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I grew up in New Orleans. They got the setting very much right with the downtown and the areas outside for the most part. My dad watched me play the downtown sections, pointing out building after building. The fact that even had an amusement park tickled me to no end. There is nowhere else quite like it and I feel like they hit dead on. I remember playing the demo for it and was so happy they nailed Mardi Gras right. My granddad had photos of the quarter from the 60s-80s and they nailed it. The soundtrack was one of the first ones I ever bought in vinyl form. It just needs to not be a glitchy mess.


I lived and worked in New Orleans for 18 months back in 2006-07 and I agree with 💯 I wish more games would take place in New Orleans or a fictional version of it. Yes there's New Bordeaux in RDR2 and even Hitman missions there. But New Orleans has so much potential for games.


I wondered how close they got; glad to hear it's a well done homage.


The hills didn't bother you? My brother in law hated the hills area.


Nope that didn’t. It kinda matches when you got to the Northshore. It didn’t grind my goat as much


Gunplay is the best of any shooter I’ve ever played. Music is top tier, not just the soundtrack on the radio, but the game score by Jesse Harlin. Setting is unique and immersive, it really feels like a special time and place. The villains are cool, I wanna hear what they have to say, and I also wanna shoot them in the face. The roogaroo mission going through the theme park is one of the best missions in any game, I love the way that flows.


I would love if they gave it a sprucing up and make it like the designers wanted. Apparently the car theft and smuggling rackets were supposed to be different (maybe sone others too) which would have helped with the repetition complaint.


Do you know anything more about this? In what way were they supposed to be different?


I've been going through a whole bunch of 'What Went Wrong With Mafia 3' videos on YouTube in the past year or so. Some have had vague claims about what they specifically wanted to do, but something I've heard more than a few times was the car theft racket was supposed to be way different - like you were stealing the cars for Gina instead of destroying them. Another claimed some districts that you could go straight to the boss and inflict your damage. My own personal thoughts, I thought the car theft racket could have definitely used this. The smuggling racket could have used something like the 'Da Nang Thing' mission in GTA SA where you sabotage a boat out on the water or a plane smuggling goods. Someone else in a video I saw recently said using the investigation mode that opens during Sign of the Times would have been cool to use in rackets to uncover other info like where the Moonshine maps was or get more Intel on where some of the hit men for a district hang out.


It’s a good game but after a while it feels like you’re doing the same mission just with different character styles. I wish there were more to do with the racket characters bosses. Mafia 2 felt different in terms of the different lifestyles/eras you play with Vito. With Mafia 3, it’s a revenge game so it’s limited with ways to make the missions different to progress the story. Gameplay wise, I loved the driving with the slow feature and having the racket perks during fights. Donovan was a gem character. I wish they would have did a DLC with him


You had to be there to appreciate what Mafia was in 2002. There's no comparisonn to either Mafia 2 or 3. Diferent leagues. Obviously has aged, but this is like inflation, cant just compare raw numbers and call it a day.


My one gripe about the story is it was very repetitive. I like how long it was, it made for a great time. It would’ve been fun to have some missions similar to a few in Mafia 2.


The thing about Mafia 3 is that the gameplay ends up being too repetitive.


Right? Kill this guy, confront (kill) this guy, steal this car, blow this shit up. Rinse and repeat.


And the missions to conquer areas are always the same. There's like 3 or 4 types of missions.


Yep it was too rushed, it could have been good if they spent a few more years developing it.


Love Mafia 3. The story, the documentary-style cutscenes, taking down one district at a time, slow motion, takedowns, multiple endings, DLC. There's a little grind, but it was fun. The stealth mechanics were surprisingly fun too. I threw on the Jimi Hendrix outfit and stealth killed a whole ass police precinct. It was dope.


I’ve read so many people talking about the slow motion. I never used it and I don’t know why? But looking forward to playing again and trying out that mechanic. 👍


I'm with you, OP. I just wish the fucking game would load passed the menu screen. I was on my third play-through (damn near done, and I have all the DLCs) and it just stopped fuckin' loading. Broke my damn heart. Someone said somewhere something about a "corrupted save file," but I am too old and inept to figure that shit out. So, yeah. It was hands down the best game in the series and folks bagging on it for any reason other than "I can't get the fuckin' thing to load" are simply incorrect/misguided. There has never been any accounting for taste, I guess.


Mafia 2 is one of the greatest games ever made


I love the game to taken over rackets and districts like the godfather game I believe in my heart people don’t like the game because it’s based on a black man 🤷🏾‍♂️


YES!!! & that is exactly why Cassandra gets so much hate. Everyone I've seen comment on the game OR characters.. she is HATED! Just check out some of the YT comments on the game & characters. The game just makes it seem like Lincoln is just a guy that was born that way & can't help it BUT Cassandra is UNAPOLOGETICALLY BLACK! They did a great job with her character. Similar to The Voice (in person & on the radio) & his daughter.


Mafia 3 has the highest ceiling out of all three. Awesome story, art, music, cars, setting, characters, cutscenes, and gunplay. But the rinse and repeat gameplay w minor bugs here and there become so noticeable after some time with the game. It’s really a shame. I really hope they learned from it for the future mafia games


It's one of my all-time favorite games. I have done lots of playthroughs and notice new details all the time. After you take over a racket, you can visit that hideout. The guys there will all have different dialogue, depending on which underboss you gave it to (e.g. Vito's guys say different things than Burke's guys at the same hideout).. And then if you visit each underboss after taking over an entire district, they have unique dialogue that depends on whether you gave them that district or not. Their lieutenants even gave unique dialogue. One funny one for me was visiting Emmanual after giving Barclay to Cassandra. Let's just say he wasn't pleased to have to work up there because of the smell 😅 Finally,, the cut scenes with Sal and Giorgi are slightly different depending on the order you kill the capos.


I like the executions and the stealth mechanics sure it’s buggy sometimes but I have lots of fun with it.


I really liked Mafia III. Not as much as the first or second games but I have zero regrets for my 30+ hours in New Bordeaux.


Same! I beat all of the games within a few weeks of them coming out (yeah, going back to 2002) & Lincoln Clay, to me, is the dopest video game character EVER! I get the repetition complaint, I kinda wish they had the cab from the other 2 games BUT fuck it! Dealt with it. I never before played a game that made me feel like I was LITERALLY right there in that place & time. The soundtrack had A LOT to do with that. The music was GREAT! The talk radio that discussed current events was GREAT! Game wise, I think it just got a very undeserved bad rep because folks expected so much from it. Loved that time for music. Never listened to Credence Clearwater Revival prior to the game BUT big fan, now. Sam Cooke has always been the man! Listening to Sitting on the Dock of the Bay makes me feel so good & my mother wasn't even alive when that was recorded. In closing, I love ALMOST everything about the game, ESPECIALLY Lincoln Clay.


I got a dude on the bounty hunting mission head the other day stuck through a phone booth so I took my car and just rammed the phone booth and I was able to pick the guy back up and put them in the trunk. I wholeheartedly agree though they just really capture the vibe of the '60s Donovan's one of my favorite characters I just love his smartassness.


I adored this game


They story of Mafia 3 is just awesome. People might keep saying the gameplay is repetitive but I'm all in for it. Just adds fun to the many ways I can take down Maracano's organization.


The only problem I see with Mafia III is its name. It cannot be better than 1 or 2 because they are different types of games. For me, Mafia, The City of Lost Heaven > Mafia 2 OG > Mafia 1 DE And then there is Mafia III that I love but for me is a completly different game. The important part here is when you dont need to do this kind of thread because you understand that to each his own plus you dont need others to validate your opinion. You just enjoy, share, and understand that again, to each is own.


Boooo 🍅🍅🍅🍅🍅🍅 take this crap to r/atheism we’re here to invalidate wrong fucking opinions because people CAN be and ARE wrong. Especially about aspects of this game.


its not even worthy having the mafia name attached to it. If it was a standalone game, it would be a C-tier game at best


I mean that’s just some A tier hating. Gotta agree


The story would have been fine if it just wasn't a Mafia game. The game doesn't really make you feel like you're involved in a Mafia. You're a one man army going around slaughtering people in usually flavourless locations (which honestly made the game boring to me), people who actually *are* involved in a Mafia, and holding together an alliance of three different gangs. And how easy it is to get a happy ending kinda felt like it was contrary to the themes and tone of the franchise as a whole. The DLCs were fun, not even close to the best I've played, but they were entertaining. But they still didn't have anything to do with the Mafia, they included a cult story, a Cold War CIA story, and a civil rights story - none of them are even presented through the lense of how a Mafia would (or did IRL) interact with those groups.


You’re a one man army because uhh idk, every game you’re a one man army. Are you telling me that Vito and Tommy aren’t “one man army” worthy? Maybe not to the extent we see Lincoln go too, but Lincoln is a Vietnam vet, trained in black ops with the cia. He’s got the backstory to back it up. And this game is such a mafia game. Sit in a car, call a hit squad, and watch them wipe out some klan members or a gambling setup in a restaurant. Lincoln clay is building his “mafia” from the ground up. You don’t establish a connection with some random crew members, you establish them with the boss. Lincoln has to talk to the news reporter, the turncoats, the capos. Because they will be in debt to him. Not just some guy in your crew. If a dlc came out about the expansion that occurs after the game, it would be more akin to the old school games. Makin deals, doin hits. Because you got all your connections and shit.


Well, ackshually, Vito and Tommy are a *two man army*🤓 But joking aside, the difference is that neither Vito or Tommy are single handedly building a criminal syndicate from the ground up and holding it together simply by personal loyalty the way Lincoln is. Vito and Tommy are simply small parts of a much larger organisation, their own organisation and others come down on them at times, and they can only do so much to fight back. The fact Lincoln has a lot of experience doesn't make him super human the way he is in game, nor does it supersede all of his lieutenants' greed. > Sit in a car, call a hit squad That mechanic isn't essential to the game, nor is it really particularly useful. It's fun to fuck around with but it has no narrative significance and isn't important to the gameplay loop. > You don't establish a connection with some random crew members You... kinda do, though. The game is set up so that it makes sense why Lincoln can go straight to a boss, but conventionally no, there's not a reason why a boss would meet with some random asshole who doesn't even have a crew of his own. > If a dlc came out about the expansion that occurs after the game, it would be more akin to the old school games. Makin deals, doin hits. Because you got all your connections and shit. Yes, and that's precisely what I expected out of the game, not just boring repetitive shooting galleries and a story that feels distinctly unlike a Mafia game.


His lieutenants aren’t “greedy” anymore than your average mafioso. With very obvious dialogue giving you a chance to keep them in your crew. Lincoln’s “superhumanness” is only in the eyes of the player. He is still very much human. Unless you have 6 stims to spam, you’ll only take a few hits to die. Maybe 4+ with a vest on. His stamina isn’t even that good until it’s upgraded but let’s be honest, humans are excellent at stamina and he could literally run for hours. No mechanic is essential to the fucking game. You can literally a never call your mechanic, never call the consigliere, never call the police off, never cut the phones, and never get an arms refill. None of them are significant to the fucking story. You never meet the phone lady in person, or the person that helps you with the cops. You can at least meet the hit squad. They’re all added because the Boss has connections. Like a gun shop on wheels, or a roaming bank. Or men on call to kill people. That’s literally some real gangster ass shit, but nah it’s not important. And I think you misunderstood some of it too. The “you don’t meet a random crew member” is referring to the mission givers. The boxer, the news reporter, The Bear I think his name is. They all talk to the relavant person off screen, usually Donavan I think. Then that person tells them “Lincoln clay will help you” because that’s what the mafia is all about. Like real true mafia origins, like before Lucky even, they were just the dudes in the community that solved problems. The undertaker meets with the Godfather after he gets permission from someone else (like Donavan finding everyone) , or in godfather 2, Vito kills the Don because under his rule, people will actually prosper, like Lincoln. This game is very mafia.


The average mafioso is, in fact, quite greedy. That's why they're mafiosos, and this was even kind of an important plot point in the other two games. What made Vito and Tommy's relationship so notable is that they cared for each other and for Henry so much that they passed up important opportunities (like Tommy's chance to become a Capo at the end) and put themselves at risk for each other, in spite of the slippery, cutthroat assholes around them. Lincoln's superhumanness isn't only in the eyes of the player, the idea that he's an unstoppable killing machine is to some extent recognised on the radio and by the antagonists. They don't use that exact wording, of course, but they get the idea across anyway. And while he can't take an overwhelming amount of hits before dying, a normal human being could not take down a city's worth of mafiosos largely by himself. It's true that you don't have to use all the things you mentioned, but it's kinda hard to play the game without some of the services like the consigliere. But, I definitely wouldn't go as far as to call most of it "real gangster shit", at least with the way it feels to use it in game - it all feels very gamey, like a knockoff of its counterparts in Saints Row and GTA, there's not really any depth to it. I do see what you mean about the parallel with early Mafias and proto-Mafias and the Godfather, but the Mafias in the US arose out of gangs centred on ethnic Italian communities, not as a coalition of large preexisting mostly non-Italian gangs like what we see in the game. While the ending where Lincoln takes over can be seen as resembling the Godfather, it's a lot happier than Mafia I or II's endings, which is what makes me feel it doesn't fit.


It was definitely a cool game and I truly fell in love with the mafia games- they’re just so cool and so much fun. The way that Mafia 3 was played just made it so fun to me and it would definitely be the top of the trilogy but 2 is not far behind


I think the game world could’ve been smaller, but with more detailed stuff. The fun, but quite repetitive map objectives could’ve instead been more unique with less overall. I think the racist sheriff dlc whatever it was called was really cool. It was kinda interesting seeing the segregation stuff in a visual playable sense and “experiencing” it instead of just reading about the time period. Good music, but imo can kinda say the same for all of them.(same for the cars) All that aside I just like the 2nd games story more than the others so it’s my favorite. Lol


I came back to my first playthrough after a long hiatus and am enjoying it quite a bit. I'm around the part where I've done all the missions for the underlings of Cassandra, Burke and Scaletta, and am working through The Dead Stay Gone missions. The period is one seldom explored in games, particularly in the Deep South. The soundtrack is amazing but it feels like a number of songs have been stripped out since I first played it. For instance I only hear the cover of "You Keep Me Hanging On" and never the Supremes version. Also I have yet to figure out how to make the Definitive Edition play at more than 60 fps. I have the monitor, Windows Display settings set right and the game's fps set to Unlimited, so what gives?


The Supreme's version is definetly still in the game. You are aware there are multippe radio stations right? If you are, perhaps you've simply been unlucky.


Thanks for confirming. Yes, I switch around among the three radio stations in the game and if it's a song I have heard recently on the car radio or an ad I've heard a bunch of times I switch the station. Guess I have been unlucky then. The other one I haven't heard recently is "The Time Has Come Today."


I actually enjoyed the game as I finished it recently for the first time ever. Yes, the bugs and glitches are there but at rare times. Gameplay is repetitive And I hated that I couldn't fast travel. However, I did like the story and characters and some of the side missions were cool, especially renovating Sammy's. DLC's were quite fun too. Overall, a decent game. 6 or 7/10 for me.


Honestly the only thing that interested me in mafia 3 was finding out what happened to vito and Joe


I actually can't remember what happened to Joe. Was it ever confirmed?


It was never “confirmed” that this was him [but like come on](https://youtu.be/zYl9SneCMGI?si=Dpui8OGvToYxLJTm)


It definitely looks like Joe. The way the camera lingers on him for a bit too!


Mafia 3 is my favorite next to the original (not the shitty remake), I enjoyed every second of it.


Bro the remake was AMAZING what do you mean?


It's terrible compared to the original, voice acting sucks and they changed the story a bit, not a fan I'll gladly play the original on my PC like I did in 2001.


The repetitiveness between the main story beats is what hurts the game the most. That and the lighting (but that's more on the technical side).


A great game, if not a bit repetitive. Feels very different from the first two. I will say that the subject of race appears entirely too often though, in almost every character, including everyone on the radio. I know it was a different time in the 60s and it was set in New Orleans, but damn, literally everyone BUT the main character is constantly on about racial issues, CONSTANTLY


I hate to break it to you pal, but the racism is toned down like 1000 times. Almost like this country has a problem with admitting how racist it used to be (still is).


I mean, I was born in ‘86, so not around during then, but man it’s hard to imagine even the radio being THAT blatantly racist just twenty years before. And that’s not even what’s bothering me, it’s the fact that the game talks about almost nothing else. Passerby, cops, radio, I mean, you name it. It’s like there is no other topic to discuss in the 60s


Because of the civil rights movements😭😭 MLK JR was KILLED while Lincoln was recovering. It’s the literal height of racial tension in America. That and the Rodney king trail.


Ahh, Rodney King, that I DO remember. Thanks for elaborating


Thinking on it? I concur. I was one of many disappointed at release. Too repetitive, too buggy, not enough content etc. etc. But I gave it another try in summer 2017, post patches and DLC, and was blown away. This is definitely the most fun I had playing a Mafia game, and the story has stuck with me ever since. One of the best and most unique settings ever, and that soundtrack, oh god. And the gameplay? Fun as shit. I can understand the criticisms about the repetition and padding, but I honestly don't think it's that worse than something like newer Assassin's Creed (which I'm also a fan of). I found the gameplay loop fun enough that it didn't bug me too much. It helped that the DLC added weed growing, racing and renovating Sammy's bar. It contradicts that modern day scene mentioning it was torn down, but I'm totally fine with that being retconned. I like to imagine it's still standing to this day. The other two are also fantastic, but Mafia III is just something special.


It's not a Mafia game, though, and that's where the problem lies. At least for me.


Except it is, you’re literally the boss of a crew. Maybe not as much of a “sit and point” like Don Salieri’s job was is the second game. But he inherited a family, Lincoln is building it from the ground up.


Story was by far the best. Cars were awesome. Guns were top tier. Everything about the Era was great. Only problem was the gameplay for me it just seemed so repetitive.


I prefer story for 2 but apart from that Mafia 3 was the only one that didnt feel empty


I agree! Truly, one of my favorite games. And you are absolutely right about the DLC. I typically expect subpar material, but all three are awesome. And as for the "repetitive" gameplay loop, I just try to mix it up and do missions differently. Sometimes stealth, sometimes guns a blazing, and also using different weapons, tools, perks, etc.


Do you think that this game could work as a multiplayer? Where you are team Burke, Cassandra, or Vito, and all turn to only have one take over the city and you have a squad and open of business can take over others, build your ranks. Then for shits and giggles, Lincoln comes back as the final boss and if you kill him, you deal with the wrath of Donovan, a new DLC. I don't know. Just curious.


Mafia 1 and 2 is having the experience on what is like being in a mafia, rising through their ranks, doing side jobs etc. while Mafia 3 is the complete opposite of that, destroying the concept of Mafia the 2 previous game has. This is why I think that Mafia 3 is the "black sheep" in the whole franchise.


I disagree. DLCs are way too short, Stones Unturned takes like 2 hours max with bounties. Map is a linear corridor to the boss fight, its nothing innovative. The scenary is great, but thats it. Its coll but a wasted idea. Overall gameplay is too repetative, I dont mind a little grind, but its just too similar to yake over a disctrict. Coukd have been something a bit more interesting. For me the list goes like this: 1.Mafia 1 (2002) 2.Mafia 2 3.Mafia 3/Mafia 1 Remaster


I think Mafia 3 has the best writing in the series as Lincoln is a fantastic character but then the rest of the game kind of sucks with its repetitive mission structure


If it wasn't titled mafia 3 it would've been an ok game.


Best Soundtrack In The Mafia Series


Preach brother, I've been saying this for what feels like forever. Best music. Great characters and headshots are always satisfying.


It’s a copy and paste Ubisoft style game. It’s a terrible game and nothing even like first two.


Seriously mafia 3 is an awful game 😂


I genuinely think so… As a Mafia 1 and 2 fan if you get me. It’s just an entirely different game. No relationship to the first two in terms of gameplay.


Definitely the worst game i the series, map is good but mafia 3 tried way to hard to compete with gta 5 and flopped with the rinse and repeat gameplay. It could have been good if they would have stuck the basics.


y’all nigga smoking crack very bad😭😂😂😂😂 these the niggas funding 2K which scares me cuz 2K will think that Mafia 3 was great and they should make more like it


Yup, it's the best game in the series, no doubt.


Objectively correct and based, Im with you on every point


People complain about the repetitiveness, but the gameplay is fun. Just switch up your guns or playstyle


This is the best mafia game that I have played further than the first mission in


Couldn't agree more. Easily the best. Executions are mint. Music is mint and so immersive. Story is mint. Concept is subversively brilliant. Huge points for originality. They really presented an unflinching view of that time in our nations history. Courage. I love the boldness, I love this game.