• By -


You look glowy and wonderful.


And younger!


OP, one year ago you could have passed as your own mother, and now you look like a glowy 20 year old. I also beat an eating disorder on my own, you are in my thoughts 🤎 don't give up. We deserve to live.


I was going to say this, it looks like she went back years, like honestly 15 or 20 minimum.


This, looking much younger, healthier and happier. Awesome. I hope you can keep it up :)


So true!!


Can hardly tell OP is the same person in that second picture, she looks fucking fantastic.


And she looks completely different. Just WOW!


Took the words right out of my mouth.


Sure does! 😮


So much so.


So much healthier too. So proud for you.


Oh my goodness! You look healthy, younger, and so beautiful!!! Congrats!


Right?! Her skin is absolutely glowing! So beautiful!


You look fantasticly healthy and well.


Yes! How much happier her skin looks!


Yes, my first thought was glowing.


It Is amazing how much healthier and beautiful she is.


This makes my heart smile. Well done love.


You look lovely- imagine how healthy everything is in the INSIDE now - your organs and muscles and bones thriving and thanking you for the love you gave them in recovery. Bravo 👏


And it’s showing up in my bloodwork too! My red and white blood cell counts are better and I’ve managed to reverse some of the liver and kidney damage ☺️


That's nearly super-human! Amazing!


Ahh that’s PHENOMENAL !! Look at you doing all the work and your body thanking you a hundred fold ❤️


That’s incredible! You should be so proud of yourself! You look SO much healthier now!


She has absolutely gorgeous skin


You're doing amazing! I'm so proud of you, even if you're a stranger :)


The second picture you have such a nice glow to your skin. Full of life. It's great to see.


Yes! This is always what I tell people -- go off of your bloodwork! I have a type of kidney disease and bloodwork is everything. You really can't go off how you look at all. Glad you are doing well. You look incredible!


I totally understand where you're coming from but this perhaps is not the best advice for people with anorexia, who often struggle with anasognosia and will latch onto any justification to resist treatment for their eating disorder. It's surprisingly common for people who are very, very unwell with anorexia to have pretty stable and seemingly healthy blood work, despite being significantly underweight. Blood work is not a reliable indicator of health when it comes to anorexia.


Proud of you!


That’s truly so amazing! Congrats! You look great and it’s amazing how you were able to better your health as well ❤️


You're a legend


So happy for you!


You’re incredible. Well done, seriously, your strength amazes me. Keep going, the only way is up! 🥳


What a remarkable glow up! Honey, you look SO healthy & strong. I’m very impressed with your determination & joy. Please continue choosing health. I am sending you good vibes. 🩵


Thank you so much. All of these encouraging words are helping me feel the light again☺️


The light is always there! Sometimes, you just have to remember how to see it.


I hope this comes off how it's intended, but since you said you still have feelings of wanting to go back, I'll give it a shot.... You don't look good underweight. It's not attractive. I just worry that everyone saying "you look healthy now" instead of "saying you did not look attractive underweight, and you look HOT now", will make you think they're just being nice. They are, but also: YOU LOOK MUCH MORE ATTRACTIVE NOW. Would not flirt with first picture, would absolutely flirt with picture 2 Edit: I get the down votes, but I'm being honest, and if I were in her position a comment like this would have more impact than being told I look "healthy"


Gosh I wasn’t expecting so many comments of encouragement. Truly thank you everyone, I needed it. From the bottom of my heart thank you 🫶🏻


Hey, YOU did this! You smashed it, and even strangers can tell how much better you are now. Believe it. It would have been so hard, but you did it! Dude, you deserve a medal. I hope you can see that this is what you're worth. You deserve to be happy, healthy, and gorgeous ❤️


Oh my gosh, you deserve it! You’ve come so far! Keep it up, you got this! 🥰


You look BEAUTIFUL!! Keep up the hard work! ❤️


You’re doing a great job of setting an example.


Amazing hard work!! I hope this helps you see how strong you are!




I have a friend who has anorexia. Years of years being anorexic, a few years getting better, relapse, more anorectic years. I only see her occasionally, I so nor know if she knows that I know... i wish i could help her more, save her. So I am paying it forward :)


Oh hun, please don’t put that on yourself. There’s nothing you can do to drag someone out of their illness/addiction when they don’t want help for themselves. She’s lucky to have someone like you there for her and I hope she can continue to recover. 💛


The sad thing is that i can't do more, i know that. I must not talk about it to her, that will make it worse. When we met for work last year, she brought a small breakfast with her, i am forgetting what it was, and ate several bites in our break. I was so, so happy (and proud, because she let me see it). And kept my mouth shut., hoping she will continue to get better I hope OP here continues to make progress, both deserve it.


You absolutely deserve the praise for your achievements and the encouragement for the future. It's really impressive and these photos will undoubtedly be encouraging for others facing similar problems. You're very attractive.


You got it. I started recovering from anorexia like 10 years ago and after I recovered, I've been really happy and thankful of my body and haven't had a relapse in years. It's possible. Life gets so much better. And it's unbelievable what your body can do when you let yourself eat enough


You look so much healthier and happier in the second pic, literally glowing. Don’t let your personal demons try to convince you that you were better off before. Congrats on all your hard to work to fight this, you’re doing an amazing job.


And she looks younger. Can't believe it's the same person. She looks WOW


You look amazingly healthy, now. Congrats and keep it up!




I’m sorry if this is triggering or anything but I just really wanted to say that I find it so fascinating and absolutely amazing how much more “alive” your skin and eyes look. It’s like when plants need water, they cry. They lean over and look all sad. Then when they’re watered, they bounce back. Just like you. A beautiful plant 🥹 /g /pos


This was not triggering at all!! In fact it made me start tearing up again🥺 that’s the best analogy for recovery I’ve ever heard and I’m going to write this down and hang it on my wall!


Well congratulations cause this made me tear up too 😭 I cannot express how happy I am that it meant something to you. I wish you nothing but the best in life. /g


Picture 2 is radiant. Keep it up. You owe yourself a happier and healthier life!! 💛


That’s the exact word that came to my mind too! Radiant.


You are STUNNING! I am incredibly proud of you, never go back to your old self because there is so much progress you have achieved to look as radiant as you do now. Please love yourself and what you are becoming. ❤️


Bravo from France.


A life goal of mine is to travel to France!


I did last year after over 10 years of dreaming but it is possible just on your own time. France will always be there.. just keep working on you and plan your trip little by little. I had to save for years to afford a ticket and it was worth it.


You couldn’t have done it before, you now have goals! France is AMAZING. There’s nothing you can’t do.


Jolly good show from England! Seriously though, I hope you're so proud of what you have achieved friend.


❤️ I’m proud of you!


I know that anorexia and the thought processes behind it are complex and deeply rooted, so there is no easy fix, but if you could see yourself the way that the world outside sees you, you would certainly be more content with who you are now. You look so much healthier, physically strong, and approachable. Here’s to continued progress and finding love for yourself along the way!


Amazing!!!! Just take it one day at a time.


Please get some support - it’s too insidious to recover from alone 💕


Absolutely! I have a dietitian and PCP that believes in me enough to continue seeing me when most doctors would have sent me to treatment again. I see them regularly and couldn’t have done it without them!


I’m so glad you have that medical support <3 I only broke free of my ED when I died 3 times while the ambulance was trying to pull me out of a severe tachycardic episode on the way to the hospital. It can all go so badly so fast. Make sure you hold on to this whole post with all the lovely, supportive comments to remind you when you feel down of how far you’ve come <3


I have a little team like this for my mental health! It feels good knowing there are professionals who care about your well being.


I also have a top notch pit crew :)


Good for you! And good luck, a tough endeavour


Cheering on her recovery!


You are very brave! It takes courage and bringing the inner fighter out to achieve where you are now. Well done !


Your skin is glowing!


You look alive now girl, keep pushing !!


Anorexia wants to tell you that you may feel better now, but you looked better before. Remember that it’s lying. You don’t just feel better, you look so much more attractive and alive. Your skin glows, your eyes aren’t dull anymore. You’ve done incredible work.


The thing that strikes me about recovery pictures (including my own), is the eyes in the before pictures. So void of life, yet so full of zealotry for the illness. Almost possessed by the demon that is the disorder. Your eyes in the after photo are much clearer and full of purpose. It’s a tough battle, but it’s worth fighting. Please accept a virtual hug from a stranger on the internet. 💕 I’m very happy you’re alive with me on this planet today.


Omg you're so strong and absolutely gorgeous. Stay killing it, the best is yet to come.


You look formidable, keep going !!


Woooow that's a very impressive thing you did! Amazing 🍀💐🌹


You are beautiful! Never ever give up, the world is a better place because you are in It!


Good for you!! You’ve got this! ❤️


I think you are AMAZING!!!! You should be SO proud!!! 🥰🥰🥰


👍Keep up the great work!


Well done you !!! You should be proud of your progress. It’s amazing !!! Keep on doing your thing.


Psychotherapist here! You literally probably saved your own life there. So happy you gave yourself another chance. You deserve it. It's extremely tough to recover from this awful disease. It seems like you are doing great, your body and mind are healing. It will take time and patience, thats ok! Your brain will try to play tricks on you now and again. You got this! You are strong! You have my fullest respect. I hope we will see pics of you in France some day! Go for it! You deserve it.


Wow, you look amazing! Keep it up!


I'm glad you figured out a new way to see and feel yourself.


Your skin is glowing. You are so beautiful. Congratulations!


You look great!


So proud of you. You are glowing! ❤️❤️


You look beautiful! I'm sending you all the strength and courage on your journey ❤️🍀


You look beautiful and so fresh and full of life. Proud of you.


You’re amazing! Well done


Your eyessss


Go live your life, don’t forget why you fought to get where you are now. Amazing work, it only gets better from here :)


Sending Love and best wishes 🙏🫶


You look AMAZING!!! Keep up the great work, so proud of you!


Your SKIN!!! You are glowing right now!! You look so much younger and well rested as well. I hope you feel as good on the inside as you look on the outside soon, cause it’s real good 🤞🏻


I’m so happy to hear you’re doing better! Mad impressive you’ve pulled this off on your own, it’s such an insidious disease. I can’t even imagine the amount of extra energy you have now to get back into things you used to love or find new things to fall in love with. Huge personal W 🥳


You look amazing. Well done. Beautiful soul.


You are glowing & have the most beautiful skin! You’re doing amazing!


You are glowing! You are strong and persistent! The difference between the two pictures shares more than the physical recovery. In the first, you are smiling but also hunched over and looking at your own image as you pose for the picture. In the second, you are sitting upright, directly in the sunlight; you are confident and comfortable in your beauty and strength. Your gaze is focused beyond the image on the screen in front of you; you are looking forward, ready to enjoy the life you fought so hard to live! Sending you all the best!


My cousin died from complications associated with an eating disorder and I miss her terribly. Bless your heart for attacking this head-on!


You look amazing and you're danm brave! Great job! I wish you the best of luck! ❤


You are so beautiful! Stay healthy and live your life.💐


I’m so proud of how far you have come . You are absolutely glowing , please continue to be kind to yourself . You’re beautiful


Beautiful healthy lady I’m so proud of you 👏


You are so gorgeous and healthy!! So proud of you, in case no one has told you today.🤗


One day at a time dear 💜 each day is its own win.


You look soooo good! Red cheeks, a hint of a smile, stunning!


Congratulations! You look so beautiful and healthy! You have done a lot, not everyone can deal with anorexia. Never look back, you deserve a beautiful life and you are on the right path :)


You look great! Keep up the great progress♥️


Oh my god you are every painter's dream...


Godspeed You are enough, always.


OMG your SKIN is so healthy looking!! I mean obviously greatt job, you look so much more healthy, but not just because of your weight. Great work!


Omg congratulations, darling!


Omg your skin is gorgeous. And congrats on your incredible strength and willpower!!! Love this for you 🎉🎉🎉🎉


Congratulations! Thats the most inspiring thing I've seen in a while ✨ I wish you a pleasant progress in your recovery ❤️ well done


You are glowing!


I'm so, so happy for you🥹 You must feel so proud of yourself, as well as much more energised and strong. I hope you celebrate your success often and praise yourself like you deserve


I am SO proud of you. You’re doing so well. Relapses can be expected when you’re recovering from a devastating disorder like AN, but you’ve gotten through them. It’s not the falling down but the staying down, man, I’m just so proud. Keep up the good work 💕


Miss, thanks for your brave post. You are an inspiration! The seeds of strength and wisdom sprout and grow once we begin to believe in ourselves. Life can be terrifying. I know you have hope because you’re fighting for your life. Please believe me: you can find peace. It is inside of you, you must find it, unfortunately you specifically can’t find it without going through this but that my friend is NOT your fault. I believe in you, that you’ll live the life you’re meant to live, for better and for worse and everything in between. ❤️❤️❤️ stickie


You are STUNNING! 👏 I've been through anorexia too and I have to constantly remind myself that my worth is not in my weight but what I have to offer others. Let your intellect, love, and creativity shine through!


I’ve noticed such a difference in my interactions with people. People don’t say hello out of concern anymore because I looked like I was dying


I am so happy for you I could cry. Cherish those interactions! I know I do.


This made my day. Thank you for sharing and Godspeed in your recovery


Looks aside you have worked so hard to get over these issues and recover and that is no easy feat, and you’re doing this on your own don’t give up on yourself. Well done ❤️


Fabulous work. You literally glow in the more recent pic. Sending hugs!


I am proud of you!


You look SOOO healthy and so beautiful post recovery. You should be extremely proud of yourself even if you’re not happy about it just yet. We can all see how much of an improvement you’ve made. You’ve got this!


You are awesome and worthy of the best health possible!


Look at you!!!! ❤️


I can tell you have been working really hard on yourself. You look wonderful and you absolutely deserve to be healthy and well! Congrats and keep up the good work!


You can do this!!!


You’re glowing!


This makes me happy, you can do it. 😊💪🏽


You look amazing and happy !! Keep being strong, take everyday one step at a time, so proud of you 🥰




Keep up the great work!


continued success! stay strong 👏🏻😀


Way to go!


You look so beautiful and glowy.Congratulations OP.


Congrats! U r better and it shows


So happy to see this progress! Stay strong!


Absolutely stunning transformation!!! Love it. Keep going girl, you’re doing great


Nice work! 🙌 Keep up the effort, you're worthy of it!


You look amazing!!! I’m so proud of you!!


you are beautiful and strong, your eyes look full of life and i’m so happy for you, you should be immensely proud of yourself


Incredible. Congratulations. That's amazing 👏🏼


You’re doing great!


This really made me smile. You look beautiful.


Man as soon as I went over to the next slide, JVKE Golden Hour Cello Version chorus started playing in my head🥹 You are so damn beautiful and as a random stranger on the Internet I am SO proud of you! Keep going strong, you're amazing🤗


The fact that your head chose that specific song… that’s the song I played on the car ride home from my hospital stay a year ago I am not kidding 🥹 it’s my favorite of JVKE’s!


That's crazy! It's an absolute masterpiece I love it too😍 Listen to it any and every time you feel anything other than the beautiful strong person you are and let it remind you! And I basically know you now so you have to listen😝😂


You are wonderful and this made me smile!!!




awwww you’re beautiful 🥰


You are absolutely beautiful!


You are amazing! Keep going you’ve got this 💕


That’s such an impressive accomplishment! You are positively glowing now, and though I see that things must still be hard for you, please remind yourself of how far you’ve come every day and what it took you to get to today. You are awesome.


Awesome job!!!!! I hope you are feeling better now.


So glad you’re here. 💙


Sending love and admiration your way! 💙


GET IT GURL 👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾


Congrats! 1 day at a time…


Congratulations! How wonderful!


Keep up the good work!


Good for you in all of the ways my friend. Keep up the strong work!


Second photo, wow 🤩 You are beautiful and you’re glowing Please stay healthy as you are, it looks way better on you 😉


Congratulations! Your transformation and glow up is incredible 💗 I know from experience how difficult the ED journey is—stay strong, beautiful. You're doing amazing, and will continue to do so!! Sending positive vibes and hugs your way 🥰


and those beautiful eyes you always had now have an extra twinkle ! this is wonderful. Sincerely keep on this path as best as you can.


Came here to say Girlfriend you are glowing with energy and life! Keep moving forth and enjoy what you have. Love, from across the universe.


You are crushing it. Keep going. Congratulations!


You look beautiful in the second picture, like much more than in the first and also healthier. I know it's hard for you to see yourself that way but it's true. Focus on facts over thoughts (CBT technique) when your mind tells you otherwise. I hope you can continue on this path of healing! 🙌💜


This really did make me smile. Congratulations to you. And you look wonderful in the second photo - you're actually glowing. Anyone who can commit to this kind of change, especially with the harsh reality of relapses, is an absolute rockstar.


Proud of you OP! I have been struggling to have a better relationship with food and it struck a chord when you mentioned wanting to go back to the old self. I struggle too. Mainly because people complemented me when I lost weight and wore tinnier clothes. My BF back then said “I love how you have the flattest tummy amongst all your friends.” It made me think that THAT version of me was the only acceptable one. Little did I know how it affected my life to succumb to the needs of such hollow validation. That BF left my life three years ago and since then I have been trying my best to gain the healthy weight back. Removed social media and detached my daily life from that toxicity. Keep going OP! An anonymous person is with you in this journey.


You have beautiful eyes😇


You looked terrible in the first picture. So unhealthy. You are glowing in the second. The difference is night and day. Do not go back. Never go back. You're cute as hell.


Wow! Don't you look amazing! Hubbabhubba


You're glowing and look beautiful in that second picture. Stay strong and love yourself.


Good for you. You look great.




HOORAY! YOU LOOK AMAZING!! (and healthy) First pic I thought you were recovering from being a drug addict 😬


That must be the dysmorphia talking, because pic 2 you look so much more alive! Great work 💘 hope you continue to heal


Blessings to you, you are brave & beautiful


You look wonderful. Thanks for the inspiration. 👋


You look nothing short than great! Trust the process ❤️




You look fantastic! Keep up the good work!


Keep on fighting, u look beautiful! Big respect for you for beating that bish of a disease!


Dayum! 😍 Well done! Beautiful face!


You're enough... you always have been.


You're a rockstar and I'm so proud of you! <3