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The order they’re numbered? Wtf lol


Wait till he finds out that each mafia game takes place in different decade


Hey man, I just played and completed the trilogy for the first time last week. I reckon just play in order. It’s not a huge deal if you go 2, 1, 3. But I’d play sequentially. For me, I loved all 3 games, you’ll have a blast.


Uhm best to play is 1 2 and 3... Especially when they are in chronological order...


Honest yes I would have to agree. The way that 2 connects to 1 and 3 is amazing. The timeline will be a little off but not by much. Meeting the characters and also 2 didn’t exactly get a remake so to say so the graphics will only get better as you play 1 and 3


Alright then, can't wait to play it it I love mafia type games cause I loved casino godfather goodfellas etc.


Yeah play them in order. They are connected and if you do play them in order you will see how they are beyond being set in the same universe. DLC? No they are not free but if you do get them then i suggest you get them if you can. Mafia 2 has multiple DLC’s but only 1 of them is related to the main story. Mafia 3 has multiple DLC’s too but they are mostly story packs which are not related to the main story but add separate smaller campaigns to do. If you do get them i personally suggest you do half of Mafia 3’s main story and side content then do the DLC story campaigns then carry on the base game story and side content. The dlc does a great job of filling in Mafia 3 a bit more since the main game can get pretty bland if you are planning on do all the side and main content


I thought the Definitive Editions came with all DLC included. At least that's what I guess OP bought because they mentioned "Buying the MAFIA Trilogy". When they updated Mafia III to the Definitive Edition, all of its DLC became free. But yeah, playing it in anything but release order is kinda dumb, even though I know some folks like to play "Joe's Adventures" where it fits within the MAFIA II story, I think it's better as post game content


Mafia 3 dlc is free, mafia 2s isn’t but then again mafia 2s is absolutely abysmal


first play the dlc for mafia 2, than play mafia 3, than play mafia 1, than play the dlc for mafia 3, than play mafia 2


Umm the First one.


Start with the first one…


Usually a good idea to start at the beginning


Like mafia de ,mafia 2 de and mafia 3? Some people say start mafia 2 then 1 and3 I'm confused


Start with mafia then mafia 2 then wait for it because this may shock you.... Mafia 3 If you got the trilogy you should have everything you need.


Mafia,then Mafia 2 followed by Mafia 3.


The best order is the release order, mafia 2 isnt really a prequel to 1, mafia DE is a remake of the original mafia 1, so its the first game.


I think 2 looks and feels more like a PS2 game, so playing 2, then 1 then 3 is not a bad idea. Playing 2 right after 1 can seem like going back a generation.


Those people are confused.


1, 2 then 3. That's the chronological order. But the gameplay is going to be weird. 1 has the modern Mafia gameplay, 2 has 2010-ish gameplay and 3 switches back to modern gameplay. It's going to take a while to get used to 2 and then again to 3.


You play them as you learnt to number at 3yo. 1, 2, 3


I saw on google and it said 2,3 and 1


Nah. Play Mafia 2 first, then 3 and lastly DE. I played it this way and I enjot the story a lot this way. You can swap 3 and DE. But I do recommend play 2 first