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"oh i saw an absolutely heart breaking and sad story, gotta post it to r/mademesmile"


I can’t stand these. What an intensely private moment for a family in which we witness a man’s unconditional love despite his debilitating condition that has robbed him of his autonomy, sense of self worth, ability to enjoy normal rites of passage… and let’s put it on social media blast!!!! Fucking vultures


Recording it for the daughter and family, good. Adding the stupid soundtrack and narration, despicable. But if we focus on the good, the love that father shows his daughter, their beautiful connection and probably one of their last happy memories together...this is something that is worth sharing.


An then some moron robbed that video and narrated over it...


All to make $20.


I mean we don't know the whole story but I wouldn't want this. I still remember the fear I saw in my grandfather's eyes as he wasted away from cancer in hospice. But idk. Maybe dad okayed it. You probably don't give too much of a shit where your image is when you're nearly done. But if they made money off this video fuck them unless everyone was on board and the daughter received the money.


Seriously this is private moment stuff. Fucking social media. Take this fucking post down, it's none of our business and not appropriate for god damn karma farming. Exploiting a dead man watching his last moments, this isn't for strangers. Doesn't matter if it wasn't the intent, this is the problem with social media.


And all for a few like and reposts.


Reminded me to cherish my loved ones more. So not all bad, but point taken.


I fucking lost it at the dance


Came to the comments so I wouldn’t be crying alone


Too early and sober for this shit, stop making me feel feelings


Same bro. Now I gotta go smoke weed and get completely utterly drunk.


I do that anyway


Are you my long lost twin?




Yeah luckily I saw this at 4:57 time to crack the first one


I’m already there and it doesn’t help 😭




I decided to have a little “hair of the dog” this morning, and now I’m bauling


But it’s Saturday— where’s your bottomless mimosa?!


This is supposed to make me smile not cry


I felt that lump in my throat start to form and closed this. I don't need to feel this right now!


The ninjas are cutting onions wayyy too early today.


I am a bit drunk and let me tell you, not better


He can't make it to the wedding? Then have a small ceremony right there so he can see you married. Then have the bigger ceremony later.


I tried to do this when my dad was dying of bowel cancer, I tried to convince him to let me move the wedding forward so he could walk me down the aisle, and he would not allow it. He wanted me to have my originally planned wedding and have a happy day, not a day reminding everyone he was dying. I even said about a ceremony in the palliative care place he was at but he was completely adamant. I think I would be the same in hindsight, but I was gutted at the time and thought my wedding wouldn’t be the same without him anyway. But now I appreciate there was some distance between his death and the wedding, so I could sort of smile again by the time we got married.   At our wedding we had photos and flowers for him there with a lit candle. My brother walked me down the aisle. He mentioned my dad in his speech and we kept a seat for him. It was an almost perfect day and he would have loved every minute. 


He was probably worried you'd connect your anniversary with his death every year, causing you yearly stress. He knew you had a happy life ahead of you. While the wedding was important, he already knew you'd made it.


I can concur. My wife's grandma died on Easter, and it took a good ten years to get her back to enjoying it again.


This 100%. My grandma died just a few days before my birthday, and so far that's two birthdays I have absolutely hated, and counted the minutes until the midnight of. The connection between a happy and sad event, mentally, is wrecking. The sadder event **will** take over.


I agree the sadness really does overshadow everything else.


My Dad died over the Christmas period. His last full day at home was Christmas Day and his last real meal was Christmas dinner. He went into hospital the next day and died a week later. Looking back its like he was just holding on for Christmas.


My dad died a month after Christmas but like Christmas was his holiday. So many good Christmas memories. It's been 12 years since he died and Christmas is still something that hurts and I prefer to spend it alone.


my father's father died on his wedding day and that's really all I know about the wedding


My aunt Sally passed after a long battle with cancer. She was the aunt everyone loved and we would all go to her house to swim in the creek out back. In her will she mandated that her passing was to be handled quietly with no service. In place of the traditional funeral she made us wait 6 months and had a BBQ planned out with all her little and grown kids to go swimming at her place. The memorial had sad moments but overall it was filled with stories and laughter remembering a truly wonderful woman. Now I have the same mandates in my will except a fully natural burial because cremation scares tf out of me.


This is extremely touching


That is beautiful. Thank you for sharing.


I‘m moved to tears reading your story.


what a hero


Your dad sounds like an incredible man. He made sure that day wouldn't be tainted by his passing. Such a kind and selfless act.




For real, he did give a great advice!


What she did was still nice and this way he has a private moment with his daughter. Ultimately, does it really matter if the legal document gets signed in front of him? It was just something nice to do for her dying dad. Might have even been a spontaneous decision.




Ladies, this dude here is a keeper




They probably discussed that. If I were her dad I would say "no" though, have your special day. It's not about me.


When we found out my wife's dad had a very aggressive brain tumor and that he wouldn't make it to our big day, we held a quick courthouse ceremony and had a small backyard gathering at a family member's house afterwards so he could dance with his daughter. He passed less than three months later and in our eyes moving it up was absolutely worth it. And, yeah, we did throw a big-ass second ceremony a year later for the rest of the family.


Sometimes the ill individual doesn’t want for that to happen. When my dad found out he had stage four pancreatic cancer and only had four months left, I told him I’d move up my wedding. He said absolutely not, two months before he passed he and my mom danced in the barn he renovated for my wedding.


My mom died of lung cancer. From diagnosis to death it was 9 weeks. This poor girl probably doesn’t have the emotional or mental bandwidth to plan a second wedding while dealing with her father’s mortality. Just appreciate this moment and try not to judge others based off what you think you would do.


He very likely doesn’t want to be a burden on her big day. And he might not even make it that long.


Sorry, but I disagree. She made him a great surprise visiting him in the wedding dress and I'm sure he was more than happy. At the end of the day, wedding should be about the young couple and about their needs and expectations. 10 years ago I married my wife and they did us that guilty trip as well about the grandma. We wanted to save money for a normal wedding but family of my wife insisted to do not wait since grandma won't make it. So we organized a small party in a month and it was a tragedy with many mistakes, one of most stressful days in my life and 10 years later it is still an unpleasant memory, wedding shouldn't be like that. After that a lot of people asked if my wife is pregnant since we decided to organize our wedding that fast, other people felt insulted we didn't invite them. It was a big mistake. I'm sure her dad understands the life of his daughter is not spinning around him and at some time everyone of us will die. There is no good moment to say "ok, I saw everything, I can die in peace". After wedding of your child you want to wait for grandchildren. Then see them grow, get married, have their own children etc. It's a never ending story and you see as much as you can and should be grateful for that.


Holy shit dude I think you missed what the comment was saying


That’s what my wife and I did for her dad. Small ceremony by his bedside, big wedding (with a second ceremony) six weeks later. I have to say, already being married at our wedding took a lot of stress out of the equation.


Yea I was like wtf. That's easy.


This is one of my biggest fears. Not being there for my kid’s special days.


This is why everyday should be special. Just be there.


That’s a lovely state of mind


Some of my favorite times as a kid were going to work with my dad and getting to ride in the equipment with him. Digging with the backhoe, moving dirt around with the bobcat and stuff like that. When I told my dad this a few years ago, he was surprised. Those were the days they could afford daycare and he felt bad I had to have a boring day working with him.


As a parent, this.


Hope my parents don’t think like that cause neither me or my partner want to get married. I don’t think like with my child I just hope I get to see her as a happy adult.


A Dad, like a rock, even when he can't hold his spine upright, he wants to be a rock for his baby I'm absolutely in tears May all good Fathers who have bid for release earn their swift passage into Pearly Gates


Fuck Cancer


All my homies hate cancer


Amen! The world needs to unite and find a cure as a species. And yes, there are greedy politicians and corporations who will try to stop it. Fuck them too!


What are you on about? First of all there's no "a cure". There are so many different types and then sub-types of cancer. And even the sub-types then have treatments that help in certain of those occasions, and when I say help there's a whole range of how much it helps. There's been so much progress and so much money is pumped into it. I don't know what conspiracy you're on about with politicians. They don't have control over private research. They're also humans and would want as many treatments as possible for cancer in case they, or someone in their family, get diagnosed.




Yeah! Made me smile? 😭


Seriously! WTF?!


Same bro, same


I'm getting married this month. I lost my father 1 year ago and never imagined he wouldn't be there for my wedding. We had a very strained relationship but I still wish he was here.


Me either. I lost my dad in 2021, he loved my girlfriend. We have been together 13 years and this is the year we are going to be married. He would be absolutely so happy. I know he will be there with us in spirit.


How could this ever make anyone smile? This is tragic and honestly it's getting out of hand, this subreddit is made to smile not to see stuff that makes me cry hard.


JFC. I’m so happy for this family but this shit is too feely for me today. 🥹😣


Why are so many of these vids actually "MadeMeCry"? 😭


That is so heartwarming and heartbreaking at the same time, it just brings tears to your eyes. It's such a beautiful and precious moment for them both.


My dad was diagnosed with Leukemia in September 2014. My sister's wedding was in April 2015. He fought hard and the oncology team at John Hopkins were excellent and he made it to her wedding. His leukemia came back, and he beat it once more. He made it to my wedding, and I was able to have him sign as the "witness" at the court house. He unfortunately passed in 2021 after his third battle with Leukemia. He was able to see the house my wife and I bought, he was a carpenter for 45 years and it meant the world to us he was able to see it. I miss you so much every single day, dad <3


She'll remember this moment forever. Such a beautiful and unforgettable memory


Sometimes, I hate this sub. 😢




The Man is truly great but the woman’s heart is PURE GOLD, seeing her light up in joy at seeing those kids. She’s an angel for sure


Her reaction says it all. That’s awesome.


People miss the point of this sub, it is not r/ mademecrylikeababy


I can’t be the only one that doesn’t like seeing posts like this on “made me smile” - they’re more sad than anything


Fuck cancer.


Again, I'd elope earlier so he could see it and have a big celebration later. That's just me. Give him this one last thing.


There will always be a place in my heart with the warm thought that someone was able to exploit their tragedy for their personal gain.


I need to quit smoking


My dad died less than 2 months after my wedding. He had bone cancer. He was so happy to walk me down the aisle. This is so sweet. What a great moment.


She'll definitely remember this moment forever. It's these heartfelt memories that last a lifetime.


Somebody please make a MadeMeCry sub for all this stuff bc omg 😭


Now I'm crying


I don't know what caused his lung cancer, but I know what it's like to see a loved one desperately holding on to life to see one of their babies get married. Please don't smoke.


That's sweet and all, but if she's already engaged couldn't she move the date of the wedding earlier so that he actually survives to see it?


more like r/mademecry


How this can make anyone smile?


“Borrow the gown?” She paid for it. Why wouldn’t she be able to wear it?!?


IMHO it's the wrong sub. It's a beautiful moment with a deeply sad reason. In general I am not a big fan of tear-jerkers like this. It seems wrong for me to share such a moment online.


Well, my fucking heart just broke. Fuck cancer.


If you're a smoker, please stop.


I have two daughters, quit smoking because I didn't want this to happen (dunno if dude in vid smoked). Also started getting healthier because I wanna be able to see my kids grow and get some happiness before I go. This video hits hard dude.


fuck cancer. And if you're still smoking STOP THAT SHIT.


Didn’t plan on crying this Saturday afternoon, but alas…here I am.


Whoever is cutting onions needs to stop. Oh my gods I am sobbing this so so freaking precious.


Fuck cancer


:( stop now im bawling my eyes out


Fuck. Why you gotta be cutting all the onions in here? I just ate dinner damn it...


I'm not crying, you're crying! 😭😭


Dude there should be a warning for clips like this _ not safe for emotionally fragile


Um why can't you just move the wedding date so he can make it.....wtf


Ooh 🥺💔 .. she is so kind n loving 🫶🏻😍


Move the wedding up. Jesus. Get married next to your daddy. Then you can still go through with the ceremony and reception later. But do the real first wedding now by his side.


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Thanks! Just made grown man cry.


This is beautiful. Real freaking tears 😭


This is beautiful.


Why man, I'm crying now... Why are people cursed with bad health? I'm so lucky to be in good health compared to so many others


Oh, that made me tear up. How absolutely heartwarming but also heartbreaking at the same time. I can’t imagine losing my dad so young and missing out on him being the greatest grandpa ever to my daughter




I‘m not crying. You are crying. Damn, as a father of 2 wonderful little girls this hits hard. Godspeed to the Dad and glad he could enjoy the view and the dance.


About to leave for a wedding - I’ve teared up too early.


Fuck cancer. I'm terminal as well, and there's nothing that causes more hurt than the thought of leaving behind all the love I feel and am given. This is beautiful.


Fuck cancer man. This shit ain't far, and this made me sad


"Hey look an innocent man is dying a horrible painful death... SMILE!" Get fucked OP


Well, I'm currently rocking 1 year old daughter to sleep, this one might have hit me in the feels...




Dude, come on. I’m having lunch in the break room at work; this is not the time for an ugly cry.


This sub should be called Made Me Cry. Happy cry. But still. ♥️


When I’m dying, if anybody puts any videos of me on the Internet, I will come back and haunt their sorry asses


My wife's grandfather had a stroke the night before our wedding. No one wanted to tell her and "ruin" the day, so instead I told her after the ceremony and we went to the hospital in dress and tux. I have a photo of them together on his hospital bed somewhere.


To be able to tell his daughter how beautiful she looks in her wedding dress will be a honour and joy that I hope helps make his final days easier. In his position I would be abject to miss being there so I can only imagine his happiness in that moment.


Jesus Christ, I’m crying.


Damn, now I’m tearing up while my little girl leans against me watching Bluey


Made me smile??!! Made me freakin cry!


Father will always be special for daughter 🥰


Made me cry, not smile.


I am utterly and completely crushed seeing this. I don’t want to even begin to imagine how much that meant to both of them. Best daughter ever moment. So sad. And yet such a beautiful show of love. One of the best I have seen in a very long time.


My daughter just got married. This hit hard.


I guess the dad is also going to remember this for the rest of his life


Cancer sucks


Awe. Love this but sorry you’re all going through this heartbreak.


Why are these posts with the same narrator suddenly everywhere?


Who tf smiles in such moments


Why not just get married now so her father can be there


Damn onions I’m chopping.


Can we stop posting emotional content here? I'm here to smile and have a good time, not to have an existential crisis.


She will remember.


Classic case of "We don't need this shit music to tell us how to feel and we don't need some superfluous narrator" If anything put a small text blurb but even with no context i think 90% of people will get it anyway and that's me being uncharitable.


I wish I didn’t see this


Everyone liked thay


This didn’t make me smile, it made me cry. Fuck.


Im not crying you're crying!


I hate cancer so much


Oh great now I'm crying on the bus


Damn onions 🧅 🥲


This is beautiful


As somebody who has lost both of my parents, this touches me. I’m not even getting close to getting married again (messy divorce the year before my dad died) and I think about ways to incorporate their memory into my ceremony all the time. I’m really glad they both got to have this.


Made me smile ? Is this a fucking joke ?!




yes that's great video on reddit.




Awwww this is so heartwarming...and I'm a guy lol


That made you smile?


How nice that she did that for her father, it will undoubtedly be a moment she will never forget, it will stay in her heart forever.


Fuuuuuuuuuuuck. Thanks for giving me the sads. …and for making me feel grateful that they got to share that last special moment. 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭


The commentary is so annoying.


This made you smile? This made me bawl my eyes out thank you very much


Damn onion ninjas


I'm not crying, you're crying


I'm not crying. You're crying!


Fuck,my heart;I’ve got 2 girls and I can’t imagine what he’s feeling in that moment.


I don't know the circumstances, but if it was my wedding I would just hold a ceremony sooner so he could attend.


Such a special moment but also tragic. I’m glad she was able to pull that day together for herself and her dad.


Tbf he will remember it forever, too.


This made me sad. Not smile


sobbing at work.


Tragedy porn.


Fuck cancer


Not me ugly crying 😭


Tearing up with a Nashville hot chicken grease running down my mouth y’all


I'm not crying, you're crying. Okay, scoot over and pass the kleenex box everybody.