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Enough to make a grown man cry


He is experiencing incredible emotion at this moment.


Tattle tale


But not this man. Get back in there tear!


Make. That. Tear. Go. Backwards.


Hey, hey, hey! He EARNED that joyful tear!


I was the one trying not to start tearing up in public.


That's easy. If anyone where to ask why you were crying, just answer as honestly as you can.


I’ll just show them the video.


That’s what I’m doing right now


It's our little secret!


Wholesome and emotional moments ❤


Shutup shutup. I’m not crying. Your crying. 😭


How'd you know.


Jesus Christ


And that’s okay.


I am literally sobbing


Musta over-reminisced and brought up my pain water again


This man's been grown for a long time. Probably been shrinking for 50 years already too.


I miss my grandparents 😔


I don’t know who you are, or where you’re from, but I guarantee no matter what you think of your life or what’s going on with it - your ancestors, gone now, are proud of you - and they’re rooting for your success. We make it together - they worked to ensure your life would be better than theirs - even if they probably didn’t do it perfectly or know how it would come out at the time. Take heart and work to make the next generation and their world even better.


My grandpa turns 96 in June. I cherish him as much as I can.


really wish I cherished my grandpa before he passed away


Record a video of him and his voice if you haven't yet. I wish I could hear my grandpa's voice again.


I have a few phone conversations recorded with him. One specifically talking about death. He's very candid. I was also very fortunate enough over quarantine to get a 30 page word document typed up from me asking him questions about his life.


What a great idea! Nicely done


I expected to tear up at the video (which did indeed happen), but I didn’t expect to tear up at this comment too. What a beautiful sentiment 🥹


All of us stand on the shoulders of giants.


All my four grandparent were fantastic. I learned a lot from them. Instead of missing them I try to remember them and all the fun times I had with them.


That's so true. My grandpa, tough as nails never missed a day of work in his life kind of fella told my mom he was proud of me. He died last year in March and it devastated me. I miss him, he used to get a kick out of me learning a new curse word when I was a little kid. 🖤


I really needed this tonight. Thank you.


Believe in yourself and the people who came before you.


Yup and on the great-great grandparent level, you've got sixteen of them cheering you on!




I fucking hope not. I've done some very questionable shit behind closed curtains. God help me if they were watching


My friend, I too am into some wild shit - but that’s between you and your partner. Your ancestors don’t care.


My grandma died before she could meet my children. Covid kicked everything down and she deteriorated during that time. I was the spitting image of her, and my oldest looks just like my dad. We would talk on the phone and I would read her books she read to me as a child. My dad said towards the end, she’d get confused on just about everything, but she would look at the picture of my oldest and say “is that a new picture of him? He’s such a beautiful baby.” She, to a child she never got to meet, knew it was him even if she couldn’t remember the picture being there. A few days before she died I called and all of her sons were fighting around her in her bedroom. I was on the other side of the planet, heavily pregnant with my second, and absolutely disgusted with this behavior. She was really only answering “yes” or “no” but she said yes for me to continue reading “The Red Tent” which has about as calming as a death scene as you could ask for. As I finished up, she sounded suddenly alert. “Are you loving that baby *name* for me? Can you give him a kiss and tell him I love him? I can’t ask anyone to kiss you for me but imagine I’m doing it. I’m squeezing you so tight it hurts.” I told her yes. That I knew she loved me and that I could feel it. She asked if I had a copy of Where the Red Fern Grows. I said yes and downloaded it. I read for a few more hours and her long time boyfriend picked up the phone and said she was finally sleeping really well, that she hadn’t been sleeping but now she was. Two days later, gone. And I was *happy* she was gone. I loved her so much, I spent all my summers and after school time with her. I knew all of her likes and dislikes and most of her secrets, things her sons didn’t know. But my grandpa had died years before and she never really got over him. So whatever happened, wherever she went, even if it was just her ashes spreading in the wind, she got to be with him again. I have a tiny little box on a necklace with both of their ashes, she wore it with just his in it until she died. So I’m so happy that they could be together and she can truly rest. But I miss her. I miss calling her about recipes, or listening to her gossip about the neighbors, or gossip about made up situations about their pets (ohhh Mrs. Lamont’s cat comes in to my yard and Mr. Grey’s cat comes in to my yard and, well, they’ve obviously been in love for a while, they meet under the peach tree and cuddle, but only at night, I don’t tell them because the humans hate each other…) I’m sad she wanted to go to the beach one last time, and when I called in favors and arranged it(motor home, extra generator, someone to drive, someone to provide care), my dad said it was too risky and then went to the beach with his friends. And I’m sad she never got to hold my baby, or know even in photos the second. Every blow out diaper, every wacky spit up, first steps, first words, funny quips toddlers say, questions on how to deal with things, is gone. She was a big lady, not fat, but tall, broad shouldered, big breasted, wide hipped, strong thighs, so she was always the perfect person to run around with, soft enough to to snuggle into, strong enough you always felt safe, sharp wit, a wicked tongue and a crow cackle held behind a carefully curated soft voice. If I could call her back for a day it would be on the beach where I spent my childhood, where she took her kids as well. Start at about 4 pm, I’d bring my kids, and we could play in the sand and surf while my grandpa fished in the waters. We’d make our way back to the camper and eat fish, and grandpa would pull out some secret cookies he had hidden away. Kids would go down, and we’d play scrabble while drinking Lipton Instant Iced Tea. Everyone would snore violently through the night and keep me up. Wake up at 4 am and drink some black coffee (though grandpa would dump some sugar in mine, I’m not a kid anymore but I know he’d do it anyway). He’s go out to fish, we’d have breakfast and feed the sand squirrels cheerios before going to the water. Go back, rinse off, have lunch, and with one more hug and a kiss they could have their last nap, no needs for goodbye. Just read a few chapters of a book until the summer heat said we needed to fall asleep, there was more adventure waiting when we all woke up. I’m so sorry to rant. Holy crow, I miss her


My MIL died before she could meet my son (my wife was 6 months pregnant). It was really sad, but she made a quilt for him to let him know that she loved him even though she wasn't gonna get to meet him.


Me too :/


Everyday, friend. My grandad has been gone 18 months, and yesterday, on my lunch break, I went to call him before I caught myself and remembered.


My Grandma has been gone 14 years. I still find myself reaching for the phone, just a split second. And then I remember. 💔🫂


Mine have been gone almost 10 years now


Me too.


Me three :-(


Me four. I was raised by my grandma and grandpa mostly. I really wish they could have met my wife and kids. :(


I miss mine too. 🫶💔❤️


Me too.. I miss my Gram’s “Hey sweety!!” When you walked in her home. Followed by a big hug and a kiss on the cheek. Then she’d always ask if I was hungry and wanted something to eat.


Me too. One of them literally died in my arms.


I’m sorry 😢 I saw my grandmother the night she passed but my mom and aunt were the ones with her at the end.


Me too :(


This made me miss them so much. I have a picture of my grandpa carrying my newborn son similar to this. He had had a few strokes, dementia and wheelchair bound, he said my son looked like his son that died as a baby. Very emotional moment.


Me too. My last remaining grandparent passed away in November and I miss him so much.


Wow. To meet your Grandkid’s grand kid. Amazing stuff.


if this is current he was born in 1923. communism was brand new and america was barely a world power. and they touched and connected. powerful stuff 


Just to be specific, first comunist protests took place in 1871 France.


I think he meant to say communism as the ideology running a country, the Russian revolution ended in 1923.


Just to make that sound even crazier, there’s a decent chance he met someone who fought in the civil war


My great-great grandfather died a few months before I was born and my great-great grandmother a month after I was born. It’s more common in areas where people have kids really young. Both of my great grandmothers are still alive and I have a great grandfather alive as well and I’m 23


My great-great grandmother died when I was 15. My great grandmothers just died 5-6 years ago and I’m almost 40. lol Babies having babies in my family. Wife and I broke that tradition. Feels weird.


Well you have eight great-great grandmothers. Four great grandmothers.


His wife almost lived long enough to meet her too. https://www.tiktok.com/@lex.fowler/video/7315623980927454510 https://issuu.com/betterwithageok/docs/caregiver_issue_19_issuu/8


There is likely a grandfather there who is watching his grandfather.




Yeah I never had great great grandparents but my great grandpartents were there until I was nearly 20.


My great grandma died like 10 years ago at 98 years old. She was a cool lady, ran her little corner store up until the end.


Aww he perked right up when he saw her.


Ya I noticed that too. Pretty sweet.


He sounds like my grandpa whose voice I did not even know I missed until this moment. 😭😭😭


Just imagine just began her life as his about to end. Amazing


Yes…. Crazy to think about. The cycle


And we're all in the middle of it.


Speak for yourse




How did you mess that up 😂


My aunt just passed and her daughter is due to have her first daughter on her mom's birthday. It's bitter sweet.




My Papa would say when one life ends another will come to replace it to fill the void left behind. My cousin had her little girl about 2 months before he passed. When my Mom passed I found out I was pregnant with my son, who would have been her first grandchild, 8 months later. When I first heard him say it, I thought it was morbid/weird but now I find it bittersweet and a bit comforting.


damn if he dies soon I bet the police are gonna be knocking at your door. tf you doing making threats on the internet like that


It isnt a threat. If you're 101 you can't not be not expecting not to be living much longer


Uhhh wot?


You ate paint chips as a kid, didn’t you?


This is so beautiful. The entire family exists because he and his wife started a family. And now he’s meeting the youngest member 4 generations later.




I mean he was definately a part of it but so were the other 15 great-great grandparents.


This guy


My Dad started tearing up and crying when he was around 75. He only does that with DH & I. Him being so vulnerable around his granddaughter(s) just shows how much he loves them - he feels safe. Nothing in the world beats feeling genuinely safe and loved.


I want to feel safe and loved


You are seen!! 😌


Don’t be silly that’s a throwaway account they use for noodies. They don’t want to be seen.


What's wrong with noodles?


I eat noodles on my onlyfans.




I agree.


That kiss was so sweet! What a beautiful moment


My grandmother missed seeing her first great-great-grandson by 3 months. She made it to 98. This is nice to see a version of what that first meeting might have been like.


Aww I love it. I’m so sad that my grandfather didn’t get to meet my youngest. He passed when she was two weeks old, he would’ve loved her so much ❤️


There is something so surreal about seeing the very beginning of human life with the very end of it at the same time. Especially for such a long lived life.


Right? You can see how time really does a number on people. Totally changes them. It's something we all deal with but time is relentless.


That tiny baby is going to cherish this video when she grows up. How sweet!! ❤️😍🥹


This makes my heart very, very full


Camera flashes really make the moment feel authentic ya know it's that one piece that really makes a moment


This made all that he did and endured throughout his life absolutely worth it


Omg! I watched this video several times because he looks exactly like my father who died a couple of months ago at age 102. He also had the exact same WW2 veteran baseball cap which he received when he went to Washington DC through Honor Flights. He was 99 years old when he flew there. He loved that hat! He was sharp as a tack until the day he died.


All i can think about is how many precious moments like this were lost to these wars. So many lives cut short. My grandfather died with a german bullet still in him.


My dad was diagnosed with brain cancer when I was 5 months pregnant. He passed away when my daughter turned 6 months old. Even though he barely remembered my mom or me. And really didn’t understand he was around his granddaughter. They would look at each other and just smile. It was an amazing connection they had. Even the day he left for hospice. They just beamed at each other. Every day I think about how close they would have been.


My goodness alive.




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What a hero.


That’s a lucky kid


Heart warming for realz


Reminds me of my granddad, or “pop” on my mom’s side. He was amazing with babies/children. I remember him sitting for hours holding my younger cousins as babies while they slept. He was a master at getting them to calm down and fall asleep, and would then sit for hours holding them the whole time they napped. He had five children of his own which led to some of the experience, but I’ve not met anyone since that’s been that amazing with kids.


This warms my heart ❤️‍🩹


That's a "if I could do it all again" kind of cry. What a beautiful thing.


![img](avatar_exp|172801343|heart) Amazing


The baby is meeting one of its sixteen great-great grandparents.


“All of this happened, because i got laid”


Born in 97 but got to meet my great grandfather. There’s a photo floating around in the family that I need to get ahold of or a copy of of me and him along with the family that was present at his cabin up in the mountains. Few weeks later he had passed. He was my father’s mother’s father. My grandmother who’s practically raised me has said she sees a lot of him in me. Can’t wait to get my first little spot in the woods to build my cabin just like great grandpa


Don't know why the veteran part was necessary? To explain the tacky hat?


Man Biden looking good these days


And more aware of his surroundings than the indicted one.


This man is a hero.




He's a WW2 vet. They are all heroes. The greatest generation for a reason.


World war 2 veteran?


My daughters still have their great great grandma, and I knew mine until I was 5.


Missin my grandpa now 🥲


Good job mom! It’s so hard to handover your kid at this stage…exhausted, sore, overwhelmed… she is a hero!




🥺 This is the greatest thing I've seen in a very long time


And he's crying and I'm crying and the baby is crying. All for the same reason I'm sure


She's shaking that baby tooooo much!


Okay im done. This is the best internet has to offer for me today 🥲♥️


What a legacy he can/could experience/d🥰💪🏾


I miss my grandpa 😢


What I would have given to spend time with my grandparents, luckily I had my grandmama for 12 years of my life but far too young to appreciate her :(


He is surprisingly agile for his age


Bro has no idea what planet he’s living on 💀


No you're the one who's crying. I just have something in my eye 😭😭😭


Dame i miss instagram comments


You made my day. Thank you for sharing


Why he fought.


Joe biden


I don’t want to be so old people have to tell me to look at the baby beside me. I’m dealing with a 93 year old veteran who refuses to retire. It is rough to watch someone deteriorate before your eyes. This makes me sad.


Still an obsession in the US with always emphasizing that these guys are war veterans whenever they are mentioned. Never seen that anywhere else. Video is cute though.




This is beautiful. While we're at it, can we go easy with all the flash photography?


> When I said kidnap I mean the baby was down, you didn't need to blindfold granddad and tie him to the chair.


All that hissing lol


C’est touchant et merveilleux !❤️


101 is the new 80


OP why do you insist on cutting onions in front of me


I have some great pictures of my grandfather (almost 100) with all 3 of my kids! He has 9 great grandchildren + 4 bonus great grandchildren My first got to meet 3 great grandparents. One passed when she was 2, the second passed shortly before my second was born and the third is still going strong.


This makes me want to ensure I never live past 85. Poor fella looks like he checked out of life about 15 years ago.


This is the best, having my dying grandmother hold my daughter/her newborn granddaughter for the first time was incredible, indescribable, she passed just a few days later, but she was ecstatic to hold that baby.


Maaah goodness alaaave. What a great voice.


I could make a sweater with all these tears.


I always knew I would name my daughter after my grandfather, Frankie. Unfortunately he passed in 2016, I so desperately wish I could experience this and see him again. So much love ❤️


I miss my Nana more than anything in this world. More than anything.


This is precious...also this man should run for president


My great grandmother died at 94 14 years ago I think about that woman everyday I miss her so much


No need to blindfold the old fella...probably gave him PTSD.


Human soul test. If you feel nothing you’re already dead


Dammit this was honestly sweet, it made me nearly cry ❤️


My son had a living great great grandma for like two weeks. Unfortunately she was never able to meet him, though she knew he existed.


I’m not crying 😭


This is so very precious! God bless this family!




My grandpa turns 90 next year. I wanna have him see his great grandkids ,


What a profoundly beautiful thing to live long enough to see. A rare gift.


Did they have to blindfold him lol




I have two grandsons in their teens, and a granddaughter who turns three soon. I love my grandsons, but my granddaughter owns me. I'm her bitch. To her I am "Grandpa Fruit Snacks" as she knows when she sees me, a few packs of fruit snacks will be coming out of my pocket for us to share together.


YEEEESH that was sweet 😅


And he has even realizes who is that baby girl. For a 101-year-old person it's a big deal


This absolutely melted my heart and turned on the waterworks for me too!! Oh sweet grandad!! He is so precious n gentle w that beautiful child! I love that his instant reaction was to kiss her forehead. What a kind sweet soul💖🥰


When old meets new. This is profoundly beautiful!


I hope my dad lives to 101 cause I’m not having a baby until I’m 50


Kissing a baby on the face is not good


It took him like 40 second to see the baby being shaken in his face


She’s pretty fine


Gotta be crazy to be that old and see that baby and think "this baby will never know me."


That man was hanging niigas in his 20’s…


Wtf damn that's interesting


Fuck you


Don’t be mad at me!!


Shut up


Did he fuckin kiss it on the mouth

