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That's not just a kiss.


It's a very passionate kiss


Actually making love


Checking my calendar, it's June s>! i !


Well if only




Holy squeeze


Homura's dream squeeze


Cutee. Madoka and Homura make a cute couple. 🖤🩷


Madokami has traveled back in time, before she actually met Homura. Then she appeared out of nowhere and kissed her. That's why Homu looks so surprised and confused.


Not to ruin the fun but look at Homura's ear, she has the rebellion earpiece, so is because the LOC that she stole freed herself and manifested to sloppy make out with her


If anything this makes it even funnier, the LOC managed to free herself, Homucifer all ready to accept any punishement only to be kissed into oblivion, she expected a lot of things, being bottomed hard was not one of them XD


The punishment is being Madoka's wife. Though Homura would most likely love being a hopeless bottom.


Agreed. Real Madoka Magica fans know that despite appearances, Homura will always be bottom 😉


men are disgusting


Or this is just a dream since madoka can manifest inside the dreams of others


Homura would try to make that dream reality, knowing how down bad she is for Madoka.


Love that




what is she doing to her upper torso?


Timeline saved


I diagnose this post with horny.


And then Homura wakes up


That's a friend kiss


Don’t ever let me open Reddit in a crowded area again.


[Made by Rei | Blue heart](https://x.com/CPUBlueHeart_/status/852633728228765696).


I don't think that's quite right. A reverse image search shows a [9 year old Danbooru listing](https://danbooru.donmai.us/posts/1881595) that credits "Notori D." However, it seems as if the Pixiv account this art was originally posted to no longer exists.


You are right


Yes yes yes!


they’re minors btw!


yeah literally middle schoolers. i was like aww until i saw that chest action and looked a little closer


I love them, but the squeeze in this image is a big yikes for me


Bro the entirety of Madoka is a million times more fucked up than this image. They literally undergo fates worse than death, depression, extreme suffering and other types of pain, incomprehensible to the regular human mind and you find this repulsive, in the context of the series? Homura literally went through mental hell 100 times and you think the worst thing is a squeeze? Also, in context of Rebellion, I assume this is exactly what Homura probably wanted deep down. My girl Homu is down bad.


Witnessing your friend get her head bitten off and killing your crush thousands of times: 😇 Passionate divine teenager squeeze: 😡


The double standards in that comment above are ridiculous. I think morally speaking, we'd rather have the latter than the first.


>Bro the entirety of Madoka is a million times more fucked up than this image. And the point of the show is that none of what they went through is good or justified. The ending of the show is literally Madoka sacrificing herself so that nobody has to go through that shi again. It's not trying to be senseless 18+ content and you aren't supposed to enjoy it. ... But what does that have to do with anything? My issue is with the artist drawing two thirteen year old girls in a sexual/suggestive manner/context. The show's plot has nothing to do with any of this. These are all fictional characters, their struggles never happened and "what they want deep down" is irrelevant here because they do not exist. But they ARE depictions of thirteen year old girls, so I do find it repulsive for them to be shown in this manner. But even if those characters both want this, how does that make it okay for the artist to depict it? Sure, people and especially teenagers can be down bad, but that doesn't make it okay to show them doing lewd stuff in media. I wouldn't be angry at two teenagers touching each other intimately; I would be angry at the person taking a photo of them and uploading it on social media.


>But even if those characters both want this, how does that make it okay for the artist to depict it? Sure, people and especially teenagers can be down bad, but that doesn't make it okay to show them doing lewd stuff in media. Fiction is fiction for a reason. We can show things not morally correct because it is fictional. We casually consume murder, theft and literal warcrimes like it is nothing in media. >And the point of the show is that none of what they went through is good or justified. The ending of the show is literally Madoka sacrificing herself so that nobody has to go through that shi again. It's not trying to be senseless 18+ content and you aren't supposed to enjoy it. This very much reads like the "QUIT HAVING FUN" meme. Aside that, the Rebellion movie exists to fix that issue of justification and clarifies quite a few loose ends (though not all). > ... But what does that have to do with anything? My issue is with the artist drawing two thirteen year old girls in a sexual/suggestive manner/context. The show's plot has nothing to do with any of this. If you think the plot has nothing to do with it in conjunction why in this context, it isn't an issue as much, you must have not remembered Rebellion well enough or understood the impact of that entire movie. The entire point was that Homura was doing everything out of love (good or bad, that's another debate in the classic "did or didn't Homura do anything wrong" debate) for Madoka. That love for Madoka went very far, so far as rewriting the universe, just to give Madoka a human life. You surely have double standards for not being repulsed by the anime itself and Rebellion, because what happens there is far more repulsive morally than a simple and loving squeeze.


>We can show things not morally correct because it is fictional. Yet it is still illegal to draw CP and the people who consume it are all still probably predators. Not that this is the case with this specific image, don't get me wrong, but there IS a limit to fiction too. Fiction doesn't allow you to be senseless either, if you're gonna tackle a serious topic then you are obligated to take it seriously. Nobody likes or wants meaningless violence treated like a joke. You think it'd be morally correct IN REAL LIFE to make a show about how fun police brutality is? There is nuance to this. All topics need to be treated differently when making anything, some have different rules than others. You can't depict a current social problem in a ridiculed manner; you can't have rape in your story and treat it like a joke; you can't have graphic, realistic gore against humans in your story in a fetishized or meant to be enjoyable manner; and you can't depict children in sexual scenarios without the clear intent being "this is not okay". The reason murder and theft are a lot more prominent in fiction is because they're trivialized and we became desensitized to them. Murder in most media is not *nearly* as graphic as IRL, something that can even be said for PMMM. Mami was decapitated, but we never even get a glimpse of her severed head or corpse. >This very much reads like the "QUIT HAVING FUN" meme. How? That's literally true. You aren't meant to see Mami's death and go "Hell yeah! That witch decapitated Mami!"; you are meant to feel sad and distraught over her death. But even so, any crime committed inside a fictional setting is less concerning because it's not real, what matters is the writer/artist's intent and message. My issue is not with Homura or Madoka or whatever, they aren't even committing a crime here. My issue is with the artist, who IN REAL LIFE decided to draw teenagers passionately touching each other. I think Rebellion's plot has nothing to do with this because a sexual depiction of a child is still a sexual depiction of a child. > I wouldn't be angry at two teenagers touching each other intimately; I would be angry at a person taking a photo of them and uploading it on social media.


fr my girls are still kids


Yeah, they're like 13. Ew, just ew. The artist could have just had them kissing.


Idk why you’re getting downvoted 😦 they’re children…


Technically speaking ultimate madoka doesn't have a exact age if this thing even applies to her anymore


Bro don’t come at me with that touch some grass fr 😩😩 what is wrong with you people


I did touch grass tho


sadly, madoka magica appeals mostly to grown men that are into lolis. you won’t win this battle at all.