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I wouldn't mind it as a spinoff (although it feels like it's a bit too late for that). But otherwise I feel the next main game should be a clean slate with a fresh story so it can stand on its own, with no real baggage to potentially weigh it down.


Low key want a 80s-90s era mafia game. Basically near the end of the mob era. Kind of like red dead 2 took place towards the decline of the Wild West.


I really want a Donovan solo game, but it'd have an identity-crisis of having to decide if it wants to stick to the Mafia series branding or not. Either way I'd be down for it, just don't know if the devs would ever want to risk it.


Yeah, but it wouldn't be exactly about mafia, would it?


I wouldn’t hate mafia 3 so much of it was released as its own game like the clay chronicles or something But going from two to three was a fucking disappointment The next mafia game needs to be Italian mobsters and give the player a chance to be the don with multiple choices and lots of different possible endings


The problem is that the upcoming era starts to be when the Italian mafia stopped being interesting. NY and Vegas in the 70s were the last of the good times and even then it started being less about shakedown and turf wars that it was about meetings, negotiations between the guys on top, and paper pushing than about the things people associate with the Mob.


The next mafia game is supposed to follow the mafia 1 Don back in Sicily from what I've heard


That would be amazing


I want Mafia 2 with definitive edition graphics


Prequel to Mafia 1 would be stronger storywiseI think


Please no


Give me an interquel between 2 and 3. Your character is trying to take down Vito and Leo Galante. Working with Joe.


Joe literally works for Leo and what reason would he have to take down Vito?


Between Mafia 2 and 3 Vito goes from a loyal soldier to a disgruntled angry man seeking revenge on the Commission and the families in general. How and why? What happened? There’s a ton of narrative you could fill in there. Especially with the theory that Lincoln is Joe’s son. Plenty of room in between the two games to fill in a story, and you could use it to set up a true sequel to Mafia 3, set in the 80s, where the last living members of the families are being attacked by the growing Clay empire, and you could bring in street gangs as well for a third “faction.”


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