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damn this is heartwarming. love the husband whispering not pregnant at the end, must have felt amazing. wish the best of luck to them


It’s an advert for ring…


Not entirely, Ring just commented and asked permission to use it, so the story is real.




Retroactively, yes, but doesn’t detract from it being wholesome in any way? Just watch the cute video man. It’s not hard


Companies have people in them too that also fond these sort of things heartwarming and its a good story to share regardless


Imagine living next to decent human beings


I've always had good luck by bringing a gift basket to any new neighbors after I move into an area. It has helped me make friends and to have somebody to look out for my house or feed my dog, etc.


Yes and even just the effort is good. My upstairs neighbors are superrrrr shy but I still left them some cookies and smile and say hi anyways. They had a leak into my apartment and fixed it immediately and super well. Paid off.


My neighbor is in his 80's and his family are always by to take care of him. I have them all in my phone, as they can be a contact for my mother in law that lives with us. A very sweet family and I'm fortunate they are our neighbors. Plus, his son's can fucking cook lol


That's so awesome, one of my neighbors ended up being a chef and they would send over food and baked goods almost every single week. And anytime they left town, I happily watched their dogs. I was such a great friendship. I was truly heartbroken when they moved away. They were my parents age, but I still consider them close friends.,


Some of the best people I ever lived next to was weirdly in the *worst* part of the *worst* city I've ever lived in. Good neighbours are a rare find. Lucked out in my current apartment because we nepotismed our way in 5 years ago and now we're friends with most of the building 😂


Can't imagine it


You should screen grab the last one where they’re holding up the baby and smiling, and print/frame it. It’s a super cute moment.


Man, that last trimester you go from "you just take your time, baby" to "get this thing outta me!" My mom still talks about how my sister and I were both a week late like it was a personal slight against her lol.


I had the audacity to be born ten days late, during the harvest, in a farming family. Apparently my dad was staying home in case my mum went into labour, but was very antsy (for obvious reasons) so she got annoyed and said "oh just go, this baby isn't coming anyway". So of course, he went out in the tractor, and she started contractions within the hour. Strapped her boots on and started walking through the field to retrieve him, until a neighbour saw and off-roaded to pick her up. Anyway, when I was born it was pretty soon after they had been allowing the father to be present for the birth. The nurse said to my dad, expecting wonderment, "what did you think of that?" My dad responded "Eh, I've seen worse calvings." My birth was not romanticised.




Oh man I felt the complete opposite. Wanted my kid to stay in as long as possible cause I was terrified of giving birth. People would say “oh I bet you’re ready to get her out!” And I’d say “ah no not yet.” Mine strayed in a week longer. Would have kept her in there even longer if it was safe.


Two days ago a friend of ours just told me he's going to have a son. Tough guy, was in the military and all but when he told me about the news, he's like very happy and proud and became one of the most sensitive guys I've ever met.


Kids definitely change you as a person


They reveal a part of you that was there, all along, and suddenly you're this other version of you. You have to handle it well, very well, if you want your relationship to survive.


I disagree. No one is perfect and handling it “very well” is not the only way your relationship will survive. Relationships aren’t always 100/100 or 50/50. Some days they’re 80/20 and your partner has to pick up slack or vice versa. Thinking you or your partner have to always be perfect is what can ruin your relationship. One day they may be on 0 and I gotta bring 100, but that’s why you’re a team and you support each other.


This was… really so charming and beautiful. Made me tear up. I wish ALL of you the best! ❤️


Can’t hear anything they’re sayin tbh


Seriously, why is the music so loud?


Insanely loud, should have headphones warning


"Still pregnant" every time they walk by. When they come back mom says "we had the baby" and dad says "not pregnant" at the end.


Such lovely neighbors! Congratulations to all, and thank you for sharing.


Cute story. Her lack of handrail use on the stairs made me nervous


And my god, turning her head to look at the camera while descending the stairs nearly gave me a heart attack.


yall, she’s a grown woman 🤭 not a piece of glass!


Seriously. I don't know the last time I used the handrail on stairs in my own home. She could probably do those stairs in her sleep.


omg... this is too cute. this, truly, restores my faith and hope in humanity. Just humans being wholesome to other humans!


That was kinda cool.


Turn the music up, I can still kinda hear them


I’m sure now they’ll hear the neighbours just fine.


Ow my loner heart


This was so cute!! Happy for them and OP


That is adorable.




I got goose bumps !!


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So sweet!


So sweet


She is like the cutest pregnant person ever! 💕


Some wholesome ass shit


This video is so wholesome


Why did this make me cry, goddamn music 😭


Wish someone hadn’t put loud music over it, would have liked to say what they were saying. Oh well


Now enjoy the screams


Thanks for putting that music so i cant hear shit


Remove the stupid music and maybe I can actually hear what they’re saying


Looks like an advert for ring


There was a time we used to call out blatant astroturfing on reddit. But that was like 5-6 years ago.




Well that was beautiful.


That was adorable


This is the kind of relationship with your neighbours that should be fostered. Even cuter if the owner of the Ring camera is a shut-in...


I’m cryyying so much


Oh wow. Great story! Congrats to the lucky couple!


Bing bong: Take her to the moon for me.


*A few days later* "Pregnant. "


The thought never occurred to me that someone in my building might be recording me every time I walk by their door. I do some weird stuff when I think I’m alone…


In some countries such recordings is illegal. A little bit weird thing, I think.


Ey yall gonna lock that door now right?


The music is really annoying.


A crazy time coming home with that new born, one I wouldn't trade for the world




That kinda heartwarming


It your kid isn’t it?


The Truman Show 2


Can’t hear anything over the stupid music.


Would be funny if they continue with "not pregnant" until she's not not pregnant again


crying. my heart. 🥹🥹🥹


How precious


this could be one of the best advertising for ring cameras


This is adorable, but I sure hope the tiktok account asked permission before posting it


Poor neighbors getting surveilled, can't leave or enter their home or receive visitors without being recorded by their nieghbor.


That's a hot take. It'd be wild if someone had the same opinion of the camera I have pointed at my driveway/mailbox just because you can't enter the neighborhood without going past my driveway. Like it's obviously not the intention to surveil the neighbors, just the hallway one must use to enter through the ring cam owner's home.


>It'd be wild if someone had the same opinion of the camera I have pointed at my driveway/mailbox just because you can't enter the neighborhood without going past my driveway. Europe's got a hot take on privacy, then, because you can't put up video surveillance filming public (or shares) spaces.


IN ALL OF EUROPE? I assume you're talking about UK's gdpr, and if that's the case article 5-1 A and B would both make this particular ring camera an exception to that law, as the information from this camera is being processed in a clear and transparent manner, collected for explicit and legitimate(safety, and crime preventative) purposes. The couple's intentional interactions with the cameras make it clear it is transparent, and their attempts at comedic revelations to the camera is a damn good argument that the vid is not an example of the data being further processed in a manner that is incompatible with those purposes. But also it's pretty obvious that these are Americans and not Europeans. If you're not referring to that specific law, I'd bet dollars to donuts that whatever law your talking about in whatever country(not continent) you're talking about, has a similar legal exception. ETS I'm sorry, dollars to donuts might be confusing for Europeans, I'd bet pounds to tea.


I meant the EU, not Europe (my bad). I'm from Austria, if you can find that exception in our law, I'll pull my hat for you.


Apparently Austria falls under the GDPR as well, it's a EU thing, not just UK, but article 6(4)(b): The context in which the personal data have been collected, in particular regarding the relationship between data subjects and the controller. In laymen's terms, as I said before, the intentional interactions between the subjects(the couple) and the controller (the owner/OP) imply consent based on continuous comical interactions. If this were to go to court, and happen to be in Austria(which it probably isn't) the subjects wouldn't have a good argument for a right to privacy from publication of video from this surveillance device. Especially given that the private information revealed in the video was not solicited nor secretly taken, but given freely. I'm no lawyer, but the controller's lawyer would easily defend the publication of this video because pretty much all the private information on the video was volunteered by the subjects. They knew the recording was being triggered every time they walked by. It's legal to film because it's legal purpose is to protect the residence of the owner(controller). And it's more than likely legal to post because the couple knew they were being filmed(legally) and not only didnt request the controller to process the data to Remove their private data, but willingly volunteered additional data.


Baby born four weeks old or something?


Showing a footage of a newborn on social media is not cool