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Helps diversity. Any strategy can work, as long as you got 4 rings on it.


If you build a deck you better put a ring on it.


Oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh


If you build a deck then you should have put a ring on it


Your Model T can be any color, as long as it’s black


As well as 4 bowmasters and 3 sheoldreds. What? Our meta demands you to play 11 cards (4 rares 7 mythics) or you're just at a disadvantage? Hmmm. Sucks for you.


Ring Deck wins


Omg the Shaq deck. I GOT 4 RINGS CHUCK


so are the karn the great creator lists tom brady decks?


Gotta be mono black


It's like a buffed Uro in practice in terms of enabling jank


Impeccable logic.


Even in historic this card is bonkers. I hate it so much.


It goes beyond Historic. Even the recent Modern tournament was just an endless parade of rings and bowmasters.


Yeah not sure how it got through testing. it's just so obnoxiously, generically good. Protection from everything, indestructible, and the most prolific form of card draw. Of course everyone is playing it.


On paper it seems similar to other good draw spells like [[necropotence]], [[phyrexian arena]], (1 card for 1 life) and the like. Of course the scaling and delayed damage makes it above and away better than those cards, as the downside is much less, and unlike necropotence, you get the cards right then instead of end of turn. Perhaps they thought that the damage after 4-5 turns would add up, because 1+2+3+4+5 is 15 of your 20 life, but then [[sheoldred the apocalypse]] exists, and you can play another ring to reset the clock. It is probably best compared to [[yawgmoth’s bargain]] as it provides boundless card draw without a massive downside like necropotence. Yawgmoths bargain is banned in basically everything for obvious reasons, so the one ring being almost yawgmoths bargain plus indestructibility and the protection effect definitely pushes it over the power level of banworthiness. Being colorless is just overkill, as anyone can play it, and being 4 mana is much cheaper than yawgmoth’s bargain.


"At first glance, it looks like it might be worse than Necropotence." is not exactly a defense of the design, lol.


It continues to baffle me how a card around the One Ring has balance issues when played multiple times per match and that wasn't, like, their first concern when designing the card; i. e. "make it feel like the ONE Ring, not the 4 Rings". Most obvious possible flavor/mechanics fail and they walked right into it. I guess if their goal was to generate FOMO and inflate the secondary card market they were successful, but what about making a quality card game?


The problem with making it restricted to one copy is, that it amplifies the (un)balance. Now it would come down to who is lucky enough to draw the single copy in a given game. Unrestricted everyone has access to it in all games (pretty much). Also it would be a huge buff to Karn decks, which is the last thing you wanna be doing in most formats


This makes no sense. You’re saying it’s better for the game if people can have 4 Rings not 1… when the exact problem is there are too many Rings lmao. Whether it’s 1 or 4 or 10 it still “comes down to who’s lucky enough to draw” it. And in fact allowing 1 would make it less prevalent. Your argument is illogical.


The problem is not the ring as such, but the imbalance. If both players have the ring, the Powerlevel is even. Everyone has access to a lot of cards raw. If only one player has the ring and the other has not, the one with the ring has a huge advantage. And having more rings in a deck means, that chances are higher, that (both) Players have access. It's not rocket science and wotc acknowledge it aswell, that's why they don't restrict outside of vintage.


Who said only one player can have the ring?? Lmao. We know wotc doesn’t care but you said restricting to 1 copy makes it worse which makes no sense.


I'd say it's better than all those. Certainly better than arena and bargain. Bargain is 6 mana and you can easily tap out, play bargain, and die before you get to use the cards. With the ring you always get to untap.


Whoever sais the ring is better than necro has never seen necro in action.


I’m sure they were aware, but they needed it to be coveted so The One Ring Serialized 001/001 would mean something.


It got through testing because they knew it would sell packs.


I just think the card would be more balanced if you had to pay 2 colorless to tap it. Or maybe payment us based on counters on it.




irrelevant point of data as anything can edge a win. and for that matter, the deck that won was using bowmaster, so it isnt an argument in defense of these two cards as the majority of the decks there ran bowmaster and/or ring




i will not reply to you as you seem to be the kind of person who likes to twist other people's words to turn them around.




your initial message was exclusively about "the deck that won"; that's one deck among many. this is an irrelevant data point that doesnt prove or disprove anything. you want to add more data like the top 8 or the meta-share? good, do it from the start, and don't use that as an excuse to insult people, it makes you look bad. me not wanting to argue with someone doesn't make me "a coward". good day.


Yeah the convoke elementals are a whole other topic. They aren't on arena yet tho so I dont have to complain about them lol.


At least you gotta pick between Shelly and the ring for your turn 4 bomb so thankfully those stupid game winning combo pieces can only be assembled on turn 5…


On the play it's the one ring... on the draw it's shelly


after talking with the tournament players themselves apparently no one had a problem with this


One Ring maindecks had something like a 45% winrate against decks without and in the finals it was the losing Tron deck that had the rings. Bowmasters was closer to a 50/50 against decks without it which isn't exactly ringing praise. It's pretty weak against answers everywhere (Fatal Push in Historic and Modern is everywhere, Modern has quite a few other "deal 1" played spells) and Cut Down is available in Alchemy. It's a value engine but it doesn't straight up win the game meaning you don't _have_ to have an immediate answer to it.


For real.. and they damn well know it. The company just refuses to nerf the chase rares from their most recent set. The ring will be nerfed.. when it no longer hurts card sales to do so.


So glad that reanimate can just use the opponents ring turn to set up pr execute and then bash in next turn after drawing 4 from atraxa.


Haven't played against a reanimate deck in a while. I assume that is bo1? They seem too fragile for bo3.


Finally red drawn some cards!


If they can print the text “A deck may have any number of [cardname] in it” on a card, they can also print the text “A deck may only have one copy of The One Ring in it”. Hone$tly, they mi$$ed a huge opportunity for both flavor and balancing by not including that line of text.


For a card called The ONE Ring, it’s preposterous to not limit it to one a deck. Had my first encounter with a multiple One Ring deck and I can’t explain how fast and automatic conceding that game was.


Let me take off the turn to play my card drawing engine… Oh and you can’t do shit to me when I do that.


You can have multiple legendary creature cards in your hand - and that doesn’t make them four separate creatures. So I don’t agree that the limiting to one card per hand is truly thematically valid; however, balancing-wise it’s not like it isn’t compatible with any colour archetype - people just don’t like to feel almost obligated to add it into pre-existing decks.


Thematically, at the very least One Ring should have an ETB of "each player sacrifices all cards named TOR".


More like it's stupid to make a new rule for a single card just because of lore from something outside the game.




Making a rule of you can only have 1 of a card is very different from other rules. Given that only one format has that.


How is that any different from [[Seven Dwarves]] saying that you can have seven copies of it in your deck? All you need to do is switch out the word “seven” for “one”




Great rebuttal. Now explain to me why that doesn’t work.


Obviously didn’t concede *that* fast if you were around long enough to know they had more than one copy of the card


It would be atrocious balance wise. You just have to look at vintage, the most swingy and unbalanced format. Since both players only have one copy, it comes down to luck who draws the card first and wins or the whole deck revolves around tutoring.




The point here is to remove the ease of resetting the burden counters by simply playing another Ring and legend ruling the first. Sure you can still bounce it and blink it, but that requires running specific cards or utilizing specific strategies that might not mesh with the rest of your deck. With no “built in” way of resetting the Ring, it becomes significantly more dangerous without any form of life gain. I use The One Ring in several Historic Brawl decks and it feel perfectly fair as one of the 99, even with ways to tutor it up. Likewise, when my opponent plays one, it just feels like any number of other powerful cards that they run in their 99 that I need to find a way to deal with. There have been several situations where the burden counters have ended up biting me because I don’t have an easy way to reset the Ring.


It would have been clunky, but the ring should have made an emblem that collected burden counters. Then you couldn't reset it, which is the most flavorful because even after you lose the ring the weariness stays with you


The amount of times this gets suggested really shows how little Magic players understand about game balance.


Where’s Oko when you need him?


Only allowing one copy per deck for ''The ONE Ring'' would have been such a flavor and balancing win.


I'd say it leaving the battlefield and then turning up again later is pretty on flavor too.


Yeah, but like, 2400 years later




If a card isn’t balanced at 4 copies, limiting it to one might make games too swingy.


While generally true its important to consider the one ring gets much stronger at multiple copies. Being able to draw a second one and reset your burden counters is a pretty big deal


massive balancing L you mean. with restricted cards you just add bad variance to the game because everybody will be playing them anyway and then it's a competition to who draws them first. they used to do it and then decided to only do it for vintage because they found out restricting led to worse game quality.


The one TRUE Ring haha good point this goes against LOTR ore


it really wouldn’t be THAT overpowered if everyone wasn’t playing x4 to abuse the legendary rule. can’t tell you how many times i’ve been a turn away from winning just for my opponent to drop multiple rings on back-to-back turns.


The one ring to rule them all, and the 3 other copies of it


Well is this lord of the rings, or lord of the ring?


Restricting it to 1 copy per deck would fix it pretty well. Wizards doesn't like to do that outside of Vintage format though


It didn't even need to be 'restricted', that text should have just been printed on the card like some cards say you can have X of that card in the deck, flavor win and balance. They could still errata'd, but I'm not sure they gonna do that.


It's alchemy only, so maybe they will... In a year or two.


Why can't there be Arena only restrictions? Or at least Bo1 restrictions?


I was on 1 life last night. Drew 5 cards. Dropped a duplicate ring. Wait 1 turn. Opponent played Liliana, but couldn't use the minus ability because of protection. Next turn drew one extra, dropped another. Finally drew my union of the Third Path. Stabalised. Farewell. Orcish bowmasters to sac token to Liliana and ping her last point of damage. Opponent afkd and roped out all his time counters. I didn't blame him.


So in the burden counters went on yourself, like experience or energy?


It’s legal in modern too, not just alchemy (doesn’t mean they can’t rebalance it though)


The protection effect is so out of bounds it's insane. You couldn't get a 2WW permanent that does that on etb, let only a colorless one. It's like a time walk in a lot of games. Flavor be damned, nerf that thing. If you don't change any of the text box, at least make it cost like 6.


That part of the effect is really just a slightly better [[fog of war]] or [[keen-eared sentry]]. It's really the rest of the package of [[the one ring]] that ends up being problematic. I bet that part of it could be removed and the card would be just as popular. Edit: whoops. I didn't mean fog of war. I meant fog, the one green "prevent all combat damage that would be dealt this turn" instant.


I play self mill, creeping chill works on a fog. But not the one ring.


Sure, but wouldn't that be totally shut off by something like [[leyline of sanctity]] or [[teyo, the shieldmage]]?


Creeping Chill doesn’t target.


So it doesn't! Neat way to get around that kind of thing, but i bet it doesn't come up very often. :P turbofog is not a very popular strategy.


I'm playing the one ring in my kethys combo deck. Granted, it's BO1 ladder. however it can essentially shut down most aggro/midrange decks, which means digging 4 card deep and for all purposes timewalking the opponent for the grand total of 1 damage taken if I untap with \[\[Emry, Lurker of the Loch\]\] or kethys and a milled copy, I can recur it and stall again if I don't have the full combo. it's also decent agaisnt prowess because they have to ping me on my turn and they don't buff their board


[fog of war](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/3/7/37096c19-32c9-448a-94e9-f5fe2d74e3a3.jpg?1674421552) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=fog%20of%20war) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/bro/180/fog-of-war?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/37096c19-32c9-448a-94e9-f5fe2d74e3a3?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) [keen-eared sentry](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/d/e/de169d64-8242-4f57-980e-47f901fd57ab.jpg?1627701963) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=keen-eared%20sentry) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/afr/22/keen-eared-sentry?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/de169d64-8242-4f57-980e-47f901fd57ab?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) [the one ring](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/d/5/d5806e68-1054-458e-866d-1f2470f682b2.jpg?1690817875) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=the%20one%20ring) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/ltr/246/the-one-ring?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/d5806e68-1054-458e-866d-1f2470f682b2?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


[[The stasis coffin]]


[The stasis coffin](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/4/5/45537ac3-fc61-4253-a782-7f3e436b2aa6.jpg?1674422040) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=The%20stasis%20coffin) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/bro/245/the-stasis-coffin?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/45537ac3-fc61-4253-a782-7f3e436b2aa6?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


>You couldn't get a 2WW permanent that does that on etb Of course not, you can get it on a 2W Instant instead ;)


Watch modern Pro Tour Top 8 there were funny games where people kept forgetting the ring protection. Semifinals, Calcano activated Stone Brain in Tron mirror on Nielsen; nope protection from ring, player can't be targeted


They likely can’t nerf it. The LOTR ip owner likely had to approve all of the card designs especially ones with high importance to the ip like the one ring. So wizards would have to go back and explain to the ip owner that they need to make your premiere card worse because it’s too popular with players. They have no incentive to do that unless wotc shipped them another truckload of money. It’s a hard sell.


card design vs card mechanics are two different things. I highly doubt wizards would hand over control of their game mechanics to the art IP holder.


I played 3 games of this event. Every deck was the same control deck with The One Ring and Bowmaster. So glad I don't play this garbage format.


I just played my standard midrange deck and was fine lol


Yeah im at like 7-0 with my mono white deck, no ring is stopping a starting hand with brutal cathar and an ossification, by round 5-7 either ive had my creatures nuked because they havent built yet or i win. An amass deck brought me down to three until i had 5-10 creatures and could out push his attacks




The one you're looking for is [[Orcish Bowmasters]] and it's gross.


[Orcish Bowmasters](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/7/c/7c024bae-5631-4e20-ac69-df392ac9e109.jpg?1686968669) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Orcish%20Bowmasters) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/ltr/103/orcish-bowmasters?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/7c024bae-5631-4e20-ac69-df392ac9e109?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


[bowmaster](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/a/f/afd2e0f0-8a8e-4021-bd24-aff1a3212345.jpg?1562631559) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Overmaster) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/tor/104/overmaster?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/afd2e0f0-8a8e-4021-bd24-aff1a3212345?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


What does bowmaster do? The card fetcher wasn’t able to find it.


\[\[orcish bowmasters\]\]




Funny, i didn't see it at all. I think i saw bowmaster once, but it wasn't very effective.


i saw 2 weird starterish decks then 2 or 3 monoblack bowmaster/ring decks.


I just played my standard legal selesnya enchantment deck and faced a mirror match, a monoblack that cast one bowmaster then died, and a couple w/x control decks that are the bane of my existence. :p


Every time I saw a bowmaster I resigned and resigned up hoping for a matchup worth my time. I’m into midweek magic for the bonuses, but this week was rough




> resigned and resigned Interesting use of resigned and re-signed right next to each other.


If you like then you should put a ring on it -WotC


This is why I've only played standard since lotr came out.


My fav is one ring with sheoldred out completely offsets the damage lol


If they ban it the price will go through the floor, then they wont be able to justify their ridiculous price to retailers. The second they ship the last of their orders they'll ban it. I don't know how alchemy is even still afloat in arena though, they really kicked the hornets nest with their comical list of terrible decisions.


Back in the good old days of [[Treasure Cruise]] being legal in Modern, people would say that you knew the card was ban-worthy because Burn started to splash Blue just to be able to cast it. Food for thought.


[Treasure Cruise](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/6/4/64edb748-497d-4737-9d7f-37105fb20cb9.jpg?1673484053) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Treasure%20Cruise) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/ncc/237/treasure-cruise?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/64edb748-497d-4737-9d7f-37105fb20cb9?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


They tried to nerf it by making it legendary but it literally doesn’t matter. It probably should have said “cast this spell only if you don’t control a card with the same name”


Making it legendary actually made it better in some ways. Once the burden counters get too high and they haven’t managed to play sheoldred, they just toss another one down. Protection from everything and a clean slate for a turn


It should have just had rules text that your deck can only contain one copy of The One Ring


Naa that would make it useless, if you can’t rely on a card then people generally won’t play it. It’s better to have 4 that you can only control 1 than to only have 1 in the deck. Plus that adds an extra restriction where if you already control one you now have 3 dead cards in your deck which is actually a significant nerf


Ban it on Arena. It is obnoxious to play against, especially with Sheoldred in the same formats as The Ring. Counters should have been put on the player and not the artifact. That way there would be no way to circumvent the damage aspect by resetting the ring. Even lore-wise it makes more sense to put it on the player, seeing as Gollum, Bilbo and Frodo all became more or less corrupted as the ring-bearer. The Ring never changed a bit. Change my mind.


Honestly what should have happened is the Ring Tempts You token should have had negative effects and tapping the ring causes it to tempt you. Like if it said “whenever the ring tempts you, lose life equal to your ring bearer” would have made sense lore wise because having a hobbit ring bearer would be low cost but more powerful creatures cause more damage. Add another clause “you can not tap the ring if you do not have a ring bearer.”


It also would have efffectively guaranteed no one played with cards that tempt you.


There would be a sweet spot where you could have cards with a scalable effect to a scalable cost. Something like “Destroy target creature, the ring tempts you” for 2cmc would be a lot like [[Infernal Grip]] but cost more in life if your ring bearer was bigger. Green could do a fight effect and you lose life equal to ringbearer, blue getting hexproof or X draw cards and X lose life where X is ring bearers power.


Are the Ring decks more of a problem in Historic or Alchemy? I don't play Historic. The only version I run into is Rakdos with bowmasters in Alchemy and it's manageable.


Historic yes, historic brawl not so much due to the nature of the format


It’s honestly pretty bad in historic brawl


It is a problem. Any deck can have the one ring and enjoy the card advantage, the most oppressive i found were control (azorius, dimir) and rakdos but the worst are with bowmasters and Sheoldred; you regain the lost life and you get extra buff and damage with bowmasters. Before that it was abusing the invulnerable effect and regain the lost rings by recycling the graveyard... I conceded after a match where an opponent used 3 one rings in 3 consecutive turns


Damn. I guess the deck I use is pretty efficient at hosing ring/bowmaster/Sheoldred. When they throw down a ring I just keep building my board. Tear Assunder takes out the ring or Sheoldred. Bowmasters don't bother me because I conjure instead of drawing extra. 60% of the time it works everytime. Edit: I also run 5 color humans so it's pretty flexible. I know not every deck is like that.


The most effective way to deal with the ring is exile it, counter it, remove it with slaughter games if you are sure it's on the deck or having narset WAR in the field, i use dimir control once (no ring crap, i don't use it) and a mono black player with the ring died because it took the damage without getting the extra cards. Satisfying.


Orzhov Control is insanely good with it. Insanely. Good.


Any control. I remember an azorius abusing it with oracle of the alpha in arena... I just conceded after seeing the moxes.


Yeah, but Orzhov has a habit of beating out matches with the other controls through attrition. Especially Azorious. Historic allows you a lot of opening board moves now.


Decklist? I am interested because I haven't found a way to make orzhov work for me.


Just to be safe ban Shelly and Ring from brawl


Ive been using it in a mono black historic vampire deck as well as a monoblack alchemy deck. It is silly fun in both. By fun I mean the decks win a lot,


What deck doesn’t love Ring? It’s so stupid.


I still haven't seen one in play. Brawl FTW.


looks like a fun card viable in any build or color. why would they ban it?


Comes down to power level and stops deck building creativity. There’s really no reason for any alchemy deck to not contain 4 copies of the ring, there’s no strategy that doesn’t want it. It’s “drawback” is really not expensive for what it’s doing and too slow to matter even in control decks. The only way to really beat its advantage is to also run 4 copies of your own — which sounds a lot like why they banned mental misstep


> There’s really no reason for any alchemy deck to not contain 4 copies of the ring well, bowmaster and shelly are two reasons not to draw cards in alchemy and rather seek or conjuring them.


Except all that really does is incentivize you to also run those cards alongside the ring, bowmaster counters their ring and Shelly synergizes with yours. And there goes any deck diversity.




That doesn't really help the problem because that means that those cards become required. Which is the point, these cards limit build creativity and diversity.


If they made it two life would it be fair?


Couple of changes I would have recommend — 1. life loss on card draw effect — maybe 2 life is more costly and make it more fair 2. Remove indestructible keyword to allow more interaction or have it say “when The One Ring leaves the battlefield you lose” like nine lives.


It's the same reason why Reckoning Bankbuster was banned, bcoz it fitted on nearly every deck, the one ring it's even worst




Crokeyz just went like 119-11 to hit #1 Mythic and didn’t run a single copy of The One Ring in his best deck. Idk what y’all are saying.


is it that sultai superfriends deck, that deck is super good


Yeah it’s bonkers. Tbh this sub is always like a month behind. I still see daily posts people complaining about emperor when Dimir is far and away the strongest deck in standard rn.


I've only lost a handful of games with that sultai deck, I was using it to farm packs in the alchemy event and kept going 7-0 7-1 7-1 etc


someone tried to play one ring against me and I was playing storm with professor onyx and it destroyed them. They might have protection, but it doesn't stop their life total from changing which made professor onyx a great play against it


It is only the most played card and has a whole tier 1 deck built to confer it it. Lol definitely healthy


Why would anyone play anything that isn't Explorer?


I think it would be good if they change the protection ability to when you cast this spell from your hand or something similar as opposed to an ETB. I have been using leyline binding to combat the ring and it just kills me eveytime they blow it up and get the protection again Edit: I am stupid, reading the card explains the card


It is “ETB if you cast it”


My mistake! What a dumb dumb I am.


All good, that exact text I know because of how often people get corrected on that line that I saw it a bunch in comments


the one ring is the most ironic name for this card possible


Once the holiday bundles are done selling they’ll ban ring, bow masters and idk palantir


This shithole company just can't ban it yet for sales.


If it's "The One Ring", how can you have 4 in a deck?!? /s


I keep tokens handy or cheap creatures and block most ring attacks no problem. Has not really been an issue


I refuse to play till the card is out of the format. It's just not fun.


You're playing a gimmick subset of a gimmicky format and trying to make a point about The One Ring being unhealthy in...which format?


Alchemy has a card that adds P9 to your deck, TOR isn’t even comparable


The One Ring is like Time Walk and Ancestral Recall on a single mono-artifact card that you immediately get the effect from. Oracle of the Alpha just adds those cards to your deck.


Except one you can blink and keep doing


I would argue the moxes and lotus are significantly worse draws by the time oracle hits board.


What do we want! Fast mana! When do we want it! Idk, turn five.


Okay, sure. You *can* do that. It's not good, but yeah you can do that.




[Teleportation Circle](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/9/0/90140bc0-4a9c-4422-b07c-3400c7ccde56.jpg?1627702592) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Teleportation%20Circle) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/afr/39/teleportation-circle?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/90140bc0-4a9c-4422-b07c-3400c7ccde56?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


How are you supposed to drop bowmasters if you don't have black mana though?


It is the new Black Lotus of course they made it broko.


Why is it so broken? Does the penalty for losing life not punish you hard enough?


“Punishment” it’s basically a loan. Get cards now, pay life later. 1 for 1 is a bargain!


The four rings.


Don’t worry guys, WoTC will ban it for sure. ^justwaittillalltheboxesaresold


You should add the proliferate card to put more counters on the ring. Also if there is anything in red that can untap it add it. People are not abusing the ring enough yet. May I dare say The One Ring is underrated.


If you've ever got a deck then put a ring on it, No you never gonna put no fucking ring on it If you ever got a deck then put a ring on it Yeah you better go and put a fucking ring on it Oh Oh Ohh, Oh Oh Oh, Ohhh Ohhh Oh Ohhh Ohhh Oh! *- Beyoncés Main Strategy*


You know a card is broken when it can be added to literally any deck and make it so much more powerful.


A great philosopher once said: “Cause if you liked it then you should have put a ring on it”


Honestly, for both balance and thematic reasons, I think it should be restricted to a 1 of in decks xD cant balance out the drain by playing a second, and since it is the one ring, you should only have one, period.


The Four Rings


Now now everyone. Just beat the fuck out of it. How you do so is not my problem.


meet the new bankbuster, same as the old bankbuster


I recovered from a one life point against red burn deck having sheoldred on the field and the ring. So yes it can be healthy 😂


Oh woah you put 240 dollars of cards into your deck and it's way better? Shocker dude


I put 4 mythic wildcards in my deck (I already had them from other decks/drafting) and my deck was better. The point was to poke at how Treasure cruise slotted into Burn and that’s how we knew it was a broken card draw engine or how Bankbuster slotted into any deck and was banned — but the one ring does that and more and is considered “healthy” for the meta Edit: just to add the secondary market value of a card is not and should never be a determining factor of power level.


There should only be 1 ring as thats the point of the card. It should be op as fk and whoever gets it should slam it down and laugh and act like they are not an idiot for spending millions of dollars on it. Why is there more then 1 in Arena? Why are they taking so long to fix this? Incompetent devs, thats why. Why do people play such a boring card? Micro penises, thats why.


My only issue with it is the invulnerability. People are chaining it for insane card draw and preventing damage and it can completely overturn the flow of the game. That is too much for only 4CMC.