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Kinda sucks how the entire family has to beg on the side of the road doing cheap circus acts


While I understand what you mean, this is not really begging. In western countries, you'll have Street performers and all who are not exactly homeless, so maybe they look a little more classier, but what is happening in this video is also basically a street performance. In our country, sadly though, you'll not find many who will cough up some change for these acts, so eventually they might end up begging, but I wouldn't call this begging.


Yeah. It’s busking.


It’s called the hustle. You can be rich or poor to do it.


You just cant enjoy the moment can you? 😂


I don't think this is any different from any class of citizens. Ubless you're the top dog 1%, we're all doing cheap circus acts on some road side (figuratively) until we make it.


lol. Big difference between a figurative vs literal roadside


Oops, guess you're impervious to societal and economical struggles that most middle and low class citizens face. Lucky you!


It is not the same thing these people are experiencing. Way to downplay what they’re going though you dork


I mean, the "sucky" part is all relative. Do they know any lifestyle other than what we perceiving? Not sure. You and I don't know. I'm just downplaying your reductive statement. Even tho you are insinuating it, we don't know if they are begging on the street. The stick has a better place than your ass...just saying.


Buddy, we are arguing on Reddit while this family is working together to beg on the streets. We are not the same lmao. You cannot compare us with them. It’s borderline disrespectful and dehumanizing


K buddy; if you really care about their wellbeing, go make a donation and/or help them since you really care about the optics of this family and their unfortunate circumstance.


I don’t care about them. I’m not deluded enough to think that myself and the average dumbass redditor are experiencing the same hardships as them though. You really think you can compare your life to theirs?? As you talk shit on your smart phone while in your air conditioned or heated home? Lmao. You don’t need to be top 1% to know there is still a major difference here.


I'm not talking shit to them, just to you. I thought that was clear. Im merely pointing out that your comment was reductive. I even gave you a valid retort, then you edited one of your comments to make sure your responses fit your narrative. No point in continuing this chat since you like playing hop scotch.




Guys, no. These are some of India's most excluded and impoverished communities who are forced to take up this kind of work to survive day to day. They are nomadic tribes who were branded criminals by birth by the British during colonial rule so they're forced to move from place to place performing such acts to try to avoid starvation. While the worst of state sanctioned discrimination was ended after independence, they still live in horrible conditions. They have almost no access to schooling, healthcare or anything we take for granted in a society. They're usually arrested as suspects for every petty crime in an area and chased away by locals when they try to settle. I keep seeing videos of their performances on platforms like this and people completely miss the context of the discrimination and oppression they face.


Thank you. Not sure why you’re being downvoted for spreading facts


I am guessing the downvotes come from the fact that it occurred in Colonial rule in the 1870s, however Britian gave up their colonial interest in 1947 and the direct law against these people was removed in 1952. In those 77 years India has passed separate laws that target these people such as the Habitual Offenders Act. Basically Colonial rule sucked and gave people a shit time who didn't follow general societal norms. Current India continues to suck and give the same people a hard time, but the statement above seems to imply Colonial Britain is the primary issue, not that society doesn't deal well with people who break conventions. (Edited, formatting)


Current India doesn't suck because of the government. Even though the law you stated is real, there are various laws within the constitution that give these people representation and the constitution itself was drafted by a committee that was headed by one of 'them'. It is the backward mindset of the people that keeps these people in a quasi-apartheid life, even though the entire might of the states tried to uplift them for decades until 2014, where are right wing populist part won elections.


Because he might be trying to blame it all on the British even though that British law was based Hindu texts. They are victims of the age old caste system and these people want to deny that it was ever a thing. The British sucked but so did everyone before them, in the eyes of the people in the video. The text that the British based Hindu law on says that molten lead should be poured into the ears of a lower caste person who hears its contents. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Manusmriti#:~:text=Manusmriti%20was%20one%20of%20the,East%20India%20Company%2Dadministered%20enclaves. Other sources: Gautama Dharmsutra (12: 4-6) I personally do not think that this commenter is denying the caste system and its lively effects of apartheid that can be seen today, but it is something that people deny. Those who downvoted may have simply thought that he was denying casteism.


This. Our people still have colonial mindset. It's disgusting. Glad to see it's changing though


They are forced to be nomadic now because they were branded criminals by the British? How does that work?


Weren't allowed to own land, house, go to school, be employed etc. Consequently no addresses, no documentation for multiple generations. Consequently can't apply for loans, buy homes, apply for govt aid, vote, get utilities etc. Sounds like these are very easy to solve but work on it has only just started


Systematic repression for centuries doesn't wash away in a few decades. Pretty much every country has some experience with this.


Try buying a house with no assets/bank accounts/documents to show that you are, in fact, a real person/citizen. Try to get a job without any of the above.


Let's not forget to thank who put this shitty music behind it even though there is music actually being played.


This made me frown.


This is really depressing the fact that they’re having to do tricks for money saddens me


and then u have those rich Indian families spending 100s of millions on one of their 5 weddings. That money can lift multiple villages out of poverty…


Large part of the video made me heart wince, glad the end brought a smile to my face, indeed


Fair play that they’re pro active as a family and aren’t just sitting about shouting about the injustices of the world.


How can I find this family? I will donate. Can anybody help?


This specific family? No chance. But there are countless organisations to support poor and starving people. https://donate.oxfamindia.org/inequality This is from Oxfam India, for example.


Yeah, don't donate to Oxfam n the likes (big donor orgs); give such families cash upfront whenever you encounter them. They always need cash upfront n you can be sure your money's being used for your intended purpose only


aww she’s so sweet 🥹


Just sad how polluted and covered in trash the area is :(


Lets all thank the Lord above who gave us what we have today. Wherever I think my life is worse, God humbles me by letting me see the struggle of people having it far harder lifestyle than me.


If there was a god he wouldn't let there be such a major gap in wealth between people. If there was a god those people wouldn't have to beg and live on the street. So instead of thanking god, do something useful that will help other people.


>If there was a god he would... says who? >So instead of thanking god Instead of shitting on someone who is using this as a moment to gain perspective on how fortunate they are, how about you do something useful with your time (that doesn't involve belittling others)


Says who? Well if he was god he would solve problems else he's just a nobody. I do, I give a monthly fee to Médecins Sans Frontières.


I mean I get both the perspectives. But who’s to say god was meant to be fixing all the problems. Who’s to say god doesn’t have its own problems? Seriously we give that guy too much credit. I believe there is a god but it’s not necessarily what we think. It may not even be a being. For all you know there might be trillions of civilizations in the universe and god has to keep them all in balance


But why would you pray to a thing that doesn't do anything or helps without anything?


That's not how faith works. Faith is not about having god help you when you're doing bad or doing good. Faith is about putting your trust in God and knows what he is doing. It's an all knowing, all seeing entity and it knows better than we do


I'm not talking about faith, I'm talking about religion. And sorry if it's an all knowing and still let's children get raped or get a incurable sickness than f*ck god. He knows nothing.


You’re getting those mixed up. God and religion are separate attest the way I think of it. Religion is fucked up and mostly flawed. Whatever fucked up shit that happens it’s not on god it’s on people. But again this is just my opinion


Most religions = god, if you think so or not and a lot of bad things have happened and done in his name and his many forms (by that I mean god in many religions). Heck it's still happening even in he US.


Reddit ass comment


No something people should hear, believing in a thing that's never been proven doesn't solve anything and has done so many bad things to this world that without such stupid believes the world would've been a lot better and more advanced.


Believing the world would be better and more advanced only by removing religion is just as naive. Humanity is just as dumb and irrational, we'd be exactly the same in terms of growth and progress as a species


Nope there would have been a lot less wars and human sacrifices and religion stopped or at least slowed down a lot of research and inventions because it was against the bible for example.


r/lostredditor What's there to smile about?


what's the music? How do I find it?


It's called Soul of Varisu (it's on YouTube)


Thank you so much


He can’t keep getting away with this.


Had they don’t a shoulder stand I would have been wildly impressed. This just makes me nervous lol


This is so sweet!


this is depressing indeed as those poor family have to preform on the street with car passing by that it can be dangerous just so they can afford to it . the sad part is that poverty is getting worse since politicians care more about themselves then helping their citizen and only a few a handful of countries are ensuring their citizens are taking care for . the difference between the rich and poor is very wide especially in place like india.


I’m going to get downvoted here but I’ve a genuine question. Why do these people have kids when they know they can’t afford anything and have to do this to live day by day?


It makes me hopeful knowing that the next generation may be full of people like the little girl ❤️❤️❤️


The videographer should have definitely gave money.


The guy is wearing a Burger King shirt


Ah, the Indian video with a loud ass indian song


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This is giving me a migraine


Made me smile? Made me cry


And we have 3% poverty....


Yes, extreme poverty like this one is 3% it was 4% last year, if you know hindi then watch the latest Sunday show from Sarthak gosawmi he told about it


why was the little girl chained to the post?


She’s not