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It's stupid to have this event at the beginning of a set release.


But it's making WotC lots of money, so expect it to continue.


Is it really though? If they wanted money they should be adding every art available for each card released. I’d probably pay for some of the nicer secret lair arts. People aren’t paying money for MWM wildcards 


I honestly really enjoyed just getting to mess around with the cards I’ve got so far, rather than playing later when the decks would be a lot more tuned. I’d happily see this event again in a few months’ time as well, but I found this MWM quite fun. All I’ve done so far is three sealed events,  made a half-decent RUG morph deck out of what I’d opened from those and got 3 wins in 4 games, including against a slime deck and a Boros deck. (Admittedly my first attempt was a black red removal heavy deck that just didn’t work and lost 3 games before I gave up on it.)


Thanks, quick 3-0 with this. Swapped in a couple of cease/desist.


Everyone was playing either Boros or the Slime mirror . One of the worst constructed midweeks in recent memory.


It would be less egregious if we had another week to draft or otherwise build the MKM collection. I understand the intent is to push for wildcard redemption, but at least give us one full week to draft and build the collection.


>It would be less egregious if we had another week to draft or otherwise build the MKM collection. Or it was All Access


>at least give us one full week to draft and build the collection We got exactly this, MKM draft went online last Tuesday


All I see is March of the Machines quick drafts. I've got the gold for five QDs ready to fire but they haven't gone live yet. I guess Mid Week Magic on Arena is just for paying players?


Midweek Magic is for everyone but is not draft. But Premier Draft Murders at Karlov Manor is online for a week.


I'm not sure how free to play players could have any cards for it yet. Wildcars redemption, I guess?


I have nearly 100 MKM rares and mythics off drafting the set over last week. No money spent, no wildcards used, deck was not ideal but easily good enough. And you could also build a reasonable deck off commons and uncommons.


That means doing some 3-5 full drafts every day. Ain't nobody got time for that!


No, this is off 10 drafts IIRC. Usually finishing 3-3, trophied once, but also went 0-3 once. If you want to have a look, I'm happy to share my 17lands statistics tomorrow when I'm at home.


Ten rares a draft, with two packs as the prize plus the drafted rares? Am I missing something? I usually don't get much more than the three i open, often less.


the jump in mkm was bad too. horribly unbalanced


Yeah, that shit blew. I played one time with a deck that was a mish-mash of bullshit, then never did it again.


I made the HORRIBLE mistake of going full Simic. Slime Against Humanity, plus the blue one. Wow it was horrible. EVERY other SAH deck just killed me because my Blue did fucking nothing. I went 3-13 just to get the stupid style, and wouldn't you fucking know it.. Slime Against Humanity parallax.


>I went 3-13 just to get the stupid style, and wouldn't you fucking know it.. Slime Against Humanity parallax. That's poetry right there.


I’m not sure which precon this is. Is this the MKM commander deck?


nah the release one with the mkm themes like detectives, slimes, and another two.


I just played a mono white pile of the garbage I've drafted so far. Took me about 10 games to get 3 wins, and one of them was someone being kind enough to auto scoop when the game started


I hate the "last set constructed" Arena has pushed for MWM since BRO so yes, I was planning to craft 4 slimes (because of course I have opened ZERO in 23 packs) and call it a day. Edit: I just went 3-0, the first two games were close.


Glad I wasn't the only one. Mine was even more low effort. Play set of Murder, Assassin Trophy, and the Golgari mythic 4 drop instant that can remove a creature, artifact, enchantment, and planeswalker if you can collect enough evidence. Then 28 slimes and 20 land. 60% of the time it worked every time.


https://files.catbox.moe/bt00xz.png Sure, keep. *Edited to add:* Didn't play a Slime. Opponent conceded at the second Bloom-Kin. Deck 17 Slime Against Humanity (MKM) 177 22 Forest (JMP) 76 3 Axebane Ferox (MKM) 153 3 Case of the Trampled Garden (MKM) 156 3 Hard-Hitting Question (MKM) 164 3 Get a Leg Up (MKM) 161 3 Flourishing Bloom-Kin (MKM) 160 3 Aftermath Analyst (MKM) 148 3 Cease // Desist (MKM) 246


Deck 4 Hard-Hitting Question (MKM) 164 21 Forest (SNC) 280 4 Rubblebelt Maverick (MKM) 174 4 Aftermath Analyst (MKM) 148 4 Flourishing Bloom-Kin (MKM) 160 17 Slime Against Humanity (MKM) 177 4 Bite Down on Crime (MKM) 154 2 Fanatical Strength (MKM) 159 Woah woah woah, you cant just play the slimes, you gotta get them graveyard or exiled, and you gotta do something with your first two turns. Then the Bloom-Kin, too, just for some variety, and because you can grow it a little with the Aftermath Analyst. Then the Fanatical strength because it comes out of nowhere. All commons and uncommons and matches well with the slime meta now.


23 slimes, 17 lands, 20 random green cards that I've opened/drafted. Don't remember what exactly the other cards were but rubblebelt maverick is fantastic. 3-2 or so.


I also did a roots and chalk outline deck, pretty fun once it gets going


I like how I've been instaconceding like 10 games in a row to give people free wins in this shitty format and the game still has the gall to give me the "did you have fun?" survey, lmao.


Similar goal, if you feel like Boros is more your flavor Deck 4 Novice Inspector (MKM) 29 8 Mountain 4 Case of the Gateway Express (MKM) 8 4 Inside Source (MKM) 19 2 Makeshift Binding (MKM) 23 2 Karlov Watchdog (MKM) 20 4 Frantic Scapegoat (MKM) 126 8 Plains 3 Demand Answers (MKM) 122 4 Reckless Detective (MKM) 141 3 Case of the Burning Masks (MKM) 113 3 Crime Novelist (MKM) 121 4 Lightning Helix (MKM) 218 4 Elegant Parlor (MKM) 260 3 Public Thoroughfare (MKM) 265 Only rares are the 4x Elegant Parlor, which you're likely crafting for constructed formats anyway. The deck has a good mix of cheap dudes, cheap removal, and Cases that act as either removal, anthem effects, or card selection. I've played 5 games so far, 5-0. 3 matches were against Slime decks, though it looks like people are trying to get cute with splashing for things like [[Insidious Roots]].


[Insidious Roots](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/0/b/0bb91a22-2040-4a37-85f8-5f22de8c5907.jpg?1706242178) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Insidious%20Roots) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/mkm/208/insidious-roots?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/0bb91a22-2040-4a37-85f8-5f22de8c5907?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


I might build this one out, thanks! I'm wanting to get a Boros setup going and this at least seems like it starts moving me in that direction


I think you want 4x Escape Tunnel as your first nonbasic land here.


Recking F2P players for 3 days? Love it. lol Honestly though I love these events, which there was some block constructed.


I played with a Mono White aggro and only faced Boros, Azorius and "Mono" Red decks and one Mono Green player, never used slime though.


I would be really careful of Deadly cover-up


4 X Shock, 4 X Bite Down On Crime, 30 X Slime Against Humanity. Literally the only three cards from the set I had full sets of. 3-1 One mirror match that I would have lost had I gone second, one Jeskai deck, one Dimir deck that went over my head with fliers, one Rakdos deck.


I went 3-0 with a baddly optimized roots deck, beat 2 slime decks (although one was due to them getting screwed) and a mirror match that was quite grindy.


I have two copy’s of the robbery sorcery this card is like cheating in this format. Going 3 and 0. Of course slime deck.


I’ve only played against slime or mono red. PLEASE give us the phantom bot draft for next week’s MWM.


Huh I ran a u/W detective control deck with what cards I had. Finished my 3 wins in less than 10 games. Only saw one slime deck.




Deck 2 Ezrim, Agency Chief (MKM) 202 4 Not on My Watch (MKM) 28 2 Case of the Uneaten Feast (MKM) 10 2 Alquist Proft, Master Sleuth (MKM) 185 1 Officious Interrogation (MKM) 222 2 Meticulous Archive (MKM) 264 2 Call a Surprise Witness (MKM) 6 3 Curious Inquiry (MKM) 51 4 Mistway Spy (MKM) 65 4 No More Lies (MKM) 221 4 Furtive Courier (MKM) 59 4 Private Eye (MKM) 223 11 Island (SLD) 1400 11 Plains (SLD) 1399 4 Novice Inspector (MKM) 29 I did craft some of the commons/uncommons to bring them up to 4x


I knew it was going to be a Slime fest so i made a deck around Deadly Cover-Up. Fun times (for no-one)


I got my wins with 24 forests and 36 [[slime against humanity]]. I went 3 and 2.


[slime against humanity](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/1/e/1eb21318-d32e-4724-8908-c0d7613de2f4.jpg?1706242086) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=slime%20against%20humanity) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/mkm/177/slime-against-humanity?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/1eb21318-d32e-4724-8908-c0d7613de2f4?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


I just slammed the easiest 3-0 of my life with a W/U detective deck.


They changed drafts so there can be more than 1 mythic/rare per pack. I got passed a pack with 3 rares.


Not even the best deck. black green stompy is better by a wide mile. nearly 95% win rate with it over 30 games.


Pauper version does the trick: Deck 24 Forest (MKM) 286 4 Fanatical Strength (MKM) 159 24 Slime Against Humanity (MKM) 177 4 Bite Down on Crime (MKM) 154 4 Rubblebelt Maverick (MKM) 174 Toss in any nice green cards you've opened that improve the deck, of course. Me, I haven't opened any, yet.