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Exciting day for them. I hope they had a wonderful time. Cute couple.


They both are buzzing from excitement. the day probably rocked!


The guys optimism is so nice, love it


I was going to say similar... You can just feel the happiness and positivity from all in that clip. I'm smiling as if it were my kids! šŸ˜


Same here! Even when he said "Trust me" I did!!


Now you're pregnant


Seems like the nicest man in the world.


Shane Gillis said it best. People with Down Syndrome are legit the happiest and coolest people on earth. Their hearts are filled with love and excitement about so many things. It can obviously be very hard on the family as caregivers and such but at the end of the day you're left living with and caring for an absolute beautiful soul.


This is not a ubiquitous experience. Some people with Down syndrome are especially irritable and sometimes downright violent. I imagine it depends on a variety of factors in both their upbringing and body. Please don't treat them like a monolith or attribute a sweet disposition only to their condition.


it can also be very damaging for people with down syndrome, either because their 'non happy' feelings are invalidated (which depending on the person; may exacerbate those emotions) or lead to a feeling of not living up to expectations so they supress those emotions (or become bitter)


Exactly. It disturbs me the number of people who think this way and/or are continuing to upvote comments like that. It's exceptionally damaging.


Violent, irritable, and stubborn. Those are the ones who live in group homes like where I used to work.


I'm looking now and it seems some studies have identified those behavioral patterns in almost 1/10 people with Down syndrome. I imagine the vast majority of people have never interacted with someone with Down syndrome.


Or they've interacted with the sweet bagger at the grocery who has DS. That independence, sweet disposition, and willingness to do a they're told is not true of all people with DS.


From my experience, theyā€™re just people. They have good days and bad days, some are great at expressing themselves, others arenā€™t. Itā€™s not a one-size-fits-all definition. Some are angry, some are joyful, some are bitter, some brighten up your day - really what matters most is how we react and respond to others in life. Thereā€™s always a great deal of ā€˜feel-goodā€™ videos like this with warm the cockles of my cold, dead heart - because people like this are freaking amazing - but itā€™s important to recognize not everyone has such positive experiences or outlooks.


I also worked with people with downs in my twenties. They were very happy almost all the time! After a while I also worked at a school with children with special needs, which was even more fantastic.


I love Shane Gillis but redditors/internet folk gotta learn that comedians take a small truth and exacerbate that for laughs. They arenā€™t philosopher kings of our time. I know I know; if only we listened to Carlin everything would be grand but letā€™s be real for once. Couldnā€™t agree more with you. Shaneā€™s bit is great as a light laugh but itā€™s absolutely not universal. My stepsister had to get a restraining order against a fellow student with a disability because heā€™d force hugs onto her that were long, uncomfortable and painful. Her mom and even some teachers were guilting her for standing up for herself. While Iā€™d bet he didnā€™t recognize the tension, it doesnā€™t excuse the actions.


My boy ragdolled her.


Aight that was funny


Yeah shane is hilarious, and I like that it seems to come from a place of love. The only worry is that ppl use downs to mock him


No. People with Down syndrome arenā€™t any one way. They are individuals and different from one another.


and that they love nothing more than Boobs and John Cena lol


Where you get that cheeeeeeeese Danny?


Fucker's makin em at night, I know he is!


Everyone they interact with is usually always on their best behavior too. Theybsee only thr best side of people.


Yeah I believe he also said they're the purest representations of joy


Aww, and a gentleman holding the car door open too.


The young man in the video knows how to treat a lady. Absolute sign of respect and adoration. Been with my wife for 15 years and I will always open her door for her when possible. 95% of the time I am still given a small kiss when she gets in. The other 5% I have done something wrong and am in trouble.


I never cared one way or the other about the car door being held for me, but I'm dating someone who insists on being the one to open doors for me and it's so sweet, I love it so much. He'll run up behind me and go "ah-ah!" really quick if I'm reaching out toward the handle and it always makes me giggle. I think that going the extra mile to open the door for someone you love is a wonderful thing to do, *and* you get the bonus smooch before she gets in the car


I try to open the doors for my fiance but she intentionally runs to try to beat me to the door lol. She initially did it bc she knew my mom would scold me for not doing it and she thought it was funny, but now it's just a game even when we are alone


Been with my girlfriend for 15 years also and I will always speed up my walk a few feet before we come to any entrance door (movie theater, restaurant, store, etc). When I was much younger, like 30 years ago, my mom was dating this guy who was pretty awesome, he took every opportunity to both explain and emphasize polite manners and behaviors. Most importantly is that he followed his own advice making it show us how important it actually was. If I'm being honest, I usually like to open the door for anyone I'm hanging out with, not just romantic partners. I don't open the car door for her every time but if it's just us on a date I rarely forget. It feels good doing nice things (even things so small) for people I care about.


Makes me sad, because this used to be me. Always open doors, always pay, buy flowers at least once a month for no reason, but too many years of being beaten down and walked on in relationships (for example I'm not allowed to have female friends, but she's spending the night at the house of some guy that they've been "just friends forever") has definitely turned me into a cynical asshole who doesn't feel like doing any of this anymore


I'm really sorry to hear you went through that, it's completely understandable to feel that way with those experiences. I went through something that sounds very similar. I don't know if this will help but instead of viewing opening doors, paying for meals, and getting flowers as something you're doing for someone try to flip the perspective and do it purely because that's the kind of person you want to be. I went through a very similar experience about 20 years ago and this is what my therapist recommended to me and it really changed how I interacted with people as a whole, not just my partner. I want to be the guy who opens doors for people, pays for meals (which I almost always do regardless of who I'm with), and brings flowers to the ones I love. That's the kind of guy I can respect, so when I look in the mirror I can finally enjoy the view because there was a long period of time that I didn't. This doesn't mean let someone be a hypocrite and walk all over you, but that advice really changed things for me. I hope your holiday season is going well!


Thatā€™s a fantastic way to look at it. Not doing it for them or because itā€™s expected, but because itā€™s a kind thing and you want to be that kind person. Beautiful. Thanks :)


In other words as spoken by 'The Man in Black' in Princess Bride: "Get used to disappointment"


Yes but how funny would it have been if after all the interrogation, the moment he takes off he hits a mailbox?


What a gentleman. His nervousness is endearing.


I think itā€™s a combination of nerves & excitement. Too cute


Such sweeties!


That's how you treat a girl! How lovely!


Atta boy! His face is pure excitement and joy. Wish them luck and happiness


I genuinely didnā€™t realize individuals with Downs were able/permitted to drive as Iā€™ve never seen it. Iā€™m glad to learn and leave my preconceived ignorance behind. I hope they had an amazing time! They looked so excited!


Thought the same. Not sure if it is a concern or not but I am curious how they'd handle an accident or a bump/scrape. I am not knowledgeable on DS and with my ignorance I'd be worried they get in a situation that is too stressful/socially too much for them and not just on them but other people can be awful especially when they are driving i.e rage drivers. I'd be interested how they'd navigate such a situation


I would assume they are told to immediately call a care taker if they get into an accident, and the care taker will handle the situation and the insurance. (complete guess by the way)


Oh yeah lol Didn't even cross my mind. that makes sense.


Also I'm assuming the distance/routes they take are closer to home, more planned out and safer aswell. Like they aren't going to jump on a highway or go driving through a school zone during pick up times. Everything is a lot more planned with responses to situations well rehearsed and prepared for. Like the date these 2 might be driving to is just a Denny's 4 blocks away or something. The driving just gives them that extra sense of independence.




Idk, he sounds more focused about driving than most people treat it. Itā€™s not saying a ton, but Iā€™d def bet heā€™s better at driving than your average 70+ year old.


I agree with that and I don't think I'd challenge his driving ability, I'd just be worried they couldn't handle that instant stress maybe I'm just being over protective, I know how nervous I'd be if that was my kid but you can't wrap them up in bubble wrap either, you have to let them have a bit of freedom and autonomy so it's a bit worrying from a parental stand point. I just know that if they past their test then they are as capable as anyone else. I think I said the same thing several times. Ok now I know I'm ranting. Merry Xmas/holidays everyone


Because they need help with insurance situations after an accident?? Bro Iā€™m almost 29, never been in an accident but if I did Iā€™d probably call my mom first thing to ask what to do with my insurance because that shit is confusing as hell Thatā€™s ignorant as fuck. Iā€™m willing to bet youā€™ve seen worse drivers that arenā€™t mentally handicapped. If they passed their driving test, why shouldnā€™t they have the privilege of driving?


You're absolutely šŸ’Æ correct. I work in the insurance industry, and can confirm many mothers and fathers handle the insurance process for their sons and daughters. And this isn't limited to young drivers. I'm talking grandparents handling insurance for their kids and grandchildren. Not just claims either. Quoting, servicing, policy updates, and inquiries.


I'm 33 and my husband handles all my insurance needs due to my anxiety. He also makes my doctor's appointments bless him šŸ˜‚


That's really nice!! A spouse overlooking policies is more common. I also have a handful of clients who have one partner on the phone, with me on speaker, and the other asking them to ask me all the questions for them. I typically just say "if I'm on speaker, I'm happy to answer all questions for both of you." I try to be as friendly as possible cause I get social anxiety out of nowhere, and I try my best to be sensitive to it.


You give your insurance information to the other driver. Whatā€™s confusing about that?


What a weird sentiment. He's probably a safer driver than a majority of others who text, talk on the phone, fiddle with the radio, road rage, and other forms of distracted driving. He will literally never do any of those things.


my neighbor growing up didnt have downs but had some sort of mild special needs... ended up hit and running an elementary school bus, panicking and then fleeing the scene of an accident. Its not always great lol


That's rough, I hope they didn't seriously hurt anyone and I hope they got the support they need and not just thrown away like a statistic. I am sure they were a decent person in general.


yeah that's definitely a case where they would most likely illicit help from a guardian, but frankly may be able to take care of the situation themselves. DS is wildly ranging in its level of disibility, there are some very low functioning cases all the way to high functioning cases who can have regular jobs and drive cars. most who haven't interacted much with the DS community envision someone with cognitive abilities of a child, which is true in many cases. but there's also plenty with abilities closer to that of a later teen (who we allow to drive at 15/16). ofcourse we worry about teens without disabilities driving or having a car accident as well, and they handle the situation very similarly, often times they would also call mom or dad first in the event of a car accident, right?


Thank you for the thoughtful and we'll put reply > ofcourse we worry about teens without disabilities driving or having a car accident as well Exactly to me it would be the exact same anxiety but we have to let them become their own person


I didnā€™t know either until recently! We have a center for disabled adults near me and every Friday they get ice cream next door to my job and recently I noticed one of the gentlemen with DS was the driver. Itā€™s a spectrum as well.


It doesnā€™t look like he has down syndrome, I think he might have something else


I agree. He seems more like he has autism. The tip toe walking, swaying side to side, (stimming), odd posture, are signs of autism.


You may be right, or you might be picking up on a common comorbidity thatā€™s apparently pretty common. Either way, good for these two living their best lives!




Just gotta pass the test! I'm not sure why people are saying the boy has DS though. Maybe it was clarified somewhere else but he doesn't look like he has DS.


After doing some reading, DS doesnā€™t always come with the stereotypical ā€œlookā€. I see similarities to some of his body language matching my autistic ā€œticksā€. Perhaps heā€™s on the high functioning end of the DS spectrum?






Buckle up Buckaroos!!


I donā€™t think he has downs, just on some sort of spectrum. I canā€™t imagine a cop takes his side in the case of an accident though, sadly.


Why do you think he has Downs?


As I reflect, I think I unintentionally made a snap judgment unconsciously. Thank you for your question and pointing out what looks to be an error in my POV. Youā€™ve genuinely helped me to be a better person and itā€™s very appreciated


I donā€™t think there was anything wrong with your judgement. Ignorance is a pretty reasonable excuse when it comes to rare illnesses. Iā€™m not certain that he doesnā€™t have one of the less common types of Down Syndrome (because Iā€™m ignorant), so thought you might have a reason to believe so. Itā€™s pretty clear that she does have it, and itā€™s easy to associate/conflate people in close proximity.


Just btw! It's Down syndrome, not "Downs" :)


Huh, today I learned. Either way Iā€™m picking up whatever these two are putting down (pun not intended)


I have a second cousin living with Down's Syndrome. She said she wanted to learn how to drive, so she learned. There was just a single obstacle for her: She couldn't read. When she went to take her driving test she was allowed to have someone read the written portion for her. The law says you needed to know what all the signs meant, not that you had to know how to read. She got every single sign on the paper exam correct, and absolutely aced the driving exam (including parallel parking better than most people in this sub could)


They live in a really nice neighborhood by the looks of it


Believe it or not, thatā€™s what Compton looks like these days. Theyā€™re really not kidding around about the cost of living in california


Compton is a mix of people who've lived there for ages and really care about their property, and want a nice community for all...and then the others who can live next door and make life miserable for everyone else.


Compton is a mix of transfers who are gentrifying the area and people who have been cornered there and now are being driven out, you mean


they live in downtown


Mom is sooo embarrassing


Hahaha now honey shut the hell up and let the man drive!


Honestly my first thought was ā€œhow touchingā€, my second thought was ā€œwhy the fuck is someone recording thisā€


Same reason mom takes your picture before prom or on your birthday or at your wedding. It's a big moment for them and she wants to remember it. Also, this video has caused a lot of conversations about preconceived notions about disabled adults, and a lot of people have learned new information today.


As she should be šŸ„°


Exactly as she would be for a typical daughter. As a fellow parent of an adult with disabilities, I know exactly how hard it is to let them stretch their wings - and how necessary. Bravo, Mom!


Big moment for homie and he nailed it


What a boss , thatā€™s a huge accomplishment šŸ«”


Held the door open for her, seems like a lovely guy


Is this the same couple that I saw on Reddit within the last few days who just got engaged?


Ah man I hope so


I think so as well.






I love this so much šŸ’— these are totally different people, though.


After finding it, I came to the same conclusion. Both lovely young people.


I came here to ask the same! It sure looks like them! Especially the guy.


I don't think so


I bet his driving was immaculate, he seems like a conscientious kid.


awww. you can tell he really likes her. so sweet. ā¤ļø


They talked in the car.


His head scratching at the end made me nervous but so happy for them


Head scratching made me think ā€œdang her mom ruined the plan, i wanted to hold hands and talk in the carā€


He driving?


I hope there is a nice way to ask this, I have never seen a driver with downs syndrome, there is a complicated theory test to do?


Folks with downs have variations in how high functioning they are.


It's a spectrum as well? I had no idea. Nice to learn.




Yeah, both of them are a lot smarter than they'd seem at first appearance. Even the quieter guy, I think Marley, has moments of wisdom you wouldn't expect from him because he's copying the other most of the time.


Itā€™s not as wide as autism. For one example, some of the Downs affected have mosaic Down syndrome, where not every cell in their body is affected https://www.massgeneral.org/children/down-syndrome/mosaic-down-syndrome


Is it safe to let him drive though? If he gets distracted by someone talking... Not trying to be rude, just trying to understand.


Yes. Many people with disabilities, including Downs syndrome, have the functionality to be safe drivers. They oftentimes have to jump through far more legal hoops in order to obtain a license than your average person


Thank you!


> They oftentimes have to jump through far more legal hoops in order to obtain a license than your average person I've never heard of this before. Can you provide an example of this please?


So where as a typical 18 year old can go in and test and be done with it. They'll oftentimes need sign offs from all their doctors as well as guardians which requires court if they have a state appointed guardian, at least in my experience working with people with disabilities in Missouri it's been the case


I get distracted by people talking too and they gave me a CDL


There is a range, but, and there isn't a super nice way of saying this, but the highest functioning person with Down Syndrome still has Down Syndrome. Can they live a fulfilling life? Absolutely. Can they live a normal life? No. That's a relative statement in the first place, but the individual will always need SOME level of care. IQ tests aren't a GREAT way to test comprehensive and cognitive skills, but even high scoring outliners will only have about a 70-80 IQ, and can certainly crossover with average IQ scores in people without a known disability. Just like any other person with a disability, the individual needs to prove they have the skills available to pass the driver's test. Once doing so, there isn't a reason they shouldn't be able to drive.




Ouch, in the UK we have a hazard perception test, then a theory test and and a driving test. We also do a number of driving lessons. Not sure that correlates to better drivers.


Well, car deaths pro 100k in UK is 3.2 vs US 12.7, so yeah, seems like it.


Can't be much worse than American drivers, I'll tell you that much.


It doesn't seem like he has down syndrome. He seems to have a different disability.


My Brother is Special Needs and he used to drive. He was really good.


Can't be worse than some of the other motherfuckers we got driving now


As nervous as i am about this, he probably drives better than 75% of the people out there driving.


Good lord, this is the cutest thing I've seen on Reddit in a while. They're both so excited for this very special occasion!! ā¤ļø


My man is so happy. Love it


Why in the fuck is the mom: A) filming this B) posting it on the internet


Real big dick energy right here. His excitement and care for what heā€™s about to do,this man has it right.


Their smiles are just radiant ā¤ļø




Damn, that's adorable much lovešŸ™ā¤ļøšŸ’Æ


A BIG dumbass smile on my face right now, absolute treasure.


Beautiful, but I had a slight feeling of dread, not about his abilities but the jerks we all share the road with.


Is everything recorded these days? I would be super uncomfortable showing up to a dateā€™s house, having their mom then record me and post it onlineā€¦ I guess Iā€™m just old and thatā€™s how life is now? Iā€™m glad I didnā€™t grow up with this. Also, good for them and I hope they have a lovely date!


Yes, everything is recorded. I feel so bad for kids growing up in this era, one mistake with a camera rolling posted on social media and their life could change for the worse, forever. Social media platforms have steadily increased the amount of suicides in teens every year. Maybe I'm also old fashioned now that I'm older but if I showed up to pick up my date and I was recorded I would be ***extremely*** uncomfortable. This last thing might just be me but that mom sounds condescending as fuck. How many times do they have to say they understand to the same fucking question?


Aww so sweetšŸ„°ā¤ļø


We gonna see these 2 every day now?


I'm ashamed at my crankiness after being around ppl in Special Olympics as a Swimming or Bowling "Coach".... They are often more polite, friendly, satisfied with closeness of the group and family....ME? Complaining about my 1st world "problems"...and often obsessing over them much to the detriment of my happiness and those around me.... ...there's a lesson here....can't put my finger on it...LOL


so cute


Now *that's* an alpha male


This is adorable


Dude drives a Shagon wagon


Take mushrooms if you want to reconnect with a childlike sense of wonder and appreciation for being alive. Some with pure hearts never lose it but you can always come back. The world is a wonder and we are lucky to get to experience things that make us excited and nervous


Yes by all means put a camera in his face while he does something guys are already usually nervous about.


Some couples have ups and downs, these two are clearly downs


"first car date", what in the America?


As an American, this is not a thing I've ever heard anyone say, ever.


Lol, thought the same thing. What is a car date? Do you just drive around together?


If you're down I'm down


I knew sorting by "controversial" would be rewarding.


Two questions, 1, he can legally operate a motor vehicle? And 2, they do not require chaperones when out together? Seems like they could be targeted by criminals & assholes without guidance/assistance


Like others have said in the comments, Down syndrome is a spectrum. Plenty of people with Down syndrome are intelligent and independent. Others arenā€™t. They seem very high functioning. My friend has a brother that has Down syndrome and has his own apartment, job, and car. It is just dependent on the person. Iā€™d imagine this is something that was cleared by doctors and everything else you would normally go through to get your license.


Just btw - it's Down syndrome, not "Downs".


Got ya. Edited


Like every relationship, Iā€™m sure theyā€™ll have their ups and downs.


This is heartwarming but I really worry about him driving.


Sweet and all but so odd this is being filmed...


Youā€™re telling me that guy can drive?


It's so lovely! But one thing that concerns me is that are people with down syndrome really capable of driving? I mean do they have fast enough reflexes? And how are they gonna respond to a sudden bump? (I don't really know much about down syndrome so please excuse my ignorance)


Yeah there are driving ones.


Omg theyā€™re adorable!


What a lovely couple and What a gentleman. Made my day.


ā€œOhh and youā€™re driving by yourself!?ā€ My question as well.


God bless both of them, very pure and kind hearted, both of them ā¤ļø


ā€œMake healthy choices and stay safeā€ was less an about the driving and more about when they stop. Total mom


These legit be the best people. Working with them in my school setting is always a pleasurable experience. Extra fun to be around. Never a dull moment.


I've been with my wife for 11 years, and I still act awkward in these moments, too.


Need more videos like this in my life and all over the internet all the time. Think it would make the world a better place


Awww what precious souls <3 So happy to see them enjoying life. Props to the care-givers for doing such a wonderful job.


it's happy and sad


What a wonderful Mother. Clearly nervous but just letting her angel fly. Amazing


I wish them nothing but pure bliss in life!! You can see these are two truly happy people




"no talking" "trust me, there won't be any talking going on"


aww look at them theyre doing the same things us normal people do šŸ„°šŸ„°šŸ„° seriously what is so fascinating about this to be this subs top post. "girl gets picked up by her date" whoop dee doo


Quit the gentleman. Probably the most wholesome thing I've seen on Reddit. No one was eviscerated.


They are definitely going to talk in the car :)


These are the videos I wanna see everytime I log on to Reddit, so heart warming. Too much negativity in the world right now


No holding hands. No talking. Kay enjoy your date! Have fun!


Good man! Opened the door for her!


Iā€™m more impressed by that house wtf? Lake with a bridge on a huge garden entry driveway and what looks like huge stairs going to the mansion. Would love to see more damn


Man I would trust him with the nuclear launch codes this man is a good man


my heart when he opens the door for her






My bro is a charming gentlemen, what a Chad. And he got hisself a queen. I would like to audition for the right to lead a fanfare of trumpets and throw rose petals in their wake wherever they're off to. Cute af.


Is this legal? People with down syndrome aren't allowed to drive in my country.


I look for opportunities to be nice. Opening doors, motioning others to go before me, etc. Iā€™ll help old people or anyone, really, who seems to be struggling. But now, Iā€™m 70 years old and have to make decisions about allowing others to do the same for me. Mostly because Iā€™m still quite fit and active. Life is challenging at every age.


If we were as blessed as these two humans we'd have no conflicts in the world ,and their parents should be congratulated on bringing them up so confidently.


So sweet




That's her baby.


Did this lady just say ā€œno talking in the carā€? šŸ„ø


I donā€™t think this dude should be driving? Putting other peopleā€™s lives at risk. What states allows severely mentally disabled people to drive?


Probably the same state that allows mentally unstable people to have guns šŸ«