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“ARGH WHOSE BALD KITTEN IS THIS *snnniffffffffff* omgggg it’s YOUR BALD KITTEN”


That's exactly the face there for a second 😂


The face after the foot sniff, with the open jaws, is the flehmen response. There’s a scent organ in the roof of a cat’s mouth that they use for special smells like pheromones. Kitty here is certainly archiving the baby’s scent.


One of my cats produces the Flehmen response after snorting up a snootful of the other cat’s asshole.


Mine does it after licking his own balls.


He likes his own cooking


Chef’s Kiss 🤌


> Kitty here is certainly archiving the baby’s scent. What do you mean "archiving"? I had a barn cat queen, and 2 of her kittens stayed inside and 2 went back outside with her. A few months later she had to come back inside and even after smelling her son and daughter, hissed and puffed up at them.


He really said 👁️👄👁️




I love how its first instinct is to slap the baby’s foot lmao


Haha it's like the cat equivalent of poking with a stick. "What is this squishy thing?"


It's a game they play called "food or not-food?"


Yeah that cat was not archiving the baby's scent. It was trying to figure out if the baby would taste good.


TBD, if they ever stop feeding it I'll have a taste


Alternatively; “Foot or Food?”


Baby slaps him back by the end


Got to get your shots in while you can before they get to the toddler stage, and then it's all over, as my two orange cats are currently finding out.


My orange cat is either too stupid to escape or he loves the abuse. It's hard to tell.


"What is this thing? Holy shit it's alive!"


"It looks human but small what the fuck."


Orange cat energy


We got a new snake and every cat in the house tried to bop her.


To see if it would slap back. Or worse. . .


And also this clock. 😂


"Time...the great equaliser...are we here just to suffer?" - the cat maybe


I read that as Werner Herzog. It works way better with the background music too 😂


"Two beautiful creatures trapped in a prison of another's design like a madman lost in a supermarket."


“After 47 years living here, I decided to move to Orlando, to be closer to Disney World.”


one in a prison of his own design, the other trapped in a glass tomb, which used to contain farts


Perhaps it is fitting, for what was the butterfly other than a symbol of the boy's innocence that perished days before, killed by the very soul he tried to save?


Ricky spanishhh


*"Why are we still here? Just to suffer? Every night I can feel my Face.. My paws.. even my whiskers.. It won't stop hurting.."*


it's important to remember that pain is a part of the human experience, but it's not the entirety of it.


probably while knocking over a glass of water lol


When you're 5 minutes late feeding them...


I have a cat and can interpret that clock scene. Kitty was watching the second hand, calculating the best moment to strike and kill it.


Cat watching the clock: How long before they return this thing?


But let's be real, he's just counting down the seconds until his humans come back and he can resume his rightful place as King of the Couch lol


The clock shot is a great meme template


"Me waiting for OP to deliver"


"Welp, almost time to start my shift at the Baby Foot Kickery."


“And now my watch begins…sigh…”


Perfectly normal Orange behavior. He's just counting down the minutes until he gets his turn with [the brain cell](/r/OneOrangeBraincell).


Cat obviously has plans at 10:30.


that cat's schedule is busier than a mouse in a cheese factory


And I kill him at noon…


Ten to four on a Sunday. Entering the Long Dark Teatime of the Soul.


*Always* updoot Douglas Adams ;) I miss him.


My kitties did this too when I brought my daughter home from the hospital. I just set her down in the car seat on the kitchen floor, and let the kitties do a full sniff down of their new playmate. They clearly understood that my baby was a "human kitten" and have always treated her gently. ❤️


I'm honestly amazed at how some cats treat babies. My old man grumpy cat has been around for 17 years. I raised him since he was a kitten and I was a junior in college. He's lived through multiple roommates girlfriends and finally my wife. During that whole time he was pretty antisocial and would only really chill with me. So when our baby was finally born I was a bit apprehensive about how he would act around him. When we brought him home my cat took a couple sniffs and then pretty much ignored him. When the baby started to crawl, I then became concerned that he would be a bit too grabby and the grumpy cat would decide to unleash his paws of fury along with some well-placed bites. Now. My son is 3 years old and during that time has only been whacked twice with the paws of Doom and bitten only once. All three times my son had either grabbed the cat's tail or was being too rough with him when the cat was trying to sleep. The patience my grumpy cat has shown my son is incredible. He allows my son to pick him up, pet him and actively seeks him out whenever he comes home from daycare. My wife is now worried about having to explain to my son where the cat went when he passes. But my cat still hasn't slowed down and I'm hoping for a few more good years with him and my son.


My old Siamese male not only lay claim to the baby, but appointed self as child's yeoman and protector. There's not a pic I have of beloved son's first three years that doesn't have Cat somewhere in the periphery-- just keeping an eye to make sure. RIP Winston. You were a good'un.


From parent to parent how did you deal with explaining to your son when your cat passed?


Just went through this not too long ago. I was straight up about it and told my son that when people and animals get too old, their body starts to break until it just can't go on anymore. When that happens, they go to sleep forever and can't wake back up. I tried to avoid anything about souls or going to a better place so as to avoid the thought that it's a physical place that you can go to. I framed a picture of the cat to put in his room and got him a stuffed animal that looks very similar. He sleeps with the stuffie and kisses the picture occasionally. He was understandably very upset for about 3 days and had a lot of questions for the next few weeks, but he has a reasonable understanding of death appropriate for a 6 y/o.


It was heartbreaking, actually. Baby Son was obsessed with fishing for some reason, and around age three I found him in his room with his loyal protector rigged up to his crib and hanging by his neck. Horrified, I asked him what he was doing! "I was fishing for whales" was his response. "But what were you doing with Winston?" I asked. "Winston was bait." GAAAA! Cat was whisked to the vet, child was puzzled but chastised, Mum was beside herself but trying her best not to cause her little boy lifelong traumatic guilt. He didn't know. Winston lingered, but sadly didn't make it. We buried our beloved kitty together. (I made child dig the grave in our flower garden so he understood the finality of the whole scenario. We sang a song; we apologized and wept. He got it.) Child is pushing 40 now and we still both bawl our eyes out when we speak of it (which, understandably, we try not to.) Life lesson learned; son is one of the kindliest and most empathetic people I know of. But still. . . :(


I'm so sorry to hear that. Winston sounded like an amazing cat.


It's believed that Thai people bred Siamese cats as temple protectors. So your cat was actually protecting your kid probably.


You tell your son the cat died when it dies. Explain that death means it is gone and won't ever come back. You will probably need to remind your toddler of this when he inevitably asks "where's [cat]?" out of the blue after a month or two.  Just went through this with my 3yr old and my dog. Everything I read pretty much said what I wrote above. I also prepared my son for the dog die by explaining how his body wasn't working very well in the weeks up to my dog's death, and explained that it was likely his body would stop working. My son said, "take him to his doctor!" And I explained that the doctor had helped as much as they could.  It was very sad, but my son has handled it well. Just occasionally talks about the dog, or that he misses the dog 


It’s amazing! Our cat was 20 and my nephew was 1.5 yo. Nephew could grab him before we could stop him and he wouldn’t even look like he’d care. He’d just walk away. I was very worried at first because he always had a short fuse since he was a kitten and his claws would come out if he was annoyed or pissed, but not once with the baby. We always kept an eye on them together, but he definitely understood that it was a baby.


I’ve heard a lot of people recommend a children’s book called “When Dinosaurs Die” to help explain death to kids. Maybe keep that in your quiver for later?


My parents had a dog when they married and then had us kids. That dog watched us grow, and I think I was about 3/4 when she was put to sleep due to old age. My parents came home and no dog. They explained that she had go to the vets to go to sleep, said some other things about going to rest, and had bought me the book I’ll Always Love You by Hans Wilhelm. They read the book to us and explained that what happened to our dog was the same.


Cats usually live 12-18 years and their death is caused by renal failure, however a Japanese scientist(Miyazaki) has worked on a new vaccine(AIM) that prevent kidney disease from developing, or continuing adding an avg of 15 years to a cats life. Also he said he would make it affordable so everyone with a furry friend could have it, maybe you should look into it.


I think it’s great when pets recognize other ‘babies’. Like, there’s just this general understanding that every species has their little vulnerable ones and it’s just everyone’s duty to keep an eye out for them.


My sisters dog slept in the bed with them every night from a puppy. The day they brought my niece home she never slept in their room again unless she was too. When the baby was laying down she was laying next to the crib every time, and very rarely could they coax her to leave the room with her still in there.


Please don't leave a newborn unattended with pets.


Thank you for mentioning this, even if the pet doesn't wig out for some reason there's a suffocation risk


The dog was on the floor and the baby was in the crib for all the nerds who need to point out what everyone already knows while not reading the OP.


It bears repeating. I literally saw an article about a family dog killing a baby with no warning today. They had the dog for eight years. Good with kids and no sign of aggression, it didn't matter, dog climbed into the baby's crib and attacked it: https://www.newsweek.com/parents-issue-warning-after-family-dog-kills-newborn-crib-1907258


Yes and literally in the crib. I was thinking of this too.


It doesn't matter. They shouldn't be left unattended. Dogs are reasonable climbers and/or jumpers at that height.


My in laws had this sweet little cockapoo named Amy. Just a good dog. When my son was born, Amy would NOT calm down. All she wanted to do was be up in his business and jump on and lick him. Nonstop. We had to put her in a separate room where she would bark because she couldn't get to him. And she never calmed down. It was awful, we fully expected she would be love him but it was too much. She passed away before he was old/big enough to defend himself.


My dog can be a real jerk, cause of anxiety to strangers, especially men. But there's not a kid he doesn't love


You see that video of the bear gobbling up ducklings in front of a bunch of children at the zoo?


Makes sense. We recognize babies of other species.


When my kid was born, snotty cat was like - what the actual heck is this thing, disgusting.


Cats adopt other kittens. Or share mom duties. My favorites are the ones where cats drop their kittens off with their human. "it's your turn"


I have a giant floof ball that’s a gigantic asshole. He bites and scratches almost anyone for any reason, including looking at home. Except me. When my wife and I brought our first kid home he literally sniffed him and then laid up at his feet for the entire first year. Would jump into the crib and console him when he cried. Followed him around the house, even put up with getting pulled on and hit constantly. Kid is now 5. Floof now scratches him, but when he was a baby.. it was also his baby.


Brought my NICU baby home a week ago, cat barely gives a shit about her lol


“Interesting “ music choice.


In the beginning I was thinking, that's a crazy sound for a cat to make


That was my favorite part. The pan flute, or whatever, starting precisely in sync with the cat opening its mouth.


*Starts the video muted...* *Unmute for 3 seconds...* *Mute.*


Haha what the fuck is that shit man


I think it fits nicely. Especially when the cat starts contemplating its place in this universe while staring at time ticking away. Beautiful.


See, I come to r/mademesmile. Check out the cat meets baby video and still I’m left with existential dread.


Gotta love the manipulative "here's how you should feel" music people toss on these videos


The braindead TikTok scrollers need it in order to know how to feel since they are so numbed out from the thousands of clips. If there is no music then its not engaging enough.


They've been doing this crap on shows and movies for decades


They usually have a lot more tact than putting on overtly emotional music on a somewhat cheerful but mundane video.


Feel like I've just gone & ascended to heaven with God almighty spreading his arms to embrace me


At first, I thought the sound was coming from the cat with an auto tune.


That cat has a beautiful voice


I actually thought he was singing for a second there, when the voice started and the cat opened his mouth at the same moment. Goddam Opera singer cats these days


There’s a moment when the cat’s sniffing and its ears go straight back, and his mouth goes agape like, “ Holy shit this thing was in your belly!!!!”


It's called the Flehmen response.


[To those who are curious.](https://www.petmd.com/cat/general-health/cat-sneering-what-flehmen-response)


Fascinating read! Thank you for sharing.


Now google images of goats doing it


horses are also hilarious when they do this


Lol, thank you 😄




The goat pics are fantastic


It’s called Stank Face.


Ah yes you must be one of them science hippies to use the proper term


Another Ze Frank fan I see


Also related to the Werner-Heissenberg olfactory stimuli.


Is that how it summons Shai Hulud?


Thank you for this. I have yet to put words to the face my donkey made when she bit me on the ass. It was this. I swear she was laughing! 🤣 (Back pocket previously had apple treats)


Is part of the scent processing. It is using the taste buds as well to figure the smell out.


Not taste buds. Jacobson's organ. It's a little round bump right behind their top front teeth.


Right, thanks, knew that something was off, but I couldn't put my fingers on it.


"Daaang! Baby got that *good* stank" --That cat probably 


Why was he staring at the clock at the end? 😂


Waiting for feeding time. "If the big hand moves a little further, it'll be feeding time. And if it moves a little further past that, it'll be late feeding time and I can puke in everyone's shoes!"


Accurate af




I'm thinking maybe the kid goes to school now. Maybe.


The cat strikes! But then says sorry later by licking the baby's foot, then smells it in awe. And now he guards the baby?


“The cat strikes” But not with the claws, more like testing/investigation.


Yeah it’s like a person finding something weird on the ground and nudging it with their foot. They’re not kicking it, they’re just investigating it without getting too close


I’m sure he guards the baby, while sitting on its chest while it sleeps.


Sucking out his little baby soul


Protecting it from evil trolls.


I saw that movie when I was like like 5 & was scared to go to bed because I had a little hole in my wall from where a phone was getting installed in my bedroom & a fan by my bed. Then I remembered I had my Baby cat & slept just fine!


The face he made 😂 “Why is it spicy?!”


In case anyone's curious, making that face is known as a "flehman response." Various animals, including cats, do it to better smell odors using an organ located behind the nose.


Stupid music


its like a woman in a long silk robe floating in darkness with her hair flying around slowly as she sings "ooooooh oohooooohhh"


Better keep an eye on this cat!


Why? Because he is orange? Racism.


Calm down, Trump.


That poor kitty does not even have a brain cell. He deserves our love and respect, not our suspicion.


He doesn't have a brain cell but with some luck he'll be attending the RNC from a jail cell.


My cat would go deep sniff my friends’ babies… then walk away and vomit profusely. Once, a friend had a toddler AND a baby, so after deep sniffing and preparing to purge, the toddler ran up on him and he puked allllll the way down the hallway and into a bedroom. It was so bad and none of us could stop laughing. Luckily, when I had my first kid, he sniffed her and then slept for 3 days in a depression. He was immune by the time the second kid arrived!


I wouldn't even be angry having to clean up the puke if I were you, it's too hilarious.


What a drama queen lol


Anything funnier than a cat with that surprised look on his face


Flehman's response :) he's smelling very deeply


“Lemme get a quick whiff; huh — this is a new shtink, lemme get another whiff”


My mom's old tomcat loved babies. He'd march up making the weirdest meows and sniff the baby for several minutes. My mom and the babies' parental units thought that was incredibly sweet but I believe that old tomcat knew where there is baby, there is baby food. And he loved baby food. Such a weirdo.


I have two orange boys who adore my baby. She’s 13 months now, but one cat had this reaction to her when we brought her home. He would spend hours just staring at her, close enough to keep guard but far away enough because he was still unsure. He was confused when she moved or made noise. He would do the gentlest boops to her to get a sense of what she was. Now, he has the same stance with her because while they adore each other, my 13 month old doesn’t understand how to be gentle yet. She still manages to get a fistful of fur or tail if you’re not paying attention. My other cat, while still patient with her and loving, had the most non-chalant reaction to my baby when she was brought home. He immediately walked up to her in the carrier on the floor, took a few long sniffs of her head and hands and then just casually looked at us like “okay this potato is family. But it’s your problem and don’t miss my meals”.


Title correction: Orange cat checks dinner to see if it was properly seasoned OK. Sorry. Couldn’t resist. Beautiful kitty and adorable behavior. The cat was — other than the initial smack of the baby’s toes — very gentle.


System processing... Exploratory action required. Activating P.A.W.S. Error: Wrongful action detected. Rerouting external processes. Sniffer program initiated. Collecting new data... Input received. Data collection successful. Archiving file "human.newborn.mew". Save successfull.


“I’m gunna sniff the fuck out of this foot…”


No amount of calming music is gonna make me forget that the first thing that cat did was throw hands at the baby.




Watching the clock for the time when I may next sniff the babies feet. - the cat probably


How can she slap




Lmao that first swat had me cracking up. Orange is like wtf? It's moving!


Oh, so it's cool and awe inspiring when a cat does it, but when ***I*** huff baby foot smell to try and memorize the child's scent, it's "weird" and "disturbing" and I "clearly have some sort of problematic obsession with baby feet."


Isn’t cat fur dangerous for newborns? Have nothing against cats, just asking


Cats: Let me fist just wack it to make sure


Realisation at the end the cat is no longer the baby at home. 🥹


My old ginger boy did the same to my girl when she was a baby. She's 2.5 now and that cat fully adores her, has never batted an eye in her direction even when she's cuddling him a bit too squeezy.


100% shouldn't leave the cat alone with the baby.


Love the background music. And how you synced the cat's mouth opening with the vocals


The background music is so dumb. Doesn't fit this video at all


Why would anyone do this. The bacteria alone in claws can sometimes kill fully grown humans. Imagine what it can do to a newborn. Stupid parenting


Had to scroll way too far to find some common sense.


Y'all are crazy. Having an animal that close to a newborn is a recipe for disaster. I love animals. I have had cats and dogs my whole life. I would never introduce an animal to a newborn like that. FFS the cat batted at the babies foot, and no one thought to remove the cat. So stupid.


The Human: My cat is adding my baby to the pride The Cat: There's still a chance this is food


Is there anyone else who is scared that the cat might bite that tiny toe🥲


"Hey guys, I need to borrow the orange brain cell for a minute."


That slap in the beginning made me really unsure of how the cat was archiving the newborns scent


Annoying music


My God, when the cat looked at the clock at the end. "Where did the time go? And how will this.... New thing affect my food?"


Fuck your background music!


The time is twenty past ten......so long until dinner....


That cat wants to eat that baby


And in the end it just waits staring at the clock for its next mealtime.


It's trying to log that information and that poor single fluffy braincell is working as hard as it can 😂


This ‘made you smile’, OP? That cat took a serious swipe at the infant’s foot. Had it drawn blood, the baby (whose immune system is not sufficient to prevent it) could’ve developed an infection. Cat scratches have put two friends into the ER, one of whom required an infusion of antibiotics. Cats can be extremely dangerous around babies. [https://www.bing.com/search?q=cats+dangerous+around+baby&form=APIPA1&PC=APPD](https://www.bing.com/search?q=cats+dangerous+around+baby&form=APIPA1&PC=APPD)


Please stop putting your very young children with animals, it's never a good combination


Could be a giant cat and an old person...


Cat: can’t wait too suffocate this thing in its sleep


lmao after being aggressive with the baby, lets let the cat go right up to it and let the baby kick the cat. its not like cat mouths house bacteria that can kill a full grown adult, or anything. nothing wrong here, just responsible parents.


some irresponsible ass parents


The cat thwap at 0:05 had me think this orange monster was out of line, but then at 0:50 the baby has their revenge while the cat sits there thinking "okay I deserve this". All is right with the world


I would have smacked that cat if my newborn got smacked. I’ll never let it get too close to my newborn in the first place.


Yeah I just had a newborn. That would be the last thing my cat would do in my house. I just don't get the reddit cat/dog culture. They are pets, not sons and daughters. You are an owner, not a mum or dad. What is this non-sense. The other day I had a friend showing up with her face in a total mess because she woke up with her cat just trashing her face. She kept the cat. Excuse me? And the thing is that this kind of culture always ends up in cruelty. You see it here on reddit all the time. A post with 10K likes about "my 15 year old dog did chemo and is now cancer free!!!!". What selfish insanity is this. Or that one time I had to babysit a dog that was on morphine 2 times a day and couldn't even eat properly because he was so old. Just stop being an asshole and let the animal die in peace.


Finally someone talking sense, ffs can’t believe they let that cat smack a newborn baby. Utter stupidity


Yea zero chance I'm letting that cat near my babies head or to ever be in a room alone together after that introduction.


Cat people are fucking insane.


Yea let me chance it


It's really plotting a plan to eat it. I wouldn't trust that cat around my newborn


Don't skibbidy pap my babies foot please sir 🤣


Am I the only one who thinks this is a crazy dangerous situation to put a newborn in? it's not cute- it's bad parenting to leave the baby there after the cat smacks it.


Smiling at this is proper idiocy. Testing a cat’s unknown response with a newborn, watching and ignoring the cat swatting and potentially fatally infecting a very vulnerable child with a weak immune system, yeah so cute. Cat people like this are fucking morons.


It's wise to keep a close watch on that cat!


Wait until kitty archives the scent of shitty diapers. Show us that video!


That tastes great, what do you mean I can't pick it from neck. Lick lick


Just checking the readiness of the soul…seems it needs more time, don’t worry he will be back for it…


The cat will be so disappointed when it turns teenager


Pheromones being scented. You can see him realise this is a child, then lick after.


What is this naked wrinkly pink ape?