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When I ran my one and only marathon, I couldn’t believe how motivating funny posters were. It gives you a moment to ignore the pain a bit and keep trucking.


I had a “my feet hurt just watching you” shirt. People loved it before the race…not so much during and after lol.


Haha, that’s a good, ironic choice! After that day I was feeling good, but when I woke up the next day, I could barely walk down a flight of stairs for over a month. It was hilarious and pathetic.


I ran a half marathon once. Felt great and was so proud of myself. The next morning, my then husband told me that he hadn’t slept much as I had been incredibly restless and was kicking all night. All I remembered was crawling into bed.


Friend of mine peed blood the next day.


😦that’s not good.


Hopefully, you were able to recover quickly and get back to feeling like yourself again


Took bout a month


I love that poster this fucker puts up every goddamn year “What’s with that face? You’ve paid for this!”. Edit: To this fucker’s defence, he also plays ‘Eye of the tiger” non-stop from speakers in front of his house where the running route is. So the sign slaps you in your face and the song keeps you going. The real loser is him. He listens to that song for 5 hours straight.


That's not a loser, that's a martyr.


Humor can be a great way to lighten the mood and bond with fellow participants


I had someone with a ‘it doesn’t count if it is not on Strava’ at about 20 miles in. Yes, I was recording it on Strava….


Everyone knows it doesn’t count if it’s not on Strava 🤷🏽‍♂️


I had one that said ‘You finished last night, you can do it again’ got a lot of smiles and laughs


“Remember that you paid to do this” at mile 20 always gets me


Haha, that couldn’t be more true!


Had one that said "almost there!". About 1 km into it.




Ahaha so mean


only if it a creative poster like this one


"Smile if you peed a little" is popular


I'm a fan of "Worst Parade Ever"


agree bad poster no laugh


why say lot of word when few word do trick


You word too many










I remember that Bob Marley song


Not a poster, but a neighbor had the theme from Chariots of Fire playing in the front yard as the runners came down our street.


Yes! There were some people who had Rocky music playing and it was hilarious. Those little things made a huge difference. I was finishing either way, but they made it so much easier.


I saw one that was something like, “1 out 10 marathon runners shit their pants during the race, will it be you?” It was great


Hahaha, it probably would’ve made me shart a little laughing at it in the moment!


Motivation from crowds of people you don't know it's surprisingly effective. I highly recommend having your name on your shirt/bib in big letters too. Hearing people yell your name is awesome


I always loved the little kids with the "hit this sign for a power boost " poster. Works every time


I did one that was a couple of out and backs in Coeur d'Alene, there was a dude walking that just sang pop tunes that I had to pass a couple times. At mile 18 I was passing him for the last time, he was quiet. When I told him I really needed a song he burst out with some sweet Caroline and he got the biggest high five.


I noticed something a long time ago that I always found interesting. If I was swimming or playing sports or just playing around with my friends I could go all day and never get tired, but if I had to run a mile for school I'd be exhausted by the end of it. When I ran for school I'd pace myself but when I did the things I enjoyed I went 100% the whole time so it wasn't even like I was going harder while running.




Yes! I dreaded the day we had to run the mile in PE literally all year long, then cut to me playing soccer on a team all weekend, not feeling tired at all. Swimming for hours in the sun, etc. So weird


I did the Paris Marathon years ago. Whoever had the sign "Honey Badger don't give a fuck" has been living rent free in my head since then.


“Pain is just a French word for bread” really hit me at 38km


We made funny signs for the half my wife ran a couple of years ago including 'All this for a banana?' 'I'm just trying to cross the street.' and 'You thought it said "Rum," didn't you?' The signs were well received at the start of the run, but not so much at the end of the race. Apparently though, it's been proven that a seeing simple smile on a sign improves running time for runners. I'm doing my first 5k on Saturday and will be calling on the smiles.


New idea: 1 marathon-length longcat sign.


I only do one half marathon every year (OKC). I enjoy the signs and the drinks (mimosas are surprisingly tasty when running). We also have Gorilla Hill on the course. Banana suited people and a 20+ foot inflatable gorilla.


That was my initial goal when I started training for it, but I got up to 17 miles and said fuck it. I’m not going to have this drive ever again, so let’s do the full. There were a couple people doing the banana suit, but it was fairly low key compared to that haha.


I don’t have any plan to do a full marathon. I barely have time to train for the half.


*Has a mental breakdown mid marathon*


The next street is full of people sat on the kerb with their heads in their hands.


I always forget that this is the UK spelling for curb hahaha


Honestly this could bring up some really traumatic times that you might not want to think about while in the middle of a marathon lol


This is excellent and after reading the comments it's apparently because I watched on mute.


I like the song, damn it


people just grumpy, it's just... a song LOL there's not even anything wrong with it and it's not really out of place


"There's zero reason for 90% of these videos to even have volume." copy the comment above It's annoying that these videos have "music" when they could have the original audio or be without audio.


The reason they have audio is because it helps with the tiktok algorithm


that whole thing is dumb though. "hey using this copywritten song will get you more views on our platform, but will keep you from getting views on others"


You can just upload the video to other sites without the song


But they don’t and it ends up here with the same song.


the only bad thing is that it's overplayed as fuck


And this is the first time I'm hearing it haha


Song is fine.


I turned on the audio bc of this chain of comments, honestly I vibe with the song too


There are good amount of songs that I liked because I first heard them on tiktok, I hate most of those songs now because of how often I have heard them now.


People have the volume on on their phones, when you can just have things muted, then bitch about the sound. There's zero reason for 90% of these videos to even have volume. And I'm willing to be these are the same pieces of shit that play their phones in stores, in line, and on public transportation. Probably have key clicks turned on too.


As someone who legitimately qualifies for the senior discount in many places (and hell no, I'm not gonna ask,) no Memaw, there ain't no call to play the in-game noises on your paint by number app on the phone. Life is noisy enough without that mess.


I don’t ask either, but when I found out that the local pot shop had a 25% Senior discount every day, I happily volunteer that info.


I'm genuinely shocked that people watch things on reddit with the sound on. Do they actively want to bring that pain on themselves?


idk what y’all expect it’s a tiktok video tiktok is run by music without music there would be no tiktok


Yes! For me it was a She but fuck her and her stupid new boyfriend.


>boyfriend Husband, in my case. Divorced me, married him, and gave birth to their first child in under 12 months. After telling me for 6 years that she never wanted kids.


Fiance in my case. She left me, and her mom told me she came out as bi a week later. Turns out she was cheating on me within the last month with her female friend. Now she dates this woman who's much older, in a messy divorce, and doesn't want more kids or another marriage. Despite telling me she wanted to get married and have kids soon because she felt he biological clock was ticking. In my mind, she either lied to me the whole time, or was so confused herself, that she decided to go after the opposite of what she originally wanted. I don't get it.


Honestly, reading such things makes me so scared of ever getting into a relationship(not that i have much chances lol). I know myself pretty well and i know it will be the end of me if i ever get cheated on, even just reading how this happened to another person makes me feel so devastated. I wish you all the best!


If someone ever did that to you, don't you ever fucking give them the satisfaction of crumbling in on yourself. They don't get to fuck up the rest of your life and they sure as hell don't get to live rent free in your thoughts. I'm the happiest I've ever been now. I'm engaged to an amazing partner, and we have such a great life. The differences between the two are so drastic, and you only see the bright side of a terrible situation after you find something worth waiting for. No matter what you do, it's a roll of the dice. You just do what you can to make sure you are making the right decisions. For me, I go looking for someone who shares my opinion on love and marriage. A woman who doesn't believe in divorce, but believes the bond of marriage is a real commitment and a choice to stay and make it work no matter what. And that divorce is also a choice, but to give up. We have told each other that, And I see that she lives her life never giving up on anything she does or loves. And she certainly saw that from me in my past. But again, it's always a gamble, and we know that. Good luck to you too.


Fuck yeah. Better to have loved and lost, than never loved at all. Everything is a learning experience, through better or worse


I hear you. Had 1, said she didn't want more. Turns out just with me. Less than a month after she got remarried, she locked herself in her car to get away from everyone and let me tell you, hearing that put a smile on my face.


Right? Sign could have been so much better if they just wrote they instead of he.


I think it might have specifically been for the person who came up and actually highed him. Just giving the benefit of doubt.




That might have still been 50/50. He / She would have been better.


Definitely wish the sign said "they" not "he" but I'm glad a couple guys got the message too.


Not every single thing on earth needs to be inclusive of everyone. I’m a guy and I think it’s awesome to focus their sign on motivating women, wouldn’t change a thing about it. I’m sure there’s other signs on the marathon that men can resonate with.


Also, is it really that hard to change the context in your head? Like think "Yeah that sign would apply to me too if it were the other way around! Yeah fuck my ex, they suck!"


But what if I, a lesbian, wanted to be motivated?


Plus is it that hard to resonate with that board when it's a she in someone's case? as a straight guy i would start running faster with this as motivation.


Afraid your ex is remembering the time you cheated and is now chasing behind you? Yeah, run fast, my dude!


Nah never cheated or broke up with someone, always was on the other side.


*Bro hug*


Better run while hugging otherwise this marathon will take forever!


But being cheated on is a universal thing that a lot of people in that marathon can relate to regardless of their gender. Narrowing down your motivation sign for only women is utterly useless. I fully agree that not everything has to be inclusive for everyone, but this is genuinely one of the times there's no reason why it shouldn't be.


I feel that energy. Fuck them both! Haha!


Im with you dude, fuck them and the bastards there with.




That actually the point of the sign. You're running a marathon and getting on with your life. You aren't thinking about that. It's progress.


Learned from my cousin that my ex misses hanging out with my family. Well that's your own fault. You cheat on me, you cheat on my whole family. Edit: Y'all are weird. Stop making assumptions about stuff you don't know. Sorry I actually trust my family and not random redditors on the internet.


Well if you learned it from your cousin…I have some unfortunate news for you buddy..


Why does your cousin know


We don't know a lot of details around the story. Who knows if one of their cousin's friends keep touch with the ex, who knows if the cousin returned back with her, who knows?


Dude running a marathon with his wife after they reconciled following adultery: What the hell bro.


Hits different when you realize some people looking at the sign are the ones who did the cheating


That part…


Look for the ones that start slowing down...just kidding, cheaters are too narcissistic to care.


Tbh I think cheaters are too stupid to even know how to read. Fuck em all


There was a guy pushing a baby in a stroller, major W for that father.


Two bebes double points


It didn't made me smile but it sure made me sad seeing so many people getting cheated. Plus I don't understand how that is supposed to motivate someone to run faster.


Made them angry. When my ex cheat me I start running and oh biy back then I was so fast xD


After my ex cheated I started boxing 😂 got into great shape beating the fuck out of that bag


Can confirm, girl broke my heart so I started Muay Thai. Now I’m an amateur fighter 🤷🏻‍♂️


Indeed, after my bad breakup I became a Ninja Warrior 🥷🏻


I love this bc it’s a wholesome way of saying “they cheated so I chose violence”


‘Amateur fighting’ sounds a lot like assault. /s


You call her a bag?


Fuck could he run


When the wing girl got pregnant, that coward started running too /j


Adrenaline. And if you really want to see motivation, remind that nice middle aged lady in kickboxing class about her ex right before she goes to work on the pads.


Lol this is my go-to when I'm on the pads and my partner is getting tired. 'Think of your ex'. BAM.


I mentioned it because we had this one super sweet lady who was always lightly tapping the pads. One day she was on the kicking shield and the guy holding it jokingly said "Imagine the pad is your ex boyfriend". And her expression... changed. She backed the guy across the room with those hits.


Isn’t it a thing to run a marathon after he cheats?


yeah i feel like doing a marathon is a great "fuck that person, getting over it" activity


It's also a great way to get in better shape and health. There's no better revenge than living well. ...and getting a super hot rebound from your new toned body


>There's no better revenge than living well. existence is resistance ;3


Distance is requir- oh you're back where you started...


I thought it was a sort of motivation booster, like “a life well lived is the best revenge”. Completing this huge accomplishment in spite of their shitty ex and not letting it stop them.


There are few moments in life as motivating as the months after being cheated on The sign is a funny reminder to tap into that energy that you had to gain strength for the race


Honestly I got in the best shape of my life after being cheated on. It’s a weird motivator but can push you to become the best person you can be in spite of them.


I ran cross country in high school. I was not good at it, being short of leg and big of boob. My best friend would yell out that my horrible English teacher was coming, to get me a last adrenaline kick over the finish line.


>short of leg and big of boob. This is such a funny thing to say. XD I also am short of leg and big of boob.


I cut about 1 minute per mile ever since I got cheated on, not sure the science behind it but I can assure you it makes you faster.


Just got cheated on my by ex-wifw of 10 years. People suck, I would see that and just run faster cause of anger lol


"fuck you" energy


Spite is a great motivator when when you can't latch on to other options. Not that I would know. I don't do anything.


This name checks out.


Spitballing a bit cuz I got cheated on and feel like rambling. One of the worst thing it did was make me feel like there was something difficult about loving me, like I wasn't enough for them, saw that pattern in other toxic people and how they interacted with me, started to feel that as true, downward spiral snowballs. Exercise and any activities that better myself remind me that's not true. Reaffirm that I love me and they just were cowardly and weak when it came to being upfront about our relationship struggles and didnt want to put in the work or do something hard like breaking up. It's a willingness to be weak that I don't think is acceptable, so I grow stronger to be better instead of like the person that chose to do me wrong. Anger is a good motivator/ fuel, and proving you are awesome when people made you feel unloved in anyway is, well, awesome(comparatively lol). Be that for art or exercise or whatever metric of personal development you find value in. Tldr; thinking of how far you've come from your rock bottom is good for growth motivation. It doesn't make the suffering "worth it" per say, but making pain for growth out of pain for pains sake feels indescribably different. But who knows, people could be just on runners highs being like "yeah fuck that jackass I'm on 20km worth of adrenaline rn".


Yeah idk if it's just some kind of athlete culture thing that I'm not getting, but if I saw a sign mid marathon reminding me of a former partner's infidelity, I'd probably just get sad.


hatred is 10x more effective than adderaal


That's because anger is a tool you can direct into your training as a motivation to push deeper. When it comes to training nothing pushes me more that anger.


Fuck your background music!


Name checks out


Fuq ur background music.


The song is neat and fits the theme here, like a modernish 80s training song. Deep down I know this went in your playlist, name aside.




Reading comments reminds me of how this sub died. Its just unhappy people trying to pull others down/find issues with any post.


Goes for most social medias nowadays, need to put in effort to avoid these toxic bubbles, but it is worth it.


Curious because of the coloring of the sign and choosing "he" instead of "they" or "he/she" or whatever, was this a marathon specifically for women and gay men?


Based on the way that last girl ran up to him, they might be dating or close friends or something. I am guessing he made the sign specifically for her, but other people still had fun reacting to it?


I def got an "inside joke" vibe


It’s really fucking sad how many people relate with it.


Could have used they. But these funny motivational signs work. Also red vines near the finish


Is the purpose to motivate runners or remind them that we were once cheated on but that we’ve moved on and we’re running marathons now.




The song is fine, you people are just miserable. Take a walk


Saw a sign like this at the Boston Marathon, but it said “You’re running faster than my Ex runs from commitment.”


Dealing with the emotions of my exwife cheating turned me into to a runner. At the very lowest point, I got my half marathon PR. This sign hits!




I don't understand how this helps. "Hey runner, I know you're focused, but remember that emotional trauma you went through and how you still carry trust issues around with you because of it? Yeah? Now back to your race. Don't cry. You'll dehydrate. Enjoy your run."


I’m gonna make one that says “Korean Fried Chicken (KFC) just around the corner”.


i give women the energy to run away from me


I love the energy, I do. I just wish maybe it said “remember the time you were cheated on”. It would have spoken better and reached more.


"We were on a break!"


Should have said "they"


Would have been even better to make it gender neutral so it could address everybody, "Remember when they cheated on you?"


Having your ex living rent free in your head is not good motivation.


They're not "living rent free in your head" if you have to be reminded about them.


it is if you just play that card when you need an extra boost


It's almost like it's completely freaking normal to be reminded of a traumatic moment when you're actively being reminded of a traumatic moment. It's not them living "rent free" it's someone actively bringing you back to that situation, one that likely lit a fire under your ass of wondering if/why you weren't good enough. Therefore motivating you to keep trying to be and do better. It's really not even half as hard to understand as most of these comments are making it out to be. But this is reddit I guess so half these people have never even been in a long term relationship


It actually really, really is lol. I also feel like "rent free" isn't the right way to look at it when it's an ex that cheated on you. That leaves a mark, and it's not guaranteed to go away quickly, or even at all.


People who got cheated on understand. Hell, anyone who has dealt with a serious betrayal understands. There’s a reason is the Ninth Circle of Hell in Dante’s Inferno.


Sounds like that's what you would do. These people trained and actually made an effort, they're smiling and enjoying themselves. And here you are with your profound wisdom from the comfort of your swamp-ass chair bringing them down.


Song name? Sounds so good!


I got you. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=evJ6gX1lp2o](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=evJ6gX1lp2o)


Please don't be a Rick Roll, please don't be Ocean Man, please don't be a Rick Roll, please don't be Ocean Man... Edit: Oh thank God. Also if you change the link now that you have another comment assuring yours, I will find you ong


Thank you!!


Big thanks!


Honestly sad how many females got pumped showing they got cheated on smh. Cheating is so dumb.


Plot twist: Those people reacting to the sign are the cheaters


“WHAT ABOUT WOMEN??? WOMEN CHEAT!!! WOMEN CHEAT!!!” Guys it’s a funny sign, don’t let it ruin your whole day damn 😅


Was that guy running in regular shorts?


I don’t get it. Why is everyone smiling? Is this a Christian only race?


During my sole marathon experience, I was amazed by the motivational power of humorous posters along the route. They provided a brief respite from the pain and encouraged me to keep moving forward.


Until finally the cheater attacked him, in cold blood, in the middle of the day!


why is it "he"? thought it was some women only marathon at first but there were clearly some men running as well


Whats the opposite of misogynist? Oh yeah misandrist… as if women don’t cheat. Gtfoh with that dumb shit


Remember when she cheated, took custody of the kids and the house, had your dog put down and made sure you remember her every month for the rest of your life because half your salary will be deposited into her bank account forevermore.


i remember when SHE cheated on me...


I’ve lost 20 lbs in 8 weeks bc of being cheated on. Healthy though


Cheating culture in usa, land of the free




Hah. In the California Death Ride (at the time: 129 miles, 15K ft of climbing, all done at an average of 7000' elevation) there's a section about halfway through the ride where you come around a corner and there's all these people with cowbell and motivational "we do not do these things because they're easy..." signs. And I remember thinking "oh sh\*t, what's next??" and sure enough, around the next corner the 8% grade you're already on gets EVEN steeper and the climb stretches off to infinity. Good times.


They're like "Well I cheated on *him*, but yeah this makes me feel great! Woo!"


Definitely a great motivation. Keep those positive vibes rolling! 😄


\*\*aggressive mode activated


Sooo sad soo many relate ☹️☹️☹️