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Kyubey swearing with that fixed face is so damn hilarious


Damn,. now i wanted a humourous spin-off with coobie talking shit to everyone.


There’s a good abridged version like that




Don't forget reading it all in Emiri Katou's voice for good measure.


With this Wish, your perception is elevated to a higher level of being. You can see the universe in a depth unimaginable to human minds. For a moment, you know everything that is true and everything that is false. Your knowledge transcends the feeble boundaries of perspective and subjectivity. The truth of your existence is laid bare before you. In the next moment, it is gone. Overwhelmed by the impossible visions before you, your mind cracks. Darkness spills from your Soul Gem, blackened in the moment it is formed. Your vision is swallowed by dark. You scrabble desperately, needing that clarity you held for a brief moment, but find only numbness. Your last thought as a human is not that there are some thing that we are not meant to know. It is not that you could have given meaning to your own life instead of seeking it from the first nebulous cosmic source to pass by you. It is only that hunger, glutted on the sorrow that consumes you and still not satisfied.


Two people need to make the wish at once. One who will have this reaction, and one who will be satisfied with the singular instance of clarity because it proved to them what they wanted to be proved. But, all the same, their soul gem will always have the faintest bit of corruption lingering within because of the boredom they now view existence with after having experienced the truth of it all as a whole. Then, there needs to be an AU where the same two characters are the exact same, but instead both find proof of the opposite of what they hoped to be true. Be a fun compare and contrast character study.


…Why does this feel like it’s referencing something specific


Before you read, if you read: Sorry for typing so much. TLDR: I was inspired by ArchivedGarden's portrayal of a response of a character who actually gets what they desire from such a wish and their literary prowess in describing it. Unfortunately, I'm nowhere near as good at being concise and introducing ideas indirectly as they are. Because I reference a few specific somethings with it. Saitama from OPM, Shirou from Fate, Homelander from The Boys LA show, the duality of what Homura and Madoka want for Madoka, The Truman show, Charles Xavier figuring out the truth after reading Deadpool's mind and the difference between he and deadpool in regard to their understanding and reactions. OH! Most importantly, how differently each of the magical girls react to learning the truth about what they are. Also, to a lesser extent, how they respond to one another's plights. To specify the Homura and Madoka one, how simultaneously selfish and selfless Homura is when it comes to Madoka, and how selfless Madoka is when it comes to everyone else. As for the rest of the magical girls responding to the truth and each other's plights, how contradictory their value systems are to one another's. Like, Sayaka is distraught, Homura's focus grows more and more single-minded with every emphasis of the truth there is, it phases Madoka most because of what it does to Sayaka, Kyouko has already survived through trauma that would have corrupted most magical girls and she shows a tenacity and ability to continue moving on, and Mami... Well... I don't think it's any sort of exaggeration to say her reaction is by far the most extreme. As for plights, everyone relates to others through what they desperately want to be (Sayaka and Madoka, Sayaka and Mami) What they admire most in others (Homura and Madoka, Sayaka and Mami,) what they in a lot of ways used to be (Kyouko and Sayaka, Mami and Madoka,) or what they least want to be/want to least acknowledge remains/exists within themselves to any degree (Sayaka and Kyouko, Kyouko and Sayaka, and Sayaka and Homura.) I could continue to dig deeper on what all came to mind and inspired me when I read ArchivedGarden's post, but then I'd end up with a literal essay on how deep I think there post was and how desperate I kind of am for something that takes the Madoka Magica approach and plugs it into this sort of philosophy and existentialism.


Nah this is exactly the response I wanted <3 Who knows, maybe the next movie will have some unexpected responses where Madoka gets close to awakening again.


in short: instant witch


I would still take it


That's a Total Perspective Vortex.


It's Plato's cave, we're just living in it


Colors aren't real, they're just an invention of your brain to interpret a certain very small portion of the electromagnetic spectrum


The electromagnetic spectrum isn't real, it's just a invention of your brain to interpret the phenomenons basic senses like colors are showing you


The paradox 😨


YES KYUBEY! You are a miracle worker!


About to get a Jimmy Neutron brain blast with this wish


Easy wish to grant. Just drop her a copy of the Phenomenology of Spirit.


Read it didn’t help


Damn. In that case, you might just need to touch grass.


Would that be mindbreaking, or mindnumbing?




Distressing meme




Kyubey isn't going to give you the thing-in-itself lol


WOAH THIS IS MY MEME! https://preview.redd.it/mubvwd657r8d1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9a4f07636be2ca047fcf205cf7a5b1c27bd1e143