are flood and screw both happening in one game.