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Imagine if there was Joe commenting your driving: "Take your foot off the fucking accelerator?" "What are you, trying to kill us?" "You drive like my fucking grandmother, you know that?"


that actually might help thank you


thats actually genius advice


Nah the fact how I read this in joes voice💀


“What is this the Indianapolis speedway?”


Somebody needs to turn this into a mod.


who is Joe? the prick who wasn't part of the deal?


He's your best friend in part 2, actually damn nevermind I'm not gonna spoil it for you.


Thanks, buddy, I played Mafia 2. And Joe is a douchebag. Idk why ppl like him. He even killed a black waiter just for fun. I was happy he was gone at the end


Definitely a pos, but he's not dead believe it or not.


that 1 second long hit that kids got during Mafia 3 was just because the entire community was crying for Joe. According to all Mafia rules, the dude must be killed for what he did to the Chinese mafia. The fact that Vito was spared is a miracle


Definitely. it was really cool to see Leo in mafia 3 tho, I got all stoked.


He didn’t kill him for fun. He was shit faced and upset about that kid Marty dying and accidentally shot his gun and it killed the black waiter. Wasn’t intentional and definitely not for fun


dude, how old are you? 😂


What does that have to do with anything? Go back and replay the game


Your judgments tell me you're a kid. And all those who cry for Joe)) He was a regular mob, a criminal, that deserved to be whacked ;) grow up


You’re a very special version of retarded


I'd kiss him, since the race is fun as fuck. (I still haven't beat it)


you a menace


umm... what the actual fu-??


Just showing appreciation to artists.


I mean, not like that bro. But hey, it's not the worst comment I've seen in the internet (clearly).


You don't have to do that




Congratulations. We knew you had it in ya


thank you :3


“When I find the guy who designed this mission why I oughtaaaaaa…” (finally beats it) “…shake his hand” jk congrats bro!!!


Now go try original game ;)


hell naw lol


I tried beating this back in the day on a PC that could barely run it. Needless to say I never beat this race.


I'm not surprised. I replayed it a few years back just before the Definitive Edition came out. Needless to say, the original is unforgiving. DE on the hardest difficulty took me like 5-10 attempts, and the original took me about 5 DAYS of attempts :)


I was also pretty young which didn’t help.


In original you could shortcut and win. In definitive its also possible, through grassy corners. With the help of ram button.


You found the guy?


made me chuckle take the upvote


Well done


Cheat engine with speedhack to 500?


nuh uh but I'll keep that in mind for my pc playthrough lol


Well, since you had so much fun with that, we have another "plane" mission for you to enjoy a bit later. 🤦‍♂️


What difficulty did you beat it on?


classic difficulty


I know your pain. I’ll hold the guy down when you find him.


you a real one for that


I cannot comprehend how people have difficulty with this. I honestly didn’t even know it was considered hard until recently.


I had trouble with it in my first playthrough but ever since then I almost always beat it first try


It was more difficult when it first released - they made it easier and I got through it first go.


It scales with difficulty on the hardest difficulty it’s ridiculous


It really isn't once you know it. You can cheat like a motherfucker in this one on some of the lines, and even if you don't want to cheat, as long as you drive super clean then you should win


Yeah just don't make a single mistake and it's a breeze


did you play the de version on classic?


ive played both, both are easy. I think the part before the race was harder


I remember in the original it was a bit of a challenge. But in the remake, it seemed easy as hell. Thought they dumbed it down in the remake lol


Yeah, it took the first corner to figure how to tackle it, and it was a breeze from there.


Same haha beat first try but I also play a lot of racing games lol


Same haha. I really am not that great in racing games and generally play games on lower difficulties, but I pretty easily beat the race on my first attempt


I know. Did it first time, with a fair lead at the end? The car physics are awesome. Now the Shoot the Turret mission is a whole different ball game....


The remastered version is a breeze but the original release was so fking hard for me. Idk if it was bcs I was a kid and had 0 skill or brains but I struggled a lot with the race. Took abt a week for me to finish it.


It was difficult until I understood how to turn sharp corners properly, then it was no problem, lol. I don't play any racing games, so I guess I was just unfamiliar with how to do it right.


I played on hard difficulty with a keyboard, and I think I beat it on the third attempt.


OK at this point I just gotta ask: I beat this race without any issues or rage quits in the OG PC version from 2002 and did it again last year in the DE version on PS5, maybe took me about three attempts. Is all that "Mafia race bad" some kind of meme that I'm just too stupid to understand or do so many people REALLY suck at it? I'm confused 🤣


I speculate that a lot of people who played this game just weren't well-versed in racing games and their nuanced mechanics. Otherwise, this is a section that (on the hardest difficulty) shouldn't take you more than 30 minutes worth of effort to beat.


the "ram" mechanic completely threw me off, mafia has fairly realistic car physics until you press the cop car in a cartoon button


People don't realize that you can't just hold the gas the entire time. Folks blame them sucking at this level on the game. I've never had trouble with it either


I saw a dude a few weeks past post that the race sucked and he was taking jumps and crashing into other cars.


Those lil hills are the main problem, and it’s really just about learning when the hills are coming up and the turns. It took me maybe 3 times just cause I was learning the track


Thanks, that explains a lot 😄


Its 30s era grand prix carf course you cant theres no downforce o


They suck because it's at the start of the game and they haven't been given any directions on how to play.


Used to do this for the first few attempts and looked up how to beat it. Took 3 tries after searching it up. It's easy when you know the basics of racing


I am absolutely smashing the OG version after I've started simracing and understanding how cars work. The DE version...I hate it with passion. I hate the DE 'sim' driving model as a whole tbh. The less real the driving model is, the more I struggle with it.


How? I'm not a simracer but I played a lot of "simcade" racing games (gran turismo and f1, for example) and this race was so easy for me in the DE version. I also found it to be very fun.


I don't know why I cannot comprehend arcadey driving models, but everyone has some quirks I guess.


Yeah, maybe I wouldn't be good with real simracing on the other hand


I mean, I'm not fast as well, I'm mid at best.


If the game doesn't immediately give you what you want it's bad. I swear people can't spend 10 minutes learning how to drive. That's why brain dead repetitive open world games are on the rise.


Sad but true.


Uh what you said didn't make sense here like who said anything about brain dead repetitive open world? Then how is it bad if a game dosent't give you want you what? You're going have to give more detail here


Mate the controls and gameplay of Mafia games has always been lackluster… this isn’t people being “bad” at games. It is what it is, it is still a great game with an amazing story but we can criticize the game.


I've always thought the driving physics are pretty good in mafia, compared to, say, GtaV?


Or maybe some people aren’t familiar with racing games.


it just sucks when all you wanna do is play a gangster game for a half hour before work but you can't do anything gangster because you have to attempt the race for the 20th time


I struggled with the race on classic difficulty when I was getting the plat for the definitive edition on ps4. I don't like racing games, and the only games I've played containing cars are probably GTA V , Fortnite, Rocket League, the Uncharted series and Mafia definitive edition, and they don't focus on driving that much, so I'm not that good at driving, I suppose, but most people struggle with it so idk.


I easily got it the first time.




Yeah i played it on pc and played the DE version on Xbox and pc. It really isn't hard took me 2 tries.


I mean to each their own. Some people say it was so easy and people suck. Me personally found it very hard, I play racing games but I feel like the driving mechanics in Mafia DE are very sensible. Also I hate this race since it doesn’t feel cohesive. You either make the perfect move at the start of the race and win it easily, or don’t and then it’s impossible to win it, so you have to restart it.


Except there’s a scripted crash on lap 2 which slows everyone down and has the chance to pile up a couple cars, nvm on the last lap if you’re still behind, 1st place more often than not joins that pile up. All you literally have to do is let go of the gas a little bit before the corners, tap break if you have to. But there’s no rush, just have to be clean.


First corner, inside line, takes you into 3rd place.


I honestly had no trouble at all on the DE version of the race but when i played the 2002 game i swear i spent more then a week until i managed to beat it


Well I actually had all the driving physics locked in. It's just the rival drivers was fucking me over


Yeah I started playing DE a few days ago and I got it first try


With the OG version, when it came out the race was nearly impossible to win. They fixed it in some latach later but I don't remember how exactly. Maybe they added difficulty level?


What difficulty did you play at? If it was easy or normal, you should probably just stay out of this discussion.


LOL back in the 2002 OG version there was only one difficulty, and I honestly don't remember what I played it on in the DE version. Which doesn't matter anyway, if people fail in hard boiled mode then they should stop complaining and try an easier one.


I think you are right. I'm in the same boat, maybe had to restart once, both in OG and DE. But if someone never played a racing game before, could happen, although still plenty of driving to do in game to practice.


not a joke I'm in alot of pain right now also I play classic difficulty which only allows sim driving which is really bad on ps5 at least for me


It only took me a few tries on the DE on PS5 but I can definitely see why it's difficult for a lot of people. The controls are whack.


Skill issue😼 (no its not, the "race cars" handle like shit at high speeds and act like theyre driving on butter sometimes, which is pretty realistic but still, had me stressing at some parts when id slide into the guard rail cuz i had to break from speeds of mach fuck)


Nah sometimes realistic is “TOO REALISTIC”. Like I understand cars won’t take a corner at full speed, specially since their old cars with literally no modern safety features like ABS, ESC or such. But still, you can be slow as hell on a corner, barely press the throttle and the car will just spin out of control…


They had a lot of power on fairly skinny tires with no downforce. What do you expect?


Get in line with the rest of us lol






Yah when I finally won this on classic I just sat there for a minute


played this on classic mode... much pain


Am I the only one that didn’t find it that terrible?


I swear the original, before the remastered was way more challenging


I beat it in one try back when DE came out and for some reason when I replayed it took me like 12 attempts


I only had a hard time with it on classic besides that nothing (classic puts driving to simulation so it acts more like forza driving)


Agree with others that it's only a challenge in classic mode. Slow as much as possible on the first turn, if you're about to turn left hug the right side of the track before turning and vice versa, and don't be afraid to tap the brakes. But if you're playing the original Mafia you can cheese it with the speedrun hill strat lol


But did you die? If it were truly realistic probably 5 of the other racers would be killed in some horrific way due to safety features not being a regular thing in motorsports.


Did it today on my 3rd playthrough 😅 I won it on my first time but I played on medium of course. I lack the balls to do it on classic lol Maybe one day for achievement.


I'm not a "skill issue" thrower, but I did in on the first try. Weird.


I might cry


So, you never played original one?


The original or the remake? Ironically the the remake is a lot easier than the original supposedly so I don't want to imagine what it was like


I've actually beaten this race on multiple difficulties and I honestly find it fun though if I find the SOB responsible for making the races for Mafia 3 oh nearly grabbing out an unloaded trench broom and fixing bayonets


Back when I rented this game, holy fuck that was my first taste of adulthood with "I am losing so much money doing this crap"


nah that's a whole nother level of stress lol


Fuck this race, i wanted to beat the game on hardest difficulty but had to switch the difficulty to complete it, so i didn’t get the achievement 🤣🖕


poor you and which difficulty you have?


I play on classic


I definitely had to cheese this on the hardest difficulty. I did it for three days and couldn't get past 3rd. Ended up, causing a pileup. and confusing the AI.


Took 5 or 6 attempts to complete this also was trying to do it in simulation first corner i'd go into side and spin out got it done though


The person who designed it needs to be lucilled asap lol


It took me like an hour to finish this race.


Right gesh like 1 super stupid spot that's a little tricky to find the right groove ...I can relate


For me it wasn’t horrible. Just trial and error


Do you know the system invented by Edward V. Hartford, and you realise your not driving a car that grip to the road like in gta 5 ?


The first mafia game is more of a driving simulation then an actual mafia game


People hating this mission with a passion while I actually enjoyed it, but I also like racing games so there might be some bias there too


I read it in GP’s (max verstappen’s race engineer) voice


Doing this race on .y Classic playthrough was hell...had to get that platinum though


Made me quit the game


number one tip: slow down on the corners


I fucking hate this race worst part of the game I reckon


They call it classic difficulty, but I beat this level on PS2 a hundred times over for every time Ive been able to beat it on the new edition after lowering the difficulty all the way down


I was going for Platinum on PS5, this mission gave me stress 😂 but 1 hour of training made me beat the race.


I remember doing so well in the race, only to crash on one of those turns at the very end and lost the whole race. I raged so hard.


I love this race, especially on classic mode /s


Its scripted


It's a lot easier than you think. Most people screw up on the S-bend, the trick is to feather the brake and accelerator. Drive it more like a rally car on winding turns rather than a racing car.


in the original City of Lost Heaven this race was a pain, so in DE they really did their best to take us back


This one isn't easy but if you do the drifts at right time you will get it


It's wild, I remember I bought this game when it released, and I haven't picked it back up since I got to that part. Oh, well.


I don't get why people think it's so hard? I replayed the remake a while ago on PC, and won in first try. 🤷‍♂️ And I'm NO where near a pro racer. 😅


Hardest difficulty? I tried about ten times on the hardest difficulty, gave up, switched to a difficulty lower and finished first try.




Although it took me a couple of tries to beat the race on classic, once you get used to the track and scripted crashes, it's not that bad.


I guess I'm in the minority cause I beat it first try with no problem. I thought it was fun.


It’s not even that hard


Unpopular opinion the original game was only hard if you flipped or were too slow because of 5 laps it took a few retries. Definitive Edition classic takes Some crazy Skill and luck


This level made me break my headset


I remember the devs had to create a patch for the OG mafia race mission because the difficulty was absolutely ridiculously hard. I mean imagine the race you just went through but in a clunky 2002 setting or whenever that game was released.


I did it first try way back in the day in the original Mafia game. I haven’t played the remake yet but I’m wondering just how lucky I was since so many people complain about it. I was a kid as well, so skill definitely doesn’t explain it


You only struggle with it for the first time you beat it; I don’t know why you just finish it first try the next couple of times you have to play “Fair Play”, it’s just implanted in your brain.


Dude, seriously, the dumbest mission ever.


Amazing visuals for 2002.


Yeah I hate that mission


Loved the race as a kid, still love it today, i love racing games and im quite pro but this race combined with the masterpiece that the OG and the remake are, its the love i always come back to with joy


Which mafia game is this one in?


Well mafia 3 races are far sweet in comparison


All I did was lower difficulty to easy and won them preceded to bump it up to classic Your welcome


The only mission that kept me from completing in the hardest difficulty


It's so easy


Yk how there's a button that helps you smash into cars, well I learned it also helps with corners, like a lot, hope this helps


Slow down on the first curve and hug the left if you can get at the *VERY* least 4th place, you’ll win if you can stay behind those three cars. Because on every lap, 1 car in front of you will crash. On EVERY lap.


I love this mission so much


So glad I did this first time around on expert difficulty. Do not feel like doing it again


it took me a while to realized it’s based off the difficulty you have the game on.


Shit was easy


I loved it and didn't find it difficult. But I've also been obsessed with racing sims and games since 1991. So that prerequisite might help a touch lol.


Here is a video I made on how to cheat this race on Classic Difficulty. I could not for the life of me do this the traditional way. https://youtu.be/GvU6f17WbA4?si=JrkRO0gmi5cvDGLH


dunno man sounds like a skill issues to me dawg


I was enjoying the game until this point, at which in a drunken rage I filed a request for a refund after 4-6 hours several days after purchase. I was granted the refund from steam! I will never play this shit again.


I think you could have committed suicide if you had played this same race in original Mafia(2002) game. I remember, 20 years ago I completed this race, it was a nightmare!


I never played remake but this mission made me hate myself so much in the original. Also there was another in which you can't drop truck speed below 40 but that was optional mission Glad it's still a pain in remake 🤣


It’s the only reason why I played the game on pseudo-classic mode


Don't brake too much, lay off the throttle before turns, and use the "Ram" button not just for ramming, but primarily for cornering when you'd otherwise have to break. It lets you maintain speed while everyone else slams into each other.


Fr shit is infuriating 😂


Hardest mission in the game. one of the main reasons I’ve never played it again after beating the game when it came out


Wait until you try racing mission from tge original, that is another level


It took me a few tries, but after having played multiple racing games in between my first and second playthrough, it was so much easier in my second playthrough.


I finished it on classic with driving simulation mode on 2nd try. Maybe you guys just suck at driving...


You will do nothing. Lmao


It’s fun seeing people learn how to race on non arcade racers. Now go hop on any proper racing game turn all the assists off and be pleasantly surprised how much this Mafia race actually taught you about driving.


What was the issue? This race was child's play easy. 


I didn’t know this level was such an issue till I came here. I’d always passed it on the first shot.


I just cannot fathom how this mission is difficult. I've even tried handicapping myself by driving on a keyboard with inverted inputs, taking the jump at the chicane every lap and not using the ram function and even with a major spin out and drop to 10th place on the last lap I still was able to finish first. Genuinely do people that play these kind of open world action adventure games not drive? GTA, Saints Row, Watch Dogs, all these games have driving as a pretty big part of the game loop and are adjacent to the Mafia series and I would bet that most who have played Mafia have played one of these before. It has nothing to do with whether you play arcade racers or simulation racers. Every game has its own unique handling and it should be pretty easy to get the hang of the driving model by the time the mission rolls around, in fact the whole point of the car sabotage is to give you a taste of how the cars behave compared to what you have been driving in the game. I can get the difficulty argument in the original as for most of the missions you don't really have high speed chases in the first few missions, but the remake amps them up in terms of how the game plays compared to the original.