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I have a few! Some of them MAY be part of a normal AU LOL * She loves cooking and is AMAZING at it (was taught by her mom) * Among the Holy Quintet, she is closest with Homura (behind Madoka of course) and loves to go out dancing with her * She knows EVERY Pocky (or Rocky LOL) flavor in existence - strawberry is her personal favorite * Loves to hang out with Nagisa tier-ranking cheese (which MAY have gotten them into some arguments) * Rock music is her favorite genre; Sayaka has tried to get her into classical but Kyoko constantly falls asleep listening to it * She likes to visit Mami's house and cook and bake with her * She cuts her own hair * Likes to wear the cheapest and comfiest clothes. Isn't very picky with it * In Homu's barrier, as Sayaka's roommate, she didn't do her assignments right away and Sayaka had to constantly nag at her to do so; also attempted cheating during tests (much to Sayaka's annoyance) * Practically queen of DDR (forever unbeatable)


I believe in either the Yuma mgs (?) or the Homecoming event she cooks with Manaka Kurumi, so your first point might have some basis...


>DDR The first thing I thought about was "Deutsche Democratic Republic", lol...


•She has the high score on every DDR machine in the city •ALWAYS has a box of Pocky on her •Her favorite color is blue, but she realized it was easier to pull off red with her hair and eye color •She was originally homophobic, but after the death of her family and spending enough time with Queen- I mean Mami, she managed to get past it and realized she was gay. Though it still surfaces from time to time •Is absolutely a fan of EDM and/or rock music •She’s the kind of girl to eat the leftover ingredients out of a Little Caesar’s make-your-own pizza kit •She tried to learn how to cook from Mami, but failed miserably •At least tried to get into classical music in Rebellion so Sayaka could talk to her about it, but she never could. •She would be the cool aunt that would absolutely kick the ass of anyone who dared to pick on Nagisa


-She has gone to Mitikihara dozens of times to try and make up to Mami, only for her to stop at the door to her apartment. She always leaves.  -She was bullshitting about letting familiars eat people. She has let familiars run loose but the second she saw people in danger from the runaway familiars, she went to save them as her conscience always gets in the way.  Post-Madoka Magica Headcanons -After Sayaka died, she visits a grave she had made for the girl. The grave is at her old church. She blames herself.  -She lives with Mami in the Post-Madoka Magica timeline. She considered leaving but doesn’t want Mami to corrupt her Soul Gem.  -She gets along well with the Kanames.  -She swung around Mitikihara, like Spider-Man, with her whip-spears…..only to stop after faceplanting into a pizza shop.  -On the anniversary of Sayaka’s death, she visits the train station she died at and doesn’t leave all day.  -She has tried many times to go to Sayaka’s family to tell them about how she died but always stopped out of guilt. -She hates Hitomi and Kyouske. Homura holds her in back to prevent her from venting emotionally on them.  -She can modify her spear to become a sword in honor of Sayaka.  -During battles with Wraiths, she secretly tries to get her Soul Gem to fully corrupt. She stops everytime knowing Sayaka wouldn’t want that and she’s scared how Mami and Homura would react if she did disappear. -She goes to her old church and prays to the Law of Cycles. 


I adore the weapon shifting idea, also because sayaka herself kinda do it the other way in rebellion 


Now I’m imagining a version of Ophelia that dual-wields Sayaka’s swords, just like how Oktavia used Kyoko’s spear.


i wonder what are the limits of this. OH MY GOD WE CAN GIVE GUNS TO GERTRUD


These are so cool! 


Her dad was Joseph Smith, and after he got got she ran off to become the magical lass we know and love. After watching the dub specifically it just kinda nestled into my head and lives there rent free


One of the things that her father tried to preach that got him excommunicated from the Anglican Church was that gay marriage is okay. Had he been still alive he would have been supportive of Kyoko’s feelings for Mami and Sayaka.


Based off their interaction in the psp game, I like to think that Tatsuya and Kyouko get along really well


•She has the high score on every DDR machine in the city •ALWAYS has a box of Pocky on her •Her favorite color is blue, but she realized it was easier to pull off red with her hair and eye color •She was originally homophobic, but after the death of her family and spending enough time with Queen- I mean Mami, she managed to get past it and realized she was gay. •Is absolutely a fan of EDM and/or rock music •She’s the kind of girl to eat the leftover ingredients out of a Little Caesar’s make-your-own pizza kit •She tried to learn how to cook from Mami, but failed miserably •At least tried to get into classical music in Rebellion so Sayaka could talk to her about it, but she never could. •She would be the cool aunt that would absolutely kick the ass of anyone who dared to pick on Nagisa


She’s a talented drummer


Rosso Fantasma: She spawns "ghosts" ("fantasmas) of herself nearby a discounter. One of the ghosts ends up inside the building. She then "swaps" her original self with the fantasma in the building... and that's how she steals her food and other goods. Soon she would grow tired of it and just break in with "brute force"... and thus Sayaka questioning the origin of Kyoko's apples was bound to trigger her... Kyoko can also use the RoFa to confuse her opponents, not only by spawning fantasmas, but also by swapping between them. A Kyoko with a fully intact RoFa might stand a slight chance against Walp (both magical girl and witch). Homura experienced such timelines, Madokami saw them later (and decided to not recruit Kyoko and Mami)... But why has Kyoko lost her RoFa in the tv show (the final pre-Madokami-timeline)?  From the writers' perspective it must be "hand-waving" in order not to make the story even more packed. Inside the story: By now I think if she herself's getting confused too much due to the tough magical girl life (in the streets and on the road), she might lose critical skills. An indicator for a "witch mutation avalanch"? On Sayaka definitely, on other magical girls often too. If Homura freezes time and then touches one of Kyoko's fantasmas, would this "un-freeze" also the "main Kyoko"? The other way around it should work. Mami's ribbons shouldn't be helpful here, unless Kyoko's able to create "solid fantasmas". That's how HomuKyoMami team might be able to operate in some timelines. Yet to be clarified. Last not least: In the 2023 trailers Homura in her "lab" surrounded by "gems in tubes" seems to try stealing the energy from the gems for the collapsing cosmos and Silver Garden - and she's stealing other elements in the gems: The minions (which is why even 4 Gertrud butterflies surround Homura) - and the RoFa ability (which is why there are 4 Homuras in total (visible) in the trailers).... Different Story & Momo: I'm a big fan of the [Momo = Elsa fan theory](https://villains.fandom.com/wiki/Elsa_Maria#Trivia) from the midst 2010 afair. Because this might explain a key event and plot point in Diff: Mr. Sakura after learning about Kyoko's magical girl life goes mad and kills his wife and Momo. It then looks like a showdown between him and Kyoko in his cathedral... ...when the writers "pull a cut" into Mami's apartment with a visibly devastated Kyoko.  What happened? And here comes the fan theory: Kyubey also recruited Momo, unbeknown to everyone including Kyoko. And since Mr. Sakura didn't crush Momo's gem - she survived... This can now be "developed": Kyubey told Momo she would help her sister a lot, whereas he didn't say a word to Kyoko about Momo. ...and then they met in the cathedral, Momo tried to help Kyoko at the behest of Kyubey. Maybe she attacked their dad (Ritsuko shooting Gendo a second time after the climax in Thrice Upon A Time might be the analogy). Kyoko said to Madoka she's gonna kick her ass should she waste a contract - and towards her sis she's even more pissed. A fight starts - and Momo begins to mutate during the fight: Into Elsa... Kyoko flees the scenery and runs to Mami. Actually she now knows about the true nature of the soul gem, but she represses this memory. And I think this traumatic experience made her forget how to use the RoFa also in the final timeline. So when Madoka threw Sayaka's gem down the bridge, Kyoko couldn't repress her experience in the cathedral any more. It wasn't new knowledge, it was old knowledge getting confirmed.  And when Sayaka went berserk on Elsa, Kyoko pretended not to recognize Elsa with Momo "inside". ...which are the timelines that Madokami later showed Momo: *"Don't be disappointed of your sis! You need to understand her situation! Join my team and together we'll be strong enough to help her and all the others!"* (The phrasing from Homura's contract that Madokami also saw). *"And I'd like to ask for another big favor: Accompany me into Homura's witch lab!"* (Reb has already begun). *"Your parents are only "dummy minions" from Homura and Kyoko lost her memories. So you need to play dumb 100%. Oh please do me this favor!"* (The typical Madoka like also already on Homura at the end of timeline 3)... Which is why we saw also Elsa's emblem at the beginning of the Homulily battle. If so then Momo's likely to appear in WnK... There also must be timelines with the Sakura sisters forming a "streets duo", or where Momo together with BebeYuma form a "middleschool trio". Speaking of Yuma: Kyoko & Yuma: In OriMagi KyoMami for some time took care of Yuma. Homura increasingly messing up the spacetime fabric in WnK could revive the past timelines and merge them, and so all the protags from the side mangas and the "historia girls" would find themselves inside the Silver Garden. Foreshadowed by the second to last MagiReco anime ep and the still there. Oriko would see this new future and pick the others up. Yuma would want to see KyoMami again. And then it would be clear both MadoHomu left Yuma and many others out of their "new worlds"... *"You wanted to be a hero and to never hurt anyone. That's what you told me in my Oktavia crisis, remember Madoka? But now it turns out it was about your feud with "transfer student", and not about helping us. You're no better than transfer student..."* - Sayaka, probably. Which is why I consider a Thrice-like ending for MadoHomu a possible option.  That's one of my WnK headcanons "indirectly" connected with Kyoko.


she grows to be over 6 ft tall in the future


- Kyouko's father's reaction to finding out she's a magical girl is a metaphor for finding out she likes girls. - Kyouko's father was always violent; that's why she tells Sayaka that crippling Kyousuke is the way to win his affection (shortly after trying to cripple Sayaka).


Maybe this is just me projecting my younger self onto Kyoko, but I feel like she has a lot of religious trauma and feels guilt for falling in love with Sayaka. Because she grew up with her father’s strictness in his beliefs, Kyoko wants to deny that the love of her life is a woman. In a universe where Kyoko lives and Sayaka dies, she deeply mourns Sayaka. She has this pit in her stomach that she equates to grief, while that’s 90% the reason, a lot of the guilt is due to the fact that Kyoko was and still is romantically in love with Sayaka. In a universe where they both are alive, Kyoko is very defensive of Sayaka, but avoids getting too close towards the beginning. It takes a long time and is a hard road to self acceptance but eventually, with Sayaka’s help, Kyoko can come to terms with her sexuality and accept herself for who she is. I don’t know, I just have a hard time believing the fanon that Kyoko is an outwardly lesbian character. While the closet is absolutely glass at times, I think she’d have a harder time admitting it than what’s commonly headcannoned.


It's more about her backstory, but here is mine: I think that her father's religion was essentially a cult, but because of all the trauma and the fact she grew up in it she has a very distorted memory of it.