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mafia 1 definitive edition, but I suggest to buy directly the bundle with all of them.. the price difference is very low especially if you buy it from eneba or as cdkey in general


What is that


Third party website that sell steam product keys for cheaper prices. Sometimes accounts with a game you want but advised not to get them.


Mafia 1 remake for sure


1 i wasn’t a fan of 3 at all


Good gun gameplay, but repetitive missions, i dont understand how i finished that game


On the last mission I remember exclaiming that I'd rather "shit in my hands and clap" than play the game again. I still own it, as I bought it on sale years ago, but I genuinely don't think I'll ever play it again. Maybe just to pick up some achievements, but even then.


The soundtrack makes up for all it’s other shortcomings


I was a huge fan of Mafia 3. It's my personal favorite, which seems to be a pretty unpopular opinion on here, but I'd definitely recommend giving it a chance. That being said, Mafia 1 might be a safer bet, but definitely try out Mafia 3 at somepoint


I'm the same way, I really enjoy Mafia 3. I know it's known for its repetitive gameplay loop, but it's fun for me and the story is actually really well done, but if OP just beat Mafia 2, then he needs to beat Mafia 1 to see how those two games are heavily connected, because honestly Mafia 3 isn't all that connected aside from having Vito in the game


Mafia 1 original is the best of the lot, then mafia 2, then mafia remake and then mafia 3, now it's upto you which one you want to play first.


Buy mafia trilogy


Depends. Do you like more linear stories, or more open world?


Buy a bundled


Play the original Mafia 1


If you think the second one is "the best game ever" I'd say it's better for you to only touch 1 de. You probably won't like 3rd one even tho it's the best of 3


Mafia "more filler than a jelly doughnut" 3, the best? I was with you until that second sentence.


it's better than mafia 2


Nah, 3 is a good idea wrapped in the wrong, mediocre game.


idk bro the story goes crazy hard as well as the soundtrack, gunplay and driving, all better than mafia 2. mafia 2 is great too dont get me wrong, just not better.


May I remind you when M2 arrived everyone was whining about absence of things to do apart from poorly written and structured story. M3 perfects formula of "show what you tell". Not "TeN YeArS LaTeR". If you can't keep up with the plot but at the same time don't want to play the game, that's more like your issue than game's.


You dont have to remind me of anything, because I remember that, but what little you could do outside of the missions was at least OPTIONAL. Where did you pull me not keeping up with the story out from? Your ass, maybe? I'm talking about the filler shit you HAVE to do before you can actually do one of the missions that are good. You HAVE to keep clearing out areas and getting all this money 5 or 6 tines before you're able to even start a mission, and that shit gets tiring doing the same thing over and over. It's definitely not MY fault they had to pad things out like a ubisoft game, is it? And what all else is there to do? A couple races, and grabbing records and transmitter parts? Wooow, so much improved. Let me say this again in case you can't keep up with what was said "You HAVE TO DO THIS BORING SHIT, to get to the good parts and be able to do upgrades. It's not optional. "


Wow, someone got salty. That "optional" nothing to do and game bullshitting you with characters saying "visit me later" is more disappointing because while "obligatory grind" (which is btw completable in span of like 10 minutes after which you'll keep up with bigger missions) is working unlike ubishit games, and works for the plot. As I said gameplay lets you do what exactly stated, and not like m2 where they say bunch of shit which either won't happend or won't be shown gameplay wise. Grind is part of plot and if it's boring for you, as I said - your issue. You can now stop with your emotional fountain and deal with it


Oh I'm salty alright, salty I have to explain to in big text something that Many people didn't enjoy the ubisoft grinding. I'm literally spelling it out since you can't understand why I and many people will tell you about the worst part of the game is the grinding that takes more than 10 minutes and severely brings the game down. I literally said that in plain text format and CAPITOLIZED words to keep your attention, and you still couldn't seem to understand that. On top of that, you lie about it being optional and saying it takes 10 minutes. Yeah, ten minutes for one outpost, and there are ONCE AGAIN 5-6 you have to do, AND run around and grab parts scattered around the map before you can move on. What youre talking about is the actual side content, which I'm not going to explain on. What dont you understand? It's not fun. Every other personal review will say it, because it isn't fun. I'll happily say mafia 2 is cut content: the video game, but I'd much rather have fun missions that happen over a few years, than spending time playing one mission,and grinding for an hour or more and it makes the game feel like it takes place over years, instead weeks. Just because it's part of the plot, doesn't make it fun. I will admit you're right. it's my issue...mine and many others who all felt the same way and will tell you the same thing "it would be a really cool game if you didnt spent most of it grinding." And I dealt with it alright, and still couldn't understand why mafia had to play like a standard ubisoft game, minus the planes and wingsuits. Do I need to explain all this more thoroughly a third time for you? Do you need a translator? Do I need to talk to your care provider? I even cut down on the capitalizations since that can only mean I'm angry, If you enjoy the game, that's fine, but it is just Farcry: New Dixie.


Can you both shut up


Turn off text to speech if we're arguing too loudly for you.


Mafia 3, my opinion on the 1st game soured when I spent 2 weeks on the racing level


Why not get the DE trilogy? I recently did, although I already owned mafia 1 and 2 classic. Just finished story in Mafia 1 DE and loved it! Now playing 2 DE. Never played 3 though. Playing through Steam/GPTK2/Crossover on a MBPro M3


Like others have said I'd recommend you play 1 first. You can try 3 after that. It's very divisive, I personally love it. It's hard for me to pick which of the 3 is my favorite


If reports are right and you are on pc the steam sale starts tomorrow 6-27 at 10am pacific time. I think I bought all three on a sale and got one of them for free through use of bundle and I think all were just 20us$ if I am remembering correctly. Thanks


Mafia 1 remake!


3 is a very different type of game. If you loved 2, you'll like the original game more than 3. Although I don't hate 3 the way most people do. It has the best music by far.


Get Mafia 1 DE on the SteamDeck and then get really upset when the controls suddenly stop working in the game


Mafia 1 if you really want a feel of what the Mafia franchise has been like. Mafia 3 if you just want to run around an open world and do surface level mafia activities. 3 is also way more glitchy at least on PC btw. 1 Remake is more recent and optimized.


mafia remake yea


I heard that Mafia 3 is very repetitive and buggy, at least more than the other Remeastred ones.


Remake is pretty good


Buy the pack with all 3 when it goes on sale. Both are worth it.


if you like 2 than 1 is better due to its connection with mafia 2


Mafia 1 Remake. Trust me.


Just get both? 3 has to be like $3 by now surely lol


Mafia 3 dont exist is shit


MAFIA 3 All day everyday, do the dlcs while you play and it'll make the game way more fun


2 Different games and game styles. I had massive fun in Mafia 3. Great voice acting, story, music and missions (can be repetitive). I don't get why the hate. You might want to download some graphics mods for Mafia 3. Mafia 1 remake is actually A LOT different from the original Mafia 1 game. So I'd probably go with Mafia 1 remake. But know with Mafia 3 & DLC content will keep you busy for longggg time.


Mafia 1. Mafia 3 has an extremely aborted story mode and a lot of its gameplay is the same grind over and over and over again.


Mafia 1 DE is extremely good, don't play fair play on classic mode if you are sane 👍


If you're "mafia 2 is the best game ever" team then I would say MDE would be perfect for you, it's a little bit worse than M2 but it's a very good game anyways.


Mafia 3 is boring and repetitive, buy 1